View Full Version : Fargo

04-20-2014, 09:09 PM
Anybody watch the first episode? Pretty damn good imho, although the "anthology series" fad is already starting to annoy me.

04-20-2014, 09:34 PM
Don't know how this is going to be better than the movie.

04-21-2014, 12:12 AM
I thought it is a good watch....It kept my interest and I will put it in my rotation...They did pick
a good killer.....I saw the movie and loved it...I'm trying to keep a open mind that it's a TV
show and only based on the movie.

04-21-2014, 10:06 AM
I love Billy Bob Thornton's odd characters, I think this show has a lot of potential. I saw it in bits and pieces on premiere night so I need to go back and see it whole before the next episode but I will keep with it for a while and see how it develops.

04-21-2014, 11:13 AM
There are enough departures from the movie by the end of the first episode to judge it on its own merits. Good stuff. Set up a ton of possibilities for this first season. The story between Nygaard and Malvo could run along the lines of Pinkman and White in its own way if the writers choose.

04-21-2014, 03:17 PM
Looks good, I'm excited to watch it when I get some free time.

04-21-2014, 03:57 PM
There are enough departures from the movie by the end of the first episode to judge it on its own merits. Good stuff. Set up a ton of possibilities for this first season. The story between Nygaard and Malvo could run along the lines of Pinkman and White in its own way if the writers choose.

Then maybe there will be more expansion and detail than the movie.
So far it's been pretty good.

04-21-2014, 08:58 PM
There are enough departures from the movie by the end of the first episode to judge it on its own merits. Good stuff. Set up a ton of possibilities for this first season. The story between Nygaard and Malvo could run along the lines of Pinkman and White in its own way if the writers choose.

I sure hope Billy Bob isn't supposed to be a protagonist. how many innocents did White shoot in the back for no reason?

04-21-2014, 09:02 PM
I sure hope Billy Bob isn't supposed to be a protagonist. how many innocents did White shoot in the back for no reason?Deputy Solverson is clearly going to be the protagonist. I was talking more about the potential for shifting alliances, trust issues and backstabbing between the two lawbreakers.

04-22-2014, 02:07 AM
I liked the first episode but the promos for the show were misleading. In the story, isn't it 2006? The promos had you thinking that it took place in the 1990s like the movie. I think it's similar to the movie but not an exact adaptation. One thing that bugged me was the obvious age gap between Lester and his wife. Lester is played by young Bilbo Baggins and I'm pretty sure Martin Freeman is in his early 40s. The woman that played his bitchy wife had to be in her early 50s to mid 50s at least.

04-22-2014, 09:02 PM
I liked it, will keep watching.

06-11-2014, 09:01 PM

This is a terrific show. The finale is next week so I'd advise anybody to catch up before then.

Billy Bob kills it tbh.....

06-20-2014, 12:16 PM
I watched the season final of Fargo and it did not disappoint. This was a very good series and should win a award.
Billy Bob played the killer role to perfection. If it comes up on Netflix or Hulu take the time to watch it...........

08-27-2014, 03:07 AM
The series was good, but the way Lester went out was kind of lame.

11-06-2015, 09:53 PM
The second season is gaining steam...I think (at least as of now) it stands on its own merits unlike True Detective did. All the characters--no matter how significant--have depth to them. Jean Smart is standing out among a series full of great performances. This past episode was terrific, really psyched for the next episode.

11-06-2015, 09:56 PM
Don't know why Dave Chappelle escalated at that particular point. Was it payback for the donut shop cattle prodding?

11-24-2015, 01:45 AM
It's getting juicy

11-24-2015, 07:20 AM
I agree with DD; Fargo is making True Detective look bad.

11-24-2015, 09:57 AM
Definitely wasn't expecting season 2 to be on the same level as season 1, but it really is IMO..

Quite the contrast from the pile of shit that was True Detective, tbh..

11-24-2015, 04:41 PM
I think it's much better than season 1

11-25-2015, 02:00 PM
I think it's much better than season 1

Ya, I actually agree with this..the characters have been much more interesting, excluding Billy Bob..

11-25-2015, 02:10 PM
I liked Lester Nygaard, although his Walter White transformation took almost no time at all.

11-25-2015, 02:10 PM
Fargo is a very entertaining show with no drop of from season 1.....

11-25-2015, 05:40 PM
Who's gonna be the last Gerhardt standing?

