View Full Version : Caste Footbal article about Manu

08-04-2005, 08:28 AM

(6/24/05) One can not overestimate the long-term effects of the performance of Manu Ginobili in this year's NBA finals. He has changed the popular perception of the abilities of white basketball players. He has been a leader, a go-to guy, a clutch scorer. He has shown tremendous athleticism in running, jumping, and handling the ball. His drives to the basket and his flying dunks were the highlights of the playoffs. He has been far and away the most exciting player in the finals. (When was the last time that happened!)

Ginobili, an Argentinian of Italian descent, has been an exciting player in the NBA for three seasons but had received scant publicity due to the unfortunate circumstance of his skin color. The things he has been doing to create so much excitement in the playoffs are standard fare for him; now on the national stage they cannot be ignored.

The usual labels the media attaches to a white player do not apply to Manu. Even Larry Bird when he was a dominant player was derided for his lack of athleticism. Not so for Ginibili. When he fakes out one of the best black defenders in the league, then blows by him to slam home a one-hand dunk even the most staunch anti-white Caste System supporter has to give credit to the talents of this super athlete.

It is truly inspiring to see Manu play this way at such an important time. Imagine all of the young white kids seeing a white player doing the kind of things that they probably have never seen a white basketball player do before. He often dominated in the playoffs, unheard of since the aforementioned Bird. He was a go-to guy, and he used his physical talent to defeat his opponents. The far-reaching effects of Ginobili's play will echo on for years in the achievements of other young white basketball players.

Another aspect of Manu Ginobili that is welcome is his preference to try and look like a white person. Many white superstars alter their look so as to fit in as much as possible with the common image of the black superstar. For instance, note how many white athletes alter one of the most obvious defining characteristics of racial differences and cut their hair very short or shave it all off. Not Ginobili; he has long straight black hair that flies behind him as he whisks past one black player after another on his way to the hoop.

Ginobili is also fearless. He goes full bore all the time. He will take a body shot and give one if necessary. It must be extremely frustrating to a black basketball player to not be able to intimidate him. And as Ginobili proves himself time and again the referees are forced to alter their game too and start giving calls to a white guy for a change.

More than any white player in the NBA, maybe the world, Ginobili gets the ball in the basket through passing and shooting. Along with the typical white propensity for nailing long jumpers, Manu seems to be able to throw the ball in from any angle at any spot. Often white players seem unable to finish a shot and have many of their attempts bounce in and out of the basket but when Ginobili puts it in the cylinder it usually goes down. That is a reflection of will as much as skill and Ginobili must be considered the strongest-willed player in the game.

Tim Duncan was voted the MVP of the 2005 playoffs. Duncan is a skilled player who collects his points in bunches from close in to the basket mainly due to his height. But Manu was The Man, hitting clutch three pointers, shooting over 80% from the foul line, many in the last minute of the game, even passing up an easy lay-up to burn valuable last minute seconds off of the clock in Game 7 against Detroit, and setting up teammates for easy baskets with pinpoint passes.

Manu led Argentina to a gold medal in the 2004 Olympics, and now he has helped his pro team to the NBA Championship. It was a proud moment for Manu and his fans, his immediate family, and all of us who make up his extended family through our shared heritage. Way to go Manu, at Caste Football we salute you.

08-04-2005, 08:35 AM
nice article!

SWC Bonfire
08-04-2005, 08:47 AM
What is this, white people unite?

08-04-2005, 08:52 AM
white power! :lol

08-04-2005, 08:58 AM
Glad to see the Klan is embracing Italians.

08-04-2005, 09:02 AM
Manu Ginobili isn't black?

08-04-2005, 09:02 AM
What is this, white people unite?

Yes; it's a racist website.

08-04-2005, 09:12 AM
Glad to see the Klan is embracing Italians.

Worse: embracing hispanics! and catholics!

08-04-2005, 09:17 AM
WTF of an article was that?

08-04-2005, 09:32 AM

(6/24/05) One can not overestimate the long-term effects of the performance of Manu Ginobili in this year's NBA finals. He has changed the popular perception of the abilities of white basketball players. He has been a leader, a go-to guy, a clutch scorer. He has shown tremendous athleticism in running, jumping, and handling the ball. His drives to the basket and his flying dunks were the highlights of the playoffs. He has been far and away the most exciting player in the finals. (When was the last time that happened!)

