View Full Version : Question For The Atheists

12-01-2013, 05:46 PM
So instead of enjoying the noon games today, I got to spend my afternoon in church, and baptizing a kid I hardly even know.

It's been a long time since I've been forced to go to church, it was pretty akward being the only person it seemed who didn't know the prayers, songs, and procedures during the mass.

Anyways, while zoning myself out during one of the songs I got to thinking..I've been to my share of funerals over the years unfortunately, and each of them was a religious ceremony at a church, with a Catholic priest and prayers, etc.

So with the evidence nationwide of a less religious society, what the fuck happens when you die as a non believer and you need to be honored? Do funeral homes cater to atheists these days?

silverblk mystix
12-01-2013, 05:51 PM

all the hypocrites - sit there blaming god!


12-01-2013, 06:00 PM
Do funeral homes cater to atheists these days?

$$$ yes

12-01-2013, 06:00 PM

all the hypocrites - sit there blaming god!


That doesn't make any sense.

silverblk mystix
12-01-2013, 06:02 PM
That doesn't make any sense.

You are too damn stupid to understand it.

12-01-2013, 06:14 PM
That doesn't make any sense.

Actually it does, I think what he is saying is that Atheist have no problem mentioning God throughout their lifetime.

I never understood why Atheists have in their vocabulary the word God.

They get off work and have a flat tire? "God Da__ it" You ask them a question they can't answer..."God only knows"

A lady bends over not wearing panties...."oh my God!" and look at the movies and video games and books created by atheists.

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ0NDA0NjgyM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTM5MzcxMQ@@._ V1_SY317_CR3,0,214,317_.jpg





12-01-2013, 06:39 PM
Its usually just a cremation gathering without the drama.

12-01-2013, 06:41 PM
$$$ yes

Cremate him and flush him, meet for drinks at 7.

12-01-2013, 06:42 PM
Its usually just a cremation gathering without the drama.

This, but who will bless the spirit?

12-01-2013, 06:55 PM
I never understood why Atheists have in their vocabulary the word God

The word is in my vocabulary as at one time, and most of the skeptics here would agree, religion was a part of my life. My parents forced me to attend church, I went to a Catholic school, etc. As I became older I started to question things, and took the stance that I will need to be proven into being a believer. So far that spiritual awakening hasn't happened.

Now the word "god" is really only used for religious debates and cussing purposes.

12-01-2013, 06:59 PM
Funeral homes will do anything you want. Religion or not, burial or cremation.

12-01-2013, 07:13 PM
Funeral homes will do anything you want. Religion or not, burial or cremation.

It's just strange to think about though. What do you do if the agenda for the rosary, or funeral is not centered around religion? Non religious guest speakers?

Edit* This was the first result in Google. Apparently aka a "humanist" funeral..


12-01-2013, 07:14 PM
This, but who will bless the spirit?

If it's an atheist or agnostic ceremony, no one would need to.

12-01-2013, 07:31 PM
One of my atheist friends died a few years ago and he was cremated and spread into the sea. We had a little "funeral" which was pretty much a somber party where his family and a shit load of people came, a few of us spoke in front of everyone, told stories, or paid respects aloud. There was a ton of food and drink and it was actually a good time minus the reason we were there. I hope my funeral is like that. I'm going to have my ashes made into a tree of my choosing

12-01-2013, 07:34 PM
You are too damn stupid to understand it.

no, you're just full of nonsense

Susan Boyle
12-01-2013, 07:38 PM
Now the word "god" is really only used for religious debates and cussing purposes.

And when your shopping.


12-01-2013, 08:16 PM
Actually it does, I think what he is saying is that Atheist have no problem mentioning God throughout their lifetime.

I never understood why Atheists have in their vocabulary the word God.

They get off work and have a flat tire? "God Da__ it" You ask them a question they can't answer..."God only knows"

Jesus fucking Christ, Santa claus is in my vocabulary too.

12-01-2013, 09:04 PM
And when your shopping.


