View Full Version : MLB to Put Skirts on Catchers

12-12-2013, 12:27 PM
MLB has plans to not have collisions at home plate in 2015. No more blocking
the plate ,the catchers will be like bullfighters and stand to the side of
the plate and swipe at the players at home plate. The catcher should
have pink gloves and gear. How many outfielders get hurt every year
crashing into outfield fences. Should we make all the fences
out of marshmallows? This is just pathetic!

12-12-2013, 12:39 PM
It's all about avoiding the lawsuits the NFL have faced.

Definitely stupid. They need to try this out in the minor leagues for like five years to see if effective and measure what statistical impact it has on offenses/defenses before implementing it in bigs.

Although, if it helps bring back the art of stealing bases, it can have a positive.

12-12-2013, 01:59 PM
Cause it's macho to have a career altering-ending collisions.
Just like it was macho to allow beanball throwing kuuuntz like Roger Lemmons, Pedro Guellro etc

12-12-2013, 02:13 PM
About 45 years too late for Ray Fosse, tbh.

12-16-2013, 06:12 PM
Good move.

You dont need to break people's faces, end carreers because you want to score a fucking run so badly.

Anyhow, you can still be agressive coming to the plate without bullrushing the catcher. Let's face it, these guys do that because they can, not because its necessary.

12-17-2013, 09:56 PM
So if the catcher is standing on the 3rd base line blocking the plate with the ball does the runner
have to pull up and let the catcher tag him out......How stupid is that! The catcher controls his fate at
home plate. If he wants to completely block the plate then he needs to get ready to get hit. He should
stand to the side and tag the runner instead of the blocking move. This rule will never work..........

More players get hurt at second base and crashing into the walls...........

12-17-2013, 10:51 PM
LOL the rule wont work? What do you base that on?

The rule is being put in place for safety reasons so in that regard it will serve its purpose thus preventing unnecessary collisons therefore it will work.

Baseball is not a contact sport, lets not make it one.

The only contact you should be making with is the ball.

12-18-2013, 03:39 AM
LOL the rule wont work? What do you base that on?

The rule is being put in place for safety reasons so in that regard it will serve its purpose thus preventing unnecessary collisons therefore it will work.

Baseball is not a contact sport, lets not make it one.

The only contact you should be making with is the ball.

The only collisions at home plate are the ones the catcher will want to have. He has to get the hell
out of the way or take the hit. If the runner cannot hit the catcher at home then the catcher cannot
block the runner in anyway at the plate. The catcher has to stay inside the lines to field
the ball. The catcher has to give up some of home plate like the 1st baseman does at first.
The first game where a runner hits the catcher and gets tossed out of the game will be a
big shit storm. If my star player gets tossed out of the game, I will have my pitcher throw at
your catcher next time he comes to bat. You will see how bad a rule this will be.. You have put another
judgment call in the hands of a umpire and some of MLB umpires are like Joey Crawford.....

12-18-2013, 10:00 AM
it never seemed necessary to me to have such big collisions to begin with. if you tag them out just like any other base, you should simply be out. plowing them over is pointless

12-18-2013, 03:27 PM
Now you can't touch a catcher blocking home plate let's look at second base. The runner should
not be allowed to slide into 2nd base because he might hit the shortstop. We can't have a collision
at 2nd now. There will no sliding at any base. Players can get hurt sliding and the will get their uniforms
will get all dirty. The outfielders will have to stop chasing fly balls when they get to the warning track.
We can't have a outfielder crash into a wall and get hurt. We also need to wrap the baseballs
in bubble wrap so if the hitter leans over home plate the ball won't hurt him if it hits him.
If the pitcher throws a ball within 1 foot of the batter he is thrown out of the game for trying to
hurt the batter. All pitchers must throw underhand. All teams will have team moms to sit on the
bench during the game to rubs boo boo's. Capri sun will replace Gatorade.
Players will not be allowed to spit on the field. They have to put on latex gloves spit into a
approved hasmat disposal bag and dispose of the bag in an approved container.

All teams will make the playoffs and all players get a trophy for playing.

The home team will wear a pink tutu with the visiting team a baby blue one.


12-19-2013, 09:47 AM
Now you ca:cryn't touch a catcher blocking home plate let's look at second base. The runner should
not be allowed to slide into 2nd base because he might hit the sho:cryrtstop. We can't have a collision
at 2nd now. There will no sliding at any base. Players can get hurt s:cryliding and the will get their uniforms
will get all dirty. T:cryhe outfielders will have to stop chasing fly balls when they get to the warning track.
We can't have a outfielder crash into a wall and get hurt. We also need to wrap the baseballs
in bubble wrap so if the hitter leans over home plate the ball won't hurt hi:crym if it hits him.
If the pitcher throws a ball within 1 foot of the batter he is thrown out of the game for trying to
hur:cryt the batter. All :crypitchers must throw underhand. All :cryteams will have team moms to sit on the
bench during the game to rubs boo boo's. Capri sun will replace Gatorade.
Players will not be allowed to spit on the field. They have to put on latex gloves spit into a
approved hasmat disposal bag and dispose of the bag in an approved container.

