View Full Version : Ted "subhuman mongrel." Nugent

02-21-2014, 11:44 PM
Ted needs to look up the word projection...


Ted Nugent: Baby-Daddy. Four more adult children discovered as per current Mrs. Nugent...

His current wife, Shemane Nugent, writes on her website that, “Recently, we have discovered four more adult children Ted had from previous relationships. I look forward to getting to know them, and hopefully they will welcome me into their lives.” They have been married since 1989 and have one child together.
“Like other marriages, I don’t always agree with everything my husband says or does,” she wrote.


In February 2014, Nugent endorsed Greg Abbott, the Attorney General of Texas, who is running for governor in the March 4 Republican primary election to succeed the retiring Rick Perry. Abbott defended the outspoken remarks made by the musician, whom he termed a "fighter for freedom"....nice shinning example of GOP values Ted is..

02-22-2014, 12:04 AM
shinning examples sound painful.

02-22-2014, 01:14 AM
Nugent is one sorry pile of shit, but he knows how to talk to other dickless piles of shit in the NRA base, racists, gun fellators, bubbas, rednecks, Confederates, etc. He's their hero.

Dallas Paper Wants To Know What Abbott Thinks Of Nugent's 'Paean To Sex With Underage Girls'

asked Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's (R) campaign to comment on his campaign buddy Ted Nugent's admission to having sex with underage girls.

Slater writes:

As attorney general, Abbott pledged as part of his conservative agenda to fight sexual predators who target young girls. Nugent took the campaign stage with Abbott this week where the attorney general touted him as a “fighter for freedom” because of his appeal to gun-rights voters in Texas. But then there’s this, Nugent’s 1981 paean to sex with underage girls entitled Jailbait.

"Jailbait" contains lyrics like these:
"Well I don’t care if you’re just thirteen
You look too good to be true
I just know that you’re probably clean
There’s one lil’ thing I got to do to you."

Nugent admitted to having affairs with underage girls in a 1998 "Behind the Music" documentary.

http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/dallas_morning_news_abbott_nugent_?utm_source=feed burner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+tpm-news+%28TPMNews%29

02-22-2014, 01:21 AM
Ted Nugent And How The Conservative Press Can't Hide Its Hate Streak

Increasingly reliant on bad fringe actors like Nugent to connect with their far, far-right audience, the conservative media have built up Obama-bashing personalities who no longer occupy any corner of the American mainstream. Yet Nugent enjoys deep ties with Republican campaigns all across the country. When those ties receive media scrutiny, they cannot be defended.

Ted Nugent has been practicing his brand of openly vile hate for a very long time. And with each passing year of the Obama administration he's been welcomed deeper and deeper into the heart of the conservative media machine. This week's Abbott uproar was instructive in that the bright spotlight shone on Nugent helped remind people just how radical, dangerous and out of touch that movement has become, and how that hate cannot be hidden.

http://mediamatters.org/blog/2014/02/21/ted-nugent-and-how-the-conservative-press-cant/198167 (http://mediamatters.org/blog/2014/02/21/ted-nugent-and-how-the-conservative-press-cant/198167)

you right-wing dickheads can't call Nugent a non-representative fringe like you "Christians" disown the Phelps Westboro scum. Nugent mainstream for the Repug base.

02-22-2014, 01:39 AM
Nugent: Sarah Brady, Janet Reno Are "Dirty Whore[s]." In an undated performance of "Kiss My Glock," Nugent sings that both Sarah Brady, a leading gun violence prevention advocate, and former Attorney General Janet Reno are "dirty whore[s]." During the performance, Nugent also shot an arrow at a Nazi-flag-holding effigy of Reno, causing the effigy's pants to fall and reveal a giant phallus:

Nugent: "What's A Feminist? Some Fat Pig Who Doesn't Get It Often Enough?"

Nugent On Then-First Lady Hillary Clinton: "You Probably Can't Use The Term 'Toxic ****' In Your Magazine, But That's What She Is."


02-22-2014, 01:43 AM
Nugent: "What's A Feminist? Some Fat Pig Who Doesn't Get It Often Enough?"

Can't argue that.

02-22-2014, 01:58 AM
Nugent has always said he was against drinking, drugs etc....but was addicted to pussy. nigga must've creampied tons of chicks.

02-22-2014, 02:50 AM
Nugent: "What's A Feminist? Some Fat Pig Who Doesn't Get It Often Enough?"

Can't argue that.[/QUOTE]


02-25-2014, 11:44 PM
Just that close...


02-26-2014, 03:46 AM
So sad

03-21-2014, 10:04 PM
Looks like everyone is done with the motor city madman....even rural as red as a baby bottom TX is paying him to stay away

Longview TX to pay Ted Nugent $16,000 to stay away from their 4th of July celebration
Ted Nugent's appearance at upcoming Longview festival canceled by city

LONGVIEW, TX (KLTV) - A controversial classic rocker was scheduled to perform at an upcoming Longview festival, but the city decided to cancel the singer's appearance.

The City of Longview is preparing to hold its second annual Fourth of July festival. Planning for the festival includes musical acts performing at the Maude Cobb Convention Center. Event organizers reached out to several artists in hopes of booking them to perform. One of those artists was rocker Ted Nugent.

Maude Cobb staff had reached a verbal agreement with Nugent to perform at the festival. Amid the controversy surrounding Nugent's appearance with Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott, organizers decided to cancel the singer's appearance.

Nugent's guaranteed performance fee is $32,000. In order to cancel with him, the City of Longview paid the singer $16,000 out of the Maude Cobb's annual budget not to appear.



It wonder if he'll take the entitlement.....what do you think?

03-21-2014, 10:14 PM
Just that close...


I can safely say I would pass on a beer with these insightful primates.

Ted, love the satan eyebrows and bottom lip lint buildup.
The overbite is more than rodential.

03-22-2014, 05:57 AM
usually, i find it difficult to take posts seriously when they consist of childish namecalling, ie repugs, libtards, etc..

03-22-2014, 07:09 AM

03-22-2014, 08:48 AM
usually, i find it difficult to take posts seriously when they consist of childish namecalling, ie repugs, libtards, etc..

This is not a serious post.

Ted Nugent being asked not to come to an event... is not much of an event.

03-22-2014, 08:54 AM
Good job giving an idiot the attention that he desperately seeks, OP.

03-22-2014, 09:10 AM
13 years old? He wrote a song about it and the FBI wasn't at his doorstep? Fuck this clown.

03-22-2014, 01:03 PM
Looks like everyone is done with the motor city madman....even rural as red as a baby bottom TX is paying him to stay away

Longview TX to pay Ted Nugent $16,000 to stay away from their 4th of July celebration
Ted Nugent's appearance at upcoming Longview festival canceled by city

It wonder if he'll take the entitlement.....what do you think?
:lol Yep. Let's see what *conservative* Ted does.

"Nugent's people, on the other hand, told KLTV that the event was never on Nugent's schedule and the singer didn't know anything about the controversy."

03-31-2016, 06:47 PM


NRA's Ted Nugent Posts Racist "2 ******s And A Stolen Truck" Meme

Nugent is up for re-election to the NRA's board during the gun organization's May 2016 annual meeting....