View Full Version : Personal List of disliked NBA Players

01-27-2014, 06:49 PM
Everytime I see any of these players play against the Spurs' I wish someone on the team would rough them up a bit... of course, since Bowen left, that's quite the longshot.

In no particular order, these 10 players have garnered my NBA-viewing 'disdain':

Derek Fisher
James Harden (built to be Spurs' killer)
Matt Barnes
Reggie Jackson (new addition to the list - due mostly to his taunting "hot potatah, hot potatah" snickering at the end of the last game...)
Ray Allen
Jason Terry (hasnt' played much recently but the dude is still a turd...)
Tony Allen
Chris Paul (when even the stoic Tim Duncan has to tell him to "calm the f^@# down" you know he's annoying as hell)
Dwyane Wade (entitlement much? - wants every call)
Carmelo Anthony (Mr. Cheapshot Defense)

What does your list look like?

01-27-2014, 06:55 PM
The entire OKC Thunder roster. As much as I want to hate the Heat I really can't, maybe Ray Allen but not really.

01-27-2014, 06:58 PM
It starts and ends with Derek Fisher for me.

Of course, if he were a Spur, I'd probably like him.

01-27-2014, 06:59 PM
Jason Terry and Chris Paul. End of story.

01-27-2014, 07:02 PM
How could I forget Chris Bosh... I disliked him even before he became the third wheel in Miami's "superfriends" trio.

Especially every time he yells at the top of his lungs with his black mouth piece on...

OK... so 11 players.

01-27-2014, 07:17 PM
How could I forget Chris Bosh... I disliked him even before he became the third wheel in Miami's "superfriends" trio.

Especially every time he yells at the top of his lungs with his black mouth piece on...

OK... so 11 players.

I'd love him as a Spur. We'd probably ring this year if he played with us too.

But my list goes
Reggie Jackson (same reason as you)
Fisher (dispite shooting lights out against us, it's mostly because of .4)
Harden, CPflop, and Dwhistle
Tony Allen

I can't think of many others atm. I like a lot of non spurs.

01-27-2014, 07:23 PM
JJ Barea

01-27-2014, 07:29 PM
And also the entire Portland and Golden State rosters.

01-27-2014, 07:32 PM
See my avatar

01-27-2014, 07:39 PM
Steve Nash. Biggest asshole in the entire league.

01-27-2014, 07:41 PM
Current, reired or both?

01-27-2014, 07:43 PM
The scrub Ryan Hollins should be on everybody's list.

01-27-2014, 07:44 PM
K. Perkins
D. Fisher
D. West

01-27-2014, 07:45 PM
The entire OKC Thunder roster. As much as I want to hate the Heat I really can't, maybe Ray Allen but not really.

I think a lot of the hate for the Heat around the country was extinguished after the first two finals appearances (Dallas put them in their place and then they won convincingly against OKC). So I agree that even though thinking about the Heat loss is painful, OKC and others in the west are much more annoying.

01-27-2014, 07:49 PM
Hate all those Mavs, Jason Terry, Josh Howard, but I can't hate Dirk

01-27-2014, 07:49 PM
The scrub Ryan Hollins should be on everybody's list.

Dude has abs of steel

01-27-2014, 07:50 PM
The scrub Ryan Hollins should be on everybody's list.
:lolForgot about that guy.

01-27-2014, 08:00 PM
Reggie Jackson
James Harden
Dwight Howard
Derek Fisher

James Harden is definitely my least favorite player in the league, and it's not because he torched the spurs or anything. Tbh back then I thought he was awesome, but he's just become so damn foul dependent and his game is in my mind the most boring for any star sg's I've ever seen.

I don't know how the general public hasn't discussed this more tbh he really only plays to get to the line it seems which is annoying because he has plenty of skill and talent and even flash

01-27-2014, 08:03 PM
It's so funny to me when everyone (upstairs or downstairs) comments on these threads and comments with like every star player in the league. Though I'm a spurs fan, I have a lot of fun watching Bron, Durant, Melo shine, whether it's efficient or not. Players can't be all perfectly efficient and do everything for their teams, it's why Durant and Lebron are so transcendent. And yet people here still hate on those 2 lol they're about as perfect as players as there have ever been in the game (meaning they are or will be top 20 all time, which is a big understatement but still).

