View Full Version : Official "I hope Cuban gets cancer thread"

04-26-2014, 07:05 PM
Seriously, fuck that guy

04-26-2014, 07:07 PM
Ehh, his team is 2 games away from upsetting the #1 seed. He can do whatever he wants.

I'm more pissed at the Spurs.

04-26-2014, 07:09 PM

04-26-2014, 07:09 PM
Cuban is a slob.

04-26-2014, 07:12 PM
That's not something to joke about or wish on someone.

I want all the Mavs to get disgustingly drunk to the point where they all bang unreasonably gross women and can't look each other in the eyes for the next month b/c everyone saw everything. Of course, throwing off their chemistry on the court.

04-26-2014, 07:12 PM

According to cancer.org. Males have a 43.92% chance at developing a form of cancer, and a 22.94% chance of dying from it. So its not out of the realm of possibility.

04-26-2014, 07:13 PM
tone it down, last warning

04-26-2014, 07:14 PM
tone it down, last warning

i meant cuban is a cancer

N0 LyF3 ScRuB
04-26-2014, 07:14 PM
According to cancer.org. Males have a 43.92% chance at developing a form of cancer, and a 22.94% chance of dying from it. So its not out of the realm of possibility.


04-26-2014, 07:17 PM
tone it down, last warning

Can we hope he gets cancer but survives? Tbh.

04-26-2014, 07:18 PM
Can we hope he gets cancer but survives? Tbh.

thank you, i didnt say i hope he dies from cancer, jeeze people

04-26-2014, 07:20 PM
Disturbing thread, tbh. Looking up stats on cancer rate only confirms it.

04-26-2014, 07:21 PM
Disturbing thread, tbh. Looking up stats on cancer rate only confirms it.

fair assessment tbh

04-26-2014, 07:21 PM
Stupid thread

04-26-2014, 07:23 PM
OP is one of those pathetic fucks who wish harm on people when his team loses, fair and square I might add.

04-26-2014, 07:27 PM
I like Cuban outside the Mavs tbh. And I would not wish cancer on my worst enemy.

04-26-2014, 07:29 PM
I'm guessing OP has no personal experience with cancer.

04-26-2014, 07:30 PM
No no wish cancer on his family so he has to watch them die hehe

Gummi Clutch
04-26-2014, 07:31 PM
what a classy fucker you are.

04-26-2014, 07:31 PM
Too much tbh imo

baseline bum
04-26-2014, 07:32 PM
Cancer? That's harsh. Hope he gets AIDS.

04-26-2014, 07:33 PM
tone it down, last warning

04-26-2014, 07:33 PM
Its just basketball, you fucking idiot.

04-26-2014, 07:34 PM
I hope he gets the Hershey squirts, but nothing beyond that

Hoops Czar
04-26-2014, 07:34 PM
I'd like to wipe that smirk off his face.

04-26-2014, 07:35 PM
Cancer? That's harsh. Hope he gets AIDS.

I just hope for some serious diarrhea attacks for Cuban. But seriously I give the OP a pass you tend to say crazy stuff in the heat of the moment especially during these intense playoff games.

04-26-2014, 07:36 PM
Idk why people are so sensitive. I personally have lost multiple friends and family to cancer. OP is obviously joking and this thread has no real effect on wether Cuban gets cancer or not.

04-26-2014, 07:37 PM
Idk why people are so sensitive. I personally have lost multiple friends and family to cancer. OP is obviously joking and this thread has no real effect on wether Cuban gets cancer or not.

I agree and watch this board explode the moment Cuban disses SA and you will see a different reaction to this thread.

04-26-2014, 07:38 PM
idiot lol

jARS mEsH sEt
04-26-2014, 07:39 PM
What the hell did Cuban do?

04-26-2014, 07:41 PM
It's only a game, tbh.

04-26-2014, 07:45 PM
I'm guessing OP has no personal experience with cancer.

