View Full Version : Walking Dead

12-03-2013, 04:45 PM
Is it that damn good????? Where does is stand against Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, etc.
Everyone says to fucking watch it. I'm pretty close to jumping in but I'm not a big zombie fan.

12-03-2013, 05:03 PM
Episodes are hit and miss, tbh...

The Reckoning
12-03-2013, 05:04 PM
i haven't seen a single show and i'm thankful i haven't. same with breaking bad.

12-03-2013, 05:05 PM
thanks for the big grey response

12-03-2013, 05:21 PM
Is it that damn good????? Where does is stand against Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, etc.
Everyone says to fucking watch it. I'm pretty close to jumping in but I'm not a big zombie fan.

The first season was fucking awesome...after that, like supremeguy said, they are hit and miss, but the hits are well worth it. The best way to watch this show IMO would be marathon viewing because when you wait for a whole week and then the episode sucks, it's tough to stomach.