View Full Version : Translation: New Manu Article 2/5/14

02-05-2014, 03:02 AM
Argentina can have a good tournament

SAN ANTONIO.- Everything is calm here, at home. I’d love to be in the road trip, traveling with the team and playing, and this rehab is no fun, but I’m fine. This is an injury, like it happened so many times before, but I’m taking it easy. I’m following a program without any problems. And it’s starting to pay off. I think I’ll be back after the All Star Game (the 16th of this month).

Watching my teammates from afar, I’m taking extra care of myself to rejoin them during the trip. Meanwhile, I keep doing the boring stuff: treadmill, elliptical, swimming… And body exercises, not just for the hamstring, but also to strengthen the buttocks, the spine, etc. I started running in the pool, continued on the treadmill and then on the court, such fun, and today I started practicing more with the basketball. Slowly we’re making progress.

If I look at the positive, this is a bit of rest in a very demanding season. I’m hoping everything goes back to normal, and be part of the remainder of the regular season. I get very bored with this situation, but it’s only two or three weeks. I had some studies done to see what could cause the injury; a physical trainer and a kinesiologist stayed with me, and they won’t let me play until the rehab is complete. They don’t want to hurry anything, and make sure the muscle is fully healed.

I’m in a fairly good mood. Last season, I had three injuries, and after the third one I wanted to destroy everything the moment it happened. This is the first one that makes me lose any significant time. If it’s the only one, great, I’ll take it with some patience. I’m optimist.

The team is undergoing some complicated times. Having four important players injured is very difficult to overcome. It forces improvising starting lineups, hire some players to burn time, and make adjustments. Two out of the four, Danny and Tiago, are back, and are very important because of their defense, because they understand the system well and because they work really hard. Leonard isn’t there yet and it looks like he’ll be back around the same time as me, which means Green is our best perimeter defender. It just turned out that all of us that play that position were injured. I’m sure the last few games have a lot to do with that; we’re not overflowing with talent, we’re not winning games easily, and we have to work hard for it. We have to weather the storm. At this time I’m not worried what everyone else is doing, and if we’re first, second or fifth. Afterwards, during the playoffs, we’ll think about it a bit more. The important thing right now is get better and play well.

I think around here, in the US, they don’t even know the Worlds drawing happened this week. The stars will play because they made that commitment, that they didn’t use to have before. And whatever they take to Spain, they’ll have an amazing team. They have height, explosiveness, and talent-wise, they’re well above the rest, as Kevin Durant showed in Turkey 2010. All that said, during the games anything can happen, but they’re the clear favorites no matter who goes. They have more than enough.

Argentina? Out group is complicated. Groups A and B are the strongest, and whoever survives will eliminate each other in the second round. The teams from 1 to 8 in both groups are extremely even, and really, anything can happen. I don’t know much about Philippines and Senegal, I don’t know what kind of game they can play. But the road is difficult, because event though Argentina has a good group overall, it’s going to eventually have to play some from group A: Serbia, France, Brazil, and home team Spain. You can end up 1st or 4th by minimum margins, like points scored. Any result could complicate the second round matchup. But besides of all that, I think we can have a good tournament.

Disclaimer: I’m talking about Argentina, it’s not that I’m including myself. Like Julio [Lamas] said, I don’t need anybody to convince me. I know what it is to play the Worlds, I appreciate my teammates and I enjoy playing a tournament with them. I just need to see how I feel, both physically and mentally, before making a decision.

In the meantime, my wife’s belly is growing quite rapidly. It’s been six months already. My other two children are not interested in the matter at all. We might say something about their coming brother, they say two words and keep doing whatever they’re doing. They’re very close, they go everywhere together. If one is not around, the other asks where is he, why isn’t Dante or Nico around. Once in a while they have some argument, just like everybody, but it’s pretty amazing how they organize themselves to watch some movies, or share things… It’s truly spectacular the relationship they have. Everything is in great shape on that aspect.


