View Full Version : Report: Megatron growing tired of losing, wants out of Detroit

11-24-2013, 03:52 PM
You have to admire American women for the way in which they've so effectively and completely dominated American men.

They get drinks bought for them, free dinners, the media caters to them, they have the lifestyle choice of not working, when a woman goes missing or is charged with a crime she gets 24/7 CNN coverage. And not only do they have the lifestyle choice of not working, but American men will enter into a contract with them in which she is entitled to half of everything he makes and owns -- so that, she gets the luxury of not working and he is obligated to pay for her.

In fact, she's so clever, she has so completely dominated her man that she has convinced him (and he's so dumb he actually believes this fraud) that not working is a burden