View Full Version : Footballe (future NFLer)r comes out of the closest.....

02-10-2014, 03:32 AM
......so what happens next?

I think this is going to show America how things really are. Right now I think there's a lot of...."this isn't 1965 anymore we've come along way and it should be no big deal what sexual preference anyone has, anyone not seeing that is a homophobic caveman".

Watch how this goes down, hmmmmm? did I really say that?

02-10-2014, 08:42 AM
What do you think is going to happen? Will he be picked? If so, how many at his position will be picked in front of him? Will all of them be all American like him?

02-10-2014, 09:09 AM
at least gay niggas wouldn't have the concern of having a baby that comes out half white like yours, tbh.

02-10-2014, 09:59 AM
There is a tightend pun to be used.

So if the quarterback is gay but the hiker isn't that could make a few awkward moments.

02-10-2014, 10:05 AM
He will definitely be picked. Best defensive player in the draft according to some sports experts.
Sexual preference won't matter squat when it comes to getting your team to the SuperBowl and winning it.
This guy will help make that happen for any team.

02-10-2014, 10:11 AM
So your against separate showers?

And how many bars of soap will now remain on the floor?

02-10-2014, 10:18 AM
So your against separate showers?

And how many bars of soap will now remain on the floor?

Quite a few I would imagine, but they won't give a shit as they celebrate the trophy IMHO.

02-10-2014, 01:30 PM
So your against separate showers?

And how many bars of soap will now remain on the floor?

You guys still use bars of soap? You haven't joined the 21st century and use body soap gel?

02-10-2014, 03:50 PM
I see a lot of fans being kicked out of games for calling him a queer, fag, or homo. If being gay is normal, why is this such a big deal? I mean if being gay is on the same level of normalcy that being straight then this shouldn't even be a story. It's a story because America believes that you should get a gold star for everything. My back is crooked. Does that mean I should get a medal and a parade?

02-10-2014, 04:36 PM
What do you think is going to happen? Will he be picked? If so, how many at his position will be picked in front of him? Will all of them be all American like him?

I gotta be honest I don't know what to think about this. What team is gonna want this obvious distraction?

02-10-2014, 04:39 PM
He will definitely be picked. Best defensive player in the draft according to some sports experts.
Sexual preference won't matter squat when it comes to getting your team to the SuperBowl and winning it.
This guy will help make that happen for any team.

The thing about being gay as a teammate is he has got to be a cool/nice guy. If he's a jerk/punk then he'll be a fucking faggot. I get the impression he is cool/nice since his college teammates understood his situation.

02-10-2014, 04:43 PM
I see a lot of fans being kicked out of games for calling him a queer, fag, or homo. If being gay is normal, why is this such a big deal? I mean if being gay is on the same level of normalcy that being straight then this shouldn't even be a story. It's a story because America believes that you should get a gold star for everything. My back is crooked. Does that mean I should get a medal and a parade?

Being gay is not normal, where they idea comes from....? This bullshit about....it's normal to them...is lame. A nine footer with an eye in the middle of his forehead isn't normal, but's it's normal for him.

Gays need to realize the realities of the situation and be cool, nobody wants to see fucking parades.

Clipper Nation
02-10-2014, 04:46 PM
Gays need to realize the realities of the situation and be cool, nobody wants to see fucking parades.

Nobody wants to see your almanac lists and shitty threads either, yet you keep posting them :lol

02-10-2014, 04:56 PM
This is a golden opportunity for Jonathan Martin to get back in the league. Sign the best deal you can get from the team Sam goes to.

In reality this is pretty dumb to do before the draft. Can't wait to see the hazing he receives in his first NFL training camp. Hard Knocks better jump on this fast

02-10-2014, 05:26 PM
Nobody wants to see your almanac lists and shitty threads either, yet you keep posting them :lol

Do you really think anyone gets a nut watching you follow everyone around bugging them while never ever doing anything yourself? Yet you keep doing it.

Dummy, that must be some amazing almanac.:rolleyes

02-10-2014, 05:30 PM
This is a golden opportunity for Jonathan Martin to get back in the league. Sign the best deal you can get from the team Sam goes to.

