View Full Version : Do you watch on ESPN or FSSW?

11-22-2013, 02:14 PM
I don't know about you guys, but whenever the game's on ESPN I'm always watching on FSSW. And I have several reasons for doing so:

1) ESPN delays their feed considerably, to where it's about 15 seconds behind the FSSW feed. I'm always online and on social media when watching the games, so I'm not going to put my self in a position where I'm 15 seconds behind everyone else. Plus the idea of watching a delayed feed and not knowing what my team just did annoys the heck out of me.

2) ESPN practically mutes the crowd noise. I guess you could argue both ways for this one, but it just seems to me they're taking the atmosphere away from the game. Plus, it's not like you can't hear Eliott and Land in the FSSW broadcast. So this is another big-time negative.

3) I prefer Eliott and Land over the ESPN crew. To me, our guys greatly enhance the entertainment value of the game. ESPN is almost too neutral, and they never get too excited over a play. I'd rather hear Land scream "OH MAMA!" or hear Sean Eliott break down a play than listen to ESPN's crew ramble on about the Spurs 'system' and how great of a coach Pop is all game long.

4) One last thing. ESPN takes more commercial breaks overall than FSSW does. Frequently FSSW will keep you there during a timeout, while ESPN will almost always take a commercial break. So you get to watch 'more' of the game if you stick with FSSW. For me, yet another plus, and a mark against ESPN.

What do you guys think? I know we don't get on ESPN all that often, and that some prefer to watch the game there just for that purpose, but still. Do you honestly enjoy their broadcasts more? If so...why? I think what ESPN needs to do is what TNT does, which is get exclusive rights to carry the game and not let FSSW broadcast the game simultaneously. That way, they can delay the game, mute the crowd, have their boring announcers, AND take as many commercial breaks as they want and there's nothing anyone can do about it. But right now, if the game's on ESPN, I'm watching elsewhere.

Oh, Gee!!
11-22-2013, 02:20 PM
ESPN shows up better in HD on my TV, so ESPN.

11-22-2013, 02:23 PM
First Row

11-22-2013, 02:27 PM
ESPN tonight. I don't have a choice since I don't get FSSW way up north.

11-22-2013, 02:34 PM
Bill Land grates on my nerves. I'd rather watch it on the opponents feed, because I love hearing how they describe the Spurs ball movement compared to their own team, and how they overrate scrubs on their shitty rosters.

11-22-2013, 02:48 PM
Usually FXSW - but ESPN looks sharper on my cable/tv, so sometimes I switch between the two.

Sometimes, when I'm realllllly feeling superstitious, it's whichever channel the Spurs are playing better on..

Spurs 4 The Win
11-22-2013, 03:28 PM
FSSW for sure. I love hearing announcers that agree with me on everything. Every call against the Spurs is a bad call and I like that. Who wouldnt want to watch a game with a bunch of homers?

11-22-2013, 03:34 PM
FSSW. I actually enjoy Bill and Sean. lol

11-22-2013, 03:51 PM
FSSW. always. i can't stand the ESPN pregame, in game, or post-game crews.
but the picture quality does seem a bit sharper on ESPN.

last season i went through half the season without cable tv, watching streams online....i i never heard an opposing commentator that didnt make me want to put a skewer through my eardrum. i can't stand it when an announcer obviously has no clue about the opposing team. which is a huge problem with ESPN.

as homer-istic as bill and sean are, they at least know their stuff.

11-22-2013, 04:03 PM
dat Pop inteview

11-22-2013, 04:06 PM
FSSWHD still hasn't fixed my gottamn channel guide.

Kool Bob Love
11-22-2013, 04:19 PM
FSSW whenever possible. Would have love to hear Bill & Sean call the finals.

11-22-2013, 04:20 PM
I switch back and forth tbh. Sean and Bill can get annoying, but ESPN has terrible analysts as well tbh. Plus like you mentioned, ESPN's shit tends to get delayed, so when the Spurs make a good play I'll switch to ESPN and catch it again.

I did it last year with TNT when Tony hit the buzzer beater against OKC :lol.

11-22-2013, 04:23 PM
still trying to get used to fox sports 1

11-22-2013, 05:10 PM
ESPN due to video quality. If it is not nationally televised, I tend to watch at the opponents broadcaster; good to hear other side comments.

11-22-2013, 05:28 PM
FSSWHD still hasn't fixed my gottamn channel guide.Same here. Fucking bastards. Even called and complained to Time Warner.

11-22-2013, 05:29 PM
I'm with the OP on every count. I am a very big fan of Sean and Bill. They are great folks and are a lot of fun. Now listening to Bill Schoening on the radio, as far as play-by-play goes, is hard to beat as well. :toast

Floyd Pacquiao
11-22-2013, 05:49 PM
FSSW.... espn talks about 6 a bit too much for my liking tbh.

baseline bum
11-22-2013, 06:05 PM
ESPN for Breen and Van Gundy.

11-22-2013, 06:51 PM
ESPN tonight. I don't have a choice since I don't get FSSW way up north.

11-22-2013, 07:40 PM
First row. Unplugged from TWC.

11-22-2013, 07:42 PM
ESPN shows up better in HD on my TV, so ESPN.

Same in Argentina...actually there's no other option here (which would be weird, 2 channels showing an NBA game). I do have NBALP, just in case.

11-22-2013, 07:47 PM
FSSW is blacked out here, so ESPN by default.

11-22-2013, 09:15 PM
ESPN considering my FSSW shows only Dallas games. I'm in central Arkansas and everyone here is a Cowboys fan, not sure if that has something to do with it. So it's ESPIN or FRS stream for me.

11-23-2013, 03:30 AM
I watch them both, I noticed ESPN has better image quality and more camaras and angles than FSSW. Plus you get to hear what the know nothing pundits have to say about the team.

11-23-2013, 05:50 AM
I'm with the OP on every count. I am a very big fan of Sean and Bill. They are great folks and are a lot of fun. Now listening to Bill Schoening on the radio, as far as play-by-play goes, is hard to beat as well. :toast

I've enjoyed many a times on the road fist pumping to a game that Shoening called. Once got WOAI 1200 in Lubbock on my clock radio, gotta love AM.

11-23-2013, 01:11 PM
I watch the big networks when were nationally televised, I liked the commentating last night tho for once! That guy sounds like the same commentator who does boxing... He really did a good job the spurs played amazing last night.

11-24-2013, 02:31 AM