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View Full Version : At what point does life become comfortable? Financially speaking...

02-23-2014, 06:23 PM
I'm talking being able to at least go on vacations twice a year, 20k car, 1200 Mortgage, decent food, and a little bit of savings? I know location plays a huge part...But it seems like most college students nowadays expect to make 60k right out of university.

I was having an argument with a junior student today..he had no idea I was still going to school, but being the dumbass I am who can't stop talking..I told him I make a little bit over 40k a year. And this guy just starts talking about how people even live with anything under 70k a year...:lol

It's not my location since we live in the same city :lol

I imagine San Antonio would be a cheap place to live in..Is 60k sufficient to support a family of 4?

02-23-2014, 06:52 PM
Don't have kids, tbh, it's the secret to a happy and prosperous life..

The Reckoning
02-23-2014, 07:01 PM
Don't have kids or have a significant other unless she's rich, tbh, it's the secret to a happy and prosperous life..


02-23-2014, 07:07 PM
I'm good but don't like to brag....I like people to think I'm poor...

Katherine Robinson
02-23-2014, 07:11 PM
Comfortable living coincides with wise spending rather than income after you can afford your needs. Surplus income is a blank slate of potential, somebody can wisely use $10,000 dollars to live better than somebody with $20,000 extra income.

02-23-2014, 07:11 PM
^^:lol nobody here thinks your dad is poor, relax, tbh..

02-23-2014, 07:23 PM
Don't have kids, tbh, it's the secret to a happy and prosperous life..
True, you can never expect to have any kids when your partner has the same tool as yours between the legs

02-23-2014, 07:30 PM
When you own more books than some librairies, have more music than some radio stations, all the vehicles are paid for. You make over 3000 a month for doing....0. While the wife also makes around that and loves what she does. You have no bills other than the usual..house, electric etc.

Life is good!

02-23-2014, 07:48 PM
:lol Raped in Olongopo

02-23-2014, 08:03 PM
:lol Raped in Olongopo

Why do you keep ignoring my stance on this? You really this fucked? Dude, how about staying on topic ok ya little prick?

02-23-2014, 08:09 PM
I'm talking being able to at least go on vacations twice a year, 20k car, 1200 Mortgage, decent food, and a little bit of savings? I know location plays a huge part...But it seems like most college students nowadays expect to make 60k right out of university.

I was having an argument with a junior student today..he had no idea I was still going to school, but being the dumbass I am who can't stop talking..I told him I make a little bit over 40k a year. And this guy just starts talking about how people even live with anything under 70k a year...:lol

It's not my location since we live in the same city :lol

I imagine San Antonio would be a cheap place to live in..Is 60k sufficient to support a family of 4?
Mexicans here support families of 8 off wellfare and food stamps

02-23-2014, 08:50 PM
Why wouldn't someone wanna have kids? Wouldn't it get old living like youre in your 20s your whole life? Never understood that tbh.

02-23-2014, 09:11 PM
Not having kids for some people is more about understanding they are too selfish to raise a child. At least they are aware of such a thing and don't have children just to have them...because there are many people that aren't. I see selfish people every day that only had kids because they wanted to feel validated and they treat their kids like possessions instead of people they are molding into good, well adjusted human beings.

02-23-2014, 09:56 PM
Bring born in the right family really helps tbh - for example, being born to a Mexican family with lots of kids and highest educational background being a high school graduate does not instill great financial values, tbh.

That being said, you are responsible for your own destiny - don't Jacob your life by getting a History degree by going into debt for 50k. MAke a budget and stick to it, very simple tbh.

02-23-2014, 10:36 PM
:lol I probably will have kids, but mostly because my girl wants kids in the future, tbh..

Personally, I dislike kids, they're annoying and I can't picture myself wanting to raise one of those pests, tbh..that may change once I reach my late 20s or older, but I can't see it at this point..

