View Full Version : NFL Ref Roy Ellison being investigated for verbal abuse..

11-19-2013, 12:35 AM
PHILADELPHIA — Washington Redskins left tackle Trent Williams said an official “disrespected” him, issuing a profanity-laced attack at the veteran lineman shortly before halftime of Washington’s 24-16 loss to the Philadelphia Eagles.

During the final possession of the second quarter, Williams said, an official — Williams identified him by his uniform number, 81, which Sunday was worn by umpire Roy Ellison — approached him and called him a “garbage-(expeletive), disrespectful mother (expletive).”

“To me, this is a players’ league,” Williams said. “I just don’t think there’s no room for you to have to take that from the team and the refs. I think it’s very unprofessional. It sucks. I don’t know what else — I’m at a loss for words. You never expect that, as a player, going into the game to have to beef with the refs also.”
Williams said he was puzzled as to why an official would refer to him in such a way. Williams was flagged for holding on that possession, which the Eagles declined on the way to a 17-0 halftime lead.
“If you rewind the play, you can see him walk by and say something,” Williams said. “You’ll see me turn around and say: ‘What was that?’ ”

Asked if he had done anything to incite the official, Williams said: “I never disrespected him like he disrespected me.”

A Redskins team official said each of the team’s interior offensive linemen wears a microphone each game, and that Sunday was no different.

Left guard Kory Lichtensteiger said he heard the official’s remarks to Williams, and quarterback Robert Griffin III also said he heard it.

Williams said the incident negatively affected Washington’s play as it fell to 3-7.
“It’s psychologically — you’ve got to think you’re going against the refs, and you can’t play the refs,” he said. “At the end of the day, they’ve got the last call. When that flag comes out of their pocket, it’s their choice to pick it up or not. You know, that’s a helpless feeling.”

According to a pool reporter, referee Walt Coleman did not respond to a question about Williams’s accusation. Coleman was asked about the alleged incident with the officials on a bus to leave the stadium after the game. According to the pool report, Coleman came to a window of the bus but after being asked a question about what Williams had said, he directed the driver of the bus to close the window and the bus pulled away from the stadium.

An NFL spokesman declined to comment, adding that the league likely would begin reviewing the alleged incident Monday.

NFL refs taking over the headlines this weekend, tbh..

11-19-2013, 12:42 AM
good luck he's unioned up. Also what a double standard, "we curse at each other all the time, but the ref should no"

11-19-2013, 12:47 AM
Dude a complete pussy. Punch Sherman and then come back with ":cry it's a players league, don't let them say mean words daddy Goodell :cry"

11-19-2013, 01:43 AM
There's a video somewhere of this happening and u can see the ref say something and the entire offense looks back while lining up in formation cause they all heard it

He's fucked if it got picked up on the NFL films mike

11-19-2013, 01:51 AM
seriously what the fuck is up with all these faggotness lateley :cry grown man verbal abuse :cry

11-19-2013, 01:52 PM
Dude a complete pussy. Punch Sherman and then come back with ":cry it's a players league, don't let them say mean words daddy Goodell :cry"

This :lol