Original article in Spanish:

Excuse any typos and enjoy.

02-05-2014, 03:22 AM
I just need to see how I feel, both physically and mentally, before making a decision.

Yes, see how you feel Manu. Don't make any rash decisions.


02-05-2014, 08:28 AM
Oh come on. Don't play for the national team, you gave them everything.

02-05-2014, 09:14 AM
If Manu decides to play, he may as well just retire because he won't help the Spurs much after that.

02-05-2014, 09:34 AM
He's playing for the national team again?

02-05-2014, 10:57 AM
Thanks for the post and translation! Sounds like Manu is keeping his head straight and is not too frustrated.

02-05-2014, 11:04 AM
Thanks, Nono. Does sound encouraging - at least the mental aspect. He seems to be taking this in stride and hopefully it doesn't kill his game. Saying you feel good is one thing, but will your mind allow your body to do what it wants to do with the injuries piling up in the back of your mind?

Overall, sounds like things are progressing and if the Spurs can get Manu/Kawhi back by 2/16 that would be fantastic.

02-05-2014, 11:21 AM
For the Spanish speaking posters, again, I have translated the English version back to Spanish:

SAN ANTONIO.- Todo tranquilo por acá, en casa. Me gustaría estar en la gira, viajando con el equipo y jugando, y no me divierte para nada andar en rehabilitación, pero estoy bien. Esto es una lesión, como pasa tantas veces, pero estoy tomándola con tranquilidad. Sigo un programa de trabajo gradual sin ningún inconveniente. Y va queriendo la cosa. Calculo que volveré después del All Star Game [16 de este mes].

Mirando a mis compañeros desde lejos, estoy cuidándome del todo para unirme a ellos en el viaje. Mientras, sigo haciendo la parte aburrida: cinta, elíptica, natación... Y ejercicios de postura, no sólo para el isquiotibial, sino también para fortalecer los glúteos, la columna y demás. Empecé corriendo en el agua, seguí en la cinta y después en la cancha, esas cosas tan divertidas, y hoy agarraré más la pelota. De a poco vamos avanzando.

Si miro lo bueno, rescato que esto es un descanso en una temporada muy exigente. Espero que vuelva todo a la normalidad y participar en el final de la etapa regular. Me aburre mucho esta situación, pero son apenas dos o tres semanas. Tuve unos estudios para ver por qué puede causarse la lesión; se quedaron conmigo un preparador físico y un kinesiólogo, y no van a dejarme jugar antes de que termine la rehabilitación. No querrán apurar nada, sino asegurarse de que esté bien curado el músculo.

De ánimo estoy bastante bien. El año pasado fueron tres las lesiones, y en la tercera quería romper todo al minuto. Ésta es la primera en la temporada. Si queda en una sola, bárbaro, la tomo con paciencia. Vamos a ser optimistas.

Para el equipo, por cierto, es un momento complicado. Tener lesionados cuatro jugadores importantes es muy difícil de superar. Implica improvisar alineaciones titulares, contratar un jugador para salir del paso y ajustar cuestiones. Dos de los cuatro, Danny y Tiago, ya volvieron, y son muy importantes por su defensa, porque entienden bien el sistema y porque hacen bien su trabajo. Al no estar Leonard, que volvería para la misma época que yo, Green es el mejor defensor en el perímetro, pero justo estábamos lesionados todos los de esa posición. Seguro que los últimos resultados tienen que ver con eso; no nos sobra talento, no ganamos de taquito los partidos y tenemos que laburar. De todas maneras no estamos jugando lo mejor que podemos. Hay que pasar el momento. Por ahora no me preocupa lo que hacen los demás ni si estamos primeros, segundos o quintos. Después, en los playoffs, lo pensaremos un poco más. Lo importante ahora es mejorar, estar bien.