Yeah they should remove it from money

12-01-2013, 10:27 PM
Jesus fucking Christ,

^ Closet Christian?

12-01-2013, 10:34 PM
I always wondered what songs they would sing at an atheist church or at a funeral.

You are wooooorrrmmm dirrrrrt
You are wormmm dirt
You are woooooorrrrrmmmm dirrrt
You are WORRRRRMDirrrrt

Oh I don't believe in Goooooood
Oh I don't beleive in Gooood

any suggestions?

Sounds like lyrics to a death metal song.

12-02-2013, 10:37 AM
^ Closet Christian?

^ as much as you are a closet Tooth Fairian

12-02-2013, 10:44 AM
Jesus fucking Christ, Santa claus is in my vocabulary too.

So be honest damnit!!! and answer this question.

If you parents got in a car accident today.........were on their death bead, you wouldnt give god a shout out and pray that your folks survive? Or would you do what an atheist should do and just sit there and HOPE they make it.

12-02-2013, 10:47 AM
^Idiot :lmao

If your god is really waiting up there for me to pray they survive and would let them die because I didn't, fuck it. lol "hope," that's exactly what prayer is :lol talking to yourself

I would do what any sane and smart person would do and exhaust my options provided by medical SCIENCE. Next time some you or someone you know gets a life threatening disease, tell them to just pray it away and see if they don't think you're a fucking retard

12-02-2013, 10:53 AM
^Idiot :lmao

If your god is really waiting up there for me to pray they survive and would let them die because I didn't, fuck it. lol "hope," that's exactly what prayer is :lol talking to yourself

I would do what any sane and smart person would do and exhaust my options provided by medical SCIENCE. Next time some you or someone you know gets a life threatening disease, tell them to just pray it away and see if they don't think you're a fucking retard

You are lying your ass off if you or a family member is about to die and you say you would not pray at least once that you or they live.......whether you are an atheist of not.

12-02-2013, 11:01 AM
No I fucking wouldn't you presumptuous chode. I have no delusions about god. Just because your negro pea brain can't grasp that doesn't mean shit. You believe in sky daddies, I don't, therefore I wouldn't pray. And like I said, if you believe that your prayer is powerful enough to save someones life then your god is either a faggot who plays with peoples lives to get reactions from others or you're a massive narcissist who doesn't grasp his insignificance in the universe to really think you hold the power to sway a higher being :lol

Like I said, next time someone you know is diseased or hell if you get a disease just pray for it to go away because, you know, it's totally because of your prayer that you survived and not the advancements in technology and SCIENCE along with a team of experts that healed you. :lmao And btw, one of my closest friends just found out he has AIDS. I have no intentions to pray for him, only to encourage him to follow his therapy plan and spend time with him doing fun or cool shit to make his most likely limited existence that much more enjoyable. Don't assume I would do something just because your god fearing retarded ass would

12-02-2013, 11:06 AM
No I fucking wouldn't you presumptuous chode. I have no delusions about god. Just because your negro pea brain can't grasp that doesn't mean shit. You believe in sky daddies, I don't, therefore I wouldn't pray. And like I said, if you believe that your prayer is powerful enough to save someones life then your god is either a faggot who plays with peoples lives to get reactions from others or you're a massive narcissist who doesn't grasp his insignificance in the universe to really think you hold the power to sway a higher being :lol

Like I said, next time someone you know is diseased or hell if you get a disease just pray for it to go away because, you know, it's totally because of your prayer that you survived and not the advancements in technology and SCIENCE along with a team of experts that healed you. :lmao And btw, one of my closest friends just found out he has AIDS. I have no intentions to pray for him, only to encourage him to follow his therapy plan and spend time with him doing fun or cool shit to make his most likely limited existence that much more enjoyable. Don't assume I would do something just because your god fearing retarded ass would

You have a closet faggot friend with AIDS?? Im sure you gave it to him, but back on the subject. I didnt say anything about your lover getting an STD and praying that he lives. I said YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER on their death bed.

