View Full Version : Autistic Boy Tortured by Teenage Girls

Huey Freeman
03-13-2014, 12:52 AM
Lauren Bush, 17, and her 15-year-old accomplice were arrested by the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Department. Sheriff Tim Cameron told the Daily News Wednesday the “heinous” allegations in this case are some of the worst he has ever seen and has shocked the rural Maryland county.

The suspects recorded themselves assaulting their mentally challenged victim by pointing a knife to his throat, making him walk across a frozen pond and not helping when he fell in multiple times and kicking him in the groin, Cameron said.

Perhaps the most appalling charge was a sexual act they allegedly coerced him into performing.

“The victim was forced to masturbate and then copulate with a family pet,” he said. “It’s beyond comprehension.”


Floyd Pacquiao
03-13-2014, 01:16 AM
Damn, where were these girls when i was in school

03-13-2014, 02:51 AM
:lol Lauren Bush's eyes are too close together, tbh..


Definitely the type of thing that would make you hate the world and torture an autistic boy IMO..

03-13-2014, 03:02 AM
I was expecting some mean girl shit. Fuck these bitches. Although the forced masturbation would be hot if it weren't for the boy being retarded.

I'd love to see the vids tbh

:lol Lauren Bush's eyes are too close together, tbh..


No joke. When I first started reading and saw 17 yr old and 15 yr old I got excited

03-13-2014, 03:50 AM
These hoes will be getting shit for this for years. How do you beat up an autistic person? I can understand if it's self defense but going out of your way to pick on someone that is autistic is mean. I hope someone in the jail has an autistic relative and beats the shit out of those hoes.

03-13-2014, 04:36 AM
fair reflection of bitches' cruel instinct, bitches have no sympathy tbh.

and what's the chance of bitch being an illegitimate granddaughter of the former president Bush? Bush's eyes are also close together, imho

http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAKAAeAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAQIDBAUHAAj/xAA8EAACAQMDAQYCBwcDBQEAAAABAgMABBEFEiExBhMiQVFhcY EHFCMyQpGxM1JicqHB0SWCkhVzorLhJP/EABkBAAIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDAAEEBf/EACURAAICAQMDBAMAAAAAAAAAAAABAhEDBBIhMUFhEyIyURRCg f/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A5m9u95PHaBsB+XOecVnXelmPVvqEJLNke J/Dmvd9dLdvdWqseTGrAZxxVZRc3045eaUL+I84FFjjSLkzY7S6J FpSJJG7nvDgJjhePWorLRFn0p7yRnUxgkqoyW9KoX17eXLMbl5 MPg7T09sUq3N/Z24hQyQx7t3HGSR/imO+OQSXTdKlvbaWZGCbejE8e9QadYS6hcdzB97BIPkSKW0u7q xgk7kFROMBvh1qxoV1d211vto5H3ZAUDw7qHm2WU7m3niuzDMc zZGcHPJojMTwARyg7gPzq7Y6HdSXC6pdsI5umIxhT7knzrWn01 7t98sZLgdVyAf80rJKwoqgeFKKtXlibfJVyw/dx4qopMjglTwOuaWHRLSikB4zS1ChwpaQUtQoWkpa9ULKGna1a W+ktBJFseRiv2PUcfeNVey2oW2n3xa5hRl2nEp6rx0qftJolvp 0CXEDM3eMBheVXipdH7ORXulPcTygOG3Duzk4x0+NafbQsy9cv 4L/AFH63Ej7GAzE/GPYe1Ta3f213DbxQl8xKAR+HpVTTLMXd+sbeGPdggnxVIdLJ1c 2MTDwnrKduajqyGxHNa3ujQ2VqghuZQQAvi2gHnJ8s1q6Pp8Vq kccPKjLEt+Ko7TR7fTNQutj7gq5x+6MZPNFmhaZ9agiuLkbN43 KnoPes2SaiPxY3MgiikuCpZ2ZfIMuB8sCrjbki2MybR5jB/Wimz0632ALHu96ln0+3xkwrmk+qzT+L5ObahBJdErH4h/KRQte6JeRyd4BnHkSeldfurNVztQCh7UY19qH1XZHgSQFKESEA 5GeQT5UgOeRVnVIu7JCjwjxD29azVmMf3zxnB/zTlKzLKNMtU4UwHPIOR7U6iAFr1eFeqywSnu7iYt3srkNjIzxx 7VZZdQsrfugskcTYlLLnHtzVd0eyuyk8QLxtyjjg1vaz2hgvtM WyWIrhAQ0fA3enwrVYow7X6z3puoFLOjZLYzgmvW8d1e3XhLyT AbuTk8VoaPqdvZ2dwkkeGYAAofE1P7K38VnfMHiVi6sFkP3hx0 oG+S0E2hxSXUczTMWeRCW9yT/AIFdCssCJFHQACgrs8O5tME4AGM/MUaWTjBYkBRjJNc/Mb9MwitZAI8KMn2pGPiGetVE1C0t4syTKPT3qM6nC8oII/Kq7Gq0JfjA5NC+pqQSMcDzFbWq63HGgxGGGOTmhe+1aGY+BTVU A5IzZ4g8h3Yx0oSvoiNwU9KKbyQSK3dNihy4YFyWxycEelMh0M uVc2SWDbrSM8/OrAqG1ULCAOnlmpxTjOLmkpaSoUWe1+ji7g+t26/boPFj8QoFRdzheBn14xXXZMEAY60CdrdG+p3DXdun2DnLAfhNa VIWMvdEgg0VLwSFpAuGEZypOetYdqWW5jMalnDeFR5mntd3Dwp 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ginobili's bald spot
03-13-2014, 05:20 AM
Their punishment should be the retard raping them imho. Then after he is done force them to fuck a horse. Better justice than jail time.

