View Full Version : random acts of kindess

Trill Clinton
03-19-2014, 06:55 PM
after work i decided to go to academy to pick up a few things and i ran into a lady with 3 young boys who was looking to buy her sons some football cleats. any other day i would have just minded my business but i noticed one of her son's begging her to buy her a pair of megatron's cleats and she told him she couldn't afford it and she was carrying a box of $10 rawlings cleats.

the kids hadn't had a haircut in what looked like a month and their clothes were pretty dirty. i decided to introduce myself to her and make some small talk...come to find out, she was a single mom taking care of her kids with no support from their father.

i told her i'm a christian and asked her about church and she stated she is also a christian but she doesn't have a church home at this time. i invited her to visit my church this sunday and after about 10 minutes, i asked her if it was okay if i buy her boys their cleats. she refused and and refused, but i wouldn't take no for an answer. i told the boys to pick out the cleats they wanted and they all chose the megatrons, then i took them over to buy them some basketball shorts and 1 t shirt each; i told the mom to pick out a pair of shoes for herself as well.

my cousin is a barber so i gave her his card and told them to stop by to get a free haircut as well.

anybody ever been there for a stranger in a time of need? i plan on making a habit out of this for the rest of march. i doubt i'll be buying strangers shoes again but i do plan on giving back to others in need outside of my volunteer obligations.

03-19-2014, 06:56 PM
Didn't know they accepted food stamps at Academy. So which Whataburger do you work at?

:lmao bragging on the web about "random acts of kindness". Kind people don't need to brag to get credit for their good deeds. You were trying to hook up with baby moms.

03-19-2014, 06:57 PM
Lol from racist to devout christian.

Trill Clinton
03-19-2014, 07:03 PM
Didn't know they accepted food stamps at Academy. So which Whataburger do you work at?

:lmao bragging on the web about "random acts of kindness". Kind people don't need to brag to get credit for their good deeds. You were trying to hook up with baby moms.

1st- foodstamp jokes are sooooo 1990

2nd- i wasn't bragging. i was hoping others would be inspired and help out a perfect stranger as well.

3rd- KYS

Trill Clinton
03-19-2014, 07:03 PM
Lol from racist to devout christian.


03-19-2014, 07:06 PM
Lol from racist to devout christian.

03-19-2014, 07:09 PM
Awesome, random acts of kindness are something special. I'm sure God is smiling in Heaven.

03-19-2014, 07:11 PM
Awesome, random acts of kindness are something special. I'm sure God is smiling in Heaven.

:lol Amen.

Trill Clinton
03-19-2014, 07:12 PM
Awesome, random acts of kindness are something special. I'm sure God is smiling in Heaven.

yessir! you never know what a person is going through and a kind gesture can go a long way. my girl suggested we stand outside of HEB and give out free hugs but thats a lil too much for me

03-19-2014, 07:13 PM
yessir! you never know what a person is going through and a kind gesture can go a long way. my girl suggested we stand outside of HEB and give out free hugs but thats a lil too much for me
:lolyeah, that would be a bit weird.

03-19-2014, 07:15 PM
niggas have higher moral standards, tbh.

rank of morality by races:
1. niggas
2. whites
3. hispanics

4. yellows

marini martini
03-19-2014, 07:15 PM
What a guy!:toast

03-19-2014, 07:16 PM
too bad nigga isnt a race

its a word used to described dumbasses like you, rogue

03-19-2014, 07:18 PM
yessir! you never know what a person is going through and a kind gesture can go a long way. my girl suggested we stand outside of HEB and give out free hugs but thats a lil too much for me

Well goddamn uncle Remus.

03-19-2014, 07:24 PM
too bad nigga isnt a race

its a word used to described dumbasses like you, rogue
I thought you were also a nigga, bro, ain't you?

03-19-2014, 07:33 PM
I thought you were also a nigga, bro, ain't you?
idk, you keep callin me a chink, thought I was that?