Creo que acá, en Estados Unidos, ni saben que se hizo el sorteo del Mundial. Las estrellas lo juegan porque han creado ese compromiso que antes no tenían. Y lleven lo que lleven a España, harán un equipazo. Tienen talla, explosividad, y en talento están totalmente por arriba del resto. Lo demostró Kevin Durant en Turquía 2010. Después, en los partidos puede pasar cualquier cosa, pero ellos son favoritos llevando lo que lleven. Les sobra.

¿Argentina? Lo que tocó es muy complicado. Los grupos A y B son los más fuertes, y después se eliminan entre sí. Los equipos del 1 al 8 entre esas dos zonas son parejísimos, y realmente cualquier cosa puede pasar. A Filipinas y Senegal no los conozco, no sé qué pueden dar. Pero el camino es peligroso porque por más que Argentina tenga un buen grupo, va a cruzarse con los del otro lado: Serbia, Francia, Brasil, ni hablar de España. Se puede quedar primero como quedar cuarto, y por márgenes mínimos, como la diferencia de tantos. Cualquier resultado puede desfavorecer para el cruce de octavos. Pero más allá de eso, creo que podemos obtener una buena ubicación.

Aclaro: hablo de Argentina, no es que esté incluyéndome. Como dijo Julio [Lamas], no necesito nadie que me convenza. Sé lo que es jugar un Mundial, tengo aprecio por mis compañeros y me gusta compartir un torneo con ellos. Sólo estoy dependiendo de las condiciones, tanto físicas como mentales, para definir.

Por lo pronto, la panza de mi mujer está creciendo raudamente. Van seis meses ya. Eso sí: a los otros dos no les importa absolutamente nada el tema. Por ahí les decimos algo del hermanito, contestan dos palabras y siguen con lo suyo. Son muy compinches, andan constantemente juntos. Y si falta alguno, el otro pregunta dónde está, por qué no está Dante o por qué no está Nico. De vez en cuando tienen algún chisporroteo, como cualquiera, pero es asombroso cómo se ponen de acuerdo para mirar sus películas, compartir muchas cosas... Es espectacular la relación que tienen. Todo está impecable en ese sentido.ß.

02-05-2014, 11:33 AM
Thanks for the translation, Nono. I enjoyed the article.

02-05-2014, 12:36 PM
Thanks for the translation guys, keep it up! :tu

02-05-2014, 12:53 PM
Thanks Nono. Great article.

I don't blame him for considering playing for the national team. It clearly means a lot to him and he can see the days when his career is over and wants to make the most of every chance. As a selfish Spurs fan I hope he doesn't play, but I can't criticize him for wanting to represent his country and play with his countrymen. It's understandable and commendable. If he plays, I hope they do well.

02-05-2014, 01:33 PM
I hope he will not be that stupid again.

02-05-2014, 01:36 PM
Thanks Nono for the translation!

02-05-2014, 02:29 PM
Thanks for the translation Nono/DPG.

For the Klingon speakers on the board, I will be translating the article as well....stand by

02-05-2014, 02:47 PM
Buen hecho, Nono.

Biggest news is he expects to be back early. That leaves the second leg of the RRT for the team to gel. It also likely prevents the Spurs from feeling the need to make a trade. Mixed bag right there.

02-05-2014, 02:51 PM
National team again? WTF!?! No Manu, just No!!!

02-05-2014, 03:03 PM
Thanks man! Always one of my favorite things on this site. Manu sounds optimistic and focused. :toast

02-05-2014, 03:16 PM
For the Spanish speaking posters, again, I have translated the English version back to Spanish:


Thanks for the translation Nono/DPG.

For the Klingon speakers on the board, I will be translating the article as well....stand by


02-05-2014, 03:53 PM
uploading a vid of me translating this article into American Sign Language standby...

02-05-2014, 04:02 PM
blah, blah

recovering, changing my diet and exercising. Hopefully this year will be different

blah, blah

rinse and repeat :rolleyes