12-02-2013, 11:08 AM
Once again, you don't know shit about me or my life, so just stfu negroid. And no he got it from some psychotic scandalous whore. AIDS is transferable by non-gays, which you should know because your pitiful race is the most AIDS-infested on the planet :lol

But good job talking shit about someone with a life threatening disease you've never met, way to be a good christian :tu

12-02-2013, 11:09 AM
And if they're on the death bed, wtf do you think praying is gonna do? They're gonna be like Popeye after eating some spinach and jump out of bed invigorated? Moron :lol

12-02-2013, 11:13 AM
So be honest damnit!!! and answer this question.

If you parents got in a car accident today.........were on their death bead, you wouldnt give god a shout out and pray that your folks survive? Or would you do what an atheist should do and just sit there and HOPE they make it.

Should I be so selfish as to keep them from going to a better place?

12-02-2013, 11:13 AM
Once again, you don't know shit about me or my life, so just stfu negroid. And no he got it from some psychotic scandalous whore. AIDS is transferable by non-gays, which you should know because your pitiful race is the most AIDS-infested on the planet :lol

You gave it to them as well. Also, I really dont care what you would do to be honest. I can tell you are an ignorant, racist, country fuck, backwards assed redneck cracka faggot that is an all internet shit talker and not shit in real life.

12-02-2013, 11:14 AM
Should I be so selfish as to keep them from going to a better place?

Nahh, actually I dont care. Im bailing out of this topic.

12-02-2013, 11:15 AM
You are lying your ass off if you or a family member is about to die and you say you would not pray at least once that you or they live.......whether you are an atheist of not.

Have you ever wondered if primitive tribes people pray to Jesus to save family members on their death beds?

12-02-2013, 11:15 AM
And you're a stupid indoctrinated n!gger who believes what he is told. lol worshiping tribal deities until the white man enslaved your ancestors :lol

12-02-2013, 11:17 AM
:lol AIDS-infested race
:lol shat on throughout history
:lol sold into slavery by your own kind
:lol small % of population but largest % in prison
:lol black on black crime
:lol where is your god
:lol how's that prayer working for you

12-02-2013, 11:18 AM
:lol AIDS-infested race
:lol shat on throughout history
:lol sold into slavery by your own kind
:lol small % of population but largest % in prison
:lol black on black crime
:lol where is your god
:lol how's that prayer working for you


12-02-2013, 11:20 AM
:lol "bailing from this topic"
:lol still posting
:lol butthurt spear chucker

The Reckoning
12-02-2013, 11:20 AM
lebomb isn't black

12-02-2013, 11:22 AM
Lol........ Yes Im negroid, educated, have my own nice house, paid off my new car, Im very athletic, look half way decent, about to marry a beauty..... and have never commited a crime. So what does someone elses past history have to do with me Dickonidas?


12-02-2013, 11:25 AM
And what do your retarded beliefs about prayer have to do with mine? Idiot can't see the stupidity of his post. :lol

I thought you didn't care and you were bailing from this topic though. You = Mad

12-02-2013, 11:26 AM
"dickonidas" :lmao

N!gger brain at work

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 11:38 AM
"dickonidas" :lmao

N!gger brain at work

Very nice of you to reveal your true nature in this thread.

No one can embarrass you any more than you have already revealed yourself as.

12-02-2013, 11:39 AM
Don't you have a SA210 dick riding you need to attend?

Also learn how to form a coherent sentence. The last sentence literally doesn't make sense as constructed. No one could embarrass me more than I have revealed myself as? I get what you're trying to say but you sound like a inbred 6 year old with down syndrome, as usual

12-02-2013, 11:40 AM
Nahh, actually I dont care. Im bailing out of this topic.

I don't blame you. Your question was pretty stupid.

12-02-2013, 11:42 AM
Very nice of you to reveal your true nature in this thread.

No one can embarrass you any more than you have already revealed yourself as.

and you would know about embarrassing yourself

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 11:44 AM
Don't you have a SA210 dick riding you need to attend?