02-23-2014, 10:40 PM
:lol I probably will have kids, but mostly because my girl wants kids in the future, tbh..

Personally, I dislike kids, they're annoying and I can't picture myself wanting to raise one of those pests, tbh..that may change once I reach my late 20s or older, but I can't see it at this point..

you need to not be thinking about kids but rather how you can increase your pay beyond that paltry $17.00/ hr you earn

02-23-2014, 10:43 PM
you need to not be thinking about kids but rather how you can increase your pay beyond that paltry $17.00/ hr you earn

I post on SpursTalk all day, I'm doing pretty well, tbh:lol..tell your dad to holler at me, btw, I have some business to discuss with him..

02-23-2014, 10:53 PM
Mexicans here support families of 8 off wellfare and food stamps

you live in the valley, bro?

02-23-2014, 11:18 PM
I would say at least 100k household income to live the two kid, two car, qtr mil house, and fridge stocked from costco kinda life. Less if school loans and credit cards are paid off. But don't forget child care if both parents are working unless your lucky and have a retired gma.

02-23-2014, 11:22 PM
u can fund that lifestyle, if ur willing to bend over i show you 6

N0 LyF3 ScRuB
02-23-2014, 11:26 PM
Not having kids for some people is more about understanding they are too selfish to raise a child. At least they are aware of such a thing and don't have children just to have them...because there are many people that aren't. I see selfish people every day that only had kids because they wanted to feel validated and they treat their kids like possessions instead of people they are molding into good, well adjusted human beings.


The Reckoning
02-23-2014, 11:29 PM
Not having kids for some people is more about understanding they are too selfish to raise a child. At least they are aware of such a thing and don't have children just to have them...because there are many people that aren't. I see selfish people every day that only had kids because they wanted to feel validated and they treat their kids like possessions instead of people they are molding into good, well adjusted human beings.

some people don't want to bring kids into this world for their own sake.

and "being too selfish" is a bit of a stretch because we're having overpopulation issues.

02-24-2014, 01:09 AM
This is why the world is going to shit. Too much emphasis on financial happiness.

02-24-2014, 01:13 AM
Stay away from marriage and kids. Do not borrow assloads of money for a piece of paper that says you graduated. Do not cave to peer pressure especially peer pressure from your family. Do not be a weak individual and put all of you marbles into religion. Avoid toxic people. If I had done those things, my life would be a million times better right now.

02-24-2014, 01:14 AM
This is why the world is going to shit. Too much emphasis on financial happiness.

Its hard not to, we're pretty much a fuckin rat in a maze. The system in the US is such where if you dont have $ you're shit out of luck. You need money for health care for christ sakes and dont get me started on student loans.

02-24-2014, 01:16 AM
That is true. In America, if you don't have money, you are shit out of luck. Money buys access which opens so many opportunities and experiences for people. Money is everything.

02-24-2014, 01:55 AM
Money is everything everywhere, tbh, it's not limited to America:lol..

Money doesn't necessarily equal happiness, but having enough money always helps whatever type of life you wish to lead, regardless of your location and I don't believe anybody that says otherwise, tbh..

02-24-2014, 01:56 AM
This is why the world is going to shit. Too much emphasis on financial happiness.

Lol I don't even need millions to be happy. I just need a roof, a car, and to be able to feed my future family..

I'd be happy with 50k a year if I knew my other half can make at least 30k a year..

I find happiness in family..But I don't want a starving and struggling family..

02-24-2014, 02:13 AM
I'd rip someone's jaw bone off for 50k a year. That would be nice.

02-24-2014, 02:30 AM
I'd rip someone's jaw bone off for 50k a year. That would be nice.

Would you suck dicks for 50k a year? be honest now.

02-24-2014, 02:36 AM
Nope. Got to have standards.

02-24-2014, 03:01 AM
1. I've heard those reasons before, I just don't understand them I guess. Having a family of your own is one of the best parts of life imho. Can't imagine how someone could be too 'selfish' to start one tbh.