Ginobili, an Argentinian of Italian descent, has been an exciting player in the NBA for three seasons but had received scant publicity due to the unfortunate circumstance of his skin color. The things he has been doing to create so much excitement in the playoffs are standard fare for him; now on the national stage they cannot be ignored.

The usual labels the media attaches to a white player do not apply to Manu. Even Larry Bird when he was a dominant player was derided for his lack of athleticism. Not so for Ginibili. When he fakes out one of the best black defenders in the league, then blows by him to slam home a one-hand dunk even the most staunch anti-white Caste System supporter has to give credit to the talents of this super athlete.

It is truly inspiring to see Manu play this way at such an important time. Imagine all of the young white kids seeing a white player doing the kind of things that they probably have never seen a white basketball player do before. He often dominated in the playoffs, unheard of since the aforementioned Bird. He was a go-to guy, and he used his physical talent to defeat his opponents. The far-reaching effects of Ginobili's play will echo on for years in the achievements of other young white basketball players.

Another aspect of Manu Ginobili that is welcome is his preference to try and look like a white person. Many white superstars alter their look so as to fit in as much as possible with the common image of the black superstar. For instance, note how many white athletes alter one of the most obvious defining characteristics of racial differences and cut their hair very short or shave it all off. Not Ginobili; he has long straight black hair that flies behind him as he whisks past one black player after another on his way to the hoop.

Ginobili is also fearless. He goes full bore all the time. He will take a body shot and give one if necessary. It must be extremely frustrating to a black basketball player to not be able to intimidate him. And as Ginobili proves himself time and again the referees are forced to alter their game too and start giving calls to a white guy for a change.

More than any white player in the NBA, maybe the world, Ginobili gets the ball in the basket through passing and shooting. Along with the typical white propensity for nailing long jumpers, Manu seems to be able to throw the ball in from any angle at any spot. Often white players seem unable to finish a shot and have many of their attempts bounce in and out of the basket but when Ginobili puts it in the cylinder it usually goes down. That is a reflection of will as much as skill and Ginobili must be considered the strongest-willed player in the game.

Tim Duncan was voted the MVP of the 2005 playoffs. Duncan is a skilled player who collects his points in bunches from close in to the basket mainly due to his height. But Manu was The Man, hitting clutch three pointers, shooting over 80% from the foul line, many in the last minute of the game, even passing up an easy lay-up to burn valuable last minute seconds off of the clock in Game 7 against Detroit, and setting up teammates for easy baskets with pinpoint passes.

Manu led Argentina to a gold medal in the 2004 Olympics, and now he has helped his pro team to the NBA Championship. It was a proud moment for Manu and his fans, his immediate family, and all of us who make up his extended family through our shared heritage. Way to go Manu, at Caste Football we salute you.

What the....??? I don't think Manu is thinking each time he drives to the hoop "Ok, I'm a model for all white Americans".... why? Because he isn't one, he is a player from South America.

He's not thinking "I wanna look like a white person", he has long hair because is a common thing between Argentinians, specially young athletes (check out the Argentinian National Team, the haircuts may look like an 80's hair metal band to the U.S. viewer).

He isn't just an athletic freak, he is talented and smart too.

Jeez, some people try to make a racial statement in the first chance they get. Even when they need to use weak arguments to support it.

08-04-2005, 09:34 AM
:rolleyes Is this going to turn into another racial argument? Wasn't this already hashed out in the other thread?

08-04-2005, 09:39 AM
I wasn't kidding about it being a racist website. I don't think we should invest too much emotional energy into it. The guy's an idiot.

08-04-2005, 09:41 AM
:rolleyes Is this going to turn into another racial argument? Wasn't this already hashed out in the other thread?

Did I miss it? :) What thread?

08-04-2005, 09:47 AM
Did I miss it? :) What thread?


08-04-2005, 09:54 AM
I don't think the guy is a racist. It seems to be that racism is THE topic nowadays arround here! The guy just got caught too bad in the manu hype. He even gives very little credit to Timmy D saying that his scoring is due to height.

