View Full Version : ACA Repeal Is a Loser for the GOP....

04-25-2014, 12:36 PM
...and if they don't forget about using this as a weapon of mass destruction against democrats in November they could kiss their already fading chances of winning the Senate goodbye...


o you have Republicans running around all four states screaming about Obamacare repeal, yet two-thirds of the voters favor government involvement in health care, or the Democratic position. THAT'S the corner they've painted themselves into. THAT'S what's going to ultimately kill them this year. And all of that despite the $100+ million the Kochs have spent over the past several years undermining the law.

I've consistently argued that the Affordable Care Act will be a net positive for Democrats this year, and certainly Republicans are already flailing around looking for a Plan B. But numbers like this point to even bigger problems for Republicans than I ever dreamed. It's not just that they're trying to take away insurance from hundreds of thousands of their constituents. It's they're utterly and completely out of sync with the voters.

And if these Southern conservative states feel this way, what hope do Republicans have?


The latest polls have Democrats re-surging in southern (of all places) states. gaining momentum on their hopes to hold the Senate and keep the 9% approval-rating House of Representatives from giving more of this country to the Koch brothers and other rich donors...

04-25-2014, 12:38 PM
posted in the obamacare thread

04-25-2014, 03:02 PM
If Dems run hard on OBAMACARE (not away from it). esp in red states that have 100Ks, Ms of poor people for whom the Repugs refused Medicaid expansion, they could do pretty well.

Call out the red state Repugs directly, specifically how they screw the poor.

Rick Santorum
04-25-2014, 07:12 PM
If Dems run hard on OBAMACARE (not away from it). esp in red states that have 100Ks, Ms of poor people for whom the Repugs refused Medicaid expansion, they could do pretty well.

Call out the red state Repugs directly, specifically how they screw the poor.

They should take it a step further and call for a single payer system.

When Republicans try to fear monger about a government takeover, the Democrats should respond with, "I wish you were right, then we'd have the same healthcare system the rest of the modern world uses."

baseline bum
04-25-2014, 08:00 PM
They should take it a step further and call for a single payer system.

When Republicans try to fear monger about a government takeover, the Democrats should respond with, "I wish you were right, then we'd have the same healthcare system the rest of the modern world uses."

Git ur govment hands off my Medicare

04-25-2014, 08:03 PM
Git ur govment hands off my Medicare

If Obama passes some marxist gubbamint healthcare bill, I'm moving to Canada!

baseline bum
04-25-2014, 08:05 PM
If Obama passes some marxist gubbamint healthcare bill, I'm moving to Canada!

If that ###### forces through his $10 an hour minimum wage I'm going to Australia!

04-26-2014, 08:05 AM
They should take it a step further and call for a single payer system.

When Republicans try to fear monger about a government takeover, the Democrats should respond with, "I wish you were right, then we'd have the same healthcare system the rest of the modern world uses."

single payer? do you mean govt universal health insurance? aka public option?

Health industry is too powerful, it will block any serious disruption of their for-profit status quo.

That's why Baucus refused even to talk about public option that Obama ru
An on, and that a majority of Americans poll in favor of, and why the health care industry paid Baucus to make sure ACA enriched the health care industry.

04-26-2014, 09:43 PM
If that ###### forces through his $10 an hour minimum wage I'm going to Australia!

this forum needs a sarcasm icon....

04-26-2014, 09:46 PM
They should take it a step further and call for a single payer system.

When Republicans try to fear monger about a government takeover, the Democrats should respond with, "I wish you were right, then we'd have the same healthcare system the rest of the modern world uses."

won't matter....American exceptional-ism being what it is...the same ain't good enough.....we want the best healthcare system in the world or to just think it is...