2. Later generation Mexican-Americans are not real Mexicans. They're Americanized and have learned to abuse the system just like lazy blacks and crackers do. That's an American problem not a Mexican one tbh.

02-24-2014, 03:16 AM
Lol I don't even need millions to be happy. I just need a roof, a car, and to be able to feed my future family..

I'd be happy with 50k a year if I knew my other half can make at least 30k a year..

I find happiness in family..But I don't want a starving and struggling family..

own multiple rental properties, just pay the interest on the mortgage but not the principal....then wait for the next boom and sell it...

only down fall is busts economy where housing prices fall below the amount u barrowed

02-24-2014, 06:15 AM
1. I've heard those reasons before, I just don't understand them I guess. Having a family of your own is one of the best parts of life imho. Can't imagine how someone could be too 'selfish' to start one tbh.

2. Later generation Mexican-Americans are not real Mexicans. They're Americanized and have learned to abuse the system just like lazy blacks and crackers do. That's an American problem not a Mexican one tbh.
Having a family of one's own is a pleasure of life, yet it's also a luxury that most guys can't afford in today's world imho.

And I think that when people address the problem of lazy-ass parasitic beaners, they're not referring to the Mexican government but the ethnicity (which includes all people of Mexican descent)

02-24-2014, 10:09 AM
Like most Late Boomers I have spent the majority of my life chasing it, working my butt off, 70 to 90 hour work weeks for decades….A while back things changed… Boomers started to retire @ a rate of 10,000 a day….My employer saw a huge shift in productivity when Gen X & Y were moved into higher positions…Competing with the parasites AKN Gen X & Y has made my life so much easier…I take regular naps while on the job & still out produce these leaches…My Boss appreciates me & is nicer to me…I feel so blessed that the good Lord has allowed me to remain in the work force with lazy self entitled people…While I may not make as much money as many of YOU PEOPLE, I am just so darn happy…I can’t imagine retiring full time when I already feel like I am semi retired competing with lazy young folks…I hope this helps...:toast

02-24-2014, 10:14 AM
Not having kids for some people is more about understanding they are too selfish to raise a child. At least they are aware of such a thing and don't have children just to have them...because there are many people that aren't. I see selfish people every day that only had kids because they wanted to feel validated and they treat their kids like possessions instead of people they are molding into good, well adjusted human beings.


02-24-2014, 10:19 AM
Like most Late Boomers I have spent the majority of my life chasing it, working my butt off, 70 to 90 hour work weeks for decades….A while back things changed… Boomers started to retire @ a rate of 10,000 a day….My employer saw a huge shift in productivity when Gen X & Y were moved into higher positions…Competing with the parasites AKN Gen X & Y has made my life so much easier…I take regular naps while on the job & still out produce these leaches…My Boss appreciates me & is nicer to me…I feel so blessed that the good Lord has allowed me to remain in the work force with lazy self entitled people…While I may not make as much money as many of YOU PEOPLE, I am just so darn happy…I can’t imagine retiring full time when I already feel like I am semi retired competing with lazy young folks…I hope this helps...:toast

theres no such thing as the american dream man, that dream today is outliving ur parents then what they had

then again there is no such thing 100% successful stories, if everyone is successful then there be no retards to exploit

02-24-2014, 10:31 AM
there is no such thing 100% successful stories, if everyone is successful then there be no retards to exploit

Perhaps…But when your competition has lowered the bar and your job becomes so much easier, one feels like They Have Arrived…I never knew that I would love my job & appreciate my life so much….

John Kramer
02-24-2014, 10:49 AM
Be a C student engineering grad from UTSA, and companies will jack off to you


John Kramer
02-24-2014, 10:53 AM
or get lucky like a certain scro who fucked around most of college, only tried hard his last year, and got an engineering position in the North Dakota oilfields without technically even getting an engineering degree


02-24-2014, 11:11 AM
life is comfortable as long as japan keeps making playstations

02-24-2014, 11:12 AM
Be a C student engineering grad from UTSA, and companies will jack off to you

ha 2 of my friends are studying engineering there

02-24-2014, 11:35 AM
Comfortable living coincides with wise spending rather than income after you can afford your needs.


