View Full Version : A Reminder...

04-24-2014, 12:47 AM
that nothing is guaranteed.

It requires a hell of a lot of grit, focus, and determination to win 16 playoff games against the best teams in basketball. There's a reason no team has ever won 16 straight games in the playoffs on their way to the title. Every team encounters adversity on the big stage, whether it be a letdown performance or the opposing team/star(s) playing out of their minds, and if you thought these Spurs were gonna be any different, you were sorely mistaken.

Sean Cagney
04-24-2014, 12:58 AM
Do all of these thoughts really need a thread? I mean we all think these things but it seems after a loss people post the most obvious shit people are thinking, the problem is every random thought is a thread. I thought this tonight as well! I did not post a thread on it but saw atleast ten of them. Relax and try to enjoy your night man, there is another day.

04-24-2014, 05:37 AM
SpursTalk is at its best when it's in meltdown mode, it's one of the only positives of a Spur loss.

The Reckoning
04-24-2014, 05:42 AM
cool thread ill make sure to forward it to pop