View Full Version : Bigger Impact: Boris or Marco

01-15-2014, 07:13 PM
I feel like both acquisitions were very good for the Spurs. I've always like Diaw's game, he seems to see the game in slow motion and doesn't panic on his possessions, but he's smart and savvy and makes the right play most of the time. Marco is a deadly outside shooter who can finish on the break and like Diaw, he's savvy but more prone to Manu like turnovers from forcing things.

I've been trying to decide which is a better acquisition for the team. Marco fit right in, but I don't recall Diaw having issues fitting in either, just that he deferred on offense too much for a few years (including before signing in SA), especially for a guy who's actually got a strong offensive game.


01-15-2014, 07:17 PM
I think it depends on who the Spurs are playing. But i would give the slight edge to Boris because he can guard stretch 4's and is just overall better and more reliable on defense. Although, they both fit well in the system.

01-15-2014, 07:17 PM
What? Diaw, easily, no questions asked. Diaw=offense/defense.

01-15-2014, 07:23 PM
this question cannot be answered until after the playoffs.

But if the question is relating to regular season, I'd say the Ferrari by a nose. He pretty much singlehandely resurrected Ginobili's career. I called it as soon as we signed him so nobody should be surprised tbh

01-15-2014, 07:23 PM
Marco, since the first day, looks like he always played here, a mega improvement over Neal even without Manu, I think he deserves the starting spot more than Green.
Boris is great of course his 2.0 version really helps but you said bigger impact so Im gonna pick Marco.

01-15-2014, 07:23 PM
Diaw imo. There's not a lot of players in the league that has the versatility that Boris has. Without Diaw, the Spurs would have poor spacing. Much like how Green is valuable defending PGs. Boris is valuable defending jump shooting bigs.

Say Marco wasn't on the Spurs, we would still have Green, Manu, and at worst Gary Neal. Marco's addition just makes the Spurs more stacked at a certain position than just providing something we need.

01-15-2014, 07:24 PM
We will have the proper answer in the playoffs. That's when it matters.

01-15-2014, 07:32 PM
Marco, since the first day, looks like he always played here, a mega improvement over Neal even without Manu, I think he deserves the starting spot more than Green.
Boris is great of course his 2.0 version really helps but you said bigger impact so Im gonna pick Marco.As usual you can't get past curb appeal to see the bigger picture. Although Marco's played well there's a bit of redundancy there and he clearly does better hitting the game in spurts. The longer the stint and the minutes the more his weaknesses are exposed which I will admit he's cleaned up quite a bit since coming here but his value is much greater coming off the bench. However a defending big that can pass and space the floor isn't as easily replaceable. Marco looks better, puts up the prettier numbers, is far more entertaining but the reality is that if you took both players off the team losing Boris would require much more addressing than losing Marco.

01-15-2014, 07:33 PM
Good question, like the others I say Boris due to his versatility both ways. But Marco is a marked improvement over Neal by almost any way you can slice it.

If I had to give one of Boris or Marco up, it'd be Marco in a heartbeat. But if Marco learned to play D a little better, then its a debate.

01-15-2014, 07:39 PM


01-15-2014, 07:41 PM
Give Marco a full season, then we can revisit this.

01-15-2014, 07:44 PM
I'm leaning towards Boris for his ability to guard many positions.

01-15-2014, 07:46 PM
As usual you can't get past curb appeal to see the bigger picture. Although Marco's played well there's a bit of redundancy there and he clearly does better hitting the game in spurts. The longer the stint and the minutes the more his weaknesses are exposed which I will admit he's cleaned up quite a bit since coming here but his value is much greater coming off the bench. However a defending big that can pass and space the floor isn't as easily replaceable. Marco looks better, puts up the prettier numbers, is far more entertaining but the reality is that if you took both players off the team losing Boris would require much more addressing than losing Marco.
Itīs nice to see someone who puts pretty numbers because sometimes the whole team struggles to make a basket, dude has weak points but this is his first season here and he is worlds apart from Gary and that lame point guard shit Pop tried to do after his second season, he is better than weak ass Jefferson even if Dickie plays SF.
As I said before, Boris is great but is not his first season with this team, so naturally Im more excited about King Beli, Manu-like players are always welcome too bad Nando doesnīt fit the bill.

01-15-2014, 08:02 PM
Overall, Diaw is a much more versatile and complete player than Belinelli. So as long as Boris is not being too passive on the offensive end (which can be quite an "if", as we've seen), there is no doubt in my mind that he has the bigger impact for the Spurs.