Also learn how to form a coherent sentence. The last sentence literally doesn't make sense as constructed. No one could embarrass me more than I have revealed myself as? I get what you're trying to say but you sound like a inbred 6 year old with down syndrome, as usual

It makes perfect sense - you embarrassed yourself with your little racist meltdown and revealed who you really are.

I can't embarrass you any better than that.

12-02-2013, 11:48 AM
No, it makes sense when you say it like that. When you put the string of words together you did previously, it doesn't. lol prison guard education, it's not hard to see why you hate trolls so much, they routinely shit on you and incite anal hemorrhaging while we laugh at your feeble attempts to be an internet tough guy :lol

btw, because I am not embarrassed, I didn't embarrass myself. Just like you, lembomb got the smack down and came back for more after claiming he didn't care and was leaving the topic. :lol so easy to hook, line, and sinker you dumbfucks :lol

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 11:53 AM
No, it makes sense when you say it like that. When you put the string of words together you did previously, it doesn't. lol prison guard education, it's not hard to see why you hate trolls so much, they routinely shit on you and incite anal hemorrhaging while we laugh at your feeble attempts to be an internet tough guy :lol

You can always attend the december gtg and get the privelege of saying those things directly to my face- I am sure we will have a laugh about it.

Very nice that you attacked Lebomb and did a complete redneck rant meltdown along with "spear chucker" "n!gger"

Hell - might as well just re-post your little racist meltdown;

IDS-infested race
:lol shat on throughout history
:lol sold into slavery by your own kind
:lol small % of population but largest % in prison
:lol black on black crime
:lol where is your god
:lol how's that prayer working for you

This appears to be some level of education you are showing off there genius.

12-02-2013, 12:00 PM
You can come to UTSA right now and talk to me if you'd like, I'll be in the business building taking a shit in the first floor bathroom

12-02-2013, 12:02 PM
I'll be here all day too you little bitch so let me know when you get here

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 12:06 PM
I'll be here all day too you little bitch so let me know when you get here

You can just sign up for the gtg - pussy.

I will be there - you won't be able to play games and hide - just reality.

I will be waiting.

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 12:08 PM
You can come to UTSA right now and talk to me if you'd like, I'll be in the business building taking a shit in the first floor bathroom




Now how did I miss that?

UTSA faggot talking about edumacation!!!!!!


12-02-2013, 12:10 PM
Yeah that's what I fucking thought bitch

:lol indirectly insulting lebomb now

Thanks for clarifying that you're a fucking spineless pussy. Not that I didn't already know, but now you're chickening out is confirmed. :tu

12-02-2013, 12:12 PM
And no one is going to your GTG dumbass, so quit hiding behind the false notion that it's going to happen. You think anyone is going to drive to Austin to hang out with a prison guard? You wanna get your shit pushed in, do it on my time. And you just pussied out. Faggot confirmed

12-02-2013, 12:21 PM



Now how did I miss that?

UTSA faggot talking about edumacation!!!!!!


Lebomb, are you going to take this?

12-02-2013, 12:22 PM
I wonder where SBM went to college.

12-02-2013, 12:29 PM
I wonder where SBM went to college.

It's irrelevant because according to sbm, he spent years unlearning everything he learned in college.

That's how he's now awake while the rest of us are asleep.

Makes perfect sense, imo.

12-02-2013, 12:30 PM
If anyone needed proof of what a pants shitter SBM really is, refer to the above. Constantly on ST but the minute he gets challenged he responds with some bitchmade reply and then logs off. He pussied out on johnsmith and now he pussied out on me, instead claiming that I come to this GTG that no one is going to so we can talk "face to face," knowing that no one is going to drive 70+ miles to come hang out with him. Like I said, you wanna get your little prisoner fingerer bitch ass knocked the fuck out, come to where I am now instead of bullshitting me with an event that won't happen so you can claim victory. Otherwise shut the fuck up and hop off my nuts. You want to get your shit pushed in, then it's gonna happen on my time. If you're too much of a little pussy, then just shut the fuck up and stop claiming others are pants shitters when you won't even do the thing you're inviting everyone else to do. Real talk

