View Full Version : Oberto Travels To Sign With San Antonio Spurs

Solid D
07-30-2005, 08:01 AM

Sáb : 30 Jul : 2005

Oberto sonríe porque llegó el momento de oficializar su vínculo con los Spurs.

El número de la camiseta que pedirá Oberto en los Spurs. Es el número que utiliza en la Selección desde 2001, pero en clubes no la usa desde que dejó Atenas, ya que en Europa se calzó la 14.

Oberto viajó para firmar con los Spurs

El pivote será compañero de Manu Ginóbili en el campeón. Hoy tiene previsto llegar a San Antonio para someterse primero a la revisación médica, antes de firmar el contrato. Estará toda la semana en los Estados Unidos.

Fabricio Oberto viajó a los Estados Unidos para cumplir su sueño. El cordobés firmará el contrato que lo ligará por las próximas tres temporadas con San Antonio Spurs, el campeón de la NBA, en el cual será compañero de Emanuel Ginóbili, tras los éxitos obtenidos en la Selección. Será el primer cordobés que jugará en la Liga más poderosa del planeta. Primero debe superar la revisación médica.

En la mañana de ayer, su agente en Estados Unidos, Herb Rudoy, telefoneó a Oberto para informarle que debía viajar a San Antonio y cerrar su incorporación al conjunto texano, ganador de tres Ligas en los últimos siete años. El pivote de 30 años y 2,08 metros de talla, considerado uno de los mejores en su puesto en el básquetbol europeo, se entrevistará con el general manager de los Spurs, RC Buford y probablemente con el entrenador Gregg Popovich, antes de ser presentado a la prensa local. Oberto tiene previsto presentarse a mediados de setiembre en su nuevo equipo para iniciar la preparación, aunque la pretemporada oficial en la NBA comenzará el 2 de octubre, que incluye partidos organizado por la Liga. En los primeros días de noviembre comenzará la nueva temporada, con los Spurs estrenando su título.
Desde el pasado mes de junio, el jugador está realizando tareas físicas con el preparador y su amigo Javier Guiguet. Oberto no abandonó la rutina de entrenamiento, hasta ayer, que viajó a Texas.

Desde el pasado 14 del corriente, el jugador de Las Varillas y los Spurs tenían acordado de palabra su incorporación, pero debieron esperar para rubricarlo hasta que la Liga oficializara el nuevo convenio colectivo, convenido con el Sindicato de los Jugadores. El primer paso dado por Oberto para llegar a la NBA fue desvincularse de Pamesa Valencia y luego su agente empezó las negociaciones con los distintos equipos; el campeón de España, Real Madrid, Unicaja Málaga, Barcelona y Benetton Treviso de Italia, los más poderosos de Europa. Y en la NBA se contactó con los Spurs, Memphis Grizzlies y Houston Rockets. Pero todo se inclinó hacia San Antonio y el acuerdo por tres años llegó rápido.


Google translation (equipment = team, Selection = National Team)

Sat: 30 July 2005


Oberto smiles because the moment arrived for making official its bond with the Spurs.


7 - The number of the t-shirt that will request Oberto in the Spurs. It is the number that uses in the Selection from 2001, but in clubs it does not use it since it left Athens, since in Europe it wore the 14.

Oberto traveled to sign with the Spurs

The pivot will be companion of Manu Ginóbili in the champion. Today the medical revisación has predicted to arrive at San Antonio to be put under first a, before signing the contract. It will be all the week in the United States.

Fabricio Oberto traveled to the United States to fulfill its dream. The Cordovan will sign the contract that will bind it by next the three seasons with San Antonio Spurs, the champion of the NBA, in which he will be companion of Emanuel Ginóbili, after the successes achieved in the Selection. He will be the first Cordovan who will play in most powerful Liga of the planet. First he must surpass the medical revisación.