I know people that make a LOT of money, but they're still broke because they don't live within their means.

02-24-2014, 11:36 AM
Be a C student engineering grad from UTSA, and companies will jack off to you


or get lucky like a certain scro who fucked around most of college, only tried hard his last year, and got an engineering position in the North Dakota oilfields without technically even getting an engineering degree


bitter, table for one

02-24-2014, 11:38 AM
And childless people don't know what they're missing, tbh.

02-24-2014, 11:48 AM
Comfortable changes. I remember being in college and living in an un-airconditioned falling down dump of a house, riding a bike everywhere so I didn't have to buy gas for the worn out POS car I had and did all the mechanic work on, cooking spaghetti, beans and cornbread, anything cheap and filling and just being comfortable as hell.

Now with all the baggage/obligations I've picked up I'd say 150K minimum.

02-24-2014, 01:40 PM
I think there was a study somewhere that showed money does equal happiness.....to a point. That point was 75k.

02-24-2014, 01:49 PM
A kid these days is a 250k investment.

02-24-2014, 02:01 PM
A kid these days is a 250k investment.

At least, if you do it right.

The Reckoning
02-24-2014, 02:12 PM
it's funny how pretentious people get about kids once they have them :lol

:cry it's selfish not to have kids :cry

what's selfish about knowing how to control your load? most kids aren't planned.

02-24-2014, 02:14 PM
it's funny how pretentious people get about kids once they have them :lol

:cry it's selfish not to have kids :cry

what's selfish about knowing how to control your load? most kids aren't planned.

Really? Can you document that claim?

The Reckoning
02-24-2014, 02:17 PM
Really? Can you document that claim?




02-24-2014, 02:18 PM

02-24-2014, 02:25 PM
it's funny how pretentious people get about kids once they have them :lol

:cry it's selfish not to have kids :cry

what's selfish about knowing how to control your load? most kids aren't planned.

To a certain extent, it is selfish.

Oh, and you should thank your parents for either (1) planning you or (2) not controlling his load

The Reckoning
02-24-2014, 02:25 PM
on the contrary, some of the most selfish people i've known are parents. they use their kids to gain access into the community and pressure them to do the things they wished they achieved as a kids. i don't understand that if someone is so dissatisfied with their own lives, why do they feel the need to have kids in order to vicariously live through them? it makes me feel bad for the kids.

instead of being obsessed with what all the other parents are doing, they need to be giving their kids a real extracurricular education like learning a second language and music theory instead of trying to letter in 10 different sports and ROTC.

maybe some people feel that if they did have a kid, they wouldn't be able to provide what the kid really needs? maybe some people have a genetic condition that they don't want to pass on? maybe some people are comfortable with their significant other and prefer to use their lives to achieve their own goals?

i really don't understand why it's selfish to not have kids.

02-24-2014, 02:31 PM
No argument that there are a lot of unintended pregnancies especially among lower socioeconomic groups but most have it in the mid 40's. Even in the text of the article Guttenbergs number disagrees with the US Dept of Health.

The Reckoning
02-24-2014, 02:38 PM
No argument that there are a lot of unintended pregnancies especially among lower socioeconomic groups but most have it in the mid 40's. Even in the text of the article Guttenbergs number disagrees with the US Dept of Health.

we can talk numbers all day, but it's not like all children are brought in on a red carpet because their parents had full intention of having them.

plus, i'm sure many married couples "mistime" their kids and act like they were planned. there's absolutely nothing wrong with that if they can still provide for them, but i think there's a lot of denial going on by telling themselves "it's because everyone who doesn't have kids is selfish."

