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08-09-2005, 10:22 PM
The list of terror attacks since September 11th 2001.



" The List " of Islamic Terror Attacks Since September 11th, 2001

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
8/9/05 Iraq Baghdad 21 41 At least six separate Jihad attacks, mostly on civilians, leave over twenty Iraqis dead and more twice that many injured.
8/8/05 Afghanistan Ghanzi 2 0 The Taliban murder a doctor, on the grounds that he was planning on running for public office. Another villager is killed as well.
8/8/05 India Batalik 3 0 Three young girls are killed by a Mujahideen bomb.
8/8/05 India Awantipore 1 1 A civilian is killed in a bomb blast outside a shop.
8/8/05 Iraq al-Sharqat 7 3 Seven civilians, including three children are murdered when Islamic terrorists bomb a minibus.
8/7/05 India Thatharaka 1 1 The Mujahideen invade two residences, killing one civilian and severely injuring another.
8/7/05 Iraq Baghdad 10 4 In six separate attacks, Jihadi gunmen kill ten Iraqis.
8/7/05 Iraq Tikrit 2 10 Suicide bomber blows himself to Allah, taking two Iraqis with him. Ten others are injured.
8/6/05 India Doda 1 4 The Mujahideen throw a grenade at a hostel, killing a pregnant woman.
8/6/05 Pakistan Koti Ashro 1 2 al-Qaeda suspected in the attack on a highway police checkpoint that leaves an officer dead.
8/5/05 Iraq Dora 1 5 Jihadis open fire on a line of cars at a gas station, killing one civilian.
8/5/05 Iraq Mosul 5 0 The bodies of five civilians, including a kidnapped Christian surface in Mosul with signs of torture.
8/5/05 Iraq Baquba 3 0 Muslim fanatics invade the home of an Iraqi soldier and kill his wife, 12-year-old daughter and 6-year-old son in their beds.
8/4/05 Iraq Doloyah 2 0 Jihadis shoot two engineers to death for working at a U.S. base.
8/4/05 Pakistan Miranshah 5 0 al-Qaeda militants kill five Pakistani soldiers with a landmine.
8/4/05 Iraq Baquba 7 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills four Iraqis and injures an unknown number of others.
8/4/05 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 0 The Taliban kill an election worker in an attack from a motorcycle.
8/3/05 Iraq Basra 1 1 Shia gunmen abduct and execute an American journalist. They also cause severe injury to his female interpretor.
8/3/05 Iraq Haditha 15 1 Fourteen U.S. Marines and one civilian are killed when terrorists detonate a bomb under their vehicle.
8/3/05 Israel Sderot 1 9 Palestinian terrorists fire a rocket at a group of Israeli demostrators. The missile hits their own group instead, killing a 3-year-old boy and injuring nine others, including five children.
8/2/05 India Pulwama 1 0 The Mujhideen kill a man who is woking his paddy fields.
8/2/05 India Nandyali 1 0 A woman is shot to death by the Mujahideen inside her home.
8/2/05 Afghanistan Nuristan 8 0 The Taliban kill eight police in an attack on their checkpoint.
8/2/05 Iraq Shu'la 7 0 Shia gunmen kill a Sunni cleric and his brother, then gun down a vehicle carrying five mourners on their way to view the bodies.
8/2/05 Iraq Baghdad 4 24 An Islamic suicide bomber kills four civilians and injures two dozen.
7/31/05 Iraq Haswa 7 12 Seven civilians are killed by a Jihad car bombing.
7/31/05 India Badarkot 1 0 A civilian is shot to death inside his own home by militant Muslims.
7/30/05 Iraq Basra 2 2 A bomb attack on the British Embassy convoy leaves two security guards dead and two children injured.
7/30/05 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Police find the bodies of three airport workers, bound and tortured by the Jihadis. Their throats were cut.
7/30/05 India Srinigar 2 25 The Mujahideen stage an attack on a hotel that claims the lives of two security personnel and injures about twenty-five others.
7/30/05 Afghanistan Charchino 3 0 A district governor and his two bodyguards are assassinated by the Taliban in a roadside attack.
7/30/05 Iraq Baghdad 6 26 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills six Iraqis near a theatre. Twenty-six others are injured.
7/29/05 India Kupwara 2 0 The Mujahideen invade a home to kill the wife of a police officer, along with his young nephew.
7/29/05 India Rajouri 6 0 Muslims line up five Hindu villagers and then slit their throats. Elsewhere in the same district, they murder a woman with an axe.
7/29/05 India Doda 2 0 Islamists kill two policemen in an ambush.
7/29/05 Thailand Pattani 1 3 A village leader is gunned down and three others suffer injuries in a separate attack in Narathiwat.
7/29/05 Algeria Boumerdes 2 4 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat kill two Algerian police officers in an ambush.
7/29/05 Iraq Rabiah 52 35 A suicidal religious extremist wanders into a crowd of people and detonates explosives strapped to his body, killing at over fifty people.
7/28/05 India Sokar 3 0 A 5-year-old girl, her mother and grandmother are slaughtered in a home invasion by the Mujahideen.
7/28/05 Bangladesh Boalmari 2 0 Two Christian charity workers are hacked to death inside their home by hard-line Islamic militants.
7/27/05 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 al-Qaeda executes two Algerian diplomats that were abducted several days earlier.
7/26/05 Iraq Basra 3 0 In two separate attacks (one in Tikrit) Jihadis kill three innocents, including a child and a truck driver.
7/26/05 Iraq Hilla 3 0 Three policemen are killed when terrorists fire a rocket at point-blank range.
7/26/05 Iraq Baghdad 16 27 Sunni gunmen massacre sixteen Shia civilians with an automatic weapons attack on their vehicles. Over two dozen are inured with gunshot wounds.