In reality this is pretty dumb to do before the draft. Can't wait to see the hazing he receives in his first NFL training camp. Hard Knocks better jump on this fast

I'd love to see the guy....

I;m gay guys, but none of you fat fucks turn me on so you're safe. Now I won't be running any errands, singing any fucking songs or doing anything but working to become a better player and teammate, so are we clear on this? Anyone not cool with this let's straighten it out right now, ok?

Instant respect!

02-10-2014, 05:55 PM
You guys still use bars of soap? You haven't joined the 21st century and use body soap gel?

no because shower gel fucking sucks

I see a lot of fans being kicked out of games for calling him a queer, fag, or homo. If being gay is normal, why is this such a big deal? I mean if being gay is on the same level of normalcy that being straight then this shouldn't even be a story. It's a story because America believes that you should get a gold star for everything. My back is crooked. Does that mean I should get a medal and a parade?

this guy

I don't care about anyone's sexual preference. The only thing that pisses me off is the idea that someone should be applauded for admitting what they want to fuck.

02-10-2014, 06:28 PM
Being gay is not normal, where they idea comes from....? This bullshit about....it's normal to them...is lame. A nine footer with an eye in the middle of his forehead isn't normal, but's it's normal for him.

Gays need to realize the realities of the situation and be cool, nobody wants to see fucking parades.

Is observable at roughly the same rate in nature is what is meant by normal

02-10-2014, 06:56 PM
It probably shouldn't be a big deal, but this does matter for the NFL. Someone out there sure as hell cares whether or not these guys are straight. Aaron Rodgers has been dealing with gay rumors for years. When the Manti Teo story started unraveling there was immediately gay speculation that he felt the need to vehemently deny. It's reasonable for this player to believe that if he goes into the league and succeeds that this sort of speculation is going to fall on him eventually, and his secret would come. And from what a number of players have said publicly and privately about the idea of playing along side an openly gay team mate then it seems there would be some resistance if not hostility towards him. Should he lie and risk getting drafted into a locker room that isn't ready to handle that coming out? If I'm a GM who knows the kind of players on my roster and the make up of my fanbase that's something I'd want to know before I consider spending a draft pick on him.

02-10-2014, 07:13 PM
Nobody wants to see your almanac lists and shitty threads either, yet you keep posting them :lol

Have you lost your mind?
I think you must be envious.
Granted, some of his threads are rather lame, but who's isn't?
At least he has the guts to make a few interesting threads.
Call it like it is rather than criticize all the time.
Or have the balls to post an interesting thread yourself!
Your schtick is old and tired and lacks any sort of grace or humor.

02-10-2014, 08:53 PM
Being gay is not normal, where they idea comes from....? This bullshit about....it's normal to them...is lame. A nine footer with an eye in the middle of his forehead isn't normal, but's it's normal for him.

Gays need to realize the realities of the situation and be cool, nobody wants to see fucking parades.
If being gay is not normal then do you think being "celibate" is normal or not? It is NOT normal for Chrissake, but it's none of other people's business no matter what someone wants to fuck, a vagina or anus, or nothing at all... But imho, celibacy is like the angel counterpart of homosexuality which's evil, and we celibates have the bragging rights over you all guys and bitches who have to take off all your clothes and roll around with the opposite sex (or the same sex, in those "abnormal" cases) in order to sort of feel good.

02-10-2014, 09:05 PM
The closest...


Bathroom stall?


02-10-2014, 09:32 PM
It probably shouldn't be a big deal, but this does matter for the NFL. Someone out there sure as hell cares whether or not these guys are straight. Aaron Rodgers has been dealing with gay rumors for years. When the Manti Teo story started unraveling there was immediately gay speculation that he felt the need to vehemently deny. It's reasonable for this player to believe that if he goes into the league and succeeds that this sort of speculation is going to fall on him eventually, and his secret would come. And from what a number of players have said publicly and privately about the idea of playing along side an openly gay team mate then it seems there would be some resistance if not hostility towards him. Should he lie and risk getting drafted into a locker room that isn't ready to handle that coming out? If I'm a GM who knows the kind of players on my roster and the make up of my fanbase that's something I'd want to know before I consider spending a draft pick on him.