02-24-2014, 02:42 PM
we can talk numbers all day, but it's not like all children are brought in on a red carpet because their parents had full intention of having them.

plus, i'm sure many married couples "mistime" their kids and act like they were planned. there's absolutely nothing wrong with that if they can still provide for them, but i think there's a lot of denial going on by telling themselves "it's because everyone who doesn't have kids is selfish."

No argument there. I think it's selfish to have kids you clearly can't afford.

02-24-2014, 06:42 PM
Some people have kids cause they're selfish. They are probably insecure about heir own failures in life that they feel they have to procreate in order to make up for themselves sucking at life.

02-24-2014, 06:45 PM
Some people have kids cause they're selfish. They are probably insecure about heir own failures in life that they feel they have to procreate in order to make up for themselves sucking at life.

I don't know anyone that fits that description.

02-24-2014, 07:31 PM
money doesn't necessarily buy happiness but its sure as fuck better to have money than not to have it

02-24-2014, 07:48 PM
bitter, table for one

:lol :tu

02-24-2014, 07:51 PM
Calculating the price of a kid? Obviously you don't have one bc bc they're cheap. Some cold fuckers in here tbh.

02-24-2014, 08:01 PM
Not having kids for some people is more about understanding they are too selfish to raise a child. At least they are aware of such a thing and don't have children just to have them...because there are many people that aren't. I see selfish people every day that only had kids because they wanted to feel validated and they treat their kids like possessions instead of people they are molding into good, well adjusted human beings.

Truth. It's actually common sense, when one (one being one who is not an idiot) thinks about it.

That said, this isn't the age of the Nuclear Family anymore. I expect my girl/wife to work at least 30 hours a week.

02-24-2014, 08:15 PM
What't the point of marrying someone if she has to work? Isn't the purpose of her marrying you to have someone to provide and support her?

02-24-2014, 08:17 PM
What't the point of marrying someone if she has to work? Isn't the purpose of her marrying you to have someone to provide and support her?

I thought it was about love and acceptance and companionship, but hell, maybe I'm old fashioned.

02-24-2014, 08:20 PM
I thought it was about love and acceptance and companionship, but hell, maybe I'm old fashioned.
Well that too but I don't see why a man would even look for a wife if he isn't financially stable. Just the way I see it. Doesn't make you less of a man or husband either way.

02-24-2014, 08:21 PM
People are wildly irresponsible for having kids without financial planning. That argument (utility) is the same whether it's a kid or a house or a car. You don't want to be house poor, same as kid poor. You are doing yourself, spouse and kid a huge disservice if you don't financially plan before you have a kid.

02-24-2014, 08:22 PM
What't the point of marrying someone if she has to work? Isn't the purpose of her marrying you to have someone to provide and support her?

lol what? This isn't 1840. Many women love to work and are damn good at their jobs. They love working and it would be selfish to take that away.

02-24-2014, 08:23 PM
Well that too but I don't see why a man would even look for a wife if he isn't financially stable. Just the way I see it. Doesn't make you less of a man or husband either way.

.. what does that have to do with her working 30 hours a week so we can get ahead? These days, what woman doesn't work 30 hours at least?

02-24-2014, 08:24 PM
lol what? This isn't 1840. Many women love to work and are damn good at their jobs. They love working and it would be selfish to take that away.
Not what I'm saying. I'm saying if a woman should decide not to work a man should be able to support her. (Husband)

02-24-2014, 08:25 PM
Not what I'm saying. I'm saying if a woman should decide not to work a man should be able to support her. (Husband)

That's not what you said at all, bro, tbh.

02-24-2014, 08:25 PM
Sure, but that is a decision you make as a couple (either way). The point of being with someone is enriching each other's lives and if someone wants to work (or has to work) that's just part of the equation.

