View Full Version : Heat: Help Please...Guys I Know I Play Alot But I Really Need Advice

12-02-2013, 09:38 AM
I'm not a player as I've led on...I'm actually in a committed relationship as of 5yrs. I'm a store manager at Long John Silver's and I drive a 2003 Mazada Miata. My girlfriend \ fiancee works for KFC and we met at a fast food workers convention in Ohio years ago. My fiancee recently moved in with me last month and we're very much in love. We've even started family planning. We've thought about getting pregnant but decided to wait till after the wedding. She's made it clear I need to stay offline and stop being on the internet so much...but I'm totally addicted to Spurstalk as you guys already know.

Here's where I need you're help. I've confessed about my background...together we earn about 95k a yr with overtime so we live a comfortable life. Now a good friend of mine recently moved to my area and he's struggling so I offered him a place to stay. I have a 2 bedroom apt that my girlfriend and I share. He says he will be gone after 1 yr and even agreed to be my best man.

He doesn't work yet and my girlfriend works the night shift. So she's helping him find a job during the day while I'm at work.I just hope the 1yr doesn't turn into 2 or 3 yrs. Should I let him remain in the apt with me and my girlfriend Tammie or should I just pay half his rent on an apt in the same complex....

Please advise. Also do you know anyone who's in the same predicament...could this end badly for me.
I love my friend as a friend only and I love my fiancee too.

Buddy Mignon
12-02-2013, 09:55 AM
Buy your girlfriend a chastity belt to wear when your not around.

12-02-2013, 10:02 AM
Buy your girlfriend a chastity belt to wear when your not around.

So what should I wear when she's not around....

12-02-2013, 10:06 AM
Kill yourself

12-02-2013, 10:13 AM
Kill yourself

care to lead by example?

12-02-2013, 10:19 AM
No. You should really consider suicide though tbh it would fix your problem :tu

N0 LyF3 ScRuB
12-02-2013, 10:21 AM
0/10 i feel like you've made this thread before

12-02-2013, 10:23 AM
care to lead by example?


12-02-2013, 11:50 AM
go gay

12-02-2013, 12:17 PM
Kool, it's going to be a problem honestly. You don't move in your best buddy with your GF, that's an unwritten rule. Since you're financially stable, why not pay for his rent for the time being until he finds a job, there's a lot of those $300-$500 basement rooms (depending where you live).

It's a short term solution but it may work.

12-02-2013, 12:39 PM
how bout tell him


12-02-2013, 12:48 PM
Kool, it's going to be a problem honestly. You don't move in your best buddy with your GF, that's an unwritten rule. Since you're financially stable, why not pay for his rent for the time being until he finds a job, there's a lot of those $300-$500 basement rooms (depending where you live).

It's a short term solution but it may work.

Thanks for the honest feedback. I'm struggling with this one because me and this guy was their for each other in college. He's a tattoo artist who also specializes in piercings. I would love to keep him around..he's very handy and can really cook. He's just a wonderful wonderful man. The other night I fell asleep and he stayed up all night with my fiancee and watched a scary movie in a double snuggie. They drank a bottle of wine her favorite and she fell asleep on his chest...tell me that ain't a good friend.He goes balls deep with affection and kindness and my fiancee loves it.

If you think I should kick him out its highly likely I will pay for his apt...and even get him a car. The only thing I don't care for is my fiancee washes his underwear with mine and sometimes I end up wearing his and he's much bigger in the jock area than me.

What should I do?

12-02-2013, 01:22 PM
care to lead by example?


12-02-2013, 10:58 PM
Irony is your girl's name is Tammie :lol

Your girl is kind enough to allow another man to lodge in a place that's supposed to belong only to you and her, no surprise though since you're also a kindhearted person regardless of your pretense as a bully on spurstalk. You ought to have faith in your girl imho, she loves you so much she would never turn you into another "Tammy". You may give your homie a room in your house but that ain't no long term solution imho. Guy needs to find a job as soon as possible and to live on his own. 1 yr already sounds long enough tbh, not to say 2 or even 3. You've put your relationship at risk tbh. Sure you can offer him aid in various forms, but the idea of letting him reside in your and your girl's home sounds just too radical imho, unless you guys can develop a romantic relationship among all three of you, like the story featuring Jennifer, William and Robert, the piece of writing posted by our friend Cully in the "Hey thread" thread.

12-02-2013, 11:19 PM
Thanks for the honest feedback. I'm struggling with this one because me and this guy was their for each other in college. He's a tattoo artist who also specializes in piercings. I would love to keep him around..he's very handy and can really cook. He's just a wonderful wonderful man. The other night I fell asleep and he stayed up all night with my fiancee and watched a scary movie in a double snuggie. They drank a bottle of wine her favorite and she fell asleep on his chest...tell me that ain't a good friend.He goes balls deep with affection andu kindness and my fiancee loves it.

If you think I should kick him out its highly likely I will pay for his apt...and even get him a car. The only thing I don't care for is my fiancee washes his underwear with mine and sometimes I end up wearing his and he's much bigger in the jock area than me.

What should I do?

I have to say, generosity does go a long way. He seems to be a special friend Kool, and it appears you both benefit from each other. Just don't be too nice otherwise your fiancée might get jealous of all the attention you're showing him, but bros before hoes like they say.

That's a tough situation man, all the best.
Hope you don't get cucked in the process.

12-03-2013, 10:43 AM