7/26/05 India Mahore 1 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen members invade a home and murder a civilian.
7/26/05 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 The Taliban kill a police chief and one other with a rocket attack on their car.
7/26/05 Ethiopia Jigjiga 5 30 A Muslim separatist group, the ONLF, kills five people, including a child, in two grenade attacks against civilian targets.
7/26/05 Chechnya Dargo 1 3 Muslim terrorists ambush a security patrol, killing one and injuring three.
7/25/05 Iraq Baghdad 12 16 A Fedayeen suicide bomber drives his car in front of a hotel and slaughters a dozen people. Sixteen others are injured.
7/24/05 Iraq Baghdad 22 30 A horrific scene as a Fedayeen suicide bomber kills twenty-two people, mostly civilians in a crowded area near sidewalk cafes.
7/24/05 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 4 Muslim terrorists put a bomb beneath a passenger train that kills one and injures four commuters.
7/23/05 Egypt Sharm el-Sheik 88 119 More than eighty tourists and workers are killed when Islamic militants detonate three powerful car bombs outside a café and two hotels. One suicide bomber drove into the lobby. Over one-hundred people suffer injuries.
7/23/05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a 58-year-old village leader twice in the head as he is riding with his wife.
7/23/05 Lebanon Beirut 0 12 Twelve people are injured by a car bomb placed in a Christian neighborhood.
7/23/05 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 The Taliban assassinate a judge as he is walking to work.
7/23/05 Israel Kissufim 2 5 Palestinian gunmen murder an Israeli husband and wife. They also open fire on medical rescue workers, injuring five of them.
7/22/05 Iraq Baghdad 12 5 Four Jihad attacks leave twelve Iraqis dead, including a senseless ambush on a wedding party that left the bride and her mother dead.
7/22/05 Pakistan South Waziristan 4 0 al-Qaeda suspected in shooting deaths of a tribal leader, his two sons and brother.
7/21/05 India Anantnag 1 2 Militant Muslims fire on a bus stop, killing a civilian and injuring two others.
7/21/05 Afghanistan Helmand 2 0 The Taliban ambush a vehicle carrying two people. Both are killed in the explosion.
7/21/05 India Sopore 2 2 Two civilians are killed when the Mujahideen attack a security camp.
7/21/05 Iraq Mahmudiya 5 8 A religious extremist kills himself and five innocents in a blast at a traffic checkpoint.
7/20/05 India Srinigar 6 17 Hizbul Mujahideen suicide bomber targets a missionary children's school in the Indian capital, killing at least six and injuring more than a dozen.
7/20/05 Iraq Baghdad 10 21 A suicidal Sunni murders ten people near an airport and causes egregious injuries to at least a dozen others.
7/20/05 Iraq Hilla 4 4 Two Jihad car bombings kill four and injure four, including a young girl.
7/20/05 Pakistan Gilgit 3 0 Three people are gunned down in sectarian attacks.
7/19/05 India Chitabas 6 0 The Hizbul Mujahideen enter a residence and slaughter six members of a family, in a heinous attack.
7/19/05 Chechnya Znamenskoye 14 36 Fourteen people, including civilians, are killed in a Jihad attack by Muslim separatists on a remote road.
7/19/05 Iraq Baqubah 13 0 Jihadis stage a shooting attack on a minivan carrying civilians, killing thirteen in all.
7/18/05 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 A Sunni cleric is attacked in his car by Shia on motorcycles, who manage to kill his son.
7/18/05 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 A Shia schoolteacher is gunned down, and his wife critically injured.
7/18/05 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Islamic insurgents murder six policemen and a government worker in six separate shooting attacks.
7/18/05 India Arwani 1 1 The Mujahideen shoot a man to death outside his shop.
7/18/05 Thailand Yala 3 1 In three separate attacks, Muslims behead a farmer and shoot at least two other people to death, including a school principal.
7/18/05 Pakistan Chilas Farm 5 15 Five passengers aboard a bus are killed when the Mujahideen ambush it along a mountain road. Fifteen others are injured.
7/18/05 Afghanistan Uruzgan 9 0 Nine villagers are slaughtered in a Taliban raid.
7/17/05 Iraq Baghdad 22 21 Four Fedayeen kill twenty-two people in separate suicide suicide bombings.
7/16/05 Iraq Basra 3 2 Muslim terrorists kill three British soldiers with a roadside bomb.
7/16/05 India Baramulla 2 0 The Mujahideen shoot a man to death outside his home, and also stage a separate attack that kills a 6-year-old girl.
7/16/05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Muslim separatists attack a school, killing two security guards.
7/16/05 Iraq Musayyib 71 160 A religious extremist with explosives wrapped around his chest, detonates himself in a crowded city street, killing over seventy other people. Nearly two-hundred others are injured in the horrific attack.
7/15/05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two female teachers are gunned down by Muslims on motorcycles as they are walking home.
7/15/05 Iraq Baghdad 27 100 Seven suicide bombers take at least twenty-seven innocents with them to Allah. About one hundred others suffer injuries; many lose limbs.
7/14/05 Thailand Yala 2 21 Islamic militants set off four bombs in restaraunts and other business areas, killing at least two people.
7/14/05 Israel Netiv Haasara 1 1 Palestinian terrorists hit an Israeli residence with a missile, killing a woman.
7/13/05 Iraq Jalawlah 2 16 A suicide bomber kills two others inside a Sunni mosque.
7/13/05 Iraq Baghdad 27 25 An Islamic suicide bomber deliberately plows his car into a group of children, slaughtering at least twenty-seven. Children were amply represented among the injured.
