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View Full Version : WSJ article about mutant athletes (mentioned Parker)

08-02-2005, 05:46 PM
My husband mentioned this article he read in the Wall Street Journal and he was going to see if it was still in the car and I was going to type up the relevant parts and share them with you, but he's thrown the paper away. So, this is a second-hand paraphrased memory :lol but he said it was about some guys who were studying top athletes and found that they usually have some unusual characteristic that makes them really good at their game. There's some tennis player, for example, with extremely flexible back muscles, which makes him really good at reaching way back and returning a volley. My husband's not into sports, so he couldn't remember names, except for Tony. The part about Tony said that the average athlete should be able to run from foul line to foul line (from a stand still) in 3.3 seconds or something like that. But Tony can do it in 2.8. They were so surprised, they actually made him run it again, thinking they hadn't timed it right.

Anyway, we don't have a subscription, so I can't post a link or find the article online, but if anyone here can access it, maybe you could post it. If not, I thought it was interesting and wanted to share the little tidbit. :)

08-02-2005, 06:04 PM
Maybe Tony should have been the Flash instead of Wade.

08-02-2005, 06:48 PM
That Tony sure is crazy fast, isn't he!


08-02-2005, 07:25 PM
I think boykins is much faster. Remember that game were he run all court in what? 2 secs?

08-02-2005, 07:37 PM
Tony went full length of the court, DRIBBLING, timed at 3.2 to beat Utah with a layup for the division in 2002 at the end of the season. I don't think Boykins is faster, but they may be equal.