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 01:54 PM
If anyone needed proof of what a pants shitter SBM really is, refer to the above. Constantly on ST but the minute he gets challenged he responds with some bitchmade reply and then logs off. He pussied out on johnsmith and now he pussied out on me, instead claiming that I come to this GTG that no one is going to so we can talk "face to face," knowing that no one is going to drive 70+ miles to come hang out with him. Like I said, you wanna get your little prisoner fingerer bitch ass knocked the fuck out, come to where I am now instead of bullshitting me with an event that won't happen so you can claim victory. Otherwise shut the fuck up and hop off my nuts. You want to get your shit pushed in, then it's gonna happen on my time. If you're too much of a little pussy, then just shut the fuck up and stop claiming others are pants shitters when you won't even do the thing you're inviting everyone else to do. Real talk

So you want to hide behind a school and pretend you were there...

really, really bad ass.

Or you can step up and go the the gtg....

Whoever agreed to show and didn't show has witnesses in here the day after. No hiding. No games. No - bullshit "meet me here" as if you had the balls to actually show up.

GTG or you are a pussy.

I already know that answer.

12-02-2013, 02:40 PM
I'll be here all day too you little bitch so let me know when you get here

OH believe me, you dont want me to come up there. I got something nigga for ya. Dont let this damn suit Im wearing fool you. I will do whatever it takes bitch.

12-02-2013, 02:44 PM
LMAO.....I can make one call, and my boys that are at UTSA right now will come and introduce themselves. Yeah, a bunch uh niggas want to meet you.

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 03:15 PM
LMAO.....I can make one call, and my boys that are at UTSA right now will come and introduce themselves. Yeah, a bunch uh niggas want to meet you.

He is hiding bro- he just wanted to throw out the tough guy talk and then go "hide" at school.

He ran like a pussy. If he goes to the gtg - I hope he does - he won't say a fuckin' word.

12-02-2013, 03:21 PM
LMAO.....I can make one call, and my boys that are at UTSA right now will come and introduce themselves. Yeah, a bunch uh niggas want to meet you.

Is that a threat?

You do know that sbm just made fun of utsa, right?

12-02-2013, 03:34 PM
Is that a threat?

You do know that sbm just made fun of utsa, right?

What is "wut?"
I thought that was you.

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 03:34 PM
Is that a threat?

You do know that sbm just made fun of utsa, right?


12-02-2013, 03:59 PM
Is that a threat?

You do know that sbm just made fun of utsa, right?

I dont make threats man. Especially when the person calling out black folk is the one actin like a nigga online.

12-02-2013, 04:00 PM
I dont make threats man. Especially when the person calling out black folk is the one actin like a nigga online.

Looked like a threat to me.

12-02-2013, 04:03 PM
Looked like a threat to me.

Not surprising.
But what about "wut"?
You missed an opportunity there IMHO.

12-02-2013, 04:16 PM
Not surprising.
But what about "wut"?
You missed an opportunity there IMHO.

No, I like using wut for posts that don't make much sense.

That's probably why you've seen it.

12-02-2013, 04:18 PM
You are lying your ass off if you or a family member is about to die and you say you would not pray at least once that you or they live.......whether you are an atheist of not.

I think there should be a dividing line between prayer and hope.

12-02-2013, 04:19 PM
Looked like a threat to me.

Show me the threat. Sending some friends over to meet Leetonidas? That sounds like a friendly mutual acquaintance thing happening to me. *shrugs*

12-02-2013, 04:20 PM
No, I like using wut for posts that don't make much sense.

That's probably why you've seen it.

It only makes "no sense" to those with "limited" understanding.
This certainly doesn't apply to you, does it?

12-02-2013, 04:20 PM
Show me the threat. Sending some friends over to meet Leetonidas? That sounds like a friendly mutual acquaintance thing happening to me. *shrugs*

smh utsa

12-02-2013, 04:21 PM
Blake is dumb. We all know it.