In the morning of yesterday, his agent in the United States, Herb Rudoy, telephoned to Oberto to in the last inform that he had to travel to San Antonio and to close his incorporation to the texano set, winning of three Ligas seven years to him. The pivot of 30 years and 2.08 meters of stature, considered one of the best ones in its position in básquetbol European, will be entrevistará with the general to manager of the Spurs, RC Buford and probably with trainer Gregg Popovich, before being presented/displayed to the local press. Oberto has predicted to appear in the middle of September in its new equipment to initiate the preparation, although the official preseason in the NBA will begin the 2 of October, that includes parties organized by Liga. In the first days of November the new season will begin, with the Spurs releasing its title.

From the past month of June, the player is making physical tasks with the preinn and its friend Javier Guiguet. Oberto did not leave the training routine, until yesterday, that traveled to Texas.

From the past 14 of the current, the player of the Rods and the Spurs had decided word their incorporation, but they had to hope to seal it until Liga made official the new collective agreement, agreed with the Union of the Players. The first step taken by Oberto to arrive at the NBA was to break contact itself with Pamesa Valencia and soon his agent began the negotiations with the different equipment; the champion of Spain, Real Madrid, Unicaja Malaga, Barcelona and Benetton Treviso of Italy, most powerful of Europe. And in the NBA he contacted himself with the Spurs, Memphis Grizzlies and Houston Rockets. But everything inclined towards San Antonio and the agreement by three years arrived fast.

07-30-2005, 08:10 AM
About his physical, has Fabricio had any serious injuries in the past few years?

07-30-2005, 08:18 AM
Marbury broke his hand at the 2004 Olympic tournament in Athenas.

Solid D
07-30-2005, 08:21 AM
The most recent was a broken hand inflicted by a chop from Stephon Marbury in the closing minutes of the Olympics game victory over the US. He was out a couple of months.

He's had an injury with a knee but I don't remember the specifics. Someone could probably pull that info up on him.

Trooper 2112
07-30-2005, 01:18 PM
how fluent is his english?

Kori Ellis
07-30-2005, 01:20 PM
how fluent is his english?

I was told by some Argentinean reporters that it's not very good at all. But I don't know for sure.

Trooper 2112
07-30-2005, 01:22 PM
I was told by some Argentinean reporters that it's not very good at all. But I don't know for sure.

wow, is he gonna need a translator like Bateer did?

07-30-2005, 01:40 PM
wow, is he gonna need a translator like Bateer did?

Uh, he's got Manu. :lol

07-30-2005, 01:41 PM
hmm don't think he neeed s a trasnlator we have manu!!!

Trooper 2112
07-30-2005, 01:44 PM
:lol true, i didnt think of that

Duff McCartney
07-30-2005, 01:49 PM
Uh, he's got Manu. :lol

I can hear it now...

"Eh cabron...porque no corres mas rapido?"

"Chinga te guey, esto cansado."

07-30-2005, 02:23 PM
lovin the hair

07-30-2005, 02:23 PM
Hopefully he passes the physical. And hopefully he doesn't try to pick number six.


Solid D
07-30-2005, 02:41 PM
I think number 6 is safe, timvp. Don Harris stands guard over it, anyway. :smokin

He's already said he wants 7...that is, unless J.R. Reid objects.

07-30-2005, 03:06 PM
I can hear it now...

"Eh cabron...porque no corres mas rapido?"

"Chinga te guey, esto cansado."

Me too,

Mano to Oberto: "hey pendejo, se' puede reclinarse cuando estas muerto"

07-30-2005, 03:08 PM
Man, that is one ugly dude!! Looks like "Buffalo Bill" off of Silence of the Lambs.

07-30-2005, 03:09 PM
Man, that is one ugly dude!! Looks like "Buffalo Bill" off of Silence of the Lambs.

Yeah and Nazr looks like he ran through a burning building.

Mr. Body
07-30-2005, 03:24 PM
Man, that is one ugly dude!! Looks like "Buffalo Bill" off of Silence of the Lambs.

Actually, from angles he looks like a buff Jude Law. Serious.

Horry For 3!
07-30-2005, 03:41 PM
This is good, hopefully he will pass the physical.

07-30-2005, 04:15 PM
"Eh cabron...porque no corres mas rapido?"

"Chinga te guey, esto cansado."

