View Full Version : Goddess officially quits Oxfam

01-30-2014, 07:38 PM

US actress Scarlett Johansson has quit as global ambassador for Oxfam after the aid group deemed the role "incompatible" with her promotion of an Israeli firm that has a factory in the occupied West Bank.Johansson, 29, appears in an advertisement for home drinks carbonation firm SodaStream, which is due to air during the US Super Bowl on Sunday.
It has already been seen more than 4.5 million times on the YouTube video-sharing website.


Scarlett Johansson is stepping down from her position as ambassador for Oxfam after being criticised over her endorsement deal with Israeli company SodaStream. Photo: Getty Images
The Hollywood star has worked for Oxfam since 2005 but the British-based aid agency said she had stepped down due to her role with SodaStream.
"Oxfam has accepted Scarlett Johansson's decision to step down after eight years as a global ambassador and we are grateful for her many contributions," the charity said in a statement.
"While Oxfam respects the independence of our ambassadors, Ms Johansson's role promoting the company SodaStream is incompatible with her role as an Oxfam global ambassador.
"Oxfam believes that businesses such as SodaStream, that operate in settlements, further the ongoing poverty and denial of rights of the Palestinian communities that we work to support.
"Oxfam is opposed to all trade from Israeli settlements, which are illegal under international law.

:lol typical venal greedy Jew taking money over humanity
:lol Oxfam

01-31-2014, 01:29 AM
OK Rogue time to get a nutter......


01-31-2014, 01:48 AM
fuck that fat bitch

I hope Marvel guys kill Rofatoff

01-31-2014, 03:51 AM
She looks good on that picture sans that old faggot in the back.

01-31-2014, 04:00 AM
She's been having a run of bad luck lately. She hates living France, got snubbed by the Golden Globes and Oscars, and now this. Someone needs to run up to her and give her a hug and a gentle slap on the booty.

01-31-2014, 09:34 AM
and her supersexy SodaStream ad being banned from Superbowl by FOX :cry. I'd like to run up to her and do everything I can to make her feel better, but she probably doesn't even know I exist tbh :depressed

01-31-2014, 09:47 AM
and her supersexy SodaStream ad being banned from Superbowl by FOX :cry. I'd like to run up to her and do everything I can to make her feel better, but she probably doesn't even know I exist tbh :depressed

Trust me, she CERTAINLY doesn't know you exist.

01-31-2014, 09:49 AM
Wtf she's not a "goddess" she's another blonde with a nice rack

01-31-2014, 09:52 AM
I wanna kill myself because I've never fucked any bitch nearly as fine as Scarlett... fuck my life :cry

seriously, I once had a talk with a classmate of mine concerning the bitches in our class. He asked me to pick the finest bitch and rate her with Goddess being the standard, say if Goddess was 10/10 (of course she is), he asked me what score I'd give to the finest bitch of our class. And I was like, "Well, I'll give um... maybe 6 um... 7 at most."

"You're so generous..." that dude said, half surprised half being satirical

"No, not really. I mean I'll give 7 umm... to them all bitches combined."

01-31-2014, 10:05 AM
Trust me, she CERTAINLY doesn't know you exist.
I call her goddess for a reason... she was first born in the upper world to Daphne and Apollo. She grew up there and fell in love with a brother of hers. Zeus wouldn't allow it, however, as a punishment he transformed her back into a baby and sent her down to the earth where she got reborn to a NY couple - Mr. and Mrs. Johansson on November 22, 1984. So she's essentially a Goddess, imho.

01-31-2014, 10:11 AM
I call her goddess for a reason... she was first born in the upper world to Daphne and Apollo. She grew up there and fell in love with a brother of hers. Zeus wouldn't allow it, however, as a punishment he transformed her back into a baby and sent her down to the earth where she got reborn to a NY couple - Mr. and Mrs. Johansson on November 22, 1984. So she's essentially a Goddess, imho.

Just because you live in a fantasy world doesn't mean the rest of us are. And how do you explain her old and ugly face in the OP?

01-31-2014, 10:19 AM
Just because you live in a fantasy world doesn't mean the rest of us are. And how do you explain her old and ugly face in the OP?

the one in this pic looks much worse imho, but still it only looks bad by her own standard. Even the shittiest Goddess photograph still looks 100x prettier than any of J-Law's tbh.

01-31-2014, 10:30 AM
fuck that fat bitch

I hope Marvel guys kill Rofatoff
tbh even a lifelong celibate wouldn't be able to help himself but "fuck that fat bitch" if such a chance is given. Our goddess doesn't need to be skinny to be sexy, and do you really think she'd look better with a thinner waist? I don't think so, nor do most other Goddess fans. Goddess is perfect the way she is imho (except for the shitty tattoos though). Her full titties and booty are so sensual and so sexy that everyone with a dick between the legs would have a hard time keeping his hands from approaching & touching them, tbh.

Here's a photoshopped poster of Captain America 2, and supposedly the artwork was heavily criticized by Goddess fans


02-01-2014, 07:34 PM
When Scarlett Johansson chose her lucrative SodaStream contract over her charity work with Oxfam, it appeared to be an unusual choice.