12-02-2013, 04:22 PM
It only makes "no sense" to those with "limited" understanding.
This certainly doesn't apply to you, does it?

You contradict yourself quite a bit. Sometimes in one post.

12-02-2013, 04:23 PM
Blake is dumb. We all know it.

You're obsessed. We all know it.

12-02-2013, 04:24 PM
You contradict yourself quite a bit. Sometimes in one post.

Truthfully that is a matter of opinion.
Never said I was God, unlike Blake Almighty.

12-02-2013, 04:37 PM
So you want to hide behind a school and pretend you were there...

really, really bad ass.

Or you can step up and go the the gtg....

Whoever agreed to show and didn't show has witnesses in here the day after. No hiding. No games. No - bullshit "meet me here" as if you had the balls to actually show up.

GTG or you are a pussy.

I already know that answer.

Typical bitchmade response. I was there all day waiting, of course your faggot ass falls back on your made up GTG no one is going to. I'm not driving to Austin to whip your ass. You wanna get stomped it's gonna be on my schedule and you pussied out.

Yeah, that's what I thought cowardly pants shitter, you don't even have the privilege of addressing me anymore.

12-02-2013, 04:38 PM
OH believe me, you dont want me to come up there. I got something nigga for ya. Dont let this damn suit Im wearing fool you. I will do whatever it takes bitch.

:lmao :lmao :lmao

Dude just shut the fuck up, no one was even talking to you. Thanks for confirming you are also a bitchmade little pussy

:cry I'll get some of my friends to ride on you that'll show you how badass I am :cry


12-02-2013, 04:40 PM
Truthfully that is a matter of opinion.
Never said I was God, unlike Blake Almighty.

I bet if we polled, the consensus would be that you contradicting yourself is fact.

I'm God until you prove I'm not.

12-02-2013, 04:44 PM
I bet if we polled, the consensus would be that you contradicting yourself is fact.

I'm God until you prove I'm not.

You're more than welcome to make a poll, Blake Almighty.

12-02-2013, 04:44 PM

Popeye says you didn't eats yir spinach and had to hide in a school for your very owns protections ay. :lmao

12-02-2013, 04:46 PM

12-02-2013, 04:47 PM
You're more than welcome to make a poll, Blake Almighty.

I know

Joseph Kony
12-02-2013, 04:53 PM
LMAO.....I can make one call, and my boys that are at UTSA right now will come and introduce themselves. Yeah, a bunch uh niggas want to meet you.

c'mon son you are disappointing your fellow black man with this shit smh

12-02-2013, 05:01 PM
LMAO.....I can make one call, and my boys that are at UTSA right now will come and introduce themselves. Yeah, a bunch uh niggas want to meet you.
oh UTSA got some straight up shooters dawg! watch out!

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 05:08 PM
Typical bitchmade response. I was there all day waiting, of course your faggot ass falls back on your made up GTG no one is going to. I'm not driving to Austin to whip your ass. You wanna get stomped it's gonna be on my schedule and you pussied out.

Yeah, that's what I thought cowardly pants shitter, you don't even have the privilege of addressing me anymore.

I don't fucking run on no one's schedule, little pussy.

There is one opportunity - if you are tough enough, crazy enough, and man enough - it is yours for the taking.

Go to the gtg - or else - go wipe your pussy elsewhere.

We can make the gtg in San Antonio also, pussy.

Joseph Kony
12-02-2013, 05:09 PM
^trying to save face ^looks like a pussy ^internet tough guy^

12-02-2013, 05:12 PM
What did I say already bitch? You don't get to speak to me. You shat your pants like a bitch, end of story. Now fuck off prison guard

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 05:16 PM
What did I say already bitch? You don't get to speak to me. You shat your pants like a bitch, end of story. Now fuck off prison guard

I knew you wouldn't man up - little pussy in hiding.