I can understand hating on some stars but the game has a lot of fun player not on the Spurs tbh, it's fun to see stat padding and chucking with no spurs involvement tbh lol

01-27-2014, 08:04 PM
1.James Harden
2.James Harden
3.James Harden
4.Lebron James
5.Kevin Durant
6.Chris Paul
7.Derek Fisher
8.Mike Miller
9.Mo Williams
10.Russell Westbrook

I f*cking hate James Harden. I don't like his beard, I don't like his teeth, I don't like the way he walks, I don't like the way he dresses, I don't like the way he plays against us and I sure as hell don't like that the Spurs let him get away with it. It's just bullshit. He has no fear of the Spurs and doesn't respect our team. That's why he has no problem going off on us. Why a Spur hasn't gotten physical with him is beyond me. HARD FOULS is what I'm calling for. Put his ugly ass, werewolf looking self on the floor. Of course that will never happen because Robert Horry doesn't play anymore and the Spurs play like a bunch of pussies (Eh-hem Tiago and Tim) against him and others.

I hate that the guys are left explaining to the media that the opponents "just made shots". Screw that. STOP them from just making shots. At what point will they realize that the rest of the league thinks they are soft and don't get after it aggressively?


01-27-2014, 08:08 PM
08 Celtics
Ryan Hollins

01-27-2014, 08:19 PM

Allen... who can forget this?


Darius Bieber
01-27-2014, 08:29 PM
Shane Battier to be honest. Pussy ass just sits and takes charges and shoots from three.

01-27-2014, 08:39 PM
Just all of the Heat in general really because their big three gets the Jordan treatment and that feeling of entitlment trickles down to the entire team

Prime Time
01-27-2014, 09:39 PM
I don't really "hate" any "SpurKillers" (Well, other than Derek Fisher.) I actually like Jet. His confidence and style are pretty slick, especially in the clutch.

James Harden, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Andersen, Carlos Boozer (Feels bad hating on an ex-Spur tbh), those are the kind of guys I dislike. Nothing personally, just not a fan of their game/off-court shenanigans.

01-27-2014, 09:41 PM
Took this long to mention Bryant? He had to have held this title for many Spurs fans in the 2000-2009 decade.

01-27-2014, 09:48 PM
I don't dislike any players personally, because I've never spent any real time with any. I am not fond of Dwight Howard or Russell Westbrook. Not a big fan of Kobe. Never liked KG or any of that gay ass Ubuntu "emotional" Celtic bullshit those three did.

But hate.... maybe Jeff Ayres.

01-27-2014, 09:55 PM
It's hard to hate Westbrook, not because he doesn't possess any of the douchey qualities that others on my list possess [he does], but because he can be OKCs own worst enemy and derail their game. Self implosion kind of negates the premise of my opening paragraph - the Spurs' don't necessarily have to rough him up if he already does it to himself...

01-27-2014, 10:07 PM
I don't dislike any players personally, because I've never spent any real time with any. I am not fond of Dwight Howard or Russell Westbrook. Not a big fan of Kobe. Never liked KG or any of that gay ass Ubuntu "emotional" Celtic bullshit those three did.

But hate.... maybe Jeff Ayres.

01-27-2014, 10:09 PM

01-27-2014, 10:11 PM
You're such a fucking homer, picking players from your own team.


01-27-2014, 10:26 PM

01-27-2014, 10:39 PM
Rajon Rondo
Deron Williams
Kyrie Irving
Andrew Bynum
Kenneth Faried
Brandon Jennings
Steph Curry
Klay Thompson
Draymond Green
Mark Jackson
James Harden
Paul George
Roy Hibbert
Lance Stephenson
Matt Barnes
Ryan Hollins
Blake Griffin
Doc Rivers
Ray Allen
Tony Allen
Corey Brewer
Fat Felton
JR Smith
Iman Shumpert
Dominos Durant
Reggie Jackson
Jeremy Lamb
Gerald Green
Wes Matthews
Demar Derozan

01-27-2014, 11:00 PM
Randy Foye
Mo Williams
Derek Fisher
Reggie Jackson
JJ Barea
James Harden
Kevin Martin
Serge Ibaka
Ray Allen
Mario Chalmers
Mike Conley
Tony Allen
Gowan Dragic

01-27-2014, 11:04 PM
My list is OP list :tu

01-27-2014, 11:23 PM
1.) All of the Thunder - Most of them would easily make my top 5 so I'm just counting them as a whole. I can't think of one guy on their roster who I like (Thabo?)
2.) Kevin Love
3.) Kobe Bryant
4.) Jason Terry
5.) James Harden/Ray Allen

Honorable mention: Ryan Hollins, Matt Barnes, Carmelo Anthony, Shane Battier, Dwight Howard, Tony Allen, Chris Paul, Steve Nash, Phoenix Suns Amare

01-27-2014, 11:47 PM
Corey Brewer
All of Cleveland roster tbh

Sean Cagney
01-28-2014, 12:25 AM
Jason Terry and Chris Paul. End of story.