The 29-year-old issued a strong public statement backing the controversial company which operates in the West Bank, despite Oxfam’s claim that the firm profits from illegal trade that harms Palestinians.

But The Mail on Sunday has learned the clues to her outspoken position may lie in her family’s struggle with money.

The blonde star of The Girl With The Pearl Earring and The Island admits she hankers after wealth and squanders money.

And while she commands huge fees for her film appearances, including a reputed £13 million for Avengers 2, she has also amassed a stable of sponsors, with top-brand firms paying her £3 million a year for acting as an ambassador for their goods.

‘It’s nice to have money. I didn’t grow up with it so it’s nice to have it,’ she told The Mail on Sunday.

‘I’m not at all frugal and I don’t save – to my business manager’s dismay. I like to be generous. I can’t stand people who are tight with their money, it drives me crazy.

‘It’s different if you’re scrimping and saving because you need to, to save up for something. But I cannot stand cheapness.’


What happened to Scarlett's waist? Johansson's figure appears to have been digitally slimmed in new Captain America poster (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2549125/Scarlett-Johanssons-waist-appears-shrunk-new-Captain-America-The-Winter-Soldier-poster.html)
Scarlett Johansson puts SodaStream ban controversy behind her to smoulder in sexy new Super Bowl commercial (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2546988/Scarlett-Johansson-puts-SodaStream-ban-controversy-smoulder-sexy-new-SuperBowl-commercial.html)
'They'll have to catch me and pull me back kicking and screaming': Knox's fury after being found GUILTY AGAIN and sentenced to 28 years in jail for murder of Meredith Kercher with ex-lover Sollecito (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2548823/Amanda-Knox-retrial-verdict-GUILTY.html)

Johansson, ranked 12th on the Forbes List of the top-earning superstars, grew up in a sprawling subsidised housing complex in a part of Manhattan once nicknamed the Wild West.

Her Danish father Karsten, a struggling architect, and her mother Melanie, an Ashkenazi Jew, struggled to pay rent as they raised Scarlett, her twin brother Hunter and siblings Vanessa and Adrian.

Controversial: Johansson, 29, released a strongly-worded statement backing SodaStream
Of her childhood, she said: ‘My father barely made enough to get by. We moved house every year and finally we settled in a housing development for lower-middle-income families.
'We went to state school and depended on programmes for school lunches and transport.’
Today the family’s once run-down three-bed apartment in Greenwich Village, bought by Scarlett’s siblings at a discount under a tenants’ right- to-buy scheme, is worth millions thanks to gentrification and the booming property market.

One neighbour said: ‘Back then, this was a rough area. We called it the Wild West and there wasn’t much money around. It’s all changed now.’

Frugal times: Johansson, circled with her siblings, got by on 'barely enough' as a child
SodaStream is said to be paying £243,000 for Johansson’s advertisement, which will be shown live during the Super Bowl today.

Her decision to remain linked to the firm, whose factory is in Mishor Adumim, an industrial zone in the Jerusalem hills, has infuriated Oxfam.

The charity insists it is incompatible for Johansson to represent both it and SodaStream.
It said: ‘Oxfam believes that businesses such as SodaStream that operate in settlements further the ongoing poverty and denial of rights of the Palestinian communities that we work to support. We are opposed to all trade from Israeli settlements, which are illegal under international law.’

Johansson insists SodaStream provides employment for hundreds of West Bank Palestinians along with Israeli Jews. She said: ‘It supports neighbours working alongside each other, receiving equal pay, equal benefits and equal rights.’

02-01-2014, 07:37 PM

greedy venal yid taking money over charity per par :lmao

02-01-2014, 07:42 PM
She's half Jewish so it's really no surprise she takes money over charity and anything, I think. I'm still a goddess fan and will always be but I still have to agree that she might have made a bad choice. Something 300k dollars don't mean that much to today's Scarlett Johansson imho, and I don't think Sodastream would have much interest in suing her if she gave all the money back to them.

02-09-2014, 10:02 PM
Goddess clear in her reasons for ending role as Oxfam ambassador

Poor Scarlett Johansson (http://searchtopics.independent.ie/topic/Scarlett_Johansson). Once the liberals' favourite luvvie, she now stands accused of being a money-grabbing, apartheid-supporting, anti-democratic hypocrite. From icon to demon in a matter of weeks. Dear me. What on earth did the sweet-faced, pillow-lipped actress do? Agree to get paid millions to star in a film eulogising North Korea? Tweet her support for Bashar al-Assad (http://searchtopics.independent.ie/topic/Bashar_al-Assad)? Invade Iraq (http://searchtopics.independent.ie/topic/Iraq)?Nope, it was worse than that. What Scarlett did was to agree to become the brand ambassador for a SodaStream company. Meanwhile,Johansson (http://searchtopics.independent.ie/topic/Scarlett_Johansson) has also worked as a global ambassador for Oxfam (http://searchtopics.independent.ie/topic/Oxfam) for the past eight years, visiting places like post-tsunami Sri Lanka (http://searchtopics.independent.ie/topic/Sri_Lanka), drought-hitKenya (http://searchtopics.independent.ie/topic/Kenya) and India (http://searchtopics.independent.ie/topic/India) – where she personally provided three years' funding for an Oxfam school. By all accounts, including Oxfam's, she was a very successful and dedicated ambassador.
So what's the problem? Well, SodaStream International is an Israeli company. Perhaps that's why Scarlett accepted the post as its brand ambassador, being half Jewish herself. But the SodaStream factory is built in what is called Zone C – right in the middle of the disputed area of the West Bank (http://searchtopics.independent.ie/topic/West_Bank). Though the area is technically under Israeli control, it is still subject to disputes between Israelis and Palestinians. However, former Special Envoy for Middle East (http://searchtopics.independent.ie/topic/Middle_East) Peace, George Mitchell, praised the Soda-Stream factory just last November, calling it a "beacon of co-operation" between Israelis and Palestinians. The Palestinian workers say they take home "three to four times the common wages in the territories as well as pensions and medical insurance".