01-15-2014, 08:07 PM
Playoff wise both will have their impacts on the game.

For Marco it will be his cuts and movement off the ball when the defense starts to pick up.

For Diaw it will be his defense. Hopefully he gets an update to 2.1 during the playoffs to insure his aggressiveness continues.

01-15-2014, 08:38 PM
Diaw versatility. He is huge asset for a roster because of that

01-15-2014, 09:21 PM
Solid thread tbh. Diaw so far, as he has had an entire season plus the playoffs. His ability to guard Lebron James in the finals was vital, his play in the Golden State series was underrated, not to mention his all around offensive game. If both were acquired this year, I'd still have the same answer. He fits with Duncan very well imo, and allows Duncan or Splitter to stay on the court when other teams go small ball without missing a beat. As others have said, he fills many cracks in the team, and being that swiss army knife/glue player is beyond his current salary. He's certainly playing above his salary.

Old School 44
01-15-2014, 09:29 PM
I'll copout and say the same. But Marco is the top free agent acquisition as far as quickly acclimating to the team. I can't think of anyone else that's fit in faster, including Diaw. I know Marco hasn't gone through a playoff run with the Spurs, but he does seem like he's been here for a few years.

01-15-2014, 09:50 PM
Lol, it's Diaw, and it's not even close. Beli may not get minutes in the playoffs. He would have played as much as Neal did in the Finals last year. I can't think of a single matchup that is bad for Boris.

01-15-2014, 10:47 PM
I'll copout and say the same. But Marco is the top free agent acquisition as far as quickly acclimating to the team. I can't think of anyone else that's fit in faster, including Diaw. I know Marco hasn't gone through a playoff run with the Spurs, but he does seem like he's been here for a few years.

I thought Finley fit in well when he was acquired, but on a different system.

01-15-2014, 11:01 PM
Diaw reverting back to beta status after his fluke aggression it looks like
if he gets back to early season form then hes the second best big on the team while Marco is probably the 4th best wing player after Parker/Leonard/Ginobili

01-15-2014, 11:11 PM
They're not in the same galaxy... Beli is fools gold, the defense is terrible wherever he plays (first unit/second unit)... Marco getting such a big role is a big problem tbh...

Marco should only be compared to Neal...

01-15-2014, 11:37 PM
Boris, but I'm glad the Spurs got Marco... Manu basically resurrected his career. With the right complement and in the right system, he can be a smart player. He moves well without the ball, can shoot and finish.

01-16-2014, 12:22 AM
Easily Diaw.

I love Marco knocking down threes but lets be honest. You live by the three you die by the three. Marco will do us nothing more than Bad Game Danny Houdini. I still maintain, as I always have, that somehow starting Boris instead of Danny would have won us a championship last year. Diaw is the lucky token and that's what this franchise lives on.

01-16-2014, 12:22 AM
It's just amazing given their skillset why they've bounced around the league like this. I guess it's the curse of being a great role player, but not a full blown superstar.

Boris -- can do it all... pass, shoot, and defend... we know the script, used to be a point guard
Marco -- inside game, outside game, playmaker, moves without the ball well

01-16-2014, 12:50 AM
Easily Diaw.

I love Marco knocking down threes but lets be honest. You live by the three you die by the three. Marco will do us nothing more than Bad Game Danny Houdini. I still maintain, as I always have, that somehow starting Boris instead of Danny would have won us a championship last year. Diaw is the lucky token and that's what this franchise lives on.


01-16-2014, 04:14 AM
Diaw easily

01-16-2014, 06:39 AM
Boris, but I'm glad the Spurs got Marco... Manu basically resurrected his career. With the right complement and in the right system, he can be a smart player. He moves well without the ball, can shoot and finish.


01-16-2014, 07:34 AM
love em both, but if forced to choose, i'd lean towards diaw.

01-16-2014, 07:48 AM
Before Tiago's injury I would have said Marco, but now in terms of "impact" Ill go with Boris.
Is close though and I have to say I didnt expect Marco to do so well so quickly.

01-16-2014, 11:17 AM
I think Ayers has the bigger impact

01-16-2014, 11:48 AM
Not that on-off numbers are the final word on this issue, but here are the numbers for anyone who's curious:

Diaw - http://www.82games.com/1314/13SAS10.HTM#onoff

Belinelli - http://www.82games.com/1314/13SAS6.HTM#onoff

Those numbers point to Diaw.