03-13-2014, 07:23 AM
I wonder what they forced him to bone? Pussy or bitch?

03-13-2014, 12:55 PM
those eyes are so close together its almost Cyclops like

Wild Cobra
03-13-2014, 01:13 PM
:lol Lauren Bush's eyes are too close together, tbh..


Definitely the type of thing that would make you hate the world and torture an autistic boy IMO..
That's freaky. If someone didn't photoshop that...

03-13-2014, 01:40 PM
Perfect genetic cleansing candidates tbh.

03-13-2014, 01:47 PM
Although the forced masturbation would be hot if it weren't for the boy being retarded.

I'd love to see the vids tbh

No joke. When I first started reading and saw 17 yr old and 15 yr old I got excited


03-13-2014, 01:57 PM
She. Male. Porn. Irony.

03-13-2014, 02:09 PM
Can we stop with the porn shaming, please? if you get off to chicks with dicks, good for you. There's nothing wrong with watching

a Trannie with a 9' inch dick plow a dude right up in his tight, hairless ass. Nothing wrong with that.

03-13-2014, 04:48 PM

03-13-2014, 04:56 PM
She. Male. Porn. Irony.

You. Are. 5'3". lol.

03-13-2014, 05:00 PM
You. Are. 5'3". lol.

One, that is wrong :lol. Also aren't you the guy who goes to UTSA and watch's tranny porn? Also aren't you the one who grew up with a poor father who couldn't provide for you but made fun of someone young making 50K?

03-13-2014, 05:03 PM
One, that is wrong :lol. Also aren't you the guy who choose to UTSA and choose to watch tranny porn? Also aren't you the one who grew up with a poor father who couldn't provide for you but made fun of someone young making 50K?

1/3 tbh

I chose UTSA, thats about it. So I assume you round up to 5'4"? Cant say I blame you. :lol

03-13-2014, 05:04 PM

I believe what he meant we who here at17 years old didn't want to be raped by two chicks. Turns out that didn't happen at all and these girls were most likely man hating muff divers

03-13-2014, 05:05 PM
Oh, so your dad never made less than 50K? I could have sworn you said you had a father that had a terrible work ethic + a lack of brains so he put his family in harms way by making excuses and being poor (just like you said with regards to the young man making 50K).