Still, it's true that some black players didn't like to see Manu doing his stuff. I'm wondering what they will say when they see Oberto play, the dude isn't gonna be a polite, long jump, white player. Oberto is a really though paint player, and some people may not like it.

08-04-2005, 09:54 AM

Ah, I did miss it. I stopped reading after the third page. I get bored with people just yelling at each other. :lol

08-04-2005, 09:57 AM
I don't think the guy is a racist. It seems to be that racism is THE topic nowadays arround here! The guy just got caught too bad in the manu hype. He even gives very little credit to Timmy D saying that his scoring is due to height.

Still, it's true that some black players didn't like to see Manu doing his stuff. I'm wondering what they will say when they see Oberto play, the dude isn't gonna be a polite, long jump, white player. Oberto is a really though paint player, and some people may not like it.

Tim is a good basketball player because of his height. That should've been your first clue. And look around at the rest of the site. It's disguised as an intellectual exploratory "hey let's talk about this" place, but it's very racist.

Here's another gem from one of his "columns":

There will be plenty of other diversions during "All-Star" weekend. A slam dunk contest, results of which are judged in much the same manner as figure skating, in other words politically. You can even enjoy watching Ice Cube and Nelly playing in a celebrity game. I have noticed that nearly all black people believe they can play basketball, as if it was a birthright, or perhaps they believe it's genetic (unlike IQ). I have personally attended picnics, family reunions, and other affairs where even the most out-of-shape overweight, and old, black people believe they can play basketball.

08-04-2005, 10:11 AM
it is just pathetic to think only in terms of black vs white
this rasist writer can go and eat shit
Spurs and their fans dont need jackasses like this on our side
Manu is first and foremost human
fuck the Klan, Rush Limbaugh and any other rasist jackass

08-04-2005, 10:25 AM
it is just pathetic to think only in terms of black vs white

Especially with this guy around...


08-04-2005, 10:55 AM
What is this, white people unite?

Latinos UNITED of AMERICA :lmao

08-04-2005, 11:04 AM
there, fixed his article thanks to wordpad replace...

(6/24/05) One can not overestimate the long-term effects of the performance of Manu Ginobili in this year's NBA finals. He has changed the popular perception of the abilities of big-nose basketball players. He has been a leader, a go-to guy, a clutch scorer. He has shown tremendous athleticism in running, jumping, and handling the ball. His drives to the basket and his flying dunks were the highlights of the playoffs. He has been far and away the most exciting player in the finals. (When was the last time that happened!)

Ginobili, an Argentinian of Italian descent, has been an exciting player in the NBA for three seasons but had received scant publicity due to the unfortunate circumstance of his skin color. The things he has been doing to create so much excitement in the playoffs are standard fare for him; now on the national stage they cannot be ignored.

The usual labels the media attaches to a big-nose player do not apply to Manu. Even Larry Bird when he was a dominant player was derided for his lack of athleticism. Not so for Ginibili. When he fakes out one of the best button-nose defenders in the league, then blows by him to slam home a one-hand dunk even the most staunch anti-big-nose Dumbasses System supporter has to give credit to the talents of this super athlete.

It is truly inspiring to see Manu play this way at such an important time. Imagine all of the young big-nose kids seeing a big-nose player doing the kind of things that they probably have never seen a big-nose basketball player do before. He often dominated in the playoffs, unheard of since the aforementioned Bird. He was a go-to guy, and he used his physical talent to defeat his opponents. The far-reaching effects of Ginobili's play will echo on for years in the achievements of other young big-nose basketball players.

Another aspect of Manu Ginobili that is welcome is his preference to try and look like a big-nose person. Many big-nose superstars alter their look so as to fit in as much as possible with the common image of the button-nose superstar. For instance, note how many big-nose athletes alter one of the most obvious defining characteristics of racial differences and cut their hair very short or shave it all off. Not Ginobili; he has long straight button-nose hair that flies behind him as he whisks past one button-nose player after another on his way to the hoop.

Ginobili is also fearless. He goes full bore all the time. He will take a body shot and give one if necessary. It must be extremely frustrating to a button-nose basketball player to not be able to intimidate him. And as Ginobili proves himself time and again the referees are forced to alter their game too and start giving calls to a big-nose guy for a change.