Terry is ALWAYS #1 on my list and I won't forget that punk and how annoying he was no matter how far away he is from Dallas. I have to add that fat faced FUCK Fisher too in place of Paul (Can't stand Paul and his whiney face all game either) mainly because using his daughter to get off a team and using that excuse again, he can't stay with a team if they are not a contender so he will fake his way out of the team.

01-28-2014, 12:48 AM
Rajon Rondo
Deron Williams
Kyrie Irving
Andrew Bynum
Kenneth Faried
Brandon Jennings
Steph Curry
Klay Thompson
Draymond Green
Mark Jackson
James Harden
Paul George
Roy Hibbert
Lance Stephenson
Matt Barnes
Ryan Hollins
Blake Griffin
Doc Rivers
Ray Allen
Tony Allen
Corey Brewer
Fat Felton
JR Smith
Iman Shumpert
Dominos Durant
Reggie Jackson
Jeremy Lamb
Gerald Green
Wes Matthews
Demar Derozan

Tell us how you really feel.

01-28-2014, 12:51 AM

01-28-2014, 12:51 AM
At the moment Durant is numero uno. Lakers and Dallas as a team used to be on top, but the OKC roster is all that is wrong with this world. When they played the Heat, I was temporarily with the San Antonio Heat...and that wasn't easy.

On a more important note who is the Bronco girl in lefty's sig? Good Gawd Almighty! :wow

01-28-2014, 02:58 AM
Wilt Chamberlain (for personnal reasons)
Kobe Bryant (selfish)
Dwight Howard (stupid)
Chris Paul (hypocrit)
Jason Terry (punk)
Kevin Garnett (punk too)

01-28-2014, 08:27 AM
Paul Pierce anyone?

Old School 44
01-28-2014, 10:34 AM
Harden and Paul. They are both supremely talented, but on offense they play for the foul too much and it annoys the hell out me.
It's really not even about flopping, which they both do poorly. If you've seen them enough, you know what I'm talking about.

01-28-2014, 10:59 AM
Blake Griffin and his 'hard' self also chewing on his fucking mouth guard.

Venti Quattro
01-28-2014, 11:41 AM
Anyone on the Clippers except Odom
Matt Barnes
Matt Barnes
Matt Barnes
Matt Barnes
Matt Barnes

01-28-2014, 12:33 PM
JR Smith
Reggie Jackson
Tony Allen
Ray Allen
Norris Cole

Darius Bieber
01-28-2014, 01:09 PM
Don't forget the Heat and Knicks PA announcers.

01-28-2014, 01:40 PM
Entire OKC Team (Bitches all of them!)
Entire Cheat Team (Sense of entitlement jackasses)
Jason Terry (Punk Bitch)
Mo Williams
Blake Griffin
Chris Paul
Tony Allen
Blazers Team except for Aldridge
Kevin Love (for talking Shit about Timmy!)
Kobe (All about him!)
Dallas Mavericks Team

Also Heat PA Announcers & BSPN!:bang

01-28-2014, 01:50 PM
Reggie Evans
Dwight Howard
Ryan Hollins
Andray Blatche
Paul Pierce
Kevin Garnett
Josh Smith
Derek Fisher

Clipper Nation
01-28-2014, 04:46 PM
Kirby (selfish, fake, most overrated player of all time, delusional fanbase)
Durbeta (completely dependent on NBA foodstamps)
Fisher (lies about his daughter every time he's not on a readymade contender)
Harden (completely dependent on NBA foodstamps)
Dwert (most bitchmade attitude in the league, extremely overrated)
D-Whistle (completely dependent on NBA foodstamps)
Kevin "Empty Stats" Love (whiner, stat-padder, dirty player, not better than Blake)
Rondo (one of the most egregious stat-padders in the league)
Kyrie (overrated heroballer)
Parker (insert 90% of TDMVPDPOY's posts here)
Marc Gasol (huge flopper on a team whose fanbase calls us "Flop City")
Tony Allen (same reason as Marc Gasol)
Cousins (fake tough, dirty player, one of the biggest floppers in the league but tries to call the Clippers out for flopping, hypocrite)
Ibaka (fake tough, dirty player)
Perkins (fake tough)
The Turd Three of B.J. Mullens, Ryan Hollins and Antawn Jamison (seriously, get the fuck off my team already)
DWill (fatass chucker, overrated, bad attitude)

Honorable Mention: Hibbert for the bullshit "verticality" calls he gets

01-28-2014, 05:41 PM
Yes, Bryant is irrelevant at the moment, but there has never been a more overrated and entitled player in this league. Bryant has been given more calls (and more quality "help") than any other player in league history. When Bryant doesn't have a big to carry him to a title, the league makes sure he gets one (Pau via trade, then Howard via trade). And for some ridiculous reason, he's given equal if not greater credit for the three titles from 2000-2002, when Shaquille averaged 35-16 over the course of those three Finals, earning all three Finals MVP trophies.