7/13/05 Pakistan Jhal Magsi 3 3 Three children, including two brothers, are killed by a homemade bomb.
7/13/05 India Bigambri 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a civilian, then kill him in captivity.
7/12/05 Israel Netanya 5 70 The terror group, Islamic Jihad, takes credit for a suicide bombing, in which a bomber kills five Jews crossing the street in front of a mall. All of the victims were female, two were teenage girls. About seventy others were injured.
7/12/05 Iraq Kirkuk 3 15 Sunnis detonate a car bomb in an industrial district, killing three civilians and injuring fifteen more.
7/11/05 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 al-Qaeda assassinates a Somali peace activist outside his home.
7/10/05 Iraq Kirkuk 4 15 Suicidal Sunni kills four civilians on a highway, near a hospital. Fifteen are injured in the blast.
7/10/05 Iraq Baghdad 25 47 A al-Qaeda suicide bomber blows himself to Allah, taking twenty-five innocents with him. Nearly fifty others are injured.
7/10/05 Iraq Syrian Border 7 0 Two Islamic suicide bombers kill seven customs agents.
7/9/05 Iraq Baghdad 8 0 A family of eight Shia is grusomely murdered by Sunni radicals as they sleep in their home.
7/9/05 Algeria Tezi Ozo 4 0 A group of thirty Islamists set-up a fake roadblock, then slaughter four Algerians that are fooled into stopping.
7/9/05 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia cleric is gunned down on a street by Pakistani Sunnis.
7/8/05 India Rajouri 4 0 Four Indian soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamic militants.
7/7/05 Afghanistan Helmand 10 0 Ten Afghan police officers are captured by the Taliban and senselessly beheaded.
7/7/05 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 al-Qaeda Organization for Holy War pronounces "Allah's judgment" and kills a kidnapped Egyptian diplomat on video.
7/7/05 UK London 52 750 Islamic terrorists massacre more than fifty commuters on three separate subway trains and a double-decker bus on the street with four suicide bombs. Over seven-hundred people are injured.
7/7/05 Iraq Mosul 5 52 Five people at a market are killed when Sunni terrorists lob more than a dozen mortar rounds into the square.
7/6/05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims on motorcycles shoot a 52-year-old in the neck and hand as he is riding to market.
7/6/05 India Budgam 1 0 The Mujahideen kidnap a student from his classrom and subsequently shoot him to death.
7/6/05 Algeria Skikda 1 13 Islamic fundamentalists bomb a convoy, killing one Algerian solider and injuring thirteen others.
7/6/05 Iraq Jbeila 13 30 Thirteen civilians are slaughtered in twin suicide bombings by Muslim extremists. About thirty others are injured.
7/5/05 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 44-year-old security force member is abducted and beheaded by Islamists.
7/5/05 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 A prominent politician is assassinated, along with his uncle, by suspected Islamists as they sit in their car at a light.
7/5/05 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Islamic extremists shoot three barbers to death for shaving beards.
7/5/05 India Pulwama 2 1 In two separate home invasions, the Mujahideen shoot two people to death and critically injure the wife of one.
7/4/05 India Wagbal Karhama 1 0 A youth is abducted and hanged by the Mujahideen.
7/4/05 Iraq Fallujah 3 9 Three civilians are blown to bits, and nine others badly injured by a Fedayeen suicide bombing on a busy road.
7/4/05 Afghanistan Bande Sardeh 1 2 A suicide bomber on a bicycle kills a Turkish engineer and injures two others.
7/4/05 India Dadsar 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct then shoot a civilian to death.
7/4/05 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 2 Two policemen are killed by an insurgent bombing.
7/4/05 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 A remote-controlled bomb kills two civilians, including a woman.
7/4/05 Iraq Baghdad 2 1 Sunni insurgents kill a painting contractor, and kidnap, torture and behead another man.
7/3/05 Syria Damascus 2 0 Two Syrian border patrol personnel are killed an an Islamic extremist, near Lebanon.
7/3/05 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Pro-democracy cleric is killed by a Talibn sniper his home.
7/2/05 Dagestan Makhachkala 11 23 Russian troops and civilians are casualties in a radio-controlled bomb attack outside a bathhouse blamed on Islamic militants.
7/2/05 Afghanistan Paktika 6 2 The Taliban attack a UN convoy with a roadside bomb, killing six Afghan security personnel.
7/2/05 Iraq Hillah 6 26 Two Sunni suicide bombers kill at least six people and injured dozens more in a Shia neighborhood.
7/2/05 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 0 A bomb hidden in a vegetable cart targets a Shia funeral procession.
7/2/05 Iraq Baghdad 16 22 A suicidal Muslim bomber kills sixteen other people outside a police station. About two dozen others are injured in the blast.
7/1/05 India Kashmir 3 0 Three civilians are abducted from their homes and executed by the Mujahideen, including a 65-year-old man.
7/1/05 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A Shiite cleric is gunned down in cold blood by Sunnis in a drive-by attack.
6/30/05 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Muslim gunmen burst into an optician's shop and kill seven people in cold blood - four from the same family.
6/30/05 India Kallar Kattal 1 0 A man is attacked in his home and beaten to death by militant Muslims.
6/30/05 India Mahakund 4 0 The Mujahideen kill a 20-year-old girl on the night before her wedding, along with her mother and a neighbor. A civilian is also abducted from his home and killed in the same district.
6/30/05 Afghanistan Tirin Kot 9 1 Nine village elders are kidnapped and killed by the Taliban, along with a 10-year-old boy.
6/29/05 Israel Mt. Dov 1 3 Hezbollah attacks an Israeli position from across the Lebanese border, killing one and injuring three.