12-02-2013, 05:19 PM
Hiding? I told you exactly where I was. I told you I'd be there all day. We could stepped over to the wooded area between La Cantera and UTSA and I would knocked your fucking teeth in. Of course you bitched out and, once again, try to fall back on your little fantasy GTG that no one is going to. I'm not going to your GTG. I'm at school MWF same time every day, when you man up let me know. Until then, hop off my nuts, you are bitchmade status and I have nothing further to add. You have been exposed.

12-02-2013, 05:22 PM
What did I say already bitch? You don't get to speak to me. You shat your pants like a bitch, end of story. Now fuck off prison guard

C'mon Lee, chill out buddy, none of this is really serious, you know that.
Come to the GTG, for real. You will enjoy yourself.

Joseph Kony
12-02-2013, 05:22 PM
I knew you wouldn't man up - little pussy in hiding.


says the guy who refused to show up when he was told exactly where Leet was "hiding" :lmao

12-02-2013, 05:23 PM
C'mon Lee, chill out buddy, none of this is really serious, you know that.
Come to the GTG, for real. You will enjoy yourself.

I know none of this is serious :lol that's why I told him exactly where I was so he could "say it to my face" and of course he refused. He's not serious about wanting to see me. He wants no part of me.

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 05:23 PM
Hiding? I told you exactly where I was. I told you I'd be there all day. We could stepped over to the wooded area between La Cantera and UTSA and I would knocked your fucking teeth in. Of course you bitched out and, once again, try to fall back on your little fantasy GTG that no one is going to. I'm not going to your GTG. I'm at school MWF same time every day, when you man up let me know.

You have a choice. Strap on a pair of balls - or stfu and keep hiding.

If there is no one to prove you were there - you can say you were there all fuckin month - who gives a shit.

This is "code" for you being a pussy.

The gtg leaves you or me =


Take your stinky vagina and tough talk and gtfo pussy.

You want a "built in" excuse the way johnsmith and the goat (same poster) did - which is to say -

I will be at such and such -.....

gtfo with that built in escape plan.

Man up or stfu.

12-02-2013, 05:25 PM
I've stated numerous times that I go to UTSA. lol at me not being there, I'm there all day three days a week, this isn't exactly a secret. But keep making yourself look like a dumbass

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 05:25 PM
says the guy who refused to show up when he was told exactly where Leet was "hiding" :lmao

You fuckin morons - that is the oldest game in the world -

Go to the gtg -

if you pussy out - no one will have to "only" take my word for it that you didn't show - because everyone will confirm you pussied out.

The pussies do not have the balls to set up a real meet - only this little game -


12-02-2013, 05:26 PM
I don't want to attend a get together. I wanted to bitch slap you. And you pussied out. End of story.

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 05:27 PM
I've stated numerous times that I go to UTSA. lol at me not being there, I'm there all day three days a week, this isn't exactly a secret. But keep making yourself look like a dumbass

Gtg or go douche yourself, pussy.

12-02-2013, 05:27 PM
That's what I thought bitch.

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 05:27 PM
I don't want to attend a get together. I wanted to bitch slap you. And you pussied out. End of story.

you scared little bitch -

i will be at the gtg -

if you grow real balls by then -- ask for me.

I would love to hear how tough you are in person.


Joseph Kony
12-02-2013, 05:28 PM
no one is going to this "gtg" but you, xmas, and your fuck buddy SA210 :lmao you are one deluded piece of shit tbh

12-02-2013, 05:29 PM
you scared little bitch -

i will be at the gtg -

if you grow real balls by then -- ask for me.

I would love to hear how tough you are in person.


Then you should've shown up where I told you I was waiting for 6 hours today. I could've showed you exactly how tough I was. But you declined like a bitchmade faggot. End of story.

12-02-2013, 05:30 PM
I've stated numerous times that I go to UTSA. lol at me not being there, I'm there all day three days a week, this isn't exactly a secret. But keep making yourself look like a dumbass

But you could attend the GTG for real which will be on a Saturday in San Antonio maybe 21st or the 28th at Chris Madrids.
Then you will see for yourself that none of this is real and that no one going is really serious when they post BS on here.
That is the realistic rational thing to do instead of getting mad at a "virtual" person posting "virtual" BS.
That makes sense, doesn't it?