Mother died from it, had colon removed cuz of it. try again

04-26-2014, 07:50 PM
Mother died from it, had colon removed cuz of it. try again

So, you want the same to happen to an NBA owner? Mmmkay

04-26-2014, 07:52 PM
Man u people are splitter soft

04-26-2014, 07:58 PM
Weak thread at any time, but even more absurd because Cuban hasn't really done anything that should irritate a Spurs fan for several years, now. He's toned down considerably. Welcome to 2014.

04-26-2014, 08:00 PM
Weak thread at any time, but even more absurd because Cuban hasn't really done anything that should irritate a Spurs fan for several years, now. He's toned down considerably. Welcome to 2014.

I think you can see that we're condemning this shit. Good win, btw, I hate you. :lol

04-26-2014, 08:01 PM
lock the thread?? please?

04-26-2014, 08:01 PM
What a shitty thing to say, WTF?!

04-26-2014, 08:01 PM
OP is faggot

jARS mEsH sEt
04-26-2014, 08:01 PM
Weak thread at any time, but even more absurd because Cuban hasn't really done anything that should irritate a Spurs fan for several years, now. He's toned down considerably. Welcome to 2014.

The OP is an absolute moron.

04-26-2014, 08:02 PM
Weak thread at any time, but even more absurd because Cuban hasn't really done anything that should irritate a Spurs fan for several years, now. He's toned down considerably. Welcome to 2014.

Agreed. Cuban's a good guy. Been great to the fans. Look at what the Mavs were before he bought them.

04-26-2014, 08:02 PM
What the hell did Cuban do?

04-26-2014, 08:03 PM
I think you can see that we're condemning this shit. Good win, btw, I hate you. :lol

I've still got the Spurs winning the series (I'll say in 7), but I didn't think the Mavs would even win a game before it started, so I'm pretty pleased with the effort.

jARS mEsH sEt
04-26-2014, 08:03 PM
Mother died from it, had colon removed cuz of it. try again

So basically you're a total psychopath. Your mother died from cancer (which I don't believe, as I think you're just making shit up to try and backpedal) and yet you callously make jokes about it over a basketball game.

I used to make fun of robdiaz2191 for being a psychopath but you've just earned the title :lmao

jARS mEsH sEt
04-26-2014, 08:04 PM
Can you imagine lying about your mother getting cancer just to save face on a basketball forum?

No self-respecting person would ever make an "I hope X gets cancer" thread if a loved one died from cancer.

Can we just ban this piece of shit?

04-26-2014, 08:06 PM
I've still got the Spurs winning the series (I'll say in 7), but I didn't think the Mavs would even win a game before it started, so I'm pretty pleased with the effort.

Either team is screwed against Portland, tbh.

04-26-2014, 08:08 PM
Agreed. Cuban's a good guy. Been great to the fans. Look at what the Mavs were before he bought them.

And his earlier-career antics aside, he respects the hell out of the Spurs from the front office on down.

jARS mEsH sEt
04-26-2014, 08:11 PM
Cuban is like one of the most personable guys in the league. He's super successful (self-made). He cares a lot about his players as evidenced by how he treated them after they won the championship in 2011. And he's actually passionate about basketball which is rare for owners in this league. What's not to like about him, tbh?

04-26-2014, 08:12 PM
According to cancer.org. Males have a 43.92% chance at developing a form of cancer, and a 22.94% chance of dying from it. So its not out of the realm of possibility.

I am one who already has had it. This isn't something that I would not wish on anyone. I have had friends who have died from it. I had Leukemia (twice), and cancer in the abdomen; I had one hospital stay of more than 380 days (thanks to Chemo, and one infection after another, as well as more than 20 stomach surgeries, plus other surgeries; as I was finally recovering, my Leukemia came back again:(; my parents lived at the Ronald McDonald House; I was 7). I have had to have some more abdominal surgeries as an indirect result; therefore, I think cancer is evil. Cuban is a douche, no doubt, but I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone.

baseline bum
04-26-2014, 08:17 PM
Basically, any of us who doesn't die of heart disease or shotgun suicide after game 5 is likely to get cancer, so no reason not to joke about it tbh

04-26-2014, 08:18 PM
Can you imagine lying about your mother getting cancer just to save face on a basketball forum?