More than any big-nose player in the NBA, maybe the world, Ginobili gets the ball in the basket through passing and shooting. Along with the typical big-nose propensity for nailing long jumpers, Manu seems to be able to throw the ball in from any angle at any spot. Often big-nose players seem unable to finish a shot and have many of their attempts bounce in and out of the basket but when Ginobili puts it in the cylinder it usually goes down. That is a reflection of will as much as skill and Ginobili must be considered the strongest-willed player in the game.

Tim Duncan was voted the MVP of the 2005 playoffs. Duncan is a skilled player who collects his points in bunches from close in to the basket mainly due to his height. But Manu was The Man, hitting clutch three pointers, shooting over 80% from the foul line, many in the last minute of the game, even passing up an easy lay-up to burn valuable last minute seconds off of the clock in Game 7 against Detroit, and setting up teammates for easy baskets with pinpoint passes.

Manu led Argentina to a gold medal in the 2004 Olympics, and now he has helped his pro team to the NBA Championship. It was a proud moment for Manu and his fans, his immediate family, and all of us who make up his extended family through our shared heritage. Way to go Manu, at Dumbasses Football we salute you.

08-04-2005, 11:08 AM

08-04-2005, 11:09 AM
Who wrote this? KKK? Cutting your hair because they want to look black? Has this guy ever tried playing with long hair? It's extremely uncomfortable.
Man, this article is just pathetic.

08-04-2005, 11:15 AM
Especially with this guy around...

"He's black . . . he's white
yeah, yeah, yeah . . ."

08-04-2005, 02:03 PM
Manu isn't white, he's hispanic. :fro

Oh and stereotypes about whites exist too you know. Just because it's not white people doing it doesn't exclude it from being racism(although whites contribute to this stereotype too).

The simple fact is that there is a stereotype that white guys can't play basketball. It's a very real stereotype whether you want to admit or not. Manu shattered it...applaud him for it...just like you would Jackie Robinson, all the NBA teams should retire his jersey...just like they did with Jackie Robinson. Ok I may be going a little overboard there...but it's the same principle. Only he doesn't have as much pressure on him as Robinson did(but he's getting more pressure all the time).

He proving the stupidity of racial stereotyping...it may not be his intent to do it...but that is exactly what he is doing.

Racists are always going to end up looking stupid...because they are betting against evolution and the genetic chaos that causes it. The reasons they will always end up being wrong are the same reasons that different skin tones(IE racism) exist in the first place....

08-04-2005, 02:06 PM
hispanic IS WHITE

why do yo think it says
white non-hispanic on forms because hispanics are WHITE

the NBA needs more white superstars

08-04-2005, 03:20 PM
Manu is Caucasian.

08-04-2005, 03:44 PM
There are so many things wrong with that article its not even funny. The guy is WAY to obssesed with color.

It must be extremely frustrating to a black basketball player to not be able to intimidate him

What the fuck?? This guy should seriously seek some kind of counseling.

Kori Ellis
08-04-2005, 03:51 PM
Why would anyone care what this site says?

Look at this excerpt from their "About Us"

Caste Football looks at the racial dynamics of football and of sports in general. We have no sacred cows we worship, no taboo subjects we won’t discuss. We respect the fact that blacks make good football players. But we believe that by looking at football and sports overall through an objective lens rather than simply accepting the propaganda slant of the media, it is clear and obvious that whites are just as good as if not better athletes than blacks.

To give just one example, even though whites are only 10 percent of the world's population, they win over 95 percent of the medals at the Summer and Winter Olympics, including many medals in sprinting and jumping.

Caste Football's goal is to raise the sports I.Q. of its readers, while improving the racial and political awareness of America's sports fans.



08-04-2005, 03:54 PM
Caste Football looks at the racial dynamics of football and of sports in general. We have no sacred cows we worship, no taboo subjects we won’t discuss. We respect the fact that blacks make good football players. But we believe that by looking at football and sports overall through an objective lens rather than simply accepting the propaganda slant of the media, it is clear and obvious that whites are just as good as if not better athletes than blacks.

To give just one example, even though whites are only 10 percent of the world's population, they win over 95 percent of the medals at the Summer and Winter Olympics, including many medals in sprinting and jumping.

Caste Football's goal is to raise the sports I.Q. of its readers, while improving the racial and political awareness of America's sports fans.

