View Full Version : Whats the worst forum you've ever been a member of tbh?

02-17-2014, 05:23 AM
I have to say Sherdog is the worst forum in human history, dont post there anymore but it was an amazingly hilarious experience posting there for about 2 years.

I was looking up some MMA stuff over the weekend and remembered what a horrible website that is. It's the 23rd largest forum in the world or something like that and there is 1 principle rule.

The rule is, if you ever 'criticize' or 'bash' a fighter you get a yellow warning and your account has two yellow signs above it for about a month which limits your privileges. If you 'criticize' an athlete again you will be banned.

Imagine a forum where if you criticize an athlete which is basically 99% of the purpose of a forum, you ultimately get banned. It ends up being an awkward experience where you have to constantly subtly jab athletes. Also, on a consistent basis people get yellow cards for reasons they are unsure of.

Any one know of a worst place than that?

Dont say this forum cuz its really not that bad tbh

02-17-2014, 05:36 AM
Dont say this forum cuz its really not that bad tbh

Certain shitstains of humanity definitely found a home here, we all know who i'm talking about

02-17-2014, 05:58 AM
Never stayed on a forum that totally sucked for very long. I've seen them like this one where everything goes, then the exact opposite when it's so tightly moderated it's ridiculous.

I was at a place called Track & Field Media (know defunct) or T&FM, back when I was just mild mannered Larry. So there I am talking about USC and their vaunted sprint tradition when this guy...."hey dickhead we talk distance running here, so cool the bullshit". Then I get a PM (before I said anything else)..."you have a infraction which is one point for off topic" so I said nothing. A few days later.....*** Trivia ***....about distance running. Of course nobody there could hang so.....:hat Then I get another PM..."you have an infraction which is one point for disruptive behavior".....hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A few days later I posted my final thread there....."The Great Lon Myers".....this cat was an incredible runner back in the 1890's, he held the American record sometime in his career....50, 100, 200, 400, 800 and the mile. I don't know what happened I didn't go back for about 6 months then it was....gone.

I post on a board now where there's no back and forth allowed for very long, if it's more than a couple bouts it's...ok ok take it off line. I post there because of the level of expertise shown there, they know their shit.

Obviously this freak above me wouldn't last a day anywhere but here.

02-17-2014, 08:00 AM
crutchfan has to be the worst forum I've ever posted on and yes, I admit I've posted there :depressed, with redcafe being a close 2nd place (a Womanchester Disunited forum)

silverblk mystix
02-17-2014, 04:26 PM

02-17-2014, 04:33 PM
ESPN game boards, especially some faggot troll who would always rip on the Spurs, Grapenutz, that lil faggot has an account here because I saw his name online the other day. His profile is private though? wtf? Come out of hiding if you're reading this, bitch.

02-17-2014, 04:36 PM
cavfanatic...so easily butthurt

theganggreen and finheaven were great bitd but suck now.

02-17-2014, 06:57 PM

lol aaand here you are.. admitting you have no self control. Must suck thinking you were enlightened only to discover it was just asphyxia from being morbidly obese.

02-17-2014, 07:00 PM
The gamefaqs boards. You cant even say damn without getting bleeped out.

They also have that gay warning system. lol

02-18-2014, 12:14 AM
:lol the jungle

02-18-2014, 01:09 AM
:lol the junglelol @ them deeming holden a racist and all of us getting banned there for trolling the chocolate faced qbs.

02-18-2014, 01:27 AM
Fanforum.com is one of the worst. That board is full of over sensitive pussies and wimps. I'd get bitched out if I called Obama "Barry". The news and politics section board of the site was a joke. A lot of intolerant hypocritical koolaid drinking liberals on there. If those posters saw what we posted on here they would probably slit their wrists.

02-18-2014, 01:21 PM
Sherdog is great tbh, especially the Mayberry and the Picture/multimedia sections... It was better back in the day tho...

Not a member but Neogaf seems horrible, it's hard to create an account (don't accept gmail and the likes) and it's populated by manchildren going at it all day to prove that their favorite console is better...

Wild Cobra
02-18-2014, 02:23 PM
This one is becoming the worse...

02-18-2014, 02:34 PM

Katherine Robinson
02-18-2014, 03:44 PM
If you go to the Bodybuilding forum and take part in the teenage lifting portion, you will find scum of unimaginable levels. I speak of teenagers who will fight to the tooth and bone to justify taking testosterone boosters at the age of 16 or how clenbuterol is a safe alternative to dieting. You will have members argue about penis size, muscles which do not exist (lower pectorals) and argue that they can become Mr. Olympias without a serious drug & workout regiment. It is if you had cloned KidCapri seven hundred times and let them loose in one area of the internet.

An honorable mention would have to be Escapist for their very bias moderating and inclusion of a method to see which post caused somebody to be banned.

02-18-2014, 04:01 PM

Hell, I'm a Kobe fan myself, but most posters over there would let him bust on their daughters/wife faces just so they could say

they had a taste of the Black Mamba.

02-18-2014, 10:12 PM

Currently Active Users: 190 (9 members and 181 guests)


02-18-2014, 10:19 PM
The gamefaqs boards. You cant even say damn without getting bleeped out.

They also have that gay warning system. lol

:lmao Gamefaqs..for every 10 karma I gain, I lose 40 getting modded over some weak ass infraction. That board is truly a clusterfuck of worthlessness.

02-18-2014, 10:21 PM

A lol soccer forum

The Nazi Admin banned me just because we disagreed on a player

I was respectful , but everybody else agreed with my analysis, so Nazi Admin banned me

02-18-2014, 11:48 PM
:lmao Gamefaqs..for every 10 karma I gain, I lose 40 getting modded over some weak ass infraction. That board is truly a clusterfuck of worthlessness.

Yeah I know.

I sometimes get "infractions" that I didn't even know how I got them to begin with. lol

The boards are looking more like actual boards and not some reddit type cluster fuck after their last upgrade. But the karma shit needs to get the fuck out. lol

02-18-2014, 11:53 PM
Yeah I know.

I sometimes get "infractions" that I didn't even know how I got them to begin with. lol

The boards are looking more like actual boards and not some reddit type cluster fuck after their last upgrade. But the karma shit needs to get the fuck out. lol

I got a fucking 3 day ban from posting privileges for telling some faggot to "click his heels twice" (to have his parents shit out whatever it was he wanted) in like three threads he created. He cried to the mods that I was telling him to click his heels and they got me. :lol

02-19-2014, 12:05 AM
lakersground (banned)
lakernation (banned)

02-19-2014, 12:10 AM

Hell, I'm a Kobe fan myself, but most posters over there would let him bust on their daughters/wife faces just so they could say

they had a taste of the Black Mamba.