03-13-2014, 05:10 PM
I believe what he meant we who here at17 years old didn't want to be raped by two chicks. Turns out that didn't happen at all and these girls were most likely man hating muff divers

Isnt he the guy thats a grown ass man (like middle aged) but likes underage teens though ?

Oh, so your dad never made less than 50K? I could have sworn you said you had a father that had a terrible work ethic + a lack of brains so he put his family in harms way by making excuses and being poor (just like you said with regards to the young man making 50K).


03-13-2014, 05:12 PM
1/3 tbh

I chose UTSA, thats about it. So I assume you round up to 5'4"? Cant say I blame you. :lol

Didn't you turn down UT for UTSA? I guess your dad didn't make even 55K since you had to go to UTSA?

Youd be correct, little man. Up until recently FkLA Sr. didnt make that much tbh.

Did you laugh at him, too?

No, he made the most of the cards he was given in life. He wasn't given the chance to go to college and decided to major in something worthless like queer studies for example.

Caught you in a lie. You did say your day was poor and was in the 50K range so I was actually 3/3 because you choose to go to UTSA (:lol), chose to watch shemale porn (everyone saw you post it) & your dad squandered his life away by making poor decisions. I can see how that impacted you considering you are also poor and make poor life decisions (choosing to go to UTSA vs UT supposedly).

*drops mic*

03-13-2014, 05:23 PM
:lol Taking a shot at someons dad is low even for you, Napoleon. Fortunately theres no truth to it so FkLA aint even mad tbh.

03-13-2014, 05:24 PM
I hate seeing 2 of the greatest on ST in a fight like this, tbh:(..

03-13-2014, 05:28 PM
:lol Taking a shot at someons dad is low even for you, Napoleon. Fortunately theres no truth to it so FkLA aint even mad tbh.

:lmao now claiming that something you said (and I quoted) is a lie. UTSA education paying off. Good thing you aren't getting a UTSA Law Degree IMO :lol

03-13-2014, 05:32 PM
Also ":cry I can make fun of people for how much money they make, for being born, but for you to take what I say and turn that around on mah daddeh is just too much :cry"

You shitty a** soccer player, you.

03-13-2014, 05:33 PM
:lmao now claiming that something you said (and I quoted) is a lie. UTSA education paying off. Good thing you aren't getting a UTSA Law Degree IMO :lol

Making under 55k =/= poor work ethic, lack of brains, poor provider, etc

You know that though. FkLA just has you so upset that youve resorted to making up lies about FkLA Sr.

03-13-2014, 05:35 PM
Also ":cry I can make fun of people for how much money they make, for being born, but for you to take what I say and turn that around on mah daddeh is just too much :cry"

Like I said FkLA aint even mad. Its just sad that you have to resort to that tbh.

You shitty a** soccer player, you.

I am a better goalie by default. There is not a single 5'3" goalie in the world. :lol

03-13-2014, 05:39 PM
Not true. Saying someone was not "given the chance to go to college" and then saying "they made the most of what he had" while making a crappy amount of money that you yourself make fun of is using facts. That's not anger. Anger is realizing that your father's poor work ethic and excuse making (I guess someone was holding a gun to his head every second of every day so there was just no chance he could have worked harder and made a success of himself) has rubbed off on you (you are currently poor and chose to attend UTSA over UT).

It's just really a vicious cycle and I am sorry you weren't smart enough or talented enough to escape it.

I may be short, but at least I'm not you. That's way worse. Angry, IMO, is getting so angry about your online life that you spam shemale porn and demand a flag.

03-13-2014, 05:39 PM
Like I said FkLA aint even mad. Its just sad that you have to resort to that tbh.