08-04-2005, 04:05 PM
Stay black, brother!

no...no, wait...

White power!

no, that's not right either...hmm...

Viva la raza!

ah, fuck it:

Go Spurs Go!

08-04-2005, 04:08 PM
It's hilarious!
I wasn't aware of that or I will do a reference before starting the threat! Is funny that those idiots have to celebrate a southamerican in order to make their stupid racist point.
They should be celebrating Yao! He is "white" too!!

08-04-2005, 04:13 PM
Are you pulling a 'Randy Moss" with your sig? Hilarious

08-04-2005, 04:25 PM
Hey argies! Beware!
Due to Manu success some racist are thinking to move from US to Argentina because of our supposed whiteness!!! No fucking kidding!!! Those guys are REALLY nuts.

This is a quote from their forum:


"Most Americans think most if not all South Americans are racially mixed. As was noted in the NBA Playoffs thread, Ginobili's home country of Argentina is 97 percent white!
The white population in this country is around 68 percent and dropping fast. With Canada suffering under a totalitarian government when it comes to free speech and white rights, certain South American countries and Costa Rica in Central America, along with Eastern Europe and Russia, might become increasingly popular places of destination for whites here if the situation continues to deteriorate."

Stay away!

08-04-2005, 04:32 PM
Hey argies! Beware!
Due to Manu success some racist are thinking to move from US to Argentina because of our supposed whiteness!!! No fucking kidding!!! Those guys are REALLY nuts.

This is a quote from their forum:


"Most Americans think most if not all South Americans are racially mixed. As was noted in the NBA Playoffs thread, Ginobili's home country of Argentina is 97 percent white!
The white population in this country is around 68 percent and dropping fast. With Canada suffering under a totalitarian government when it comes to free speech and white rights, certain South American countries and Costa Rica in Central America, along with Eastern Europe and Russia, might become increasingly popular places of destination for whites here if the situation continues to deteriorate."

Stay away! Let them come! I'll show them!! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_22_1.gif

08-04-2005, 04:46 PM
Hey argies! Beware!
Due to Manu success some racist are thinking to move from US to Argentina because of our supposed whiteness!!! No fucking kidding!!! Those guys are REALLY nuts.

This is a quote from their forum:


" certain South American countries and Costa Rica in Central America, along with Eastern Europe and Russia, might become increasingly popular places of destination for whites here if the situation continues to deteriorate."

Stay away!

ehhh....didn't freaks already move there en masse after WWII?

08-04-2005, 04:49 PM
ehhh....didn't freaks already move there en masse after WWII?
Yeah, in Peron's regime. What's your point?

08-04-2005, 04:54 PM
ehhh....didn't freaks already move there en masse after WWII?

I guess that's a joke.

Don't take it personally unless you're another red neck mofo, which you don't seem to be. Actually we have freaks coming here, since 1800. Italian freaks, spanish freaks, jew freaks, french freaks, arab freaks, etc. Now we have more! Bolivians, peruvians, chileneans, korean, chinese! Freaks from all over the world!
And that's how we like it.
If somebody thinks this is a white paradise, think again. Thankfully, it isn't.

08-04-2005, 04:59 PM
ehhh....didn't freaks already move there en masse after WWII?

Only a few... the majority moved to USA and joined several agencies. Here, they lived away from everything.

08-04-2005, 05:01 PM
I guess that's a joke.

Don't take it personally unless you're another red neck mofo, which you don't seem to be. Actually we have freaks coming here, since 1800. Italian freaks, spanish freaks, jew freaks, french freaks, arab freaks, etc. Now we have more! Bolivians, peruvians, chileneans, korean, chinese! Freaks from all over the world!
And that's how we like it.
If somebody thinks this is a white paradise, think again. Thankfully, it isn't.

yeah, it was a joke :) thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt!

08-04-2005, 05:04 PM
[QUOTE=manubili]I guess that's a joke.

Don't take it personally unless you're another red neck mofo, which you don't seem to be. Actually we have freaks coming here, since 1800. Italian freaks, spanish freaks, jew freaks, french freaks, arab freaks, etc. Now we have more! Bolivians, peruvians, chileneans, korean, chinese! Freaks from all over the world!