6/29/05 India Srinagar 0 14 Fourteen people are injured when the Mujahideen toss a grenade into a city street.
6/28/05 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a government worker to death as he is walking along the side of the road.
6/28/05 Iraq Baghdad 4 24 Four civilians are killed, and dozens injured when fundamentalists detonate a car bomb outside a theater.
6/28/05 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 An 87-year-old Iraqi politician and four others, including his son, are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
6/28/05 Iraq Kirkuk 3 0 Sunni terrorists kill three oil company workers with a roadside bomb.
6/28/05 Iraq Musayyib 3 13 A suicide bomber enters a hospital then detonates his explosives, killing three other people.
6/28/05 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A janitor and a poultry trader are murdered in separate attacks by Islamic militants on motorcycles.
6/28/05 Iraq Tal Afar 4 21 Four people, including a child, lose their lives in a Jihad mortar attack.
6/28/05 India Bhaderwah 4 0 Four security personnel are killed by Muslim militants in a shootout.
6/27/05 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Islamic fundamentalists attack a barbershop, killing two, including a 9-year-old boy, then blow up the building.
6/27/05 India Kupwara 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a woman from her home, torture then murder her.
6/26/05 India Dachabpore 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a civilian from his home, take him to an orchard and kill him in brutal fashion.
6/26/05 Iraq Mosul 36 19 Four bombings by suicidal Fedayeen in disguised vehicles leave three dozen people dead and dozens more injured.
6/25/05 Iraq Samarrah 9 16 Suicide bomber slams into a residential neighborhood, killing nine civilians and injuring sixteen.
6/25/05 Israel Beit Hagai 2 3 A brutal shooting attack a point-blank range on a group of Israeli teenagers, hitchhiking on a roadside, leaves a 17-year-old and a 16-year-old dead. Three others were injured. al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade take credit for the murder.
6/25/05 Iraq Baghdad 5 7 Sunni insurgents mortar bomb a crowded Shia café, killing five civilians and injuring seven.
6/25/05 India Behibagh 1 0 A female schoolteacher is killed by the Mujahideen.
6/25/05 Iraq Mosul 5 2 Suicide bomber blows himself to Allah, taking five innocents with him.
6/24/05 Afghanistan Chora 3 0 The Taliban murder an election candidate and two of his bodyguards.
6/24/05 Iraq Ramadi 13 10 Eight policemen are captured at a checkpoint by Jihadis, then executed. Two separate attacks elsewhere leave five others dead.
6/24/05 Thailand Yala 2 0 A man and his wife stop to remove a tree branch from the road, when they are attacked by militant Muslims, who then cut off their heads.
6/24/05 India Srinigar 9 25 Nine people are killed when Islamic militants detonate a powerful car bomb at a popular tourist attraction.
6/23/05 Iraq Baghdad 17 60 Four more car bombs aimed at Shia civilians kill fifteen and injure over fifty in residential neighborhoods.
6/23/05 Pakistan Karachi 2 1 Two Sunni clerics are assassinated in an attack that leaves a boy injured.
6/23/05 Iraq Fallujah 4 13 A senseless attack on a U.S. Marine mail convoy kills four, including three women.
6/23/05 Pakistan South Waziristan 4 0 Probable al-Qaeda ambush on a delivery truck leaves four people dead.
6/22/05 India Bijbehara 0 17 About seventeen people, including two teenage boys are injured when the Mujahideen toss a grenade onto a road.
6/22/05 India Nadihal 2 0 The Mujahideen abduct and kill two civilians by slashing their throats.
6/22/05 Thailand Narathiwat 0 7 A bomb set off by Muslim extremists injures seven, including two monks and three elderly people.
6/22/05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim extremists behead a 34-year-old cloth vendor. The head is found 2km away.
6/22/05 Iraq Baghdad 18 46 Eighteen Shiite civilians are slaughtered in three separate bombing attacks by radical Sunnis. About fifty are injured.
6/21/05 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Islamic militants invade a home and shoot three young volunteer teacher to death.
6/21/05 Lebanon Beirut 1 1 An anti-Syria political leader is assassinated by a car bomb in Lebanon.
6/21/05 Afghanistan Maiwand 1 1 Taliban terrorists kill the husband of an election worker.
6/20/05 India Watalar 1 0 Two Harkat-ul-Mujahideen terrorists assassinate a local political figure.
6/20/05 Israel Baqa al-Sharqiya 1 1 Palestinian snipers kill an Israeli civilian traveling in his car. His 13-year-old son is shot as well.
6/20/05 Iraq Ebril 19 118 Three car bombs, at least one by a suicidal "holy warrior," kill eighteen people, mostly Kurds, and injure over one-hundred.
6/19/05 Afghanistan Nad-e Ali 3 0 The Taliban machine-gun a car with three people, including a judge.
6/19/05 Iraq Iskandariya 3 7 Sunni terrorists open fire on shoppers at a marketplace, killing three and injuring seven.
6/19/05 Iraq Tikrit 3 9 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills three Iraqis.
6/19/05 Iraq Baghdad 23 36 A suicidal religious extremist walks into a restaurant and blows up twenty-three innocent people. Another thirty-six patrons are injured.
6/19/05 India Dachan 1 1 The Mujahideen fire into a civilian's home, killing his 14-year-old daughter and injuring his wife.
6/19/05 Israel Gaza 1 2 The Palestinian terrorist group, Abu Rish Brigade, takes credit for an ambush on a civilian labor group that leaves an Israeli guard dead.
6/18/05 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 A 10-year-old girl is killed by a bomb and two bodies are found, brutally executed.
6/18/05 Saudi Arabia Makkah 1 0 Senior Saudi official is gunned down by Islamists outside his home.