No reason to lie or make announcements, just be who he is. Somebody going to take him so worry about as it comes.

02-10-2014, 09:34 PM
If being gay is not normal then do you think being "celibate" is normal or not? It is NOT normal for Chrissake, but it's none of other people's business no matter what someone wants to fuck, a vagina or anus, or nothing at all... But imho, celibacy is like the angel counterpart of homosexuality which's evil, and we celibates have the bragging rights over you all guys and bitches who have to take off all your clothes and roll around with the opposite sex (or the same sex, in those "abnormal" cases) in order to sort of feel good.

Dude, why do you ramble on and on about being celibate? Who gives a fat fuck?

02-10-2014, 09:36 PM
Have you lost your mind?
I think you must be envious.
Granted, some of his threads are rather lame, but who's isn't?
At least he has the guts to make a few interesting threads.
Call it like it is rather than criticize all the time.
Or have the balls to post an interesting thread yourself!
Your schtick is old and tired and lacks any sort of grace or humor.

The cat is a mess isn't here, he never does anything himself then thinks anyone gives a shit about his opinion, hahaha!!!!!!!!

02-10-2014, 11:49 PM
There's a lot of delusion at this site.
It is amusing to watch the idiots make excuses and feeble attempts to ridicule.
They have only themselves to blame for their uncivil actions.

02-11-2014, 01:13 AM
No reason to lie or make announcements, just be who he is. Somebody going to take him so worry about as it comes.

Assuming you don't buy the idea of being a role model for closeted athletes out there, there's something to be said for timing and taking control of the situation on a practical level. Like I said in the NFL thread about this (and like many other talking heads have been saying all day as well) there are execs and coaches out there that don't want the sort of media headache that will come with this big of a story (and like it or not it's going to be). So while I don't doubt that someone would take him there's reason to believe that it could knock him back enough slots that it might cost him some money on his first contract. That's not something a pro athlete wants to just "worry about as it comes." So why not go public now? It's months until the draft. Let the first big media wave come and go on his terms in the dead of the offseason. It gets at least some of the hoopla out of the way and gives him the chance to show some of those execs and coaches that he's got the maturity to handle the scrutiny that is going to come.

The alternative would leave a lot to chance, open up the door for a worst case scenario. He leaves well enough alone, no big announcements, just business as usual. Then someone leaks it the week of the draft and you have this whirlwind of media bullshit surrounding him on their terms. Those GMs that might have concerns get a ready made excuse to pass on the guy until the later rounds. Did he not foresee the level of media attention this would bring? Was he too scared to face that kind of media scrutiny? Did he not consider the sort of shockwaves this could send through a team if the news broke after he got drafted? Does that sound like a guy ready for the responsibility of leading a locker room? Then the story isn't him just being who he is, it's that he isn't who the NFL wants a player to be.

02-11-2014, 01:40 AM
I just don't get the whole being gay is brave and heroic trend. Since when did people get recognition because of who they bang? If you are a guy and like dick, that doesn't mean you are special. It just means you are a guy that likes. Nothing more, nothing less. I think Asian chicks are hot but I don't go around blasting it everywhere.

02-11-2014, 04:01 AM
Assuming you don't buy the idea of being a role model for closeted athletes out there, there's something to be said for timing and taking control of the situation on a practical level. Like I said in the NFL thread about this (and like many other talking heads have been saying all day as well) there are execs and coaches out there that don't want the sort of media headache that will come with this big of a story (and like it or not it's going to be). So while I don't doubt that someone would take him there's reason to believe that it could knock him back enough slots that it might cost him some money on his first contract. That's not something a pro athlete wants to just "worry about as it comes." So why not go public now? It's months until the draft. Let the first big media wave come and go on his terms in the dead of the offseason. It gets at least some of the hoopla out of the way and gives him the chance to show some of those execs and coaches that he's got the maturity to handle the scrutiny that is going to come.

