View Full Version : Lamar Odom as a possibly SF backup?

11-19-2013, 01:34 AM
I've heard from various sources around the league that Lamar Odom is posed to make a comeback. What do you guys think about at least giving him a private workout and see what he has left in the tank? In his day, Odom was the ultimate four-tool player. He could score, pass, rebound, and defend. He was an opponent's match up nightmare. He had the size of a 4 or 5, but the speed and quickness of a 2 or 3.

With the emergence of Patty Mills (and De Colo has shown some flashes this year as well), I think our only need remains at the back SF position. Kwahi needs his rest if he's gonna matched up in a 7 game series against the likes of Kobe, Lebron, or Durant.

Odom played 82 games last year in a limited role, and so far, it looks like his reality TV drama are behind him.

11-19-2013, 01:38 AM
He is only interested in playing for the clippers

11-19-2013, 01:54 AM

11-19-2013, 02:00 AM

11-19-2013, 02:00 AM
Are these "various sources" more of your sources?

Sean Cagney
11-19-2013, 02:01 AM
LOL sources...........

11-19-2013, 02:26 AM
http://14bb18348568cf6c48ec-cde16cf5c35d33e882e13bbe648f334c.r8.cf2.rackcdn.co m/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Lamar-Lakers.jpg


11-19-2013, 02:30 AM
I've heard from various sources around the league that Lamar Odom is posed to make a comeback. What do you guys think about at least giving him a private workout and see what he has left in the tank? In his day, Odom was the ultimate four-tool player. He could score, pass, rebound, and defend. He was an opponent's match up nightmare. He had the size of a 4 or 5, but the speed and quickness of a 2 or 3.

With the emergence of Patty Mills (and De Colo has shown some flashes this year as well), I think our only need remains at the back SF position. Kwahi needs his rest if he's gonna matched up in a 7 game series against the likes of Kobe, Lebron, or Durant.

Odom played 82 games last year in a limited role, and so far, it looks like his reality TV drama are behind him.


11-19-2013, 02:37 AM
Odom is the laziest mofo, you could count on one hand the number of minutes when he actually cared about b-ball in his career. Pass.

11-19-2013, 02:40 AM
LO wants to live in LA. As previously mentioned the Clips and Lakers would have to pass on him before he'd even look farther afield. If the Lakers would pass on him with their present roster, then you know he's finished.

Kidd K
11-19-2013, 03:04 AM
We already have Diaw who is proven to be able to play and defend at the SF spot already and is having his best season in years right now.

We don't need Odom. I think SF is pretty much our strongest spot right now considering Danny Green and Manu can also play SF. So basically we have 4 dudes that play SF. Leonard being probably our 3rd best player right now.

11-19-2013, 03:06 AM
We already have Diaw who is proven to be able to play and defend at the SF spot already and is having his best season in years right now.

We don't need Odom. I think SF is pretty much our strongest spot right now considering Danny Green and Manu can also play SF. So basically we have 4 dudes that play SF. Leonard being probably our 3rd best player right now.

Not to mention Odom hasn't successfully played SF in like 8 years, and especially can't nowadays with his body type..

11-19-2013, 03:39 AM
I would totally take Odom for a limited role.

11-19-2013, 03:40 AM
No tweakers.

11-19-2013, 03:57 AM
I would totally take Odom for a limited role.

As a Coyote?

11-19-2013, 04:06 AM
what would he bring that diaw doesn't :lol

11-19-2013, 04:23 AM

11-19-2013, 04:26 AM

11-19-2013, 04:47 AM

11-19-2013, 04:55 AM
I've heard from various sources around the league that Lamar Odom is posed to make a comeback. What do you guys think about at least giving him a private workout and see what he has left in the tank? In his day, Odom was the ultimate four-tool player. He could score, pass, rebound, and defend. He was an opponent's match up nightmare. He had the size of a 4 or 5, but the speed and quickness of a 2 or 3.