01-16-2014, 12:12 PM
Easily Diaw.

I love Marco knocking down threes but lets be honest. You live by the three you die by the three. Marco will do us nothing more than Bad Game Danny Houdini. I still maintain, as I always have, that somehow starting Boris instead of Danny would have won us a championship last year. Diaw is the lucky token and that's what this franchise lives on.

You can maintain anything that cannot be disproven (or proven). What's the point?

01-16-2014, 12:35 PM
Boris has talent on both sides of the ball. I give the nod to him.

01-16-2014, 12:43 PM

This is just beautiful tbh...

01-16-2014, 02:58 PM
Itīs nice to see someone who puts pretty numbers because sometimes the whole team struggles to make a basket, dude has weak points but this is his first season here and he is worlds apart from Gary and that lame point guard shit Pop tried to do after his second season, he is better than weak ass Jefferson even if Dickie plays SF.
As I said before, Boris is great but is not his first season with this team, so naturally Im more excited about King Beli, Manu-like players are always welcome too bad Nando doesnīt fit the bill.This isn't a comparison to Neal or Jefferson. Both of which have nothing to do with the topic at hand and clearly show the weakness in your argument. As both of those players show that the role Marco plays can be filled by lesser quality players without a significant drop off.

01-16-2014, 03:22 PM
Apples and oranges but I'd give the edge to Diaw by a hair. Right now in a clutch situation I trust a good Diaw pass to the right player than the possibility of a Beli hitting a game winning bucket or trey. But then again Beli might make it......

That they're upgrades over Neal and Blair is without question, though.

01-16-2014, 03:25 PM
This isn't a comparison to Neal or Jefferson. Both of which have nothing to do with the topic at hand and clearly show the weakness in your argument. As both of those players show that the role Marco plays can be filled by lesser quality players without a significant drop off.
Weakness? Im pointing why Marco is making some big impact here, took place since Neal left and rocks, you are crazy Marco is planets away from Neal, if we send Marco to the Bucks and Gary back to SA you will see the drop off.
Boris is great but lately he has been chickenshitting to make some baskets, yeah DEFENSE MATTERS but... IS NOT EVERYTHING! keep saying 2.0 is bigger I already chose Marco.

01-16-2014, 03:28 PM
Apples and oranges but I'd give the edge to Diaw by a hair. Right now in a clutch situation I trust a good Diaw pass to the right player than the possibility of a Beli hitting a game winning bucket or trey. But then again Beli might make it......

That they're upgrades over Neal and Blair is without question, though.

Belinelli upgrade over Neal (even though i was on board on not resigning him) makes absolutely 0 sense. At what exactly is he an upgrade?

01-16-2014, 03:40 PM
Belinelli upgrade over Neal (even though i was on board on not resigning him) makes absolutely 0 sense. on what exactly is he an upgrade?

Better passer/ball handler and (hopefully) more likely to play defense. He's less of a combo guard which is a good thing.

01-16-2014, 04:21 PM
Better passer/ball handler and (hopefully) more likely to play defense. He's less of a combo guard which is a good thing.

i've seen this comment in here quite many times and i really don't understand it.. I think everyone agrees that the passing have been a lot better in the past two years, i don't say it was thanks to neal but the passing was absolutely top notch i would actually argue that the 2011 bench and passing were the best in league history. The offense was absolute poetry imho. Given that, i don't see how can anyone say Belinelli has improved our passing, at best it's a lateral move, and i'm not even counting the fact that Neal was put in a situation he was not confortable with (he obviously wasn't a pg), also i consider the idea of having belinelli run the offense as extremely retarded, just watch him when he's pressured he's a tournover machine, like against Memphis for instance.. On defense, i think it's pretty established he's a downgrade to anyone Neal included, dude doesn't have a clue.

01-16-2014, 04:52 PM
Belinelli upgrade over Neal (even though i was on board on not resigning him) makes absolutely 0 sense. At what exactly is he an upgrade?

He a better passer, and a better rebounder. I'm not going to say that either is good on defense but the taller Belinelli matches up better. Neal when hot was awesome, and some days he even had a drive and floater going. That said belinelli isn't as hot and cold, he also doesn't have the lingering plantar facititis issue.