I, myself, come from a long line of drunken Irish freaks. :spin

08-04-2005, 05:04 PM
yeah, it was a joke :) thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt!

You were talking about THOSE other freaks! Haha! Didn't get it.

Yeah we received some of those. And it's something I'm not particulary proud of.

08-04-2005, 05:05 PM
[QUOTE=manubili]I guess that's a joke.

Don't take it personally unless you're another red neck mofo, which you don't seem to be. Actually we have freaks coming here, since 1800. Italian freaks, spanish freaks, jew freaks, french freaks, arab freaks, etc. Now we have more! Bolivians, peruvians, chileneans, korean, chinese! Freaks from all over the world!

I, myself, come from a long line of drunken Irish freaks. :spin
http://spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smispin.gif There must be Irish or people of Irish descent ALL over the world! LOL Irish people sure emmigrated a lot

08-04-2005, 06:21 PM
As was noted in the NBA Playoffs thread, Ginobili's home country of Argentina is 97 percent white!


08-04-2005, 06:57 PM
Seriously, that's crazy! there is no way we are 97% white, that's just not possible

08-04-2005, 07:36 PM
Seriously, that's crazy! there is no way we are 97% white, that's just not possible

I should probably see a therapist for my twisted urges to join conversations that are likely to turn into a total unrestrained brawl guaranteed to bring out the worst in everyone....but alas...this time I have numbers. And just to please Hendrix, I got this from the CIA Factbook online :rollin

People Argentina
39,537,943 (July 2005 est.)

Age structure:
0-14 years: 25.6% (male 5,170,721/female 4,938,171)
15-64 years: 63.9% (male 12,626,711/female 12,627,026)
65 years and over: 10.6% (male 1,712,117/female 2,463,197) (2005 est.)

Median age:
total: 29.42 years
male: 28.52 years
female: 30.4 years (2005 est.)
Population growth rate: 0.98% (2005 est.)
Birth rate: 16.9 births/1,000 population (2005 est.)
Death rate: 7.56 deaths/1,000 population (2005 est.)
Net migration rate:
0.4 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2005 est.)
Sex ratio:
at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female
15-64 years: 1 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.7 male(s)/female
total population: 0.97 male(s)/female (2005 est.)
Infant mortality rate:
total: 15.18 deaths/1,000 live births
male: 17.07 deaths/1,000 live births
female: 13.19 deaths/1,000 live births (2005 est.)

Life expectancy at birth:
total population: 75.91 years
male: 72.17 years
female: 79.85 years (2005 est.)

Total fertility rate:
2.19 children born/woman (2005 est.)

HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate: 0.7% (2001 est.)
HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS:130,000 (2001 est.)
HIV/AIDS - deaths: 1,500 (2003 est.)

Ethnic groups:
white (mostly Spanish and Italian) 97%
mestizo (mixed white and Amerindian ancestry), Amerindian, or other non-white groups 3%

nominally Roman Catholic 92% (less than 20% practicing), Protestant 2%, Jewish 2%, other 4%
Languages:Spanish (official), English, Italian, German, French
Literacy: total population: 97.1%
male: 97.1%
female: 97.1% (2003 est.)

08-04-2005, 07:44 PM
I should probably see a therapist for my twisted urges to join conversations that are likely to turn into a total unrestrained brawl guaranteed to bring out the worst in everyone....but alas...this time I have numbers. And just to please Hendrix, I got this from the CIA Factbook online :rollin

People Argentina
39,537,943 (July 2005 est.)

Age structure:
0-14 years: 25.6% (male 5,170,721/female 4,938,171)
15-64 years: 63.9% (male 12,626,711/female 12,627,026)
65 years and over: 10.6% (male 1,712,117/female 2,463,197) (2005 est.)

Median age:
total: 29.42 years
male: 28.52 years
female: 30.4 years (2005 est.)
Population growth rate: 0.98% (2005 est.)
Birth rate: 16.9 births/1,000 population (2005 est.)
Death rate: 7.56 deaths/1,000 population (2005 est.)
Net migration rate:
0.4 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2005 est.)
Sex ratio:
at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female
15-64 years: 1 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.7 male(s)/female
total population: 0.97 male(s)/female (2005 est.)
Infant mortality rate:
total: 15.18 deaths/1,000 live births
male: 17.07 deaths/1,000 live births
female: 13.19 deaths/1,000 live births (2005 est.)

