View Full Version : Charles Smith has Remorese Over North Korean Game

01-07-2014, 11:44 AM
If he officially backs out, it will be just like his playing days in San Antonio.


PYONGYANG, North Korea -- Former NBA star Charles D. Smith says he feels remorse for coming to Pyongyang with Dennis Rodman for a game on the North Korean leader's birthday because the event has been dwarfed by politics and tainted by Rodman's own comments.

Smith and other former NBA players are scheduled to play with Rodman against a team of North Koreans on Wednesday that organizers say leader Kim Jong Un is expected to attend. Many of the players on Tuesday privately expressed second thoughts about going ahead because of an outpouring of criticism in the United States.

Smith, who played for the New York Knicks, said the North Korea trip has been dwarfed by politics and Rodman's frequent boasts about his close friendship with Kim.

"What we are doing is positive, but it is getting dwarfed by the other circumstances around it," Smith told The Associated Press. "Apparently our message is not being conveyed properly due to the circumstances that are much bigger than us, and I think that has to do with politics and government."

01-08-2014, 07:02 PM
Former San Antonio Spurs Dennis Rodman and Charles Smith iare receiving a ton of backlash for going over to North Korea to celebrate their leader's 31st birthday. For those of you who don't know, North Korea is an extremely secretive state and whom the United States of America suspects have nuclear weapons of massive destruction. It is rumored that they have a ton of concentration camps and labor camps for those who undermine the government.

People wanted Rodman to ask about the status of US citizen Kenneth Bae, but to no avail.

Whats everyone take on this? Should politics and sports ever clash?



By the way, off hand, what's up with the Spurs lately and constantly being in the news for the wrong reasons?

- Tony Parker affair
- Tony Parker club incident
- Joey Crawfod photo
- Duncan's divorce and his rumors of his alternatie lifestyle
- George Hill photo incident
- Stephen Jackson locker room spill
- now this...

01-08-2014, 07:03 PM
Fucking leave that crazy pos over there tbh. He's just as crazy as their leader now.

01-08-2014, 07:06 PM
I wonder if Rodman will be the heir to the throne in North Korea?

01-08-2014, 08:11 PM
I hope Rodman let the north korean dwarfs win the game, or they were all shoot by the firing squad by unpatriotic reasons (losing).

01-08-2014, 08:20 PM
Maybe hes having remorse about playing for a leader who just fed his uncle LIVE to dogs he purposely starved for three days.

01-08-2014, 11:22 PM
Guy is now really reaching for the attention he begs for.

01-09-2014, 04:27 AM
After watching that video I was waiting for Vince McMahon to walk in and announce the next Wrestle Mania.

01-09-2014, 08:48 AM
I wonder if Rodman will be the heir to the throne in North Korea?


01-09-2014, 09:48 AM
Fucking leave that crazy pos over there tbh. He's just as crazy as their leader now.

Exactly damn right.

01-09-2014, 10:12 AM
Only thing missing from those Rodman videos are the guys from MXC doing the voiceovers.

01-09-2014, 10:15 AM
Anyone notice that the ex-players on that team are all players that famously lost all their money? Kenny Anderson, Vin Baker, Rodman.

01-09-2014, 10:38 AM
Kim Jong Un is a terrible ruler (of course all who seek to rule are terrible), but Rodman's relationship with him is a lot more constructive for the USA than the Bush's relationship with the Saudis, or Obama's relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Play ball and build bridges Dennis. Your wonderful personality is doing more for North Korean relations than any of our overpaid ambassadors ever have.

01-09-2014, 11:47 AM

Im serious!

01-09-2014, 03:34 PM
Only thing missing from those Rodman videos are the guys from MXC doing the voiceovers.

Seriously. There has to be a remix of this being worked on right now.

01-09-2014, 04:09 PM
Don't really want to get into all the politics of it but I will say this: When you go to another country, you play by their rules. Kenneth Bae illegally entered North Korea and is now paying for it. He knew what he was doing and was caught. End of story.

And Charles Smith does make a good point when he says that bad stuff happens all over the world. I know we make North Korea out to be the ultimate badass and all, but if you're caught chewing gum in Singapore you're publicly flogged and then jailed. If you talk against the government in China you disappear. For some reason we Americans have this way of thinking that everyone has to play by our rules. It's no wonder the rest of the world hates our guts.

Snaq O'Meal
01-09-2014, 06:21 PM
I know we make North Korea out to be the ultimate badass and all, but if you're caught chewing gum in Singapore you're publicly flogged and then jailed.

That's grossly inaccurate. People chew gum everywhere in Singapore. You're even allowed to bring gum into the island nation for personal consumption. You're just not allowed to sell that stuff over there. And finally, there never was any public flogging in Singapore.

T Park
01-09-2014, 06:47 PM
Kim Jong Un is a terrible ruler (of course all who seek to rule are terrible), but Rodman's relationship with him is a lot more constructive for the USA than the Bush's relationship with the Saudis, or Obama's relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Play ball and build bridges Dennis. Your wonderful personality is doing more for North Korean relations than any of our overpaid ambassadors ever have.

You cant be serious....

01-10-2014, 12:57 AM
Joey Crawford photo?

01-10-2014, 01:08 AM
Don't really want to get into all the politics of it but I will say this: When you go to another country, you play by their rules. Kenneth Bae illegally entered North Korea and is now paying for it. He knew what he was doing and was caught. End of story.

And Charles Smith does make a good point when he says that bad stuff happens all over the world. I know we make North Korea out to be the ultimate badass and all, but if you're caught chewing gum in Singapore you're publicly flogged and then jailed. If you talk against the government in China you disappear. For some reason we Americans have this way of thinking that everyone has to play by our rules. It's no wonder the rest of the world hates our guts.

eh dude... selling chewing gum is banned in singapore... u don't get flogged and jailed for chewing gum...tbh..