01-16-2014, 05:20 PM
i've seen this comment in here quite many times and i really don't understand it.. I think everyone agrees that the passing have been a lot better in the past two years, i don't say it was thanks to neal but the passing was absolutely top notch i would actually argue that the 2011 bench and passing were the best in league history. The offense was absolute poetry imho. Given that, i don't see how can anyone say Belinelli has improved our passing, at best it's a lateral move, and i'm not even counting the fact that Neal was put in a situation he was not confortable with (he obviously wasn't a pg), also i consider the idea of having belinelli run the offense as extremely retarded, just watch him when he's pressured he's a tournover machine, like against Memphis for instance.. On defense, i think it's pretty established he's a downgrade to anyone Neal included, dude doesn't have a clue.

Neal was looking to shoot first. Belinelli is more of a playmaker. He'll pass if he needs to. Their streakyness is where they're a lateral move. Last year Neal was already playing on a high assist team whereas Belinelli wasn't. The more he works himself into this system you could predict it will work better for him. Add that he can get to the rim. It's an added bonus. And he won't be placed in a position to run the offense as Neal had whatever the reason. So basically, he's an upgrade tbh

01-16-2014, 06:51 PM
Weakness? Im pointing why Marco is making some big impact here, took place since Neal left and rocks, you are crazy Marco is planets away from Neal, if we send Marco to the Bucks and Gary back to SA you will see the drop off.
Boris is great but lately he has been chickenshitting to make some baskets, yeah DEFENSE MATTERS but... IS NOT EVERYTHING! keep saying 2.0 is bigger I already chose Marco.The biggest problem you have is your inability to read something for face value without adding your own interpretation to it. I never said Marco wasn't "planets" ahead of Neal. He's clearly a significant upgrade over Neal however what I was pointing to is that the role he plays can be plugged much easier with lesser talent...even less production, and have less of an impact than losing Diaw.

This is the equivalent of looking at two women both attractive and picking one over the other because one looks slightly better from a distance...while ignoring all other relevant tangibles.

01-16-2014, 10:12 PM
The biggest problem you have is your inability to read something for face value without adding your own interpretation to it. I never said Marco wasn't "planets" ahead of Neal. He's clearly a significant upgrade over Neal however what I was pointing to is that the role he plays can be plugged much easier with lesser talent...even less production, and have less of an impact than losing Diaw.

This is the equivalent of looking at two women both attractive and picking one over the other because one looks slightly better from a distance...while ignoring all other relevant tangibles.
I dont have problems, thread says PICK BORIS OR MARCO, I picked Marco, I already explained to you why but you keep spinning the wheel, Marco played like 40 games, Boris like 120 also averaging much more minutes, I remember 3 seasons ago before Boris this team won over 60 games, 2011 they won 61 games, 2012 lockout season they went 50-16 with Boris playing last 10 games or so, what I mean is, Boris was not there so what was the impact?

01-16-2014, 10:20 PM

Joseph Kony
01-17-2014, 12:37 AM
Diaw is the best FA signing the Spurs have made since Brent Barry tbh

Joseph Kony
01-17-2014, 12:40 AM
I dont have problems, thread says PICK BORIS OR MARCO, I picked Marco, I already explained to you why but you keep spinning the wheel, Marco played like 40 games, Boris like 120 also averaging much more minutes, I remember 3 seasons ago before Boris this team won over 60 games, 2011 they won 61 games, 2012 lockout season they went 50-16 with Boris playing last 10 games or so, what I mean is, Boris was not there so what was the impact?

The Spurs won 20 straight games after benching Blair for Diaw in 2012

01-17-2014, 02:43 AM
Well, Tim Duncan says Boris is the MVP of this team, so...... :lol

01-17-2014, 05:25 AM

Marco is great scorer, an explosive offensive force, but his D could cost games (like vs NYK or Memphis last games). Diaw, on the other hand, has the ability to do multiple things on the court, pass, score, rebound, block, defend, get steals, shot, he's more versatile than Marco.

01-17-2014, 10:09 AM
The Spurs won 20 straight games after benching Blair for Diaw in 2012
Lol, what about 2011 then Einstein? you didnīt read the whole argument right? I hope Boris keeps healthy, because if one of his legs explode or something like that, this team wonīt have a future or a past... no rings before diaw or good seasons whatsoever.

01-17-2014, 10:56 AM
I like Belli but Boris is my night tbh.

Joseph Kony
01-17-2014, 12:19 PM
Lol, what about 2011 then Einstein? you didnīt read the whole argument right? I hope Boris keeps healthy, because if one of his legs explode or something like that, this team wonīt have a future or a past... no rings before diaw or good seasons whatsoever.