With the emergence of Patty Mills (and De Colo has shown some flashes this year as well), I think our only need remains at the back SF position. Kwahi needs his rest if he's gonna matched up in a 7 game series against the likes of Kobe, Lebron, or Durant.

Odom played 82 games last year in a limited role, and so far, it looks like his reality TV drama are behind him.


11-19-2013, 05:05 AM
He was a very good player in L.A. until he got traded after the lockout, a train wreck ever since.

Those who call themselves Clipper fans should be worried that they are seriously looking at him. They already having the stretch big in Mullens and Jamison and can go small with Barnes at the 4 in very limited occasions. He would be a redundant part.

11-19-2013, 05:06 AM
LOL sources
LOL Odom at SF

11-19-2013, 05:23 AM
I've heard from various sources around the league.......

oh, mister various sources strikes again......a Bigmouth who calls himself Mute...well that's about as accurate as calling 2013 Lamar a SF.

11-19-2013, 05:25 AM
Diaw/Ginobili >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lamar Kardashian

11-19-2013, 05:37 AM
Diaw/Ginobili >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lamar Kardashian

11-19-2013, 06:24 AM
this post is like a suicide attempt.

11-19-2013, 06:24 AM
I say no, but maybe we can get our hands on Richard Jefferson!?

11-19-2013, 06:25 AM
...mass suicide

11-19-2013, 08:08 AM

11-19-2013, 09:03 AM
Just came in to start my morning right and LMAO to this thread again.

11-19-2013, 09:14 AM
:lmao at the thought of the Spurs signing a 34 yr old crackhead midseason

11-19-2013, 09:19 AM
I would totally take Odom for a limited role.

I would much rather resign T-Mac than Odom.

Edit : Just realized who started this thread. Why haven't you been pinked yet?

11-19-2013, 09:28 AM
:lol good one

11-19-2013, 09:52 AM
Last time Lamar came to Texas he spiralled down into a deep depression. I can't see him making that same mistake twice. He only wants to play in California teams for some reason so no way he comes here. He should divorce that fat ugly gorilla wife of his, get as far away from her and her stupid family as possible to try make something of his last few years in the league.

baseline bum
11-19-2013, 10:02 AM
Diaw/Ginobili >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lamar Kardashian

Even Game 6 Ginobili >> Khlomar

11-19-2013, 10:16 AM
Would rather blow san Antonio up with a nucluear bomb then have a kardashian living here

Clipper Nation
11-19-2013, 10:44 AM
He was a very good player in L.A. until he got traded after the lockout, a train wreck ever since.

Those who call themselves Clipper fans should be worried that they are seriously looking at him. They already having the stretch big in Mullens and Jamison and can go small with Barnes at the 4 in very limited occasions. He would be a redundant part.
Mullens is complete trash, he does absolutely nothing except chuck threes that are usually bricked, tbh..... Jamison is old and never plays.... none of our current backup bigs can defend really, so Odom would be an upgrade by default....

For the record, according to Woj, Odom is actually working out and getting in playing shape BEFORE making his comeback this time around, instead of trying to play himself into shape.... a motivated Odom that isn't a big blob of fat would be a huge addition for us, imho.....

11-19-2013, 12:16 PM
Mullens is complete trash, he does absolutely nothing except chuck threes that are usually bricked, tbh..... Jamison is old and never plays.... none of our current backup bigs can defend really, so Odom would be an upgrade by default....

For the record, according to Woj, Odom is actually working out and getting in playing shape BEFORE making his comeback this time around, instead of trying to play himself into shape.... a motivated Odom that isn't a big blob of fat would be a huge addition for us, imho.....

He'll probably relapse two weeks into his Clipper/Laker contract anyway.

11-19-2013, 12:24 PM
As a Coyote?

ROFLMFAO!!!!!!! In the Miami airport, wearing a tie!! I laughed so loud the guy with the drug-sniffing dog just stared at me! LOL Lamar Odom has a meltdown every other year, I knew it when I saw the article about how badly the dude is addicted to candy that something wasn't right. This is career, he has been paid a buttload of money yet feels no obligation whatsoever to live up to his end of the deal. I think I'll pass.