Life expectancy at birth:
total population: 75.91 years
male: 72.17 years
female: 79.85 years (2005 est.)

Total fertility rate:
2.19 children born/woman (2005 est.)

HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate: 0.7% (2001 est.)
HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS:130,000 (2001 est.)
HIV/AIDS - deaths: 1,500 (2003 est.)

Ethnic groups:
white (mostly Spanish and Italian) 97%
mestizo (mixed white and Amerindian ancestry), Amerindian, or other non-white groups 3%

nominally Roman Catholic 92% (less than 20% practicing), Protestant 2%, Jewish 2%, other 4%
Languages:Spanish (official), English, Italian, German, French
Literacy: total population: 97.1%
male: 97.1%
female: 97.1% (2003 est.)

The difference is that us Latinos tend to stereotype whites as the American "gringo", that is a blonde, caucasian person. Probably in America you'd get called white as long as your skin isn't black, brown or yellow. In Argentina you would be called from the immigrant ethnic group from where you descent, whether it is Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Eastern European Jew, mestizo, Turk, Armenian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc.

08-04-2005, 07:46 PM
Ethnic groups:
white (mostly Spanish and Italian) 97% mestizo (mixed white and Amerindian ancestry), Amerindian, or other non-white groups 3%

Hey! We are all white! The CIA is always right! Tell all those native brown skinned people to wash their faces!!!


08-04-2005, 07:47 PM
Fuck! I'm reading that site and it's awful and ironic. It's like a KKK meeting trying to name Manu the saviour of the white race in the NBA.

08-04-2005, 07:49 PM
Damn, we are KKKs dreamland. Still doesn't look right, 85-15 seems more accurate.

Area: 2.77 million sq km
Population: 37.81 million
Capital City: Buenos Aires (pop 16 million)
People: 85% European descent, 15% mestizo, Indian and other minorities
Language: Spanish; Castilian, Quechua, Guarani, Araucanian, Italian
Religion: 93% Roman Catholic, 2.5% Protestant, 2% Jewish, 1.5% Ukranian Catholic, 1% Armenian Orthodox
Government: Republic


08-04-2005, 07:53 PM
Fuck! I'm reading that site and it's awful and ironic. It's like a KKK meeting trying to name Manu the saviour of the white race in the NBA.

You guys don't know much about the KKK do you? Those guys did some pretty bad things...this is just a bunch of insecure white guys feeling unloved. File this under "to be ignored".

08-04-2005, 08:00 PM
You guys don't know much about the KKK do you? Those guys did some pretty bad things...this is just a bunch of insecure white guys feeling unloved. File this under "to be ignored".

It's just a way to call them, I guess KKK was wrong, let's call them the BITCH (Bunch of Insecures Talk Crap Hilariously).

08-04-2005, 08:02 PM
It's just a way to call them, I guess KKK was wrong, let's call them the BITCH (Bunch of Insecures Talk Crap Hilariously).

works for me :)

08-04-2005, 08:09 PM
works for me :)

haha, those guys are killing me. Their Basketball Forum is pure comedy. Such stupidity level amaze me! This threat has gone to far, don't diserve more attention. See ya in another threat.

08-04-2005, 08:14 PM
haha, those guys are killing me. Their Basketball Forum is pure comedy. Such stupidity level amaze me! This threat has gone to far, don't diserve more attention. See ya in another threat.

C Ya :spin

08-05-2005, 10:11 AM
Hey argies! Beware! "Most Americans think most if not all South Americans are racially mixed. As was noted in the NBA Playoffs thread, Ginobili's home country of Argentina is 97 percent white!

OMG this people smoke sth heavy, WTF is that, for sure ARG National Statistic Institute has no any stats related to that ... 97 of white only on TV shows???

ARG is a mix of everything, mainly white of course, but ...

08-05-2005, 10:14 AM
Why people in the world continue to debate skin color is beyond me. :depressed

08-05-2005, 10:16 AM
Hey! We are all white! The CIA is always right! Tell all those native brown skinned people to wash their faces!!!

I tried, but doens't work :oops