2011 Spurs were garbage and stumbled hard into the playoffs. lol gnsf, do you even watch basketball? Because you don't seem to know much about it at all

01-17-2014, 01:12 PM
2011 Spurs were garbage and stumbled hard into the playoffs. lol gnsf, do you even watch basketball? Because you don't seem to know much about it at all
Garbage? They won 61 games, so if Boris wasnt there it sucks right? of course Gordis did a lot to win against Cocklahoma after you claim he is the reason why Spurs went 50-16 and I donīt watch BB, go eat a turd.

01-17-2014, 03:11 PM
I dont have problems, thread says PICK BORIS OR MARCO, I picked Marco, I already explained to you why but you keep spinning the wheel, Marco played like 40 games, Boris like 120 also averaging much more minutes, I remember 3 seasons ago before Boris this team won over 60 games, 2011 they won 61 games, 2012 lockout season they went 50-16 with Boris playing last 10 games or so, what I mean is, Boris was not there so what was the impact?Spinning my wheels was giving you the benefit of the doubt. But your opinion sucks and your rationale is even worse.

01-17-2014, 03:14 PM
Spinning my wheels was giving you the benefit of the doubt. But your opinion sucks and your rationale is even worse.
You are just a pathetic troll, move on, get a life or go to mute threads.

01-17-2014, 03:28 PM
You are just a pathetic troll, move on, get a life or go to mute threads.I've been a member of this forum long before you. Not only can you not deal with the same attitude tossed back in your direction but you can't even formulate a reasonable debate without crying troll.

You should have thought twice about mouthing off to me if you couldn't deal with the same in return.

You're a typical chickenshit coward running his cockhole over the internet because you don't have the courage to look someone in the eye and do it. If you're going to feed your inferiority complex by hurling profanities and insults at people over a forum you better fucking have the stones to deal with it coming back in your direction.

01-17-2014, 03:51 PM
I've been a member of this forum long before you. Not only can you not deal with the same attitude tossed back in your direction but you can't even formulate a reasonable debate without crying troll.

You should have thought twice about mouthing off to me if you couldn't deal with the same in return.

You're a typical chickenshit coward running his cockhole over the internet because you don't have the courage to look someone in the eye and do it. If you're going to feed your inferiority complex by hurling profanities and insults at people over a forum you better fucking have the stones to deal with it coming back in your direction.

01-17-2014, 03:55 PM
rofl is that a pm?

01-17-2014, 04:01 PM
rofl is that a pm?

01-17-2014, 04:05 PM
YepYou clearly weren't capable of fighting your own battle. Another trait typical of a coward.

Joseph Kony
01-17-2014, 05:02 PM
Garbage? They won 61 games, so if Boris wasnt there it sucks right? of course Gordis did a lot to win against Cocklahoma after you claim he is the reason why Spurs went 50-16 and I donīt watch BB, go eat a turd.

Obviously you don't because you equate one of the worst Spurs teams of the last decade's inflated regular season record with how good they actually were when they got abused in the first round. IIRC the Spurs were 50-9 at one point, meaning they were ~.500 for the last 20+ games. Going by your retarded logic, Spurs ending up with a record in the 56-60+ ballpark would mean Belinelli made no difference because the Spurs have been at that win total for quite awhile.

It's apparent that you don't understand basketball at all if you can't grasp the impact an extremely versatile 6'9" player with the vision of a guard, good handles, solid post game, great footwork, and solid defense brings to the table versus a 6'5" shooting guard with a good 3 point shot and some passing ability. I am thoroughly on the Belinelli bandwagon, but if you believe as individual players that Boris Diaw has less of an impact on the floor than Marco, you are a dumbass. Then again I already knew that when you attempted to make the lame ass argument that regular season wins = great team.

01-17-2014, 06:19 PM
Obviously you don't because you equate one of the worst Spurs teams of the last decade's inflated regular season record with how good they actually were when they got abused in the first round. IIRC the Spurs were 50-9 at one point, meaning they were ~.500 for the last 20+ games. Going by your retarded logic, Spurs ending up with a record in the 56-60+ ballpark would mean Belinelli made no difference because the Spurs have been at that win total for quite awhile.