Hope it's Bear tbh

12-08-2015, 03:25 AM

02-12-2016, 04:38 AM
Finished season 2 up, fucking fantastic 5/5

Even better than season one

Mike and Han are the best characters on season 2 IMO

04-19-2017, 04:08 PM
Season 3 tonight

"Unfathomable pinheadery" most Fargo thing ever

04-21-2017, 12:31 PM
Mary Elizabeth Winstead....my oh my

04-27-2017, 01:00 PM
VM Varga is amazing.

04-27-2017, 01:21 PM
Really liked the first episode, much more than last seasons tbh

Mary Elizabeth Winstead....my oh my
Tbh :tu

05-03-2017, 11:27 AM
Oh I don't know...Slave girls? :lol

05-18-2017, 06:20 AM
"Enemies are at the gates! Inside the gates! Fornicating with our cookware!"

That has to be the greatest line of all time.

05-18-2017, 08:34 PM
Varga may be the greatest villain ever created in any Coen Bros related work.

Certainly he's better than Billy Bob in S1 and the Indian in S2. At this point I may put him ahead of Chigurgh.

05-21-2017, 11:13 AM
That Asian guy grooving on his headphones during Varga's entire epic fat-wife rant had me in tears:rollin

05-25-2017, 11:18 AM
Do yall think the two female cops are fuckable?

05-25-2017, 01:59 PM
Do yall think the two female cops are fuckable?

Carrie Coon definitely has a resting bitch face that you want to plow, tbh.

05-25-2017, 05:37 PM
The ending of the last episode was straight up Pulp Fiction mixed with a little No Country for Old Men.

05-25-2017, 05:46 PM
Was kinda glad we got rid of one Ewan McGregor. I thought having him pull an Eddie Murphy was stupid from the beginning, and he barely did enough to differentiate the two as separate people anyways.

05-25-2017, 06:12 PM
Splitting Ewan up did lessen both characters. I hope Emmit gets some better characterization now. I don't understand how people would call both brothers bad people. Ray, maybe, but what did Emmit do that was evil? Take money from shady people? Stupid, not evil. Kill Ray? That was an accident. I don't even care if Nikki is blackmailed, because she was trying to ruin his life.

05-25-2017, 06:49 PM
I call this show, "Fartfo".

05-26-2017, 08:33 AM
They were showing the movie last nite on the cable. I hate that lady sheriff & her faggot husband. Wrecked a decent caper.

05-26-2017, 09:27 AM
They were showing the movie last nite on the cable. I hate that lady sheriff & her faggot husband. Wrecked a decent caper.

That lady should be the postergirl for Woman Empowerment around the world. Pregnant and weak and caught a real bad ass summabitch :wow

While her husband is sleeping in bed cause its minus 35 degrees outside :lmao

Bad ass girl imo

06-01-2017, 11:21 AM
Mr. Wrench sighting:lol

The Gemini Method
06-02-2017, 01:42 PM
Damn. Didn't realize Season 3 was out. Thanks ST!

06-08-2017, 04:49 AM
The first half of the latest episode had references to Fargo, The Big Lebowski, and A Serious Man in quick succession. It was a weird combination, but it worked somehow.

06-09-2017, 04:36 AM
It was good to see Ray Wise from Robocop

06-09-2017, 02:23 PM
This season, I love the characters but hate the story. Seems to be a complete mess of half baked ideas.

06-10-2017, 05:02 AM
The plot is bizarre. The entire Ennis Stussy subplot took up half the season and had no resolution. It didn't need to exist.

There haven't been any bad episodes, though. I'll put this season over the second easily if it doesn't end with a dud like season 2 did.

06-15-2017, 11:47 AM
Okay, Meemo, time to take the earphones out. Your enemies are getting the drop on you every time.

06-21-2017, 11:40 PM
Very love/hate feelings about this season. Is there any significance whatsoever to the opening scene in Ep 1, aside from the superficial "interrogation room" tie-in? This season felt like alot of fake profoundness with no actual point.

06-22-2017, 12:29 AM
The final scene is fucking awesome. The end of Swango's story sucked. The end of Emmit's story was okay I guess. And what the hell happened to the Russian? There were so many loose ends to half baked ideas. The writing staff bit off way more than they could chew here, yet at the same time they pulled off something pretty damn good. Just a weird season all around. Part of it is purposeful I'm sure, but I still think Season 2 is far superior. I probably like Season 1 more as well, although that season now seems very straightforward and almost bland in comparison to this.

