View Full Version : Got Hit with the ugly stick...

02-13-2014, 10:34 PM
If I wrote down all of my rants in one thread it would be a wall so ginormous that not even a Mongolian would dare attempt to cross it. That said, I'd feel it better to break my many rants down into separate issues. Issue one relates to what is currently on my mind: getting hit with the ugly stick. :(

Now, I've always been a little up and down with how attractive I think I am. It's typically never lower than a 3, and now higher than a 6, but I'd say I'm a 5. I mean, 5 is good. I would have no issue at all dating a 5. The problem is I have to wonder... am I really a 5? I'm treated like I'm less than a 5. Is me telling myself I'm a 5 simply a means of attempting to cope with having bad jeans? I mean, I bought these at the Buckle - they should be pretty nice, right!?

It's happened again. An online girl gets to know me, we get along great. We have the same interests and that whole she-bang. She sends me her picture... she's decent enough, like a 4, but we hit it off and I don't even care. I send her my picture... *Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.* This was an e-mail exchange so I figure she's just busy. It has now been a week - my face has killed off a golden opportunity to meet somebody. And heck, it wasn't even for dating, it was just a friend thing.

Without going into details, this has probably happened at least 6 or so times in my life. Every time it happens it makes me recall all of the past occurrences and makes me think... am I really so ugly that people who aren't exactly much to look at themselves take one look at me and go, "Iccck! I could do better than that?!"

I think that this is a problem that, in some ways, lends itself to my other problems. Not ever getting complimented on my appearance and only getting insulted is a real kick in the crotch when it comes to the self-esteem department. Heck, even my mom told me a few years back, "Have you ever considered plastic surgery?" Puts a giant twist on the old adage, "A face only a mother could love."

That said, I am seriously considering plastic surgery ASAP. Unfortunately it's about a two week recovery time to get up and going again afterwards, so I'll either need to do it directly over winter break or wait until the summer.

What do you think? Would some plastic surgery do me some good? I'm thinking about a rhinoplasty in particular - get rid of that giant nose so people stop calling me Doug (noticeably they always leave out the 'Funny'). I want to get rid of those lines under my eyes, too - can't really tell in the pics, though. Any other ideas? Or should I not have plastic surgery at all?

Hit me straight up wit 'yo honesty. Internet ain't no place to nice, brutha.


02-13-2014, 11:56 PM
This shit isn't serious is it? Don't you people learn from no lyfe meow and white pants technique? That Doug shit is funny though..

02-14-2014, 12:21 AM
OP is nicer yet yellower than that retard in the pic imho.

The Reckoning
02-14-2014, 12:24 AM
i lol'd at the photoshops. well done



The Reckoning
02-14-2014, 12:27 AM
ah shit my bad did i kill the fun? mods plz delete my post plox.

02-14-2014, 12:35 AM
That is my account..

How did you find it?

The Reckoning
02-14-2014, 01:35 AM
better if you use your own material tbh that way people won't just google your posts


Huey Freeman
02-14-2014, 01:43 AM
i lol'd at the photoshops. well done



Lol at the comments :lol

02-14-2014, 02:13 AM
better if you use your own material tbh that way people won't just google your posts


C'mon man..Couldn't you wait for catches before exposing my copy pasta material? :lol

02-14-2014, 02:21 AM
Ok, now op got hit with ugly stick

02-14-2014, 08:53 AM
Lol "catches" in a sea of dudes