11-19-2013, 12:25 PM
:lmao at the thought of the Spurs signing a 34 yr old crackhead midseason
Yeah, that's crazy. Lamar Odom needs a career change, maybe he should run for Mayor of Toronto?

George Gervin's Afro
11-19-2013, 12:32 PM
Hasn't he quit on two teams already?

11-19-2013, 12:56 PM

11-19-2013, 01:03 PM

11-19-2013, 01:14 PM
Hasn't he quit on two teams already?

Third time's the charm, isn't it?

Clipper Nation
11-19-2013, 01:26 PM
He'll probably relapse two weeks into his Clipper/Laker contract anyway.
He'd STILL be better than Mullens :lol

11-19-2013, 01:40 PM

11-19-2013, 01:42 PM
If Odom was willing to be paid in weed and candy would he count against the cap?

Man In Black
11-19-2013, 01:45 PM
what would he bring that diaw doesn't :lol
A Kardashian sister?

Man In Black
11-19-2013, 01:52 PM
Mullens is complete trash, he does absolutely nothing except chuck threes that are usually bricked, tbh..... Jamison is old and never plays.... none of our current backup bigs can defend really, so Odom would be an upgrade by default....

For the record, according to Woj, Odom is actually working out and getting in playing shape BEFORE making his comeback this time around, instead of trying to play himself into shape.... a motivated Odom that isn't a big blob of fat would be a huge addition for us, imho.....
So Clipper fan see it:
But this supposed Spurs fan does not?

11-19-2013, 02:10 PM
:lmao at the thought of the Spurs signing a 34 yr old crackhead midseason


11-19-2013, 02:13 PM
what I wanna know is how in the world an alcoholic crackhead can become mayor of Toronto? toronto supposed to be a top 10 city in the world

holy fuck :wow

11-19-2013, 02:16 PM
I don't know man, the dude is comedy gold though. Chris Farley would be proud.

Check these out:





11-19-2013, 02:35 PM
Hell No!!!!!

11-19-2013, 02:41 PM
I don't know man, the dude is comedy gold though. Chris Farley would be proud.

Check these out:






damn yeah Chris Farley, I remember he had a movie about being a politician or someshit too. gotta dig it up....

11-19-2013, 02:53 PM
That women is such a flopper

Clipper Nation
11-19-2013, 03:00 PM
what I wanna know is how in the world an alcoholic crackhead can become mayor of Toronto? toronto supposed to be a top 10 city in the world

holy fuck :wow
Hicks from the suburbs keep voting him in :lol

11-19-2013, 04:19 PM
Fuck no. 5 years ago, hell yeah.

11-19-2013, 05:01 PM

11-19-2013, 11:17 PM
what would he bring that diaw doesn't :lol
Cocaine or crack for sure

11-20-2013, 04:37 AM


All the posters responding to him:


11-20-2013, 10:49 AM
I would like to have Lamar Odom as my backup if Im going to buy some crack but come on dude should retire

11-20-2013, 11:19 AM
Landry Fields !!!!! http://espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=kus8mh7

11-20-2013, 11:59 AM
Landry Fields !!!!! http://espn.go.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=kus8mh7


11-20-2013, 03:35 PM
Mullens is complete trash, he does absolutely nothing except chuck threes that are usually bricked, tbh..... Jamison is old and never plays.... none of our current backup bigs can defend really, so Odom would be an upgrade by default....

For the record, according to Woj, Odom is actually working out and getting in playing shape BEFORE making his comeback this time around, instead of trying to play himself into shape.... a motivated Odom that isn't a big blob of fat would be a huge addition for us, imho.....

I haven't been watching Clippers games so far, how does Doc usually close games out. Does he go small or does he mix and match with Jamison or Mullin in as a floor spacer, playing with Griffin?

11-20-2013, 05:05 PM