I am a better goalie by default. There is not a single 5'3" goalie in the world. :lol

What a terrible argument :lol. You are a terrible human and worse than a little guy at soccer even though your country loves it :lol

Trill Clinton
03-13-2014, 05:48 PM
what a sad and sick story. prayers sent up to that young man and his family.

03-13-2014, 05:49 PM
Not true. Saying someone was not "given the chance to go to college" and then saying "they made the most of what he had" while making a crappy amount of money that you yourself make fun of is using facts. That's not anger. Anger is realizing that your father's poor work ethic and excuse making (I guess someone was holding a gun to his head every second of every day so there was just no chance he could have worked harder and made a success of himself) has rubbed off on you (you are currently poor and chose to attend UTSA over UT).

It's just really a vicious cycle and I am sorry you weren't smart enough or talented enough to escape it.

I may be short, but at least I'm not you. That's way worse. Angry, IMO, is getting so angry about your online life that you spam shemale porn and demand a flag.


What a terrible argument :lol. You are a terrible human and worse than a little guy at soccer even though your country loves it :lol

I grew up playing more basketball/football than soccer tbh. Still a better goalie than you though. :lol

The Gemini Method
03-13-2014, 05:50 PM
Depraved human beings...and this squabble that is plaguing this thread is childish--take it to the usual squabble threads.

03-13-2014, 05:50 PM
Picture fail because you are angry. :lol

It sucks when someone smarter than you makes fun of you doesn't it. It also really sucks when people make fun of you for how much money you make and things like that doesn't it? Maybe next time you should think before opening your stupid mouth.

03-13-2014, 05:55 PM
Picture fail because you are angry. :lol

What picture fail? :lol

It sucks when someone smarter than you makes fun of you doesn't it. It also really sucks when people make fun of you for how much money you make and things like that doesn't it? Maybe next time you should think before opening your stupid mouth.

It sucks to be 5'3", doesnt it? :lol

03-13-2014, 05:56 PM
I can 100% honestly say that no, it doesn't :lol At least not for DPG. Plus I'm not 5'3, but the point remains. If I rounded up I would be 5'5 tbh..

03-13-2014, 05:59 PM
If there was a button to make yourself taller would you press it ?

03-13-2014, 06:05 PM
There isn't a button like that though - I've trained myself not to think like that and deal only with whats within my control. If you could choose UT over UTSA would you? If your dad "could" have chosen to go to college and not put his family in harms way, do you think he would hit that button? Those are real choices, things within our control and that's how I view life.

The only way I can think to answer your purely imaginary question is to say whether or not I pressed the magic button, I don't think it would impact my life in any way (good or bad). I would be just as happy and successful being average height like you vs being 5'4.

03-13-2014, 06:14 PM
Well obviously thats why I said 'If there was...'. A simple yes or no will suffice. Answer the question please.

As for me, I have grown fond of UTSA because of what they have done for me so Im happy with my choice. But if I take my feelings towards UTSA out of the equation then sure, I wouldve liked for circumstances to have been different so that I wouldve been able to go to UT.

03-13-2014, 06:15 PM
I did answer the question - I felt I answered it very directly and honestly. The difference is, no matter what thing you want to harp on, only one of us had the choice and regrets it..

03-13-2014, 06:17 PM
What about your father? I have read stories of people who have escaped horrific situations to pursue college degrees and make something of themselves. Unless your argument is that your dad literally had it worse than anyone in history there are really nothing but excuses (obviously disregarding if he has some mental condition or he was born with special needs).

03-13-2014, 06:18 PM
:lol Are you ashamed to admit that you wouldnt mind being taller?

And I dont regret going to UTSA, I love my university. :)

03-13-2014, 06:23 PM
What about your father? I have read stories of people who have escaped horrific situations to pursue college degrees and make something of themselves. Unless your argument is that your dad literally had it worse than anyone in history there are really nothing but excuses (obviously disregarding if he has some mental condition or he was born with special needs).

You little troll, you.