The alternative would leave a lot to chance, open up the door for a worst case scenario. He leaves well enough alone, no big announcements, just business as usual. Then someone leaks it the week of the draft and you have this whirlwind of media bullshit surrounding him on their terms. Those GMs that might have concerns get a ready made excuse to pass on the guy until the later rounds. Did he not foresee the level of media attention this would bring? Was he too scared to face that kind of media scrutiny? Did he not consider the sort of shockwaves this could send through a team if the news broke after he got drafted? Does that sound like a guy ready for the responsibility of leading a locker room? Then the story isn't him just being who he is, it's that he isn't who the NFL wants a player to be.

The NFL is big business, and players come and go. If this one player is gay it shouldn't be made out to be...OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! ...and the league is smart enought to know this. They have an image to up hold.

Nodody in any line of work has to talk about their sexuality not even pro football, it's nobodies business. He didn't have to say anything no more than you or I did when we got our jobs, being heterosexual isn't a job requirement. The NFL understands this and knows they can't discriminate against anyone because of sexual preference. We do have labor laws.

The guy should have just been like everyone else, do his thing and let others worry about their predjudices.

02-11-2014, 10:17 AM
The NFL is big business, and players come and go. If this one player is gay it shouldn't be made out to be...OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! ...and the league is smart enought to know this. They have an image to up hold.

Nodody in any line of work has to talk about their sexuality not even pro football, it's nobodies business. He didn't have to say anything no more than you or I did when we got our jobs, being heterosexual isn't a job requirement. The NFL understands this and knows they can't discriminate against anyone because of sexual preference. We do have labor laws.

The guy should have just been like everyone else, do his thing and let others worry about their predjudices.

You're right in that this shouldn't be a huge, "Oh my God!", moment and with the number of guys who have come and gone from the league it's all but statistically impossible that there aren't gay guys in the NFL at this very moment. Plus I think some are going way too far in lionizing this guy before he's ever played a single down in the NFL. I've heard a few comparisons to Jackie Robinson in particular that make me roll my eyes. There's facing adversity and then there's never being sure that you're going to make it from the locker room to the team bus in one piece. In a few years this guy could be a monstrous bust, act like a little bitch, play the victim, and set back the cause of gay athletes everywhere.

No one in any line of work SHOULD have to talk about their sexuality. You and I didn't. Nothing I do at my job is ever going to come to much public scrutiny, nor will a million people I've never met ever give a shit about much of anything I do in my private life. We're not NFL players. I think it would be great if this guy could have just gone to work, played the game, and never had to give any of this a second thought. I think where you and I fundamentally disagree is that I don't think "just being himself" was ever going to be a real option here. There shouldn't be any media concern about a player's sexuality. Team mates shouldn't give a shit about what the hell a guy does behind closed doors. But there is media concern, and lots of players have said that shit does matter to them. My point is that there was going to be a firestorm around this issue some time or another. I outlined what I thought was a potential scenario in which just sitting back could hurt his draft stock and put him in a tougher position to thrive in the league. I'm just talking about one athlete recognizing the realities of a situation and doing what's right for his career, which in this case was to get out in front of the story on his terms.

02-11-2014, 10:24 AM
You're right in that this shouldn't be a huge, "Oh my God!", moment and with the number of guys who have come and gone from the league it's all but statistically impossible that there aren't gay guys in the NFL at this very moment. Plus I think some are going way too far in lionizing this guy before he's ever played a single down in the NFL. I've heard a few comparisons to Jackie Robinson in particular that make me roll my eyes. There's facing adversity and then there's never being sure that you're going to make it from the locker room to the team bus in one piece. In a few years this guy could be a monstrous bust, act like a little bitch, play the victim, and set back the cause of gay athletes everywhere.