No self-respecting person would ever make an "I hope X gets cancer" thread if a loved one died from cancer.

Can we just ban this piece of shit?

He has lost all credibility; either he is full of it, or he just does not give a damn. Either scenario is scum-baggish at best. As a cancer survivor, I hope that he does not get it, because he will fully understand what a scum-bag he has been in this thread.

04-26-2014, 08:20 PM
Weak thread at any time, but even more absurd because Cuban hasn't really done anything that should irritate a Spurs fan for several years, now. He's toned down considerably. Welcome to 2014.

I personally don't mind Cuban anymore either. Like I said, he can get excited about the Mavs if he wants. Considering all the criticism he got for blowing up a title team, I'm sure this is something that makes him happy and against a Texas rival too. Who honestly thought the Mavs would be up 2-1 right now? Still, I hope you guys stop being fluky out there and lose for us. :lol

04-26-2014, 09:44 PM
Seriously, fuck that guy
GTFO. Disgusting post.

I can't hate on Cuban. It's kind of cool to see an owner that is a huge fan of the team and doesn't actively meddle with the team and destroy it (like Jerry Jones).

04-26-2014, 09:52 PM
real classy, fuckheads

04-26-2014, 10:02 PM
Ehh, his team is 2 games away from upsetting the #1 seed. He can do whatever he wants.

I'm more pissed at the Spurs.

Venti Quattro
04-26-2014, 10:03 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao faggot dirty river drinkers

Cubes is one of the best owners in the NBA. I'd love to have an owner who is as passionate about his team as him.

04-26-2014, 10:06 PM
If we had an owner that was as passionate as Cuban, Pop would have been fired sometime after '07.

04-26-2014, 10:08 PM
You are acting like a spoiled brat.

04-26-2014, 10:08 PM
If we had an owner that was as passionate as Cuban, Pop would have been fired sometime after '07.

cry me a dirty fucking riverwalk.

goddamn gnsf. your coach is a fucking boss, yet you're gonna blame him for vince hitting a hail mary.

you don't deserve pop. you remind me of dickhead nuggets fans who chased Karl out of town.

Venti Quattro
04-26-2014, 10:09 PM
If we had an owner that was as passionate as Cuban, Pop would have been fired sometime after '07.

No he wouldn't be. Stop being a faggot. Pop is a brilliant mind in the game and Cubes, as a passionate owner, would realize this

04-26-2014, 10:11 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao faggot dirty river drinkers

Cubes is one of the best owners in the NBA. I'd love to have an owner who is as passionate about his team as him.

He is not afraid to bring in athletic players or pull the trigger on impact trades .

04-26-2014, 10:23 PM
you stay classy san antonio

04-26-2014, 10:26 PM
OP should be banned.

not for wishing cancer, but just generally for being retarded.

04-26-2014, 10:39 PM
what happened to wishing some good ole fashioned diarrhea on someone or some shit like that. i have seen some crazy shit on spurs talk, but this is the worst fo sho.

04-26-2014, 10:41 PM
what happened to wishing some good ole fashioned diarrhea on someone or some shit like that. i have seen some crazy shit on spurs talk, but this is the worst fo sho.

He even went as far as to look up the stats of cancer rates for men. Deeply disturbed individual.

04-26-2014, 10:48 PM
OP, on a scale of 1-10, how mad does this make u?


04-26-2014, 10:49 PM
OP, on a scale of 1-10, how mad does this make u?


love this shit. That's what owners should be doing.

Venti Quattro
04-26-2014, 10:50 PM
He even went as far as to look up the stats of cancer rates for men. Deeply disturbed individual.