03-19-2014, 07:36 PM
Every other Friday I help support a random black family

03-19-2014, 07:36 PM
I too am kind Trill...I troll Best Buy, Walmart, K-Mart, and Target looking for chics that are shopping. I know if they're shopping in any one of these stores they likely don't have much money... so I approach and hand them a fake business card and tell them if they're looking for work to call me. Once they call I offer to met up to discuss the business. So I buy them lunch at Chili's or TGI Friday's and they think I'm the man. I tell them I'll give them a 100 spot for a quick blowjob and quickie fuck...they get the cash I get some quick ass and new relationship is formed. :hat

03-19-2014, 07:47 PM
I too am kind Trill...I troll Best Buy, Walmart, K-Mart, and Target looking for chics that are shopping. I know if they're shopping in any one of these stores they likely don't have much money... so I approach and hand them a fake business card and tell them if they're looking for work to call me. Once they call I offer to met up to discuss the business. So I buy them lunch at Chili's or TGI Friday's and they think I'm the man. I tell them I'll give them a 100 spot for a quick blowjob and quickie fuck...they get the cash I get some quick ass and new relationship is formed. :hat
Cedric Sr's card?

03-19-2014, 08:00 PM
idk, you keep callin me a chink, thought I was that?
haven't you got a mirror something at home?

03-19-2014, 08:04 PM
I'm helping my uncle coach varsity golf this year, fuck the kids I'm in it for free golf.

03-19-2014, 08:10 PM
I'm helping my uncle coach varsity golf this year, fuck the kids I'm in it for free golf.

send me some pics of your girls tits...I know you ain't hitting that shit right bruh

03-19-2014, 09:33 PM
Nice job Trill. :tu I try to do good things too when I think of it.

03-20-2014, 03:15 AM

not a personal fan of their show, but i thought the name "young turks" is fucking offensive as hell. that would be like having a german talk show called "nazi germans." the "young turks" where the regime that was in charge during the genocide.

way OT, but i see u use this pic a lot lol

ginobili's bald spot
03-20-2014, 05:46 AM

Plus, shouldn't he know this if he is a Christian?

"Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven. 2 Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 3 But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly."

03-20-2014, 06:45 AM
I enjoy giving jump starts to people with dead batteries, or changing out flat tires for them and there are alot in this area with the intense heat. Most have no idea how to do it. It seems like a lost art. They're usually waiting for someone to come, but, I just wheel around, hook it up and power them up, or, get out my trusty jack and 4 way'er & switch it out. It's enjoyable accosting people in a friendly way and watching their reactions, especially when they offer money and I turn it down respectfully. "No, it is my pleasure."

03-20-2014, 08:27 AM
Sir I wanna buy these shoes for my Momma please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry Sir?
Daddy says there's not much time
You see, she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes will make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful

If Momma meets Jesus........


03-20-2014, 09:05 AM

silverblk mystix
03-20-2014, 09:19 AM
I thought church was the place to pick up women - but a sporting goods store?

I think these kids had a great opportunity to learn from their mom - that you cannot always get everything you want when you want it - but you just taught them that it isn't true and they will carry this onward and screw people over every time they don't get whatever they "demand"

(next time their mom can't afford it - they will say - "c'mon mom - just sell yourself like you did to that perv in academy last time!")

Sorry trill.

You meant well but you just added to the future juvenile delinquent numbers.

03-20-2014, 09:34 AM
after work i decided to go to academy to pick up a few things and i ran into a lady with 3 young boys who was looking to buy her sons some football cleats. any other day i would have just minded my business but i noticed one of her son's begging her to buy her a pair of megatron's cleats and she told him she couldn't afford it and she was carrying a box of $10 rawlings cleats.

the kids hadn't had a haircut in what looked like a month and their clothes were pretty dirty. i decided to introduce myself to her and make some small talk...come to find out, she was a single mom taking care of her kids with no support from their father.

i told her i'm a christian and asked her about church and she stated she is also a christian but she doesn't have a church home at this time. i invited her to visit my church this sunday and after about 10 minutes, i asked her if it was okay if i buy her boys their cleats. she refused and and refused, but i wouldn't take no for an answer. i told the boys to pick out the cleats they wanted and they all chose the megatrons, then i took them over to buy them some basketball shorts and 1 t shirt each; i told the mom to pick out a pair of shoes for herself as well.

my cousin is a barber so i gave her his card and told them to stop by to get a free haircut as well.

anybody ever been there for a stranger in a time of need? i plan on making a habit out of this for the rest of march. i doubt i'll be buying strangers shoes again but i do plan on giving back to others in need outside of my volunteer obligations.