06-22-2017, 06:33 AM
Emmit dying made no fucking sense from a logical or narrative standpoint. Mr. Wrench, who is so loyal to Nikki (for reasons I can't seem to fathom), decides to murder Emmit five years after the fact? Why? What purpose does that serve in the story? Emmit's death is even worse than Lester Nygaard's tacked on death, because Emmit was being victimized from the very beginning of the season. Llewellyn Moss dying with 20 minutes left in No Country For Old Men could be seen as a subversion of Hollywood expectations.

Every season of Fargo tends to have little kernels of shit in their finales--Lester falling in the frozen lake, the UFO's, Hanzee getting white people surgery, and now Emmit biting it for no reason.

06-22-2017, 07:56 AM
Fargo pulled a True Detective Season 2.

06-25-2017, 01:20 PM
I call this show, "Fartfo".

Oh, ok.

06-25-2017, 07:49 PM
Oh, ok.

Real cerebral comedy from that one :lol

Also, clearly "Fartgo" was the way to go with that.....joke.

10-05-2020, 04:36 PM
Surprised there's nothing since 2017. Just found out Season 4 started about a week ago. Chris Rock and Jason Schwartzman star as 50's gangsters.
I'm only 2 episodes in (1 more available so far). Great as expected.

10-05-2020, 05:00 PM
Surprised there's nothing since 2017. Just found out Season 4 started about a week ago. Chris Rock and Jason Schwartzman star as 50's gangsters.
I'm only 2 episodes in (1 more available so far). Great as expected.:tu

I'll probably sneak in watching an episode or two but it works out better for us to take in these series near the end or after their run to keep storylines straight etc. Watching Grant Morrison's treatment of Brave New World during my free trial of Peacock. Not worth paying for but not terrible.

10-06-2020, 12:11 PM

I'll probably sneak in watching an episode or two but it works out better for us to take in these series near the end or after their run to keep storylines straight etc. Watching Grant Morrison's treatment of Brave New World during my free trial of Peacock. Not worth paying for but not terrible.

I was going to wait until the whole thing was out. But I've found myself reverting back to enjoying shows spaced out from week to week. A lot depends on the show. Anything else on Peacock worth watching? Or should I wait until they put some more stuff on before I burn a free trial?

10-06-2020, 01:47 PM
watch the first 4 or 5 episodes of season one then quit while you’re ahead TBH.

10-06-2020, 05:45 PM
I was going to wait until the whole thing was out. But I've found myself reverting back to enjoying shows spaced out from week to week. A lot depends on the show. Anything else on Peacock worth watching? Or should I wait until they put some more stuff on before I burn a free trial?There are a few mildly interesting niche shows I wouldn't mind watching on an ad service. Larry Wilmore has a show. A.P. Bio ended up here if you like Dennis. Dale Earnhardt Jr. has one where he and/or his buddy explore abandoned racetracks and talk shit about old times which I like and I'm not into racing. None of these originals will make me or anyone want to pay. I think they were banking on Olympic programming more than anything; its absence just leaves a lot of "oh that's where that show ended up" reruns and mostly pointless originals.

02-05-2021, 10:51 AM
Just finished season 1, it was great.

02-05-2021, 07:52 PM
I tried watching the latest season. Couldn't even finish the first episode.

02-05-2021, 09:41 PM
Season 4 is unbearably pretentious, the young girl at the center of the story is annoying as shit, Jason Schwartzman is an odd fit overall, and the Wizard of Oz episode is just plain dumb. But the nurse is freakin fantastic, Chris Rock is great, and the super hammy Gaetano performance is really fun. Uneven season but there’s still good stuff there.

02-09-2021, 11:15 AM
The final scene is fucking awesome. The end of Swango's story sucked. The end of Emmit's story was okay I guess. And what the hell happened to the Russian? There were so many loose ends to half baked ideas. The writing staff bit off way more than they could chew here, yet at the same time they pulled off something pretty damn good. Just a weird season all around. Part of it is purposeful I'm sure, but I still think Season 2 is far superior. I probably like Season 1 more as well, although that season now seems very straightforward and almost bland in comparison to this.

I agree with this. I didn't think 3 was bad, it was just never going to be as good as 1 or 2. I was more irritated with Nikki dying than Emmit, tbh.

Apparently Hawley is working on a Cat's Cradle show, that should be interesting.