No he's not. He's just ueber-salty that Vince Carter became so clutch in the Playoffs

04-27-2014, 01:53 AM
The majority of you are cowards in real life, probably overweight, in dead end careers and legally bound to a pig of a wife. Of course you'd wish cancer on a billionaire who's still young enough to enjoy the money and who's team squeaked into the show and is competing against your annual glitch of a squad (I say glitch because their system is a regular season system that is almost always exposed in the playoffs, and to make it worse other franchises are trying to emulate that).

04-27-2014, 01:55 AM
We all need to calm down to keep Spurstalk the classy place it always was.

04-27-2014, 01:56 AM
This thread is full of wow

04-27-2014, 01:56 AM
Yeah how dare Mark Cuban celebrate with his team after a thrilling game!

04-27-2014, 01:57 AM
I mean once I wished harm on doc rivers when Duncan was almost a magic but this might be a little harsh just saying

Sean Cagney
04-27-2014, 02:07 AM
Its just basketball, you fucking idiot.
The majority of you are cowards in real life, probably overweight, in dead end careers and legally bound to a pig of a wife. Of course you'd wish cancer on a billionaire who's still young enough to enjoy the money and who's team squeaked into the show and is competing against your annual glitch of a squad (I say glitch because their system is a regular season system that is almost always exposed in the playoffs, and to make it worse other franchises are trying to emulate that).

I would say yes but the Spurs played in the WCF and Finals last year and have been successful unlike your team in the last X amount of year on end..... I would say you call them a regular season system but they even after 07 have FARRRRRRRR SUPRASSED your teams success. I hate to say that but they have lapped it and then some even in their later years.

I am sorry but this is a fact, maybe your team should emulate some of that, since they have not been out of the first round in years on end.

04-27-2014, 02:25 AM
eh if you're going to wish cancer on any nba owner it should be prokhorov

if his ilk start buying up US pro franchises big time then say good night sally

What does that mean? As if the current elitists are on our side when they black out games unless we pay crazy rates? Fuck them. We pay for NBA TV, that's not enough, we cannot see the games. We pay for LP, that's not enough, they black that out too.

They sell it to you then they black it out. Yeah, our guys are certainly better than the Russian who built a new arena, moved a team out of a shitty state and got them back in the playoffs again.

Oh, Gee!!
04-27-2014, 10:54 AM
i meant cuban is a cancer

excellent save

04-27-2014, 11:14 AM
money laundering by any other name would still reek as shit

Yeah it would suck to have all that illegal Russian money funneling to US jobs while the US is funneling it's illegal money overseas.

Old School 44
04-27-2014, 11:38 AM
OP should be banned.

not for wishing cancer, but just generally for being retarded.

I agree about not wishing cancer on anyone...just classless! But please don't call anyone "retarded" either. I have good friends that are retards, and they'd be offended by that term...the more politically correct term is "dumbasses".

04-27-2014, 12:56 PM
OP, on a scale of 1-10, how mad does this make u?

He acts like such an idiot to the point where it's amusing.

04-27-2014, 12:56 PM
What a tasteless thread. Mark Cuban make act like an ass, but he has every right to celebrate.

james evans
04-27-2014, 04:04 PM
why are u pissed at cuban? it's not cuban's fault the greatest coach of all time never has been able to stop the pick'n'roll.

04-27-2014, 04:06 PM
why are u pissed at cuban? it's not cuban's fault the greatest coach of all time never has been able to stop the pick'n'roll.


04-27-2014, 05:40 PM
I can't even help it, I like Cuban. I wished terrible things on him when I saw his antics after the game, but that's to be expected. Still like the guy

04-27-2014, 06:38 PM
What a classless fucking thread.