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 05:30 PM
no one is going to this "gtg" but you, xmas, and your fuck buddy SA210 :lmao you are one deluded piece of shit tbh

It is ok - all the fuckin tough guys like you were invited and had a chance.

Not my fault they were only "anonymously" tough.

I will still go and have a blast.

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 05:32 PM
Then you should've shown up where I told you I was waiting for 6 hours today. I could've showed you exactly how tough I was. But you declined like a bitchmade faggot. End of story.

yes, if you know of any idiots like that -

that would drive half the day - to a fuckin place to meet someone who is not there -

you give me his name - I got good business deals for him.


This is what gives you the balls. You can say anything, be tough, talk shit,

at the end of the day -

you would make sure you were well away from that place.


12-02-2013, 05:32 PM
You fuckin morons - that is the oldest game in the world -

Go to the gtg -

if you pussy out - no one will have to "only" take my word for it that you didn't show - because everyone will confirm you pussied out.

The pussies do not have the balls to set up a real meet - only this little game -


who wouldn't want to hang out with this guy ^

Joseph Kony
12-02-2013, 05:33 PM
:cry he wasn't really there :cry

:lmao :lmao

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 05:33 PM
But you could attend the GTG for real which will be on a Saturday in San Antonio maybe 21st or the 28th at Chris Madrids.
Then you will see for yourself that none of this is real and that no one going is really serious when they post BS on here.
That is the realistic rational thing to do instead of getting mad at a "virtual" person posting "virtual" BS.
That makes sense, doesn't it?

Put Leetonidas on the list xmas -

I think we would hit it off well.

Joseph Kony
12-02-2013, 05:34 PM
who wouldn't want to hang out with this guy ^

seriously. if there was a ST gtg that didn't include the prison guard or his love buddies I'm sure plenty of people would go. But no one wants to be around anyone who portrays themselves as such a venomous self-righteous piece of shit on ST and slings shit all day while acting like a fucking child

silverblk mystix
12-02-2013, 05:36 PM
seriously. if there was a ST gtg that didn't include the prison guard or his love buddies I'm sure plenty of people would go. But no one wants to be around anyone who portrays themselves as such a venomous self-righteous piece of shit on ST and slings shit all day while acting like a fucking child


"now I will play the defenseless innocent victim to the meanie!!!!"


12-02-2013, 05:37 PM
seriously. if there was a ST gtg that didn't include the prison guard or his love buddies I'm sure plenty of people would go. But no one wants to be around anyone who portrays themselves as such a venomous self-righteous piece of shit on ST and slings shit all day while acting like a fucking child

every time I see you, I think of corny dogs. And I'm not sure if 1) your name is close to "corny", 2) some loose relation between Kony and Coney Island hot dogs, or 3) because we used to feed our yard boy corn dogs.

Joseph Kony
12-02-2013, 05:37 PM
see, pretty childish behavior imo

12-02-2013, 05:38 PM
yes, if you know of any idiots like that -

that would drive half the day - to a fuckin place to meet someone who is not there -

you give me his name - I got good business deals for him.


This is what gives you the balls. You can say anything, be tough, talk shit,

at the end of the day -

you would make sure you were well away from that place.


another day, another sbm meltdown

Joseph Kony
12-02-2013, 05:38 PM
every time I see you, I think of corny dogs. And I'm not sure if 1) your name is close to "corny", 2) some loose relation between Kony and Coney Island hot dogs, or 3) because we used to feed our yard boy corn dogs.

i can show you the footlong chili cheese kony if you want

12-02-2013, 08:33 PM
i can show you the footlong chili cheese kony if you want


12-02-2013, 08:37 PM
who wouldn't want to hang out with this guy ^

That's the spirit.
Maybe you aren't afflicted with conditioned ignorance after all.
One can only hope.