The reality is that several two guards could have won titles on those Shaquille-led Laker teams. All you had to do was suit up and make free throws when the whistle blew - which was quite often.

So Bryant is still numbers 1-10 on my hate list. I just thank heaven he's finally done.

01-28-2014, 06:13 PM
Dwight Howard
Shane Battier
Derek Fisher
Matt Barnes
Zach Randolph
Chris Bosh
Kendrick Perkins

01-28-2014, 06:36 PM
fuckin HATE:

1. lebron

3. cp3
4. ray allen
5. wade
6. fisher
7. tony allen
8. westbrook
9. dirk (after he rang, it was so epic, i've come around a bit on him now but 2006...)
10. bosh

01-28-2014, 07:12 PM
Kirby (selfish, fake, most overrated player of all time, delusional fanbase)
Durbeta (completely dependent on NBA foodstamps)
Fisher (lies about his daughter every time he's not on a readymade contender)
Harden (completely dependent on NBA foodstamps)
Dwert (most bitchmade attitude in the league, extremely overrated)
D-Whistle (completely dependent on NBA foodstamps)
Kevin "Empty Stats" Love (whiner, stat-padder, dirty player, not better than Blake)
Rondo (one of the most egregious stat-padders in the league)
Kyrie (overrated heroballer)
Parker (insert 90% of TDMVPDPOY's posts here)
Marc Gasol (huge flopper on a team whose fanbase calls us "Flop City")
Tony Allen (same reason as Marc Gasol)
Cousins (fake tough, dirty player, one of the biggest floppers in the league but tries to call the Clippers out for flopping, hypocrite)
Ibaka (fake tough, dirty player)
Perkins (fake tough)
The Turd Three of B.J. Mullens, Ryan Hollins and Antawn Jamison (seriously, get the fuck off my team already)
DWill (fatass chucker, overrated, bad attitude)

Honorable Mention: Hibbert for the bullshit "verticality" calls he gets

solid list, tbh

Kidd K
01-28-2014, 09:01 PM
Chris "Birdman" Anderson
Russell Westbrook
Carmelo Anthony
J.R. Smith
Kendrick Perkins
Kevin Garnett
Tony Allen
Dwayne Wade

And there's some white guy big that pisses me off too but I can't recall who it is exactly. I think it's Collison on the Thunder. The dipshit always trying to act hard and get into scuffles and shit.

01-28-2014, 11:07 PM
I've always hated Ray Allen.

CP3 has a lot of "bitch" in his game.

Don't know why people hate Harden.

01-28-2014, 11:09 PM
Melo. He scores 62 and media makes all unnecessary comparisons. Durant scores 30+ in a string of games and doesn't get as much hype.

01-28-2014, 11:13 PM
KG is a dick, tbh

Clipper Nation
01-28-2014, 11:31 PM
Don't know why people hate Harden.
He spends 99.9% of the game creating contact while driving and getting foodstamps from the refs, tbh....

01-28-2014, 11:35 PM
1) Robert Horry - nuff said
2) Kobe - nuff said
3) Ginobili - It always amazes me when Spurs fans whine about other players flopping. Thats like a Suns fan saying they hate Canadians.
4) Sasha Vujacic
5) Jared Bayless

I really dont understand the hate for players like Harden, CP3, Wade, Lebron etc.

01-28-2014, 11:36 PM
1) Robert Horry - nuff said
2) Kobe - nuff said
3) Ginobili - It always amazes me when Spurs fans whine about other players flopping. Thats like a Suns fan saying they hate Canadians.
4) Sasha Vujacic
5) Jared Bayless

I really dont understand the hate for players like Harden, CP3, Wade, Lebron etc.

???, tbh..

01-28-2014, 11:38 PM
He spends 99.9% of the game creating contact while driving and getting foodstamps from the refs, tbh....

Not many players are willing to do that these days.

01-28-2014, 11:41 PM
???, tbh..