02-24-2014, 08:27 PM
.. what does that have to do with her working 30 hours a week so we can get ahead? These days, what woman doesn't work 30 hours at least?
Because a man should be able to support his spouse, he is her provider. If she wants to work then awesome, but if not her husband should at least be able to provide a house and vehicle. Nothing wrong with wanting to get ahead, but a woman should not feel obligated to work to provide for her family, that is a mans job.

02-24-2014, 08:32 PM
If you have kids, you'll enjoy when you don't. If you don't have kids, you need to keep it that way. Kids are fine as long as you can visit them like zoo animals. You don't want to take an elephant or monkey to your house, but they are cool to see now and then. Same with kids. Grandkids are even better, because you're automatically expected to only visit so you don't have to move out of state or make payments.

02-24-2014, 08:32 PM
Because a man should be able to support his spouse, he is her provider. If she wants to work then awesome, but if not her husband should at least be able to provide a house and vehicle. Nothing wrong with wanting to get ahead, but a woman should not feel obligated to work to provide for her family, that is a mans job.

I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree. I'm not eschewing a man's personal responsibility, but this isn't the 50's anymore. Plenty (most?) of women nowadays are career women who work 30-40 hours a week or are going to school, and I tremendously respect, AND expect that. There are exceptions, for example, I'm all for a man supporting his wife when she's pregnant or caring for a newborn. But in the vast majority of cases, I would say it's not even my decision - she will want to get ahead and drive her own badass car and have her own money and the only way she can do that in a normal relationship is if she has her own job. Yeah, there's men out there making 100k here in TX who can afford that shit, that's not me (yet). You seem inexperienced tbh.

02-24-2014, 08:33 PM
And I think that when people address the problem of lazy-ass parasitic beaners, they're not referring to the Mexican government but the ethnicity (which includes all people of Mexican descent)

You misunderstood, amigo chino.

I meant most Mexican immigrants and 1st/2nd generation Mex-Americans aren't the parasitic ones. Its the later generations that have been Americanized that abuse the system. Yall talk about assimilation, well that's part of it since it's an American thing to leech off the system. Can't expect them to assimilate and then complain that they have become lazy Americans tbh.

02-24-2014, 08:36 PM
I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree. I'm not eschewing a man's personal responsibility, but this isn't the 50's anymore. Plenty (most?) of women nowadays are career women who work 30-40 hours a week or are going to school, and I tremendously respect, AND expect that. There are exceptions, for example, I'm all for a man supporting his wife when she's pregnant or caring for a newborn. But in the vast majority of cases, I would say it's not even my decision - she will want to get ahead and drive her own badass car and have her own money and the only way she can do that in a normal relationship is if she has her own job. You seem inexperienced tbh.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying a woman shouldn't work, if she wants to work then more power to her. I'm saying a woman shouldn't work if she doesn't want to. Now if she want's a Range Rover and McMansion then yes, she may have to work.

02-24-2014, 08:36 PM
In SA about a 1.50/yr is enough to live comfortably...

02-24-2014, 09:03 PM
If you have kids, you'll enjoy when you don't. If you don't have kids, you need to keep it that way. Kids are fine as long as you can visit them like zoo animals. You don't want to take an elephant or monkey to your house, but they are cool to see now and then. Same with kids. Grandkids are even better, because you're automatically expected to only visit so you don't have to move out of state or make payments.


02-24-2014, 09:54 PM
If you have kids, you'll enjoy when you don't. If you don't have kids, you need to keep it that way. Kids are fine as long as you can visit them like zoo animals. You don't want to take an elephant or monkey to your house, but they are cool to see now and then. Same with kids. Grandkids are even better, because you're automatically expected to only visit so you don't have to move out of state or make payments.
but parenthood is a bitter yet inevitable step to grand parenthood imho.

02-24-2014, 09:56 PM
If you have kids, you'll enjoy when you don't. If you don't have kids, you need to keep it that way. Kids are fine as long as you can visit them like zoo animals. You don't want to take an elephant or monkey to your house, but they are cool to see now and then. Same with kids. Grandkids are even better, because you're automatically expected to only visit so you don't have to move out of state or make payments.

