View Full Version : Bloated contract performances. Pujols vs Cabrera

04-05-2014, 01:09 PM
Since it just would not be fair to compare the contract of Miggy C to Mike Trout.....
Lets go with the very similar age, bloated contracts, and steroid consumption.

Al Pujols vs Miggy Cabrera2014.

.357 Cabrera
.176 Pujols

1 Miggy
0 Pujols

On base %, strikeouts etc coming later. This is just to get us started. Al's got some catching up to do. It's early in the season.

20 Games in (17 for Miggy)

8 Al leads MLB
2 Miggy

19 Al
10 Miggy

.274/337 Al
.235/.297 Miggy

16 Miggy
8 Al

04-06-2014, 11:35 AM
Similar age? Pujols is probably 38 lol

04-06-2014, 02:00 PM
They're both horrible contracts, but nothing compares to the disaster that is the Pujols contract.

04-14-2014, 09:58 AM
Miggy been cold.
Al starting to catch.

.240 Al
.225 Miggy

3 Al
1 Miggy stuck at 1

7 Al
4 Miggy

04-22-2014, 09:56 PM
They're both horrible contracts, but nothing compares to the disaster that is the Pujols contract.
Not yet.

Al leading MLB in HRs with 8 now 20 games in.
I'll keep the running update up top.

The Gemini Method
04-25-2014, 05:41 PM
He is looking healthy and slimmed down. I think that he'll probably end up with commendable numbers. probably around .280/.345 with around 32 hrs 102 RBIs

05-05-2014, 05:29 AM
Al continues his homer barrage.
Miggys hitting has picked up considerably the last 10. Not his power tho.

30 Games in.

10 Pujols
2 Migg

25 Pujols
19 Miggy

.287/.353 Pujols
.280/330 Miggy got it up to basically even.

05-18-2014, 06:55 PM
40+ games in. ( I wanted to hit it at the 40 mark but...)
Miggy has not only closed the gap, he has shot past both Pujols and -gasp- Trout!

12 Al Pujols
7 Miggy

37 Miggy
29 Pujols. (Al with only 4 RBIs in the last freakin 15 games)

.305 Miggy
.269 Pujols (.217 for May)

Definitely hurting Pujols that Trout is .148 for May with a million strikeouts. Hamilton finally being hot and then injuring himself hurt too.

05-27-2014, 09:40 AM
50 games in.

Cabrera has been super hot in May .367 and that is with a cooling the last 4 games. Had a 10 game stretch of .400+.
Kinsler getting on base (career year so far lol Rangers) in front of Cabrera is helping.

Pujols is still hitting HRs.

.321 Miggy
.267 Pujols

14 Pujols
7 Miggy

42 Miggy
31 Pujols

06-18-2014, 06:19 PM
Miggy is back to his Triple Crown vicinity in the big 3 catagories.
Al Pujols continues to struggle mightily with men on base, altho his consistency with men not on base has been okay.
Still, at .252 he is 60 points below his career average.

It's just baseball. Good, even great, hitters go into slumps. Sometimes they are just fighting mechanics. Maybe they have a little nagging injury. Perhaps some personal problems at home are distracting them. Maybe they're getting a little unlucky with BABIP. Or maybe, just maybe, the pitchers they are facing them are giving them their A+ stuff and it's working. But players can go for stretches throughout the long season where they just are hitting well. Hell, good players even have bad seasons from time to time. A guy who averages 30 HR and .300 BA might have a 25 and .290 season. That's just part of the game.
Is Pujols gonna break out of his RBI slump?

06-18-2014, 06:24 PM
70 games in.

Ave HRs RBIs
Miggy .318 / 12 / 56
Al .254 / 16 / 42 tied 7th in HRs

Both are near the AL leaders.
Miggy much moreso. 6th in ave, 2nd in RBIs.
Al tied for 7th in HRs.

07-12-2014, 10:44 AM
90 Games in.
Al has closed the gap big time with a good 20 game stretch.

Ave / HRs / Rbis
.313 14 74 Miggy
.275 20 62 Pujols

08-11-2014, 10:19 PM
120 Games in
Miggy good in the three big catagories but Al is holding his own. The gap is not that big.

Ave / HRs / Rbis
.308 17 85 Miggy
.272 22 75 Pujols

09-07-2014, 12:30 AM
140 Games same thing

.309 / 21 / 97 Miggy
.274 / 25 / 87 Pujols

Al doing hit #2500 tonight.

Heath Ledger
09-07-2014, 08:06 PM
miggy is playing on one leg at this point still batting over 300. 5 homers within the last few games. BEAST......