View Full Version : Duncan jumper

05-01-2014, 07:58 AM
One of the spurs offense issue is Duncan not hitting his open jumper on the pick and roll

His shot is even more flat than in the regular season and with the mavs staying home on the 3pts shooter Parker and Ginobili needs him to make his shot to have space.
Now only the roll seems to work

Duncan shot chart Playoff:

Regular season:

05-01-2014, 08:06 AM
I think Duncan's jumper will get better as the playoffs will go on but relying on him to hit jumpers doesn't really suggest that you have a reliable offensive system, which is obviously a bad thing in the postseason. Tim can still give 20 points but unlike before, it's going to come from rolls to the basket, passes to him on the weakside, posting up and getting put backs, I wouldn't rely on his jumper to settle down the system and break down the D, that's Parker's job to do.

05-01-2014, 08:26 AM
All I know is I cringe every time he loads up to take that flat, line drive, midrange jumper. It's almost always a brick. And even when it goes in I get pissed because I know it will only encourage Tim to come back to it.

05-01-2014, 08:32 AM
Tim never has never learned good shot form (hasn't "figured it out for himself") with good arc/trajectory, resulting in his career crappiness in FTs and jumpers.

05-01-2014, 08:37 AM
Line driver

05-01-2014, 09:02 AM
Duncans jumper was good when he wasnt relying on it. Now that hes trying to force it, hes missing.

05-01-2014, 09:07 AM
i think they'll start falling. other than that he's fine

05-01-2014, 09:48 AM
Single biggest reason the SL struggled offensively during the season. Duncan's a borderline-liability at times if he can't space the floor. Splitter needs to work on his jumper during the off-season.

05-01-2014, 09:55 AM
Yeah, part of why Duncan was so great last year was because he was hitting those jumpers at a good clip.

Last year: 43.1% on shots from 16 feet out to the 3-point line

This year: 36.2% on shots in that same range

I agree that we shouldn't rely on his jumper, but it really is important that he start making defenses honor him even when he's outside the paint. As he's playing now, defenses are perfectly content with letting him shoot that mid-range elbow jumper. It hurts the spacing and makes things harder for everyone else on offense.

His jumpers have looked even worse in the playoffs so far. Obviously 5 shots (from the above chart) is a small sample size, but every shot he's taken has looked insanely flat. He always has a flat shot, but this series it has looked pitifully flat. And I don't think it's a "his legs are tired" issue...he hasn't really looked tired in other situations; he seems fairly springy to me.

05-01-2014, 10:33 AM
If we have a deep run in the playoffs, Duncan will eventually start to hit them. Duncan's actually kind of in a slump... We are so lucky Tiago has stepped it up.

05-01-2014, 11:58 AM
I think Duncan's jumper will get better as the playoffs will go on but relying on him to hit jumpers doesn't really suggest that you have a reliable offensive system, which is obviously a bad thing in the postseason. Tim can still give 20 points but unlike before, it's going to come from rolls to the basket, passes to him on the weakside, posting up and getting put backs, I wouldn't rely on his jumper to settle down the system and break down the D, that's Parker's job to do.

The problem is that when parker and Ginobili attacks the basket mavs stays home on the 3 pts shooters and ignore Duncan when he is at the top of the key. So the help defense on parker / ginobili is coming from the mav defending Duncan.
He have to make some of thoses for spacing. The starting lineup can't work against good team with 2 players that can't shoot for 6+ Feets (Duncan and Splitter)

The rolls he made so much last few games was to compensate for the jumper not falling. But the real solution would be him hitting this open jumper at a 40+% rate like he used to do

05-01-2014, 12:01 PM
He looks tired to me, like he doesn't have his knees under him and thus no lift on his jumpers.

05-01-2014, 01:20 PM
What "jumper"? Dude gets 2 inches off the ground

05-01-2014, 01:23 PM
What "jumper"? Dude gets 2 inches off the ground