Nevertheless, Oxfam wasn't too happy when it heard about Scarlett's new job. Its bosses hummed and hawed for a while and then, under pressure from the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement, voiced their disquiet at their ambassador becoming involved with such a company. No doubt they expected that Scarlett would quickly cave in, apologise, and promise never, ever to do anything so ridiculous again.
But she didn't. Scarlett decided to give up her role as ambassador for Oxfam and go with SodaStream. The reason? A statement released said: "She [Johansson] and Oxfam have a fundamental difference of opinion in regards to the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement."
But Scarlett is a good girl, a charity worker, a defender of human rights. Why would she have a "fundamental difference of opinion in regards to the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement"? Why would she risk her career and good name for a bit of extra cash from a foreign fizzy-drinks company?
Perhaps it has something to do with the aims of the BDS movement. They're the people who boycott and protest against shops that stock Israeli produce, theatres and cinemas that show Israeli productions, and academics who come from Israel (http://searchtopics.independent.ie/topic/Israel). They denounce any artist who visits Israel. Strangely, these people never advocate a boycott of other Middle Eastern countries that horrifically oppress their own citizens, nor did they suggest a boycott of American and British goods during those countries' occupations of Iraq (http://searchtopics.independent.ie/topic/Iraq)and Afghanistan (http://searchtopics.independent.ie/topic/Afghanistan). No, it's always just 'evil Israel' that gets singled out.
Last year, intellectual Norman Finkelstein, long a critic of the Israeli government and supporter of Palestinian rights, explained the "three tier" aims of the BDS movement.
One: that Israel end its occupation of Arab lands conquered from Jordan and Egypt in 1967. (The West Bank was annexed by Jordan and the Gaza Strip occupied by Egypt following the 1948 war – neither was remotely interested in the establishment of a Palestinian State.)
Two: that Israel end all forms of discrimination and guarantee equality for Palestinian citizens of Israel.
Three: that Israel respect the rights of Palestinian refugees, including the right of return.
All of the above sounds very desirable, doesn't it? Except what, exactly, does "right of return" entail? Well, essentially, it means that all Palestinian refugees and their descendants who left the area now known as the State of Israel, from 1948 and onwards, have the right to return to that land. That still sounds fair, doesn't it? Except, as Finkelstein put it, "they [BDS supporters] think they are very clever, because they know the result of implementing all three is what? You and I know what the result is: there's no Israel."
And there really is no disputing this. The Israelis have known for years that right of return, coupled with a democratic one person, one vote, would mean that Israel would immediately be voted out of existence. There would be no two-state solution. The only democracy in the Middle-East would vanish – and then what would happen to the Jewish population living there? I suspect we could have a good, if gruesome, guess.
This is why, although there are many Israelis who disagree with settlements – and are very vocal about this – there are some who believe that they are a powerful negotiating tool. Last week, Defence Minister Moshe Ya'alon said (at the Munich Security Conference) he was not willing to talk about giving up "one inch" unless the Palestinians agree that "at the end of the [current] process, the framework of the negotiations will include the recognition of our right to exist as a nation-state of the Jewish people, a finality of claims, giving up the right of return and addressing our security needs".
Israel is, understandably, terrified that the continual refusal of many of her neighbours (and remember Israel is about the size of Leinster) to recognise her right to exist will result in her eventual annihilation. Certainly, Hamas has repeatedly insisted that this is its ultimate intention. And the insistence of BDS supporters on the Arab "right to return" bolsters this aim.
Perhaps this is why Scarlett Johansson, half Jewish herself, anxious not to be seen to support the extermination of the Jewish State, decided to stick with SodaStream rather than Oxfam.
Since that decision, a multitude of reporters have descended on the Soda-Stream factory to talk to the Palestinian workers there. One young woman, proudly displaying her Palestinian flag bracelet, said: "We are human, we earn good money and the work is good."
"I talk a lot to friends abroad," said a young man. "They say, 'You are an Arab. How can you work there?'" He answered: "Nobody knows there are 1,000 people and their lives will be turned upside down by the boycott. You are killing them, so stop it."
Irish Independent