6/17/05 Iraq Fallujah 14 8 Fourteen Iraqis die when a suicide bomber detonates an explosives laden car on a street corner.
6/16/05 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Ansar al-Sunna terrorists shoot an Iraqi judge to death, along with his driver.
6/16/05 India Awantipora 0 15 Fifteen people, including a child and two women are injured by the splinters of a grenade thrown by the Mujahideen on a road.
6/16/05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 3 Three separate attacks in the same Thai province by militant Muslims leave two dead and three injured.
6/15/05 Iraq Khalis 23 28 A particularly heinous suicide bombing attack on Iraqi soldiers eating lunch at their base leaves twenty-three dead and about thirty injured.
6/15/05 Iraq Baghdad 4 29 A suicide bomber detonates near a market, murdering four Iraqis and injuring twenty-nine others.
6/15/05 India Chaklas 2 0 The Mujahideen assassinate a veterinarian and also set fire to another civilian's house, killing his 8-month-old daughter in the flames.
6/15/05 Iraq Ramadi 5 0 Five U.S. Marines are killed by a terrorist while riding in their vehicle.
6/14/05 Iraq Baqubah 6 4 Suicide bomber kills six Iraqis, including two children and injures four others.
6/14/05 Iraq Kirkuk 19 89 A Fedayeen suicide bomber wades into a crowd of people shopping in a market and kills nineteen, including children, and injures about ninety others in an egregious and senseless attack.
6/14/05 Afghanistan Khost 7 0 Taliban extremists walk into a medical clinic and gun down a doctor and seven hospital workers in cold blood.
6/13/05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 Islamic radicals plant a bomb in a garbage truck, killing one of the workers and injuring several more.
6/13/05 India Pulwama 13 100 At least thirteen people are slaughtered, and over one hundred injured when the Mujahideen set off a truck bomb near a school. Many schoolchildren are among the casualties.
6/13/05 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Two Buddhist twin brothers are shot by Islamic terrorists as they are riding home from school. One dies.
6/12/05 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 4 The Taliban kill a woman with a landmine. The blast injures her two children and two other women.
6/12/05 Russia Uzunova 0 15 Fifteen people are injured when a bomb believed to be planted by Chechan terrorists derails a commuter train
6/12/05 Iraq Baghdad 3 4 Three people are killed, and at least four injured in two separate suicide blasts.
6/11/05 Iraq Diyara 11 2 Jihad gunmen open fire on a bus carrying construction laborers, killing eleven in the brutal attack and injuring two.
6/11/05 Iraq Najaf 2 3 A bomb planted in a Shia cemetery kills two people, including an 8-year-old girl, and injures three others, all from the same family.
6/11/05 Iraq Baghdad 10 0 Ten people are slaughtered by a Sunni bomb in a Shia neighborhood, including a pregnant woman and her husband.
6/11/05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims murder a 49-year-old Buddhist construction worker on his way to work.
6/10/05 Iraq Basra 2 0 A policeman and his brother are shot to death by Jihadis while riding in their car.
6/10/05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two separate shooting attacks by Muslim militants leave two, including a Buddhist, dead.
6/9/05 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two Iraqis are killed in a Jihad attack on their vehicle.
6/9/05 Iraq Qaim 17 0 The bodies of seventeen Iraqi Shiites are discovered bound and executed. Some were beheaded.
6/9/05 Chechnya Tver 7 1 Seven Chechnyan police officers are killed when Mujahideen rebels fire a grenade launcher at their car.
6/9/05 Iraq Haqlaniya 5 0 Five U.S. Marines are killed in a terrorist bombing.
6/9/05 Syria Damascus 1 1 Two Syrian security force personnel are shot by religious extremists as they are attempting an arrest.
6/9/05 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist teenager is shot in the head by Muslim separatists.
6/8/05 Afghanistan Shkin 2 8 al-Qaeda terrorists shoot rockets at American soldiers unloading supplies, killing two.
6/7/05 Algeria M'Sila 13 6 Militants fighting for an Islamic state kill thirteen soldiers in a bombing attack on their truck.
6/7/05 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 2 0 Two Pakistani truck drivers are murdered by the Taliban.
6/7/05 Iraq Habaniyah 7 0 The 'Army of Ansar al-Sunna' ambushes a civilian truck convoy and slaughters seven drivers.
6/7/05 Israel Ganei Tal 3 0 Islamic Jihad bomb an Israeli greenhouse, killing three, including a Chinese worker.
6/7/05 India Bahk-e-Hakar 1 0 A civilian is abducted from his home and beheaded by the Mujahideen.
6/7/05 Iraq Hawija 18 38 Militant Sunnis kill eighteen Iraqi civilians in a series of four suicide bombings and other attacks.
6/6/05 Thailand Bangkok 1 0 A 59-year-old Buddhist plantation worker is captured and beheaded by militant Muslims.
6/5/05 India Bandipora 2 0 The Mujahideen abduct and kill two civilians.
6/5/05 Iraq Shorgat 1 3 An Iraqi soldier is killed by a suicide bomber on a motorcycle.
6/4/05 Mauritania Limgheiti 15 19 al-Qaeda militants attack and kill fifteen Mauritanian soldiers in a remote area. Nineteen others are injured.
6/3/05 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 5 Five separate attacks by the Taliban, leave five people dead and at least five others injured.
6/3/05 Iraq Balad 10 12 Ten Iraqis are slaughtered by a suicidal religious fanatic in a car bombing. Twelve more are injured.
6/3/05 Aghanistan Tirin Kot 1 1 The Taliban invade the home of a civic educator, beat up his elderly father, then execute him.
6/2/05 India Harwan 4 1 The Mujahideen abduct and later behead four members of two families.
