View Full Version : Lakers: 5 years later and spurfan still falls for Koolaid Man threads

02-22-2014, 02:23 PM

02-22-2014, 02:30 PM
And a more cash strapped man does not exist. Never "Can I borrow." --- always "Can you give me." Absolutely no conscience.

02-22-2014, 02:37 PM
Greys will be grey until the end of time in this place. There is no evolving...only further regression.

02-22-2014, 02:41 PM
Greys will be grey until the end of time in this place. There is no evolving...only further regression.

Anyone every heard of the Phil Hendry radio show? If not look it up. Great show...once you're in on it.

Pretty much what Spurstalk has become.

02-22-2014, 02:45 PM
Anyone every heard of the Phil Hendry radio show?

Pretty much what Spurstalk has become.

You had the chance to change it topsy-turvy last June and fucked up. You'd be at this very second shoving your shit to us...talking about repeating, Lording it over us 5-5 Duncan over the tired old shit bag Kobe. People from upstairs wouda returned, the Ellis' would be upright & contented instead of interred with the shades drawn and the book "Divorce for Dummies" on loan from the Bexar County Library.

You fucked up, ooze. You just did.

02-22-2014, 02:47 PM

They'd be toying with the idea of Duncan 6 Kobe 5 :lol

02-22-2014, 02:47 PM
Anyone every heard of the Phil Hendry radio show? If not look it up. Great show...once you're in on it.

Pretty much what Spurstalk has become.
I've got his communism is neat album. Have you heard the one where the dude is trying to order pizza? :lol

Clipper Nation
02-22-2014, 02:48 PM
You'd be at this very second shoving your shit to us...
Not to you.... you'd be too chickenshit to ever returnPERIOD

02-22-2014, 02:50 PM
They'd be toying with the idea of Duncan 6 Kobe 5 :lol

What a nightmare, shocky. Good God.

02-22-2014, 02:53 PM
I've got his communism is neat album. Have you heard the one where the dude is trying to order pizza? :lol

"mm hm...mm hm...mm hm...mm hm"

I haven't heard him in years, but now I'm gonna look him up again.

02-22-2014, 02:54 PM
You had the chance to change it topsy-turvy last June and fucked up. You'd be at this very second shoving your shit to us...talking about repeating, Lording it over us 5-5 Duncan over the tired old shit bag Kobe. People from upstairs wouda returned, the Ellis' would be upright & contented instead of interred with the shades drawn and the book "Divorce for Dummies" on loan from the Bexar County Library.

You fucked up, ooze. You just did.

mm hmm...mm hmm....mm hmm...

02-22-2014, 02:56 PM

What spurs fans ? The gn ones ? Big deal tbh

02-22-2014, 03:06 PM

why are you creating jealousy threads...Spur fan gray or not will always be under my control as long as it's

Kobe 5

There is no coming back from that...you're just jealous of me like Smush Parker was of Kobe...incidentally you're a nobody just like Smush was...I'm the fucking Kobe of ST...deal with that shit homie and stop hating on the great Kool....yall can't figure out why Kori Ellis loves me so much...Timvp was even concerned for awhile that Kori was falling for my charm. :lol I had CF on her knees wanting me to change so she could marry me...(her little expose only fooled the inexperienced)...don't hate the player hate is e-game...and like a great video game player I can mack in real life...:hat

stop sweating me...it's not GNSF it's you and your friends :toast

02-22-2014, 03:09 PM
tbh I was paying you a compliment on how you get so many weak-minded spurfans to respond to nothing year after year...don't go emo on me

02-22-2014, 03:10 PM
tbh I was paying you a compliment on how you get so many weak-minded spurfans to respond to nothing year after year...don't go emo on me

ok I stand to be corrected...

02-22-2014, 03:12 PM
Spur fan is only as strong as Tammy's asshole...I do what I do with great ease and efficiency

02-22-2014, 03:19 PM
That's because he spams the first page with his retarded threads

02-22-2014, 03:20 PM
That's because he spams the first page with his retarded threads

That doesn't mean they have to take the bait every single time

02-22-2014, 03:22 PM
Maybe if that faggot ass troll didn't spam the forum with 10 threads at a time people could comment on actual basketball discussion.

02-22-2014, 03:22 PM
That doesn't mean they have to take the bait every single time

fact is 90% of my threads are pure basketball related...I triple dog dare anyone to refute that...

02-22-2014, 03:23 PM
fact is 90% of my threads are pure basketball related...I triple dog dare anyone to refute that...

Yeah that's why your threads always come down to good looks comparison between Kobe, Duncan and James.

02-22-2014, 03:30 PM
ST posters have no self-control tbh. For example, i have nothing against Avante but i don't care about the shit he discusses in his club threads so i ignore them. I don't stalk him all day calling him a faggot every 2 minutes and keeping his threads on the 1st page.

02-22-2014, 03:42 PM
He gets like 5 replies per thread tbh..most dont respond.

02-22-2014, 03:53 PM
:cry But if I post in a koolaid thread, I'll be showing him how much better I am and taking the battle to him! :cry

02-22-2014, 04:17 PM
He gets like 5 replies per thread tbh..most dont respond.

you forgot the double 00 homie....lol.

02-22-2014, 04:19 PM
I'm philopolemic I can't resist :cry

02-22-2014, 04:24 PM
I'm philopolemic I can't resist :cry

All I have to do is create a thread saying I paid and DPG is gonna go Orangutan shit throwing crazy...LOL..

Lol....DPG is one easy mark. A quick clean..lol

02-22-2014, 04:37 PM
I just paged through Kool's thread history...dude has made 297 threads since November 15. Holy shit. November 15 was 100 days ago.

02-22-2014, 04:45 PM
I'm philopolemic I can't resist :cry


02-22-2014, 04:59 PM
That's what I just said :lol

why don't you go open more threads about me if you want my attention so badly

02-22-2014, 05:07 PM

That's what I just said :lol

why don't you go open more threads about me if you want my attention so badly

02-22-2014, 05:08 PM
Responding in a Kool thread is not always responding to Kool. Sometimes the reply is to another poster. But overall, his threads are pretty easy to avoid.

Now avoiding Dale is a lot harder. Nigga is around every corner here like Michael Myers.

02-22-2014, 05:14 PM
At the end Capri is a weak ass going for basic stupid trolling. He doesn't bring anything valuable. Nba forum was much readable and enjoyable without his presence that's a fact.

when you filter the bs, thread is an astute poster while Capri is a simple retard. Never had with him that "hey that's clever" reaction.

02-22-2014, 06:01 PM
Responding in a Kool thread is not always responding to Kool. Sometimes the reply is to another poster. But overall, his threads are pretty easy to avoid.

Now avoiding Dale is a lot harder. Nigga is around every corner here like Michael Myers.

Gee, and I thought you liked me, ooze. I can't read people that's obvious.

Michael Jordan.
02-22-2014, 06:11 PM
Ceddy's threads are like toilets, I just come in to take a shit.