View Full Version : Blazers: A city, and a team, embrace the blessing that is LaMarcus Aldridge

04-24-2014, 08:43 AM
http://www.oregonlive.com/blazers/index.ssf/2014/04/quick_a_city_and_a_team_embrace_the_blessing_that. html#incart_big-photo

Portland Trail Blazers forward LaMarcus Aldridge (12) shoots as the Portland Trail Blazers face the Houston Rockets in game 2 of the NBA playoffs at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas.

HOUSTON — He has become the star of the NBA playoffs, and as LaMarcus Aldridge dressed Wednesday after another playoff marvel, he was asked whether he wanted to do his postgame press conference alongside fellow standout Damian Lillard, or wait to do his separately.

“Same time is fine,’’ Aldridge said, his socks not yet on, his jewelry yet to be carefully administered.

Then he remembered something and quickly changed course.

“Nah, nah, nah. He goes first. I don’t want to overshadow,’’ Aldridge said. “Remember the time when you all put me up there with Brandon (Roy) and I didn’t get no questions?’’

He chuckled at the thought of it, a time so long ago it has faded in the memory of most. He didn’t want his teammate to suffer the indignity he suffered that year under those bright lights and in front of those television cameras.

“I don’t forget nothing,’’ Aldridge said pointing to his head. “It’s a vault up here.’’

The rest of Portland can relate. In this town, we don’t forget performances that stir us, we don’t forget moments that move us. Aldridge this week has done both, positioning the Trail Blazers to win their first playoff series in 14 years with two of the more memorable performances in franchise history.

In the pregame pomp and circumstance, the Rockets’ monstrous video board asked “Legend or Truth? Who are you?”

We found out Wednesday that Aldridge is truth, following up his legendary 46-point performance in Game 1 with a 43-point masterpiece that might have been even better. As a result, the underdog Blazers have stunned the Rockets by winning the first two games in this best-of-seven series.

It is what this franchise, and this city, has been thirsting for since the days of Clyde Drexler — a superstar, not just the best player on his team, but the best player in a playoff series.

Aldridge has taken that one step further. He is the best player in the NBA playoffs.

But why now?

As with everything with Aldridge, the answer is a bit complicated. But there are two overriding factors at work here: He said for the first time in his eight-year career, he feels accepted by his teammates. And now more than ever he has found the value in his faith in God, which he says has calmed him and given him strength.

His story of playing in the shadow of Roy and Greg Oden early in his career has been well-documented, but that shadow extended beyond the court. Aldridge has always been well liked, but he has never been much for the in-team cliques that went to movies or dined on the road. He was usually more to himself, more private, admitting he had trust issues.

Now, on this team, he said he feels embraced. There is no jealousy. No agendas. Just a team pulling for one another.

“This team believes in me to every extent,’’ Aldridge said. “From the first guy to the last guy, they support me 100 percent. When I’m going good, there’s not one guy who won’t give me the ball.’’

Has he not felt that before during his eight years in Portland?

“No. I haven’t. I haven’t felt it like this before. Never,’’ Aldridge said. “This is the first time I felt where 1 through 15 on the roster is happy for me. And this is the first time where 1 through 15 knows when I’m going, they want to ride that wave. ‘’

If you focus on it, you will notice how frequently Aldridge has used the word “blessed” this week. We’ve heard athletes credit God and use God throughout interviews before, and most people just roll their eyes.

But with Aldridge, you have to understand it goes deeper. It’s not for show.

He has been confronted with struggle from early age. His father was not in the picture. He said he often went to bed hungry. Once he reached the NBA, his first year was cut short because of a heart condition that sidelined him for the last month of the season and threatened to end his career. Then, his mom was diagnosed with cancer.

On his right arm, he has two tattoos: Keep God First and Truly Blessed. On his left shoulder, it reads Faith.

“I came from poverty and a tough household where we didn’t have enough money to really eat, to where I am now,’’ Aldridge said. “I know it was God giving me the guidance. I am one of his children and He’s let me glorify His name with my game.’’

His mother, Georgia, has beaten her cancer, and was in Houston to watch his historic performances. She has fostered his faith from a young age, when she established the mantra: “God first, everything else second.’’

“I think this season has been a blessing for him,’’ Georgia Aldridge-Young said. “I think he’s playing a different game. He’s just more comfortable and he’s more of a leader.’’

There have been bumps in the road, and some questions along the way, both from Aldridge and about Aldridge, enough that she has seen his faith tested.

“When you get hurt the way he has … and you know, like me, I read different articles and stuff and people say mean things,’’ Aldridge-Young said. “They say, ‘You are soft’ and ‘You are this …’ it tests your faith. You have to have faith and determination to get through it.’’

So why now? Why are we seeing this jump now from Aldridge?

“I just think he’s happy,’’ his mother said. “You know when you are with a team you are happy with … they play team ball. I think that’s why they are winning. They all played together and they like each other. That’s a great thing.’’

Added her husband, William Young, who was wearing Aldridge’s jersey: “It’s the players around him — they have brought the real LaMarcus out.’’

As the Blazers return to Portland for Friday’s Game 3 and Sunday’s Game 4, Aldridge doesn’t know if the schedule will allow him to worship at Beaverton’s Solid Rock Church. Regardless, he said his belief is strong.

“It gives you strength, a calmness, a belief, and takes away worry,’’ Aldridge said. “If you believe in God, you shouldn’t worry. I know I’m one of His children and that He will stand by me.’’

Right alongside 14 other guys in the Blazers locker room, and a city ready to widen its embrace for the star who has grown into a superstar.

04-24-2014, 08:48 AM
He's a beast, a UT guy of course just like Durant. One of the biggest all star snubs of all time imo.