6/2/05 Iraq Baghdad 9 0 Muslim militants fire into a crowded market from three passing cars, murdering at least nine civilians.
6/2/05 Iraq Mosul 5 13 Jihadis detonate bombs on two motorcycles parked outside a café, killing five Iraqis.
6/2/05 Lebanon Beirut 1 1 Car bombing in a Christian area of the city takes the life of a journalist who oppossed Syrian hegemony.
6/2/05 Iraq Baqouba 4 4 Four Iraqis killed in a blast by a suicidal Sunni.
6/2/05 Iraq Kirkuk 4 11 A convoy of civilian contractors is targeted by a Fedayeen suicide bomber who paves his way to Paradise with at least four dead bodies.
6/2/05 Iraq Tuz Khormato 12 40 Suicidal religious extremist plows his car into a restaurant and detonates a blast that leaves at least twelve people dead, including children, and forty others maimed.
6/1/05 Aghanistan Lashkargah 2 5 The Taliban kill two mine-dectection crewmen in a remote-controlled blast.
6/1/05 Aghanistan Kandahar 21 42 An al-Qaeda member wades into a crowd of mourners at a funeral for a murdered anti-Taliban cleric, killing about two dozen people and hurting dozens more.
5/31/05 Pakistan Karachi 6 0 A mob of angry Shias take out their frustration at Sunnis on Kentucky Fried Chicken employees, killing six, including four who were burned alive.
5/31/05 Pakistan Karachi 5 26 A suicide bombing attack at a Shia mosque kills five people and injures twenty-six.
5/31/05 Algeria Boumerdes 2 5 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat ambushes a security patrol, killing two and injuring five.
5/30/05 Iraq Baghdad 27 118 Two Fedayeen suicide bombers kill twenty-seven Iraqis. The first waded into a crowd before detonating. The second ran after the survivors, killing many of them as well.
5/29/05 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 The Taliban stage a bold assassination on an opposition cleric, as he is leaving his office.
5/29/05 Pakistan Kani Wam 3 2 al-Qaeda suspected in ambush on Pakistani official's car that leaves three dead.
5/29/05 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight civilians, including children, are blown to bits by Islamic terrorists.
5/29/05 India Anatnag 0 44 Forty-four people are injured in twins blasts set by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen. One went off near a post office.
5/29/05 Iraq Tuz 2 9 Jihadis kill two civilians with a car bomb outside a school. Nine others are injured.
5/29/05 Iraq al-Madyen 2 8 A suicide car bomber kills two Iraqis and injures eight on his way to Paradise.
5/28/05 Iraq Sinjar 5 45 Two religious extremists kill five other people and injure at least forty more in coordinated suicide bombings.
5/28/05 Indonesia Sulawesi 22 60 A priest and an infant are among the nearly two dozen Christians killed when Islamic militants detonate two bombs in the center of a village. At least sixty others are injured.
5/28/05 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Islamists stab a 44-year-old Japanese hostage to death on videotape.
5/27/05 Iraq Tikrit 2 24 Two civilians are killed and at least two dozen others injured, some badly, in a terrorist bombing.
5/27/05 Nigeria Sokoto 1 14 Nigerian Sunnis attack a Shia political office, killing one and injuring fourteen.
5/27/05 Philippines Sulu 2 3 Abu Sayyaf militants trigger a landmine against a vehicle on a water run, killing two soldiers and inuring three others.
5/27/05 Pakistan Islamabad 19 41 A suicide bomber blows himself up amid a crowd of mostly Shia worhippers at a Pakistani shrine. At least nineteen are killed and dozens injured.
5/26/05 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Jihadis attack and kill a university professor, along with three of his bodyguards. They also knife a Shiite to death elsewhere.
5/26/05 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Suicidal extremist kills three Iraqis and injures six with bombs hidden in a taxi.
5/25/05 Pakistan Makin 6 0 A woman, her two sons and three daughters, are killed by a bomb planted in their home.
5/24/05 Iraq Baghdad 6 8 Car bombing outside a girl's school kills six and injures eight.
5/23/05 Iraq Mahmoudiya 7 22 A suicidal Sunni tries to drive his explosives-packed car into a mosque. Seven are killed and more than thirty hurt. Five killed are family members.
5/23/05 Iraq Baghdad 10 82 Muslim extremists detonate a car bomb outside a Shiite restaurant, killing seven and injuring more then eighty. Many have serious injuries.
5/23/05 India Kashmir 3 3 In a series of overnight attacks, the Mujahideen hang a woman and shoot two other innocents to death.
5/23/05 Iraq Tal Afar 35 25 Two suicidal religious extremists murder more than thirty people outside the house of a community leader with twin bombings.
5/22/05 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 Sunni radicals spray a car with automatic weapons fire, killing a top official and his driver.
5/20/05 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 2 Gema’at Sharia assassinate a government official with a powerful bomb that also kills his driver and injures two children playing nearby.
5/20/05 India Moghla 4 0 The Mujahideen ambush a security patrol from behind bushes, killing four Indian soldiers.
5/20/05 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 Two civilians are killed by a suicide bomber. Three others are injured.
5/19/05 Afghanistan Zabul 6 0 Taliban gunmen ambush and kill six humanitarian aid workers transporting the bodies from those killed in an attack the day before.
5/19/05 Iraq Samarrah 2 0 In a brutal attack, Sunni gunmen kill a policeman and his elderly father as they are riding in a car.
5/19/05 Iraq Baghdad 1 8 Suicide bomber kills an Iraqi soldier at a checkpoint. Eight others are injured.
5/19/05 Iraq Mosul 7 3 Fedayeen gunmen attack the house of a Sunni politician, killing seven people inside the home.