Absolutely. Id love to have either of those guys on my team. They both play hard and are exciting to watch. I dont hate a guy simply because he wears someone else's jersey ("I hate anyone on OKC etc"). I dislike guys for their attitude (Kobe, Horry, Bayless etc) or for the way they play (Ginobili, Melo, etc)

01-28-2014, 11:42 PM
Not many players are willing to do that these days.

Well said. Rather watch him drive to the hoop at full speed than watch Melo jack up 10 bricks from 20 feet any day.

01-28-2014, 11:44 PM
Absolutely. Id love to have either of those guys on my team. They both play hard and are exciting to watch. I dont hate a guy simply because he wears someone else's jersey ("I hate anyone on OKC etc"). I dislike guys for their attitude (Kobe, Horry, Bayless etc) or for the way they play (Ginobili, Melo, etc)

I meant that it's interesting that you hate Ginobili for flopping(which is fair), but condone Harden and Paul's playing style(widely considered by most fans to be 2 of the biggest flippers in the league)..

Clipper Nation
01-29-2014, 01:19 AM
Kirby (selfish, fake, most overrated player of all time, delusional fanbase)
Durbeta (completely dependent on NBA foodstamps)
Fisher (lies about his daughter every time he's not on a readymade contender)
Harden (completely dependent on NBA foodstamps)
Dwert (most bitchmade attitude in the league, extremely overrated)
D-Whistle (completely dependent on NBA foodstamps)
Kevin "Empty Stats" Love (whiner, stat-padder, dirty player, not better than Blake)
Rondo (one of the most egregious stat-padders in the league)
Kyrie (overrated heroballer)
Parker (insert 90% of TDMVPDPOY's posts here)
Marc Gasol (huge flopper on a team whose fanbase calls us "Flop City")
Tony Allen (same reason as Marc Gasol)
Cousins (fake tough, dirty player, one of the biggest floppers in the league but tries to call the Clippers out for flopping, hypocrite)
Ibaka (fake tough, dirty player)
Perkins (fake tough)
The Turd Three of B.J. Mullens, Ryan Hollins and Antawn Jamison (seriously, get the fuck off my team already)
DWill (fatass chucker, overrated, bad attitude)

Honorable Mention: Hibbert for the bullshit "verticality" calls he gets

I can't believe I forgot Curry, David Lee, and Bogut on this list :lol

01-29-2014, 02:43 AM
Manu. Manu. Manu. James. Manu. Randolph. Allen. Fisher. Manu.

01-31-2014, 09:46 AM
DH, CP3, Blowme Bryant

01-31-2014, 10:03 AM
I dislike CP more than any player in the league. His flopping is more egregious and blatant and exaggerated than any other known flopper, and the league is full of em. i hate how the NBA portrays him as some exalted wonderful human being. I wish he would vanish.

01-31-2014, 10:06 AM

01-31-2014, 10:26 AM
I actually like D Wade, why the hate? Herpes?

01-31-2014, 03:09 PM
Anyone on the Clippers except Odom
Matt Barnes
Matt Barnes
Matt Barnes
Matt Barnes
Matt Barnes

Why do you hate Barnes so much? Is it because he used to be a Laker and is now with the Clippers?

01-31-2014, 03:26 PM
I meant that it's interesting that you hate Ginobili for flopping(which is fair), but condone Harden and Paul's playing style(widely considered by most fans to be 2 of the biggest flippers in the league)..

Wade is in their same league.

01-31-2014, 03:30 PM
Wade is in their same league.

"Somebodies" doesn't know how to spell. ^^^^^

james evans
01-31-2014, 05:11 PM
that cot damn derrick fisher. i hate that fuker with a passion. he's just a shitty human being. any man that uses his own child's sickness to get out of contracts(yes it's happened more than once) is a piece of shit

Venti Quattro
02-01-2014, 01:33 AM
Why do you hate Barnes so much? Is it because he used to be a Laker and is now with the Clippers?

Odom, Powell, Turiaf, Caron Butler and Jamison are some former Lakers turned Clippers but I don't hate them because of that fact. In fact I still root for Lamar Odom to do well. I fuckin hated Barnes before and I still hate him with a passion until now and he played for UCLA and I graduated from UCLA.

Sean Cagney
02-01-2014, 02:30 AM
Jared Dudley I might add too, that goofy looking bastard rubbed me wrong since the time I saw him on the Suns. He just looks annoying.

Clipper Nation
02-01-2014, 02:34 AM
Jared Dudley I might add too, that goofy looking bastard rubbed me wrong since the time I saw him on the Suns. He just looks annoying.

I fucking hate Scrubley too and he's on my team, dude just sucks ass but he's claimed to have "tendonitis" all year as an excuse....