View Full Version : NBA: LOL: Spurs Fan Celebrating During Game 6 Of The NBA Finals

02-08-2014, 04:55 PM

02-08-2014, 04:56 PM
Title says game 5

02-08-2014, 04:56 PM
The video says Game 5...facepalm

02-08-2014, 04:56 PM
title is fake..besides the outcome is the same

02-08-2014, 04:57 PM
The video says Game 5...facepalm

facetroll :hat

Clipper Nation
02-08-2014, 04:58 PM
Another deflection from The Tape, another failed thread from Capri :lol

02-08-2014, 05:03 PM
Another deflection from The Tape, another failed thread from Capri :lol

You've nary room. Tim Duncan is gay as well.

Clipper Nation
02-08-2014, 05:04 PM
You've nary room. Tim Duncan is gay as well.

Then you shouldn't mind:::Kirby is gay.

02-08-2014, 05:13 PM
Another deflection from The Tape, another failed thread from Capri :lol
If the tape was real, why was it taken down? Help me understand son.

Clipper Nation
02-08-2014, 05:15 PM
If the tape was real, why was it taken down? Help me understand son.

If it wasn't real, why would it have to be taken down so quickly? :downspin:

02-08-2014, 05:18 PM
If it wasn't real, why would it have to be taken down so quickly? :downspin:

All I know is no one bought the tape....see Kool's rules to starting a rumor....

02-08-2014, 05:20 PM
Bro, just regroup and leave this thread be and hope it falls to the 2nd page before anyone else notices

02-08-2014, 05:37 PM
If it wasn't real, why would it have to be taken down so quickly? :downspin:

Oh lemme guess:

It's a lie.
Which means it's also slander.
Kobe would take that Spur Fan who made that tape to court and win.
Spur Fan would lose his farm faster than Tammy lost Amy to an illegal.

If it were true, why take it down? Obviously it's not, but Spur Fan needs it to be true b/c Amy outed Tammy. We know it's true b/c Tammy put a gag order on her to shut her pie hole about any further details, no forthcoming tell all book, no talk shows (I could see her on The View! tbh), no selling her story to the National Inquirer, etc. Tammy's hope is that everybody will forget and all of this blows over (no pun intended). Here's a hint: it won't.

I think it's cute that you trying to link a man who's had over 110 extramarital women (per Vanessa's PI) would be gay. :lol

02-08-2014, 05:37 PM
I encourage all true Laker fans to check out my latest thread...Timmy reveals his true nickname :lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao

02-08-2014, 05:38 PM
Oh lemme guess:

It's a lie.
Which means it's also slander.
Kobe would take that Spur Fan who made that tape to court and win.
Spur Fan would lose his farm faster than Tammy lost Amy to an illegal.

If it were true, why take it down? Obviously it's not, but Spur a Fan needs it to be true b/c Amy outed Tammy. We know it's true b/c Tammy put a gag order on her to shut her pie hole about any further details, no forthcoming tell all book, no talk shows (I could see her on The View! tbh), no selling her story to the National Inquirer, etc. Tammy's hope is that everybody will forget and all of this blows over (no pun intended). Here's a hint: it won't.

I think it's cute that you trying to link a man who's had over 110 extramarital women (per Vanessa's PI) would be gay. :lol

uhh his name ain't Tammy...it's Johnny Wishbone :lmao:lmao:lmao

02-08-2014, 05:38 PM
5 and 6 are different numbers, just a heads up KoolAidFag.

02-08-2014, 05:38 PM
I think I like Jimmy Wishbone :lmao:lmao:lmao

Clipper Nation
02-08-2014, 05:40 PM
5 and 6 are different numbers, just a heads up KoolAidFag.

There's a reason why Capri's already trying to deflect from this shitstain of a thread :lol

02-08-2014, 05:40 PM
^Jimmy Wishbone? :rollin :lmao :rollin

02-08-2014, 05:45 PM
^Jimmy Wishbone? :rollin :lmao :rollin

You best believe I won't let this one die...straight from the horse's mouth...