"hey pendejo, se' puede reclinarse cuando estas muerto"

I guess this is what you get when you mix some mexican slang with all those google translated articles. :spin

07-30-2005, 04:55 PM
I guess this is what you get when you mix some mexican slang with all those google translated articles. :spin

Don't take it so personal Golden Boy. You shouldn't feel so inadequte simply because you couldn't understand and feel left out. I'm sure it's the same feeling you had in high school when the coaches forced you to take off your clothes and bathe in front of the brothas. I'm sure you gotten over that horrible experience by now little man. Naaaaaaa!

:fro :fro :fro

07-30-2005, 05:04 PM
Actually fabrricio looks like the guy from happy gilmore, the same guy who plays jaws in the james bond movies in that photo!!!! I actually had the pleasure of E-mailing Fabricio on his web site, which is mainly spanish considering the english portion of his site was at stand still. I E-mailed him and welcomed him aboard the spurs team, asked him how it felt to play along side his best mate manu, and about the whole Scola fiasco, in return he E-mailed me this.......(thanks for write me it´s a pleasure , I hope that I can be there soon and I gonna try to give my best to join to this team, I think in a couple of mouth I gonna write better and speak perfect jajajajja Iand I will see you soon thanks again bye fabri) Yep, his English is broken, yet it was cool of him to E-mail me, cuz once hes well known...good luck getting a response!!!! btw wtf is jajajajajajajajajajjaja? is that argentinian for hahahahahahahaha????? Oh well it still kicks ass that he wrote back!

07-30-2005, 05:06 PM
Don't take it so personal Golden Boy. You shouldn't feel so inadequte simply because you couldn't understand and feel left out. I'm sure it's the same feeling you had in high school when the coaches forced you to take off your clothes and bathe in front of the brothas. I'm sure you gotten over that horrible experience by now little man. Naaaaaaa!

:fro :fro :fro

Well, at least i was lucky enough to go to high school and get a proper education...

07-30-2005, 05:09 PM
Well, at least i was lucky enough to go to high school and get a proper education...


07-30-2005, 05:44 PM
btw wtf is jajajajajajajajajajjaja? is that argentinian for hahahahahahahaha?????
Yep, damn language barrier :lol

07-30-2005, 07:05 PM
I can hear it now...

"Eh cabron...porque no corres mas rapido?"

"Chinga te guey, esto cansado."

Google translation mexican - argentinean:

"Che boludo, mové las patas!"

"Minga culeau, no me da el cuero!

07-30-2005, 07:13 PM
Actually fabrricio looks like the guy from happy gilmore, the same guy who plays jaws in the james bond movies in that photo!!!! I actually had the pleasure of E-mailing Fabricio on his web site, which is mainly spanish considering the english portion of his site was at stand still. I E-mailed him and welcomed him aboard the spurs team, asked him how it felt to play along side his best mate manu, and about the whole Scola fiasco, in return he E-mailed me this.......(thanks for write me it´s a pleasure , I hope that I can be there soon and I gonna try to give my best to join to this team, I think in a couple of mouth I gonna write better and speak perfect jajajajja Iand I will see you soon thanks again bye fabri) Yep, his English is broken, yet it was cool of him to E-mail me, cuz once hes well known...good luck getting a response!!!! btw wtf is jajajajajajajajajajjaja? is that argentinian for hahahahahahahaha????? Oh well it still kicks ass that he wrote back!

Oberto seems to be a very nice guy.
I remember him from the olympics doing "El pescadito" (the little fish) or sth like that, to Manu. That's a joke: When a teammate is doing some serious statements to the press, another one put his finger on his mouth and pull.

I tell it now: cheeks are gonna go crazy on Oberto.

07-30-2005, 09:26 PM
If Oberto can come in and win the starting job, that's the dream scenario for the Spurs.

07-31-2005, 02:52 AM
If Oberto can come in and win the starting job, that's the dream scenario for the Spurs.

Being that Nazr is in a contract year (coughManucough) does that mean that even if Oberto doesn't win the starting job he still wins the starting job?