5/18/05 Afghanstan Helmand 5 0 A gruesome scene as an attack on a humanitarian project leaves five people dead.
5/18/05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Religious fundamentalists kill a 24-year-old woman in her home. She had been a pop music personality.
5/17/05 Algeria Lakhdaria 3 5 Members of an al-Qaeda linked group ambush an Algerian patrol, killing three and wounding five.
5/17/05 Iraq Dujail 6 0 Six Iraqi truck drivers are pulled from their cabs and killed by radical Sunnis.
5/17/05 India Lohardaga 4 3 Seven family members, including women are asleep in their home when militant Muslims barge in and slit the throats of four of them while beating the rest.
5/17/05 India Srinigar 2 17 The Mujahideen attacks a funeral of a man they murdered, killing two additional mourners and injuring seventeen.
5/16/05 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Three blindfolded and bound bodies are found. Some were shot miltiple times.
5/16/05 Indonesia Maluku 6 0 Five policemen and a civilian are killed by Islamic militants in Indonesia, as they were sleeping. The militants accused them of protecting a Christian village.
5/16/05 Iraq Aalgaya 2 2 Muslim gunmen shoot a policeman and his wife to death in their car. The attack also left their two young children badly injured.
5/15/05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 5 After burning down in elementary school in Yala, Muslim extremists bomb a government vehicle, killing one Thai and injuring five others.
5/15/05 Iraq Iskandariya 34 0 The bodies of thirty-four people, some in handcuffs, are found dumped in three locations. Jihadis tortured and beheaded many of them.
5/15/05 Algeria Khenchela 11 0 All eleven members of a water supply convoy are blown up or machine-gunned by the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat.
5/15/05 Iraq Latifiyah 6 0 Three Kuwaiti TV journalists, two Iraqi assistants and their driver are forced off the road by Jihadis then forced to kneel as their throats are cut.
5/15/05 Iraq Baqubah 5 20 Two suicide bombers, one in a car the other following on foot, attempt an assasination. Five innocents are blown apart - another twenty badly injured.
5/14/05 India Kalakote 4 1 The Mujahideen murder a father and his three sons as they are returning from their work in a coal mine.
5/14/05 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 3 0 Three beheaded corpses are found with signs of torture.
5/14/05 India Srinigar 1 0 A businessman is gunned down by Muslim militants.
5/14/05 Iraq Baghdad 4 10 Civilians are victimized by another suicidal car bomber looking for a ticket to paradise.
5/13/05 Iraq Baqubah 3 6 Fedayeen suicide bomber plows into a troop transport, killing two Iraqi soldiers and one civilian.
5/13/05 Iraq Baiji 5 0 Car bomb kills five Iraqis.
5/13/05 Chechnya Ishkoi-Yurt 2 3 Islamists kill two policemen in an ambush. Three others are injured.
5/13/05 India Sangdan 1 0 A government teacher is dragged out of a high school class and shot to death on the sidewalk by the Mujahideen.
5/12/05 India Srinigar 2 46 The Mujahideen target a school with grenades, killing two women and injuring about fifty others, including eleven children.
5/12/05 Iraq Baghdad 17 65 Jihad terrorists detonate a car bomb outside a market and a cinema, killing seventeen people and injuring nearly seventy, some with severe burns and internal injuries.
5/11/05 Iraq Hawija 30 37 A Fedayeen straps explosives to his chest then wades into a group of unemployed civilians waiting to apply for government jobs. At least thirty are blown to bits, with another forty suffering injuries.
5/11/05 India Srinigar 1 40 The Al-Nasreen terrorist group claims responsibility for a powerful car bombing at a busy intersection.
5/11/05 Iraq Baghdad 4 14 Three separate Jihad attacks leave four dead and fourteen injured.
5/11/05 Iraq Tikrit 27 75 A suicide car bomber swerves his vehicle into a crowd of people on a sidewalk. At least Twenty-seven are killed in the explosion.
5/10/05 Iraq Baghdad 7 16 Seven civilians are blasted and burned to death by Fedayeen suicide car bomber on a busy street.
5/9/05 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 A grisly scene as a suicidal Sunni rams his car into two police vehicles, burning the occupants to death.
5/9/05 India Chakka 3 0 The Mujahideen open fire on civilians exiting a mosque, killing three and injuring an unknown number.
5/8/05 India Kuligam-Lalpora 1 2 A 12-year-old girl is killed by a bomb that also injures her father and sister.
5/8/05 Afghanistan Kabul 2 6 A suicide bomber in a café kills two civilians and injures six in a horrific blast.
5/7/05 Iraq Baghdad 22 36 Suicidal Sunnis target a civilian convoy at a busy intersection. Twenty-two are killed in the blast and dozens lay injured in the circle of mutilated bodies.
5/7/05 Yeman Sanaa 0 5 Five solider are injured when Yemeni fundamentalists throw a grenade at them from a passing car.
5/7/05 Lebanon Jounieh 0 28 Twenty-eight people injured by a bomb set in a commercial district of a Christian town.
5/6/05 Iraq Baghdad 14 0 Assyrian Christians are thought to be among the fourteen, bound corpses of torture victims found in a city garbage dump.
5/6/05 Iraq Suwayra 16 36 Sixteen Iraqis shopping at a marketplace are murdered by a Fedayeen, who wades into the crowd before detonating explosives strapped to his body. At least thirty-six are injured.
5/6/05 Iraq Tikrit 7 8 A suicidal religious extremist blows his car up next to a minivan taking Iraqi police to work, killing seven and injuring eight.
5/5/05 Iraq Baghdad 22 43 Three separate attacks, including another suicide bomber at a recruitment station, leave twenty-two Iraqis dead and at least that many injured.