It's apparent that you don't understand basketball at all if you can't grasp the impact an extremely versatile 6'9" player with the vision of a guard, good handles, solid post game, great footwork, and solid defense brings to the table versus a 6'5" shooting guard with a good 3 point shot and some passing ability. I am thoroughly on the Belinelli bandwagon, but if you believe as individual players that Boris Diaw has less of an impact on the floor than Marco, you are a dumbass. Then again I already knew that when you attempted to make the lame ass argument that regular season wins = great team.
Says a Supersonics Fan, by my logic those 2 are good but I pick Marco, Bordis is 6ī8", well if you say that every team since 2007 sucked dumbass guitar.

Joseph Kony
01-17-2014, 06:42 PM
Down syndrome retard confirmed

01-17-2014, 07:04 PM
Just go suck Bordis cock, he may give you a ring made of cum.

01-17-2014, 07:32 PM
Just go suck Bordis cock, he may give you a ring made of cum.Can't get along with anyone can you. A sure sign of someone desperate and acting out to fill his needy ego.

01-17-2014, 07:36 PM
Can't get along with anyone can you. A sure sign of someone desperate and acting out to fill his needy ego.

01-17-2014, 08:17 PM
Diaw. If an opposing team wanted to contain Marco offensively they could. Not to the extent they could contain Danny Green for example because he's not just a one trick pony, but they could make it very tough on him. And if his shot isn't going down I'm not sure he's doing enough to compensate. Diaw has so many weapons, making it hard for opposing teams to have a gameplan for him. Not to mention Diaw has proved that he's a very capable post-defender.

01-17-2014, 08:28 PM
You shit the bed and now you're melting. You can't even formulate a thought...all out of intellectual firepower no doubt. As long as you keep responding to me I know I'm getting to you.

This place will never be the same for you.

01-17-2014, 08:36 PM
You shit the bed and now you're melting. You can't even formulate a thought...all out of intellectual firepower no doubt. As long as you keep responding to me I know I'm getting to you.

This place will never be the same for you.

01-17-2014, 08:40 PM
For someone so secure in mouthing off you've been nothing but a disappointment. The fact that you're this incapable of formulating a response is pathetic.

If you're this frustrated now I can't imagine how its going to be for you a week or month from now.

01-17-2014, 08:43 PM
For someone so secure in mouthing off you've been nothing but a disappointment. The fact that you're this incapable of formulating a response is pathetic.

If you're this frustrated now I can't imagine how its going to be for you a week or month from now.

01-17-2014, 08:46 PM
https://sp.yimg.com/ib/th?id=H.4917588435141676&pid=15.1Is that where you want to go. You now have a problem with gay people? Are you a bigot as well as a moron? Which wouldn't surprise me. I had you pegged as a person of intolerance all along. Keep digging bigot, maybe next we can see if you're a racist too.

01-17-2014, 10:52 PM
Is that where you want to go. You now have a problem with gay people? Are you a bigot as well as a moron? Which wouldn't surprise me. I had you pegged as a person of intolerance all along. Keep digging bigot, maybe next we can see if you're a racist too.
I know you are gay, and I dont like you or your pink heart people, keep bugging me that keeps showing how pathetic you are loser.

01-18-2014, 08:24 AM
I know you are gay, and I dont like you or your pink heart people, keep bugging me that keeps showing how pathetic you are loser.So yeah confirmation that you're a gay bashing intolerant asshole. Anyone who knows me here knows I have a wife and kids but your narrowed minded backwoods bigoted brain of yours can't get past hating anything you can't comprehend. You're a clueless fuck.

I will keep bugging you because if there's one thing I hate more than assholes like you its intolerant homophobes who think being different is a reason to treat people like shit.

The hole you dug just got a lot deeper.

01-18-2014, 10:01 AM
Lol, lots of gay men have wife and kids as a screen, nothing new there.

01-18-2014, 11:53 AM
Lol, lots of gay men have wife and kids as a screen, nothing new there.Again the problem is that you look to use homosexuality as a means to insult someone. Its part of what makes you a true coward and the piece of shit that you are. What's also "nothing new" is the reality that many of the intolerant slurs bigots like you spew is rooted in your own inability to rationalize internal homosexual tendencies.

Perhaps if you stopped fantasizing about sucking cock you might not be so angry with gay people.

01-18-2014, 11:54 AM
Defense wins. Diaw.

01-18-2014, 11:55 AM
I know you are gay, and I dont like you or your pink heart people, keep bugging me that keeps showing how pathetic you are loser.
