View Full Version : Pension in NBA

09-09-2004, 04:32 AM
Who knows something about pension in NBA I mean sports pension after players retirment.
What it depend on if they are getting it???

Any answers?


09-09-2004, 04:40 AM
Damn that mistakes:bang :bang :bang

09-09-2004, 01:10 PM
Year Pension Plan Began: 1965
Similar to the NFL, the NBA bases its pension on the number of years its athletes have been in the league. Benefits originally went solely to those playing at least three seasons after 1965. But a revision in 1988 extended coverage to those playing at least five seasons prior to 1965, with pre-1965 players receiving at least $100 a month per season and post-1965 players receiving at least $200.

That monthly payment has not increased dramatically since 1988. In 2001, it was only at $306.34 per month for each season played -- regardless of performance. Meaning both Michael Jordan and the twelfth man on any bench would get the same $50,000 after a 14- or 15-year career.

09-09-2004, 02:17 PM
Thank You very much.
But what about last year pension? How much money.
And I guess that all these years in NBA are counted due to contracts.
For example Grant Hill is playing virtualy but he will get money for that 'injured years'. Yes?

One more thing: from where did You get that info?
I wasn't looking for that,so maybe Iknow that page,.
If not - I would be glad to hear about one more source

:brotha :white ??????????