No one in any line of work SHOULD have to talk about their sexuality. You and I didn't. Nothing I do at my job is ever going to come to much public scrutiny, nor will a million people I've never met ever give a shit about much of anything I do in my private life. We're not NFL players. I think it would be great if this guy could have just gone to work, played the game, and never had to give any of this a second thought. I think where you and I fundamentally disagree is that I don't think "just being himself" was ever going to be a real option here. There shouldn't be any media concern about a player's sexuality. Team mates shouldn't give a shit about what the hell a guy does behind closed doors. But there is media concern, and lots of players have said that shit does matter to them. My point is that there was going to be a firestorm around this issue some time or another. I outlined what I thought was a potential scenario in which just sitting back could hurt his draft stock and put him in a tougher position to thrive in the league. I'm just talking about one athlete recognizing the realities of a situation and doing what's right for his career, which in this case was to get out in front of the story on his terms.


02-11-2014, 10:33 AM
You're right in that this shouldn't be a huge, "Oh my God!", moment and with the number of guys who have come and gone from the league it's all but statistically impossible that there aren't gay guys in the NFL at this very moment. Plus I think some are going way too far in lionizing this guy before he's ever played a single down in the NFL. I've heard a few comparisons to Jackie Robinson in particular that make me roll my eyes. There's facing adversity and then there's never being sure that you're going to make it from the locker room to the team bus in one piece. In a few years this guy could be a monstrous bust, act like a little bitch, play the victim, and set back the cause of gay athletes everywhere.

No one in any line of work SHOULD have to talk about their sexuality. You and I didn't. Nothing I do at my job is ever going to come to much public scrutiny, nor will a million people I've never met ever give a shit about much of anything I do in my private life. We're not NFL players. I think it would be great if this guy could have just gone to work, played the game, and never had to give any of this a second thought. I think where you and I fundamentally disagree is that I don't think "just being himself" was ever going to be a real option here. There shouldn't be any media concern about a player's sexuality. Team mates shouldn't give a shit about what the hell a guy does behind closed doors. But there is media concern, and lots of players have said that shit does matter to them. My point is that there was going to be a firestorm around this issue some time or another. I outlined what I thought was a potential scenario in which just sitting back could hurt his draft stock and put him in a tougher position to thrive in the league. I'm just talking about one athlete recognizing the realities of a situation and doing what's right for his career, which in this case was to get out in front of the story on his terms.

I don't see how making it clear to everyone he has no good business sense is going to help him. Once again he has done nothing wrong nor does he deserve to be treated like anything other than just another young guy looking to play football. Let the media expose themselves for what we all know they are, that is not his concern. I'm not talking about hiding or evading, I am talking about drawing attention to himself when he didn't need to go that route. Instead of being a quiet young gay boy he's now a...I'M GAY!!!!!!!! He comes off being aggressive about it, that won't help.

02-11-2014, 01:23 PM
I don't see how making it clear to everyone he has no good business sense is going to help him. Once again he has done nothing wrong nor does he deserve to be treated like anything other than just another young guy looking to play football. Let the media expose themselves for what we all know they are, that is not his concern. I'm not talking about hiding or evading, I am talking about drawing attention to himself when he didn't need to go that route. Instead of being a quiet young gay boy he's now a...I'M GAY!!!!!!!! He comes off being aggressive about it, that won't help.

Again, we're obviously starting from two very different points. You seeing it as needlessly drawing the attention, I view it as dictating when he would deal with the attention that was going to come one way or another. Let the media expose themselves, just make them do it in the middle of February so that by the time the combine comes around they've run out of stuff to write and can go back to ranking the QB class. From what I saw yesterday while every media outlet was talking about it they all showed the same clip from the same interview where he came out. If that's the only media appearance he's made discussing it I don't view that as being aggressive about it. If he's been doing more then I'm unaware of it, though to be perfectly honest to this point my knowledge of the situation comes from channel surfing for a couple of hours yesterday and seeing some stuff on FB. Please correct me if I am wrong there. Now there's plenty of time for him to start throwing himself in front of cameras to talk gay rights and marching in pride parades. Basically doing anything but getting himself ready for the combine is going to be a mistake. Now's the time for him to be "a quiet young gay boy".

