View Full Version : Shocking Traditions from around the World

01-24-2014, 12:33 PM
The Sambians: The semen-drinking tribe - Papua, New Guinea: (welcome home Cumdumpster) :lol
To become a man in this primitive tribe, boys are removed from the presence of all females at the age of seven. They are required to ingest the semen of their elders, which is thought to sustain growth and strength. When they are finally introduced back into the tribe, they continue to engage in nose-bleeding at the same time as their wives' menstrual cycles.

The Mardudjara: Intimate cutting rituals to achieve manhood - Australia :lmao:lmao
The first portion of this Mardudjara Aboriginal rite involves a barbaric circumcision followed by the circumcised male ingesting his own foreskin. After he heals up, the penis is then cut lengthwise on the underside, sometimes all the way to the scrotum. Blood is then dripped over a fire in order to purify it. From then on, the male will urinate from the underside of his penis instead of the urethra. :lmao

The Trobrianders : The tribe where kids start having sex at 6 – Papua, New Guinea
Kids start having sex at a very young age — 6-8 for the girls and 10-12 for the guys — with no social stigma. However, while everybody is having sex whenever they want, premarital meal-sharing is a big no-no. You're not supposed to go out for dinner together until after you get married. :lmao

Modern Iranian culture: Where you can have a temporary Marriage if you pay for it :toast

Muslim couples are only allowed to have sex in the missionary position. It's considered gross and degrading for a man to ask any other position from his wife. :lmao

However, in certain Muslim countries, like Iran, a young couple who would like to have sex before they're ready to marry can request a “temporary marriage.” They are allowed to pay for a short ceremony, with a written contract dictating the amount of time they will be “married.” Once this is done, they can have sex like bunnies without contradicting Islamic law. :toast


Looking for a nice Romanian girl to love, honor and receive fellatio from? Not gonna happen.

Decent and upright women in Romania do not perform oral sex. Even if they wanted to, their lovers probably wouldn’t let them Apparently, in Romania, oral sex is something that only prostitutes, and their respective Johns, participate in. It’s considered degrading for a woman to give head. Sucks to be those men, pun intended.


In Lebanon, men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, but the animals must be female. Having sexual relations with a male animal is punishable by death.


In Polynesia, adolescents of both sexes are instructed in sexual techniques by an older experienced person, and during this period, it is permissible to have numerous sexual liasons before settling down to married life. Special "pleasure houses" are built to provide young people with their own place to socialize and have intercourse.

The vocabulary of Polynesian societies have no words in their language for "obscene", "indecent", or "impure". Sex is never considered a source of shame, taboo or embarrassment.


In Bahrain, a male doctor may legally examine a woman's genitals, but is forbidden from looking directly at them during the examination. He may only see their reflection in a mirror.

The inhabitants of Tonga [South Pacific] allow premarital intercourse with permission of the girl's parents and the provision that conception won't occur. Should pregnancy result, the offending couple must walk around the village naked for several days and apply a magic potion to the fence surrounding the community to prevent disease from infecting the population

Seven times a year, on a holiday called Pon, INDONESIANS make a pilgrimage to a sacred mountain on Java for a ceremony of good fortune through sex. To receive blessings, they spend the night having sex with someone other than their spouse. Their wishes will be fulfilled only if they sleep with that person all seven times.

41 percent of FRENCH men and women have participated in an, orgy, and 27 percent of them have engaged in partner swapping. The French also give and receive the most fellatio.

Former circumcision rites of the Bala tribe of Zaire once required the excised foreskin of a young boy to be wrapped in a banana leaf and placed on a termite hill to be eaten. The boy's father kept vigil at the spot until all remains were eaten; failure to do otherwise was thought to cause the boy to later become impotent.

Trobriand Islands, South Pacific

The inhabitants of the Trobriand Islands [South Pacific] are reported to be the most sexually uninhibited and free among all known societies. Children are allowed to indulge in any type of sexual play, with intercourse occurring at an early age as 6-8 years old. All aspects of sex are considered natural, and adults and children alike are given free reign of their sexual desires.

Medellin, Colombia :lmao
For $15 a year, anybody in Medellin, COLOMBIA, can be a porn star. Members of the organization Club Stop spend their weekends "acting" in amateur porn movies, which are then sold locally. The quality of the movies is low, but demand is high.

01-24-2014, 08:15 PM

41 percent of FRENCH men and women have participated in an, orgy, and 27 percent of them have engaged in partner swapping. The French also give and receive the most fellatio.

this ain't nothing new really. Frenchies have beta genes written in them. most of their guys are cuckolds openly or not and what's most pathetic is that they actually enjoy living that way (e.g. Romain Dauriac) :lol

01-24-2014, 09:20 PM
so are guys from the virgin Islands

01-24-2014, 10:36 PM
But is any of it of any consequence?
Not really IMHO.
Yet it is interesting.

01-25-2014, 12:46 PM
Damn Cedric you have absolutely no life.