02-24-2014, 10:02 PM
To a certain extent, it is selfish.

In what way is it selfish?

silverblk mystix
02-24-2014, 10:06 PM
when you learn to stop needing and craving things

02-24-2014, 10:07 PM
when you learn to stop needing and craving things

"I wanna drive a mustang:cry:cry:cry:cry:cry"

silverblk mystix
02-24-2014, 10:17 PM
"I wanna drive a mustang:cry:cry:cry:cry:cry"


needing/craving are the key words....

02-24-2014, 10:21 PM
when you learn to stop needing and craving things

Things like children?

silverblk mystix
02-24-2014, 10:23 PM
Things like children?

the thread is about finances...

but if you need and crave ANYTHING - including children - you are already fucked

02-24-2014, 10:33 PM
the thread is about finances...

The topic changed as often happens.

02-24-2014, 11:33 PM
is that chick in your sig the one you plan on having kids with? The second you impregnate her with the 2nd she'll look like a tranny.

02-24-2014, 11:36 PM
the thread is about finances...

but if you need and crave ANYTHING - including children - you are already fucked
What should I crave then, iyo

silverblk mystix
02-25-2014, 06:08 PM
What should I crave then, iyo

It depends on how unhappy you want to be.

The more attachments (craving things and thinking you need them to be happy) you have the more happiness gets taken away.

The Gemini Method
02-25-2014, 06:53 PM
Usually it lasts until the Lean wears off...then it is all downhill after that.

02-25-2014, 07:27 PM
Desire is different in each type person, I can't measure that for others. As far as kids are concerned, I can't think of a justifiable reason to have any. Some innate feeling isn't good enough, nor is passing on a legacy (As that seems selfish and ridiculous because you can't control that). So I shun that whole process. Plenty of people who are in the world that I can form relationships with. My advice, protect your semen, and protect your means of production.

02-25-2014, 10:18 PM
It depends on how unhappy you want to be.

The more attachments (craving things and thinking you need them to be happy) you have the more happiness gets taken away.

Now that is a fucked up way of looking at relationships.....

02-25-2014, 10:21 PM
Desire is different in each type person, I can't measure that for others. As far as kids are concerned, I can't think of a justifiable reason to have any. Some innate feeling isn't good enough, nor is passing on a legacy (As that seems selfish and ridiculous because you can't control that). So I shun that whole process. Plenty of people who are in the world that I can form relationships with. My advice, protect your semen, and protect your means of production.

Different strokes for different folks...raising children is the greatest reward, commitment and responsibility you could ever have in your life...

silverblk mystix
02-26-2014, 06:03 AM
Now that is a fucked up way of looking at relationships.....

Of course, most sleeping people do the opposite...

they crave and need each other and profess to being UNABLE to live without the other -

(which is a nice definition of -addiction - )

and then label it - LOVE!

That is more what you are used to.

02-26-2014, 06:19 AM
Different strokes for different folks...raising children is the greatest reward, commitment and responsibility you could ever have in your life...

With no disrespect intended, that's one of the most depressing things I've ever heard.

02-26-2014, 08:07 AM
Now that is a fucked up way of looking at relationships.....

no. it's just derivative Buddhishm

02-26-2014, 06:32 PM
Comfortable is all about your house payment tbh. You should never buy a house more than 2.5-3 times your annual income, excluding your wife's, with at least 20% down. Even less than 2.5 if interest rates are higher. So $50k/yr and $120,000 is the maximum loan you can afford, and you'll still be broke for the next 30 yeas.

02-28-2014, 09:44 PM
$50k/yr if you're by yourself and you want those things ($20k car, $150k house, two vacays a yr). Double it for a wife and two kids, then add $25k every five years to keep up with kids needs, etc.