That's good Karma you're banking. It'll payoff someday.

03-20-2014, 09:39 AM
Kindness is not random to me, it is my religion.

03-20-2014, 06:59 PM
I thought church was the place to pick up women - but a sporting goods store?

I think these kids had a great opportunity to learn from their mom - that you cannot always get everything you want when you want it - but you just taught them that it isn't true and they will carry this onward and screw people over every time they don't get whatever they "demand"

(next time their mom can't afford it - they will say - "c'mon mom - just sell yourself like you did to that perv in academy last time!")

Sorry trill.

You meant well but you just added to the future juvenile delinquent numbers.


That's good Karma you're banking. It'll payoff someday.

And I thought you didn't believe in anything of a spiritual nature such as karma.

03-20-2014, 07:38 PM
Good job Trill! When I lived in Houston I would go get a shit load of Kolaches from the Kolache Factory and pass them out to the homeless. In San Antonio I would pass out taco's. I would never give cash for obvious reasons. I'm not sure if it will do anything for me but it felt good to give.

Smart move, because you know what they would do with cash.

Trill Clinton
03-20-2014, 07:44 PM
thanks guys. again, i'm not bragging at all. i could care less about earning points with people on this board and i know most of y'all hate my guts and think i'm racist but its whateva lol. anyways, i was hoping to inspire others to give back to strangers in a time of need every once in a while.
2120, i never give cash either bro. fuckt that, i refuse to pay for a junkie's fix. i used to volunteer during thanksgiving for the raul jimenez thing but that was for school credit. outside of my fraternity obligations, i never go out of my way to help strangers.

when i get my bread up, i plan on doing something similar to what The Game is doing. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/the-game-the-robin-hood-project

03-20-2014, 07:50 PM
:lolI never understood people who say "Don't go spending it on booze or drugs!" They're already homeless, all their loved ones have abandoned them, and they've been reduced to begging on the streets. Let them have their crack and steel reserve. I just don't give to homeless people anymore and haven't for years--but when I did I was satisfied that I funded what they needed to be happy the rest of the day--which is a lot more humane than a cold sandwich and a bag of combos.

Trill Clinton
03-20-2014, 07:53 PM
they can have all the crack and malt liquor but not on my dime. dude might go and get some crystal meth and go on a robbing or killing spree...i want no parts of that, doggie. plus i had a few enounters with some ungrateful bums so they gets nada from me. i'd rather give to people who are actually trying to do something productive with their life.

03-20-2014, 07:55 PM
That's a noble intention (and I'm not trying to be a sarcastic prick), but their productive days are pretty much over at that point.

03-20-2014, 08:08 PM
At least you taught them the value of over-priced athelete-endorsed footwear.

03-20-2014, 08:09 PM
they can have all the crack and malt liquor but not on my dime. dude might go and get some crystal meth and go on a robbing or killing spree...i want no parts of that, doggie. plus i had a few enounters with some ungrateful bums so they gets nada from me. i'd rather give to people who are actually trying to do something productive with their life.

I agree with you, because all you would be doing is "enabling" them to continue destructive behavior.

03-20-2014, 09:00 PM

And I thought you didn't believe in anything of a spiritual nature such as karma.
More along the lines of paying things forward. The concept of Karma seems an apt description.

03-20-2014, 10:32 PM
More along the lines of paying things forward. The concept of Karma seems an apt description.

I subscribe to both concepts.

03-21-2014, 11:36 PM
Random acts of kindness make you feel good, it's almost kind of selfish.

03-22-2014, 08:04 AM
Just ask Dr. Kevorkian.

Michael Jordan.
03-22-2014, 08:29 AM
I was at a stoplight and only had some change on me, and saw a "homeless veteran" and after I gave him my change, fucker threw it on the ground. I told him to come and stand in front the car.

Michael Jordan.
03-22-2014, 09:11 AM
No Shit? Well I guess If I was homeless and Michael Jordan gave me change I'd throw it on the ground too. You would think MJ only carries bills.

03-22-2014, 10:50 AM
Kindness is not random to me, it is my religion.

You could have fooled me, apparently you are only kind to the "trolls" on here from what I've read of most of your critiques.
I could be wrong, been wrong before, but I'm just going on what I've read of your posts so far.
If that is the case, I apologize now.