All teams will mak:crye the playoffs and all players get a trophy for:cry playing.

The hom:crye team will wear a pink tutu with:cry the visiting team a baby blue one.

12-19-2013, 11:49 AM
:lmao I love when people think professional athletes are trained monkeys who are only alive for their amusement. Home plate collisions always seemed out of place with the rest of the game, and it's a bigger issue now than in the past. Back in the 50's when every player was 5'8 160 lbs it wasn't so bad, now that they're all 6'2 225 of course there's a huge safety risk. Just because something is done in the name of player safety doesn't automatically mean it's ":cry time to put a skirt on everybody :cry" these guys have lives outside of their sport. Let's see your pussy ass take a home plate collision from Mike Trout or some other big ass player, then you can talk about baseball players being soft.

12-19-2013, 02:10 PM
The owners have to vote on this proposed rule. MLB said the don't know how to enforce it. They don't know
if all runners will have to slide. What the catcher can block around the plate. Can the catcher be at fault
and be tossed from the game. Will there be fines. Or will they do nothing at all.

Most catchers are one of the largest players on the field. The catchers that usually take a hard hit
are the ones who sit on home plate with ball giving the runner no choice but to run into him or stop and
take a tag just standing there . As a former catcher thru my teens till 20yrs, I got knocked on
my ass a couple of times. If you play to tag the runner and give him room you can avoid getting hit.
It's up to the catcher on how to play it.
Baseball is getting boring enough and when you take any possible action away at home plate ..

..Maybe a group of trained monkeys will be more fun to watch or a 1-0 soccer game....

12-19-2013, 07:05 PM
You're generalizing this simple rule and applying it to every position. Panic much?

This rule wont affect anything other than home plate collissions which only happens every so often. Its not like Baseball is getting a complete overhaul. Relax dude.

Oh and I just have to :lol at the taking away the action at home plate. Really? Are you watching Baseball for actions? You sound like people who watch NASCAR for the crashes alone.

There is much more to baseball than mad rushing someone so they can score.

12-19-2013, 09:12 PM
The home plate collison is basically the most simplistic, meatheaded part of baseball. There is so much complexity and strategy and mind games and skill involved, yet somehow baseball will ":cry suck because they can't herp a derp and CRASH BANG derp derp!!!!!:madrun"

12-19-2013, 09:26 PM
:lmao I love when people think professional athletes are trained monkeys who are only alive for their amusement. Home plate collisions always seemed out of place with the rest of the game, and it's a bigger issue now than in the past. Back in the 50's when every player was 5'8 160 lbs it wasn't so bad, now that they're all 6'2 225 of course there's a huge safety risk. Just because something is done in the name of player safety doesn't automatically mean it's ":cry time to put a skirt on everybody :cry" these guys have lives outside of their sport. Let's see your pussy ass take a home plate collision from Mike Trout or some other big ass player, then you can talk about baseball players being soft.

I guess this is why I'm your understudy but I agree tbh imo fwiw. The home plate collisions never made any sense to me. Why does home plate operate differently than the other 3 bases? It shouldn't be any different.

Clipper Nation
12-19-2013, 10:37 PM
The home plate collison is basically the most simplistic, meatheaded part of baseball.
Wrong, that would be the practice of pitchers beaning hitters - especially rookies - in order to "teach them a lesson" out of pure butthurt, tbh....

12-19-2013, 10:54 PM
Wrong, that would be the practice of pitchers beaning hitters - especially rookies - in order to "teach them a lesson" out of pure butthurt, tbh....

That's more of a pissing contest.

Just like when the pitcher intentionally steps off and on the mound to annoy the hitter and fuck the flow of the game up.

12-21-2013, 09:19 AM
You sound like people who watch NASCAR for the crashes alone.

12-21-2013, 03:39 PM
You're generalizing this simple rule and applying it to every position. Panic much?

This rule wont affect anything other than home plate collissions which only happens every so often. Its not like Baseball is getting a complete overhaul. Relax dude.

Oh and I just have to :lol at the taking away the action at home plate. Really? Are you watching Baseball for actions? You sound like people who watch NASCAR for the crashes alone.

There is much more to baseball than mad rushing someone so they can score.

MLB does not need this rule. There is not enough possible collisions at home plate to make a rule on what might happen. They have more knock
downs a 2nd base on double play balls but no one is saying don't slide, we need a new rule. As for taking away action at home plate, baseball could
some action when you have a 1-0 game that last 3 1/2 hours. Even MLB knows the have a problem with long boring games. I do go to NASCAR races
and if the rub each other when they pass that's part of the race. I don't go to the races to see drivers get hurt. I don't watch baseball to watch players
get hurt. I do go to sporting events to be entertained with some action.. People like you are content to watch your 1-0 soccer game drinking your
Capri sun, eating orange slices and thinking action is watching players flop all game long....Stick to your soccer.....