Venti Quattro
04-27-2014, 06:41 PM
I can't even help it, I like Cuban. I wished terrible things on him when I saw his antics after the game, but that's to be expected. Still like the guy
The Mavs unceremoniously swept the Lakers and I still love the guy

04-28-2014, 09:24 PM
I agree about not wishing cancer on anyone...just classless! But please don't call anyone "retarded" either. I have good friends that are retards, and they'd be offended by that term...the more politically correct term is "dumbasses".

The term "retard" is short for someone who is mentally retarded, aka, mentally slowed (not stopped). Do they act like "retards", or do they truly have a disability? Those who are mentally retarded have a LIMITED ability to learn, and to put learning to use. Yes, this word offends me (unless it is used in the correct manner), but I know that people use "retard" when referring to someone who is talking, or acting irrationally. Someone acting "retarded" is someone who is acting slow, not acting irrationally. I have autism because I was born pre-maturely, and had many medical problems; I was institutionalized, or hospitalized for a large portion of my childhood. Neurologically, I was damaged at birth, but the social aspect of my disability was impaired due to being hospitalized for long periods of time. Initially, people believed that I was mentally retarded; however, it is clear that I am not (I did not learn to speak or walk until I was 3). My brother has CP, and is has a speech impediment, but because of him being abused as a child, he had a stroke (he is adopted, as am I; I also suffered abuse). He is still very brilliant, and is a manager at a store. I have a college degree, but it was a struggle (socially). Yes, I am very passionate about mentally-challenged kids, because when I was growing up, we were treated very badly (I was known as "nutzo", or some other derivative of that word), and I saw other kids being treated badly. I have been called every name possible; nothing bothers me anymore, but I hate it when others are called names which refer to mentally-challenged people.

04-28-2014, 09:25 PM
The Mavs unceremoniously swept the Lakers and I still love the guy

I remember all of the crap that my Laker-hating friends were giving me!!!!

The Reckoning
04-28-2014, 09:56 PM
lol old school hangs out with retards

The Reckoning
04-28-2014, 10:34 PM
cubes wears a youth extra large to make himself feel manly

05-05-2014, 02:11 AM
Thread of the year tbh

Sean Cagney
05-05-2014, 02:15 AM
Fuck Cuban, but I don't wish Cancer on him. Like Tim would say, what do you have to say to Mark Cuban? NOTHING, not a thing.

05-05-2014, 02:42 AM
OP accidently hit Donals Sterling with this wish!


05-05-2014, 02:52 AM

05-05-2014, 04:17 AM
Da fuck with this thread?

05-05-2014, 04:24 AM
wtf is this shit. It's 2014, everyone should know cancer is no joke.

05-05-2014, 05:34 AM
OP, on a scale of 1-10, how mad does this make u?


As classy as Miley Cyrus, but less original. Cuban is just an asshole with lots of money, which often turns people into flaming assholes.

05-05-2014, 08:58 AM
C'mon, man...Cubes is okay by me...best guy on Shark Tank for sure...he saved that show.

05-05-2014, 09:55 AM
He's a douche

05-05-2014, 01:07 PM
Since hoping doesn't cause cancer, you guys need to lighten up. It's not like he said something non-PC in private while someone recorded it. Sheesh.

jARS mEsH sEt
05-05-2014, 01:26 PM
He's a douche

The OP is a douche; I agree.

jARS mEsH sEt
05-05-2014, 01:26 PM
Since hoping doesn't cause cancer, you guys need to lighten up. It's not like he said something non-PC in private while someone recorded it. Sheesh.

This is actually a very valid point..

05-05-2014, 03:16 PM
wtf is this shit. It's 2014, everyone should know cancer is no joke.

05-06-2014, 09:58 PM

05-06-2014, 09:59 PM
Damn, I don't like the guy either but cancer? Fuck. I just hope he falls in our green river walk.
and gets eating buy a big nice latina lol

05-07-2014, 12:01 AM
and gets eating buy a big nice latina lol


Kori Ellis
05-07-2014, 12:02 AM
Bad thread. So I'm going to practice my rusty moderation skills.