Really the more I think about it the more the timing of it is fucking brilliant. The perfect time window both for him and to allow the NFL to preserve and protect its image on all fronts. If he lets the news break during his senior season then he looks like a attention whore and puts his team mates in an awkward position. Their season wraps up right as the NFL playoffs are starting up and the last thing Goodell wants is anything to distract from the games themselves, or even worse risk the odds on media day for the Superbowl. 1000 reporters, a few hundred players and coaches, some of them your most visible stars - too much opportunity for someone to say the wrong thing and have it on every television set for the next six months. Which brings us to now: just far enough past the Superbowl that most casual fans are ready to be done with football for a while, minus your hardcore draft nuts. Most national media outlets aren't carving out big time blocks for NFL discussion anymore, to say nothing of the fact that there's an Olympics going on. Almost every player and coach is somewhere on vacation so you don't have any where for all the media to descend upon any team's personnel en masse looking for a sound bite. And it's about as far away from the draft and training camp as you can be in the offseason. GMs that might need a pass rusher but know that their players or fans won't stand for it can quietly focus their scouting elsewhere, draw up plans to trade out of whatever range of picks that he might be projected in, and figure out how to make those moves look like the most natural ones in the world. The teams that are really high on him, outraged fans be damned, can pick him up after all the uproar has had a few months to die down. There's a lot of ways that he could fuck this up but I think the first step has been perfectly played.

02-11-2014, 09:10 PM
Again, we're obviously starting from two very different points. You seeing it as needlessly drawing the attention, I view it as dictating when he would deal with the attention that was going to come one way or another. Let the media expose themselves, just make them do it in the middle of February so that by the time the combine comes around they've run out of stuff to write and can go back to ranking the QB class. From what I saw yesterday while every media outlet was talking about it they all showed the same clip from the same interview where he came out. If that's the only media appearance he's made discussing it I don't view that as being aggressive about it. If he's been doing more then I'm unaware of it, though to be perfectly honest to this point my knowledge of the situation comes from channel surfing for a couple of hours yesterday and seeing some stuff on FB. Please correct me if I am wrong there. Now there's plenty of time for him to start throwing himself in front of cameras to talk gay rights and marching in pride parades. Basically doing anything but getting himself ready for the combine is going to be a mistake. Now's the time for him to be "a quiet young gay boy".

Really the more I think about it the more the timing of it is fucking brilliant. The perfect time window both for him and to allow the NFL to preserve and protect its image on all fronts. If he lets the news break during his senior season then he looks like a attention whore and puts his team mates in an awkward position. Their season wraps up right as the NFL playoffs are starting up and the last thing Goodell wants is anything to distract from the games themselves, or even worse risk the odds on media day for the Superbowl. 1000 reporters, a few hundred players and coaches, some of them your most visible stars - too much opportunity for someone to say the wrong thing and have it on every television set for the next six months. Which brings us to now: just far enough past the Superbowl that most casual fans are ready to be done with football for a while, minus your hardcore draft nuts. Most national media outlets aren't carving out big time blocks for NFL discussion anymore, to say nothing of the fact that there's an Olympics going on. Almost every player and coach is somewhere on vacation so you don't have any where for all the media to descend upon any team's personnel en masse looking for a sound bite. And it's about as far away from the draft and training camp as you can be in the offseason. GMs that might need a pass rusher but know that their players or fans won't stand for it can quietly focus their scouting elsewhere, draw up plans to trade out of whatever range of picks that he might be projected in, and figure out how to make those moves look like the most natural ones in the world. The teams that are really high on him, outraged fans be damned, can pick him up after all the uproar has had a few months to die down. There's a lot of ways that he could fuck this up but I think the first step has been perfectly played.

I do agree with some of that.

It's looking more and more like the guy might be a little flakey, he told the world about this before he did his parents? His dad found out about it watching tv????? Something isn't right here.

So he doesn't have any business sense, he doesn't understand how things should be done. I see this whole thing becoming a big mess,

02-12-2014, 04:13 PM
I think it will quickly become "old news", only to maybe resurface just before the draft, and become fodder for the sporting news.
But after the first team to draft him answers some awkward questions it'll all die down again until when and if he becomes a central part of a team in the Super Bowl, or unless he makes it an issue later on.