03-13-2014, 06:24 PM
You are making assumptions - you just don't seem to like my answer because it's not what you thought. I honestly don't think my life would be any different if I was taller and I wouldn't be any happier than I am today. So I have no desire to be taller and that's the truth.

You just said you would choose UT over UTSA tbh..The only variable that is making you fit your poor decision into your narrative is your choice(s). Please discuss your father. I am genuinely interested for two reasons: 1) As I have said, I have read some incredible stories about people that didn't make excuses and despite seemingly insurmountable circumstances took control of their life and went to college & 2) How (from an outsider's perspective) his decisions have impacted you with the built in excuses even when you admit that in a "perfect" world, you would rather be at UT vs UTSA. It's very interesting to see how our father's impact us and what it means for the rest of our lives potentially.

03-13-2014, 06:37 PM
The situations arent really all that different. I have no desire to go to UT because I have grown fond and have had success at UTSA. You have no desire to grow taller because youve grown fond of little people and have enjoyed success as a little person. No regrets from both. Doesnt mean UT or being taller arent universally considered better options than our current situations tbh.

Ive spoken about some of the road blocks FkLA Sr. had in the past. He did fine for himself given those imho. Wont get into it much with you though bc youre a little troll.

03-13-2014, 06:53 PM
idk why you guys are ripping on utsa. I have friends who went there and their parents bring in 60 million plus a year. and no i aint lying, most of them are dairy owners that came over from california. some of their kids graduated with a 4.0 gpa and coulda gone to one of the big 3 in texas, still most of them chose utsa.

03-13-2014, 06:59 PM
DPG himself went to UT-Arlington or UT-Dallas (I forget) so he didnt even go to UT, A&M or Rice tbh.

03-13-2014, 06:59 PM
:lol DPG going balls deep

On a related note, I love sharing my dads story with people. He was dirt ass poor going up in the 40s/50s in a very small house that didn't even have plumbing with five siblings. Lived on a fully functioning farm and they grew all their own veggies, slaughtered their own chickens, milked cows, etc. After he got back from Vietnam(he was drafted) and because he had top secret clearance he was immediately offered a job in Washington, but he chose to stay in Texas and marry my mom. He started a small finance business with a couple of partners giving personal loans...then went out on his own to start a rent to own furniture business...which wound up being a great decision because rent to own really blew up in the 80's. He owned 8 or 9 stores statewide and sold them off one by one when the business hit it's peak. At this time he had also taken some of the business money and invested in rent houses.

After he got tired of dealing with the rent houses he started convincing tenants to buy the houses from him without the hassle of a credit check or all the run around involved with a mortgage. He set up the notes, had a friend of his draw up the papers and turned the houses over to them. He took the rest of the money from selling the stores and used it to owner finance property in this very same way for many other people. Now he just goes to the mailbox and picks up checks every month.

This is why it's dumb to make fun of anyone who doesn't get some high powered degree. If you've got some business savvy and solid work ethic you don't need a degree to make a lot of money. My dad managed to start a multi-million dollar business, sell it off at the right time and retire in his early 60's very comfortably with the money he made still making money for him.

03-13-2014, 07:03 PM
^:lol Too bad you arent willing to be so forthcoming when it comes to how you make a living, huh?

03-13-2014, 07:04 PM

03-13-2014, 07:37 PM

ah, the ol single lazy eye.

03-13-2014, 07:40 PM
^:lol Too bad you arent willing to be so forthcoming when it comes to how you make a living, huh?
Lot's of circumstances surrounding that...some that I don't care to divulge on here. You yourself said you that you gave up the opportunity to go to a D1 school to go to UTSA for personal reasons. Let's just say I'm in the same boat with my situation and not going to school. Tbh, I never planned on completely depending on my job and I still don't. It's gets me by for now. I've got a few financial opportunities in the pipeline. We'll see how it all shakes out.

03-13-2014, 07:50 PM
If there was a button to make yourself taller would you press it ?

Would you? I'm 6'2 but I'd press the damn button all day.

03-13-2014, 08:45 PM
Wtf DPG ? :lol

03-13-2014, 08:50 PM
Lot's of circumstances surrounding that...some that I don't care to divulge on here. You yourself said you that you gave up the opportunity to go to a D1 school to go to UTSA for personal reasons. Let's just say I'm in the same boat with my situation and not going to school. Tbh, I never planned on completely depending on my job and I still don't. It's gets me by for now. I've got a few financial opportunities in the pipeline. We'll see how it all shakes out.

FYI, according to the guy that was 'going balls deep' you're a failure with poor work ethic regardless of your circumstances. Either way that doesn't explain your reluctance/borderline shame to share your profession. That's like if I refused to name my university...but to each their own I guess.

UTSA is D1 btw although that's more of an athletic distinction so not sure why it matters.

Would you? I'm 6'2 but I'd press the damn button all day.

Of course. So would DPG, he just feels obligated to stick with the little people.

03-13-2014, 08:53 PM

03-13-2014, 08:55 PM

03-13-2014, 10:07 PM
Sons, UTD MBA program is one of the best in Texas tbh..UTD is a very academic school.

03-13-2014, 10:15 PM
Also, if you remember, I told you what limited me: soccer. I played at a DII school, then transferred to UTD to play (DIII) as I started to get more serious about academics. The schools with 1) Good NCAA Soccer programs + 2) Good academics/Graduate Programs ruled out UT/A&M (plus UTD Grad school is very good).

03-13-2014, 10:30 PM
Oh, so you had some circumstances that limited you too? You never mentioned that actually. :lol

In that case, no excuses you shouldve made D1 and gone to a top program! Ive read plenty of stories of people that did both !!

03-13-2014, 10:50 PM
Huh? It didn't limit in the sense I made a poor decision like you :lol. I actually worked hard and got to pursue college soccer (which helped fund some college) in addition to going to one of the best MBA programs in the state on my terms. I don't think you really get it tbh..

When I said limit I didn't mean holding me back. It meant I was picky in my search because I worked hard and was good enough to not only choose which school I wanted but I was able to play soccer too.

03-13-2014, 11:25 PM

bringin back the Krull movement I see


03-13-2014, 11:53 PM
I heart the FkLa/DPG feud.

03-13-2014, 11:57 PM
Huh? It didn't limit in the sense I made a poor decision like you :lol. I actually worked hard and got to pursue college soccer (which helped fund some college) in addition to going to one of the best MBA programs in the state on my terms. I don't think you really get it tbh..

When I said limit I didn't mean holding me back. It meant I was picky in my search because I worked hard and was good enough to not only choose which school I wanted but I was able to play soccer too.

:lol You're all over the place. Last time you brought it up it was something along the lines of 'I did have to settle for the x-number best program in Texas'. Now all of a sudden you're trying to use soccer as an excuse for why you went to UT-Dallas as opposed to the absolute best MBA program. Not that there's anything wrong with what you did, just using your own standards here.

Would look that first part up but I'm going to bed tbh. :tired

03-14-2014, 12:00 AM
:lol You're all over the place. Last time you brought it up it was something along the lines of 'I did have to settle for the x-number best program in Texas'. Now all of a sudden you're trying to use soccer as an excuse for why you went to UT-Dallas as opposed to the absolute best MBA program. Not that there's anything wrong with what you did, just using your own standards here.

Would look that first part up but I'm going to bed tbh. :tired

I think you are confused, but I agree, go to bed sweet angel of UTSA. Your dreams and the hopes of a better future await you.

03-14-2014, 12:03 AM
I think you are confused, but I agree, go to bed sweet angel of UTSA. Your dreams and the hopes of a better future await you.


03-14-2014, 12:13 AM
I heart the FkLa/DPG feud.

I don't know if it's a feud as much as it is a really harsh mentoring program tbh..