5/5/05 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 9 3 Taliban fundamentalists ambush a military patrol with a landmine and automatic weapons, killing nine Afghans.
5/5/05 India Udhampur 3 22 Mujahideen militants lob a grenade then open fire on a Hindu wedding party, killing two teenage girls (ages 15 and 17) and injuriing twenty-two others.
5/4/05 Iraq Erbil 60 150 A Fedayeen suicide bomber walks into a crowd of Iraqi civilians standing in line to apply for jobs with the police and detonates his explosives, killing sixty and injuring about three times that number.
5/3/05 India Pattan 5 0 A political figure is assassinated by the Mujahideen, along with three civilians and a police officer.
5/3/05 India Pulwama 0 14 Fourteen people are injured when an Islamic terrorist lobs a grenade into the road near a bus stop.
5/2/05 Iraq Mosul 23 50 Twenty-three Iraqis, including children are killed in eight car bombings by Muslim extremists. More than fifty are badly injured.
5/2/05 India Harni 1 4 The Mujahideen attack a security patrol, killing one personnel.
5/2/05 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 2 4 Taliban fundamentalists kill two police officers with a terrorist bomb.
5/1/05 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Iraqi policemen are shot to death by al-Qaeda operatives at a checkpoint.
5/1/05 Iraq Baghdad 4 5 A Jihad car bomb kills four civilians and injures another five.
5/1/05 Iraq Tal Afar 25 51 A Kurdish funeral is the target of a suicidal religious fanatic, who kills at least twenty-five others and injures about fifty mourners.
5/1/05 Afghanistan Baghlan 3 0 The Taliban kill three women, at least one of whom was an aid worker.
5/1/05 Israel Tzieda 1 1 Islamic Jihad kills a 21-year-old Israeli soldier.
4/30/05 Egypt Cairo 0 9 Two women in veils stage a shooting attack on a tour bus. They are the only fatalities, but nine innocents are injured.
4/30/05 Iraq Baghdad 11 36 A series of five bombings kills at least eleven and injures dozens.
4/29/05 Russia Nalchik 1 2 One Russian cop is killed by Islamic militants.
4/29/05 Iraq Baghdad 41 120 Seven separate suicide bombings by Muslim extremists leave more than forty people dead and at least one-hundred and twenty injured. Women and children are among the victims.
4/28/05 Algeria Sidi Daoud 2 0 Algerian fundamentalists kill two soldiers in a terror bombing.
4/27/05 Iraq Najaf 1 0 Shiite cleric gunned down on his way to work.
4/27/05 India Pahalgam 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct and murder an Indian school teacher.
4/26/05 Afghanistan Dishu 4 2 Four police officers are killed in an ambush by Taliban terrorists on their convoy.
4/25/05 India Khurhama 1 0 A political activist is kidnapped by the Mujahideen and then shot to death.
4/25/05 Philippines Jolo 2 5 Abu Sayyaf terrorists kill two Philippine soldiers with a bomb. Five others are badly injured.
4/25/05 Yemen Sanaa 2 2 Followers of a radical Shiite throw a bomb from a car window, killing two, including a student and injuring two others.
4/24/05 Iraq Tikrit 6 33 Jihadis murder six policemen with two bombs. Nearly three dozen others are injured.
4/24/05 Iraq Baghdad 15 40 Sunni extremists plow a car into a crowd of people outside an ice cream shop in a Shia neighborhood, then detonate the vehicle as others rush to help the victims.
4/24/05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 3 Militant Muslims kill two Thai policemen with a remote-controled bomb that injures three civilians as well.
4/24/05 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 The Taliban attack a government building, killing two security staff.
4/24/05 Indonesia Sulawesi 6 0 At least six Christian villagers are killed by their Muslim neighbors after refusing to 'return to Islam.'
4/23/05 Algeria Ain Defla 4 4 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat shoots two family members to death, then kills two community guards in separate attacks.
4/23/05 Iraq Baghdad 13 30 Multiple bombings by Jihadis, including at least one suicide attack, leave thirteen Iraqis dead and at least thirty injured.
4/22/05 Algeria Bir El Ater 2 0 Two Algerian civilians die in a bomb attack by Islamic fundamentalists.
4/22/05 Iraq Baghdad 12 26 Twelve people, including a 10-year-old boy, are killed when religious extremists bomb a Shia mosque. Twenty-six others are badly injured.
4/22/05 Iraq Baqubah 1 1 Radical Sunnis murder a 7-year-old girl with a roadside bomb.
4/22/05 India Baramulla 2 0 Two youth are killed in separate attacks by the Mujahideen. One has his throat slit.
4/21/05 Iraq Suwayra 57 0 Women and children are amply represented among the more than fifty bodies pulled out of a river after having their throats cut by Islamist kidnappers.
4/21/05 Saudi Arabia Mecca 2 0 Saudi Islamists kill two Saudi policmen.
4/21/05 Iraq al-Taji 11 0 Yelling "Allah Akbar" Islamists bring down a civilian helicopter with a missile, killing ten. The lone survivor is helped to is feet, then shot to death.
4/20/05 Iraq Baghdad 4 13 Three terrorist attacks, including an ambush on a truck convoy, leave four civilians dead and at least thirteen injured, some critically.
4/20/05 Iraq Haditha 19 0 Jihadis mark the birth of Muhammed by abducting nineteen Iraqi soldiers in civilian clothes heading home to celebrate the holiday with their families. The men are then executed in a soccer stadium.
4/20/05 Pakistan Nowshera 1 0 Pakistani mob chases a 'blasphemer' up a tree then kill him.
4/20/05 India Sopore 2 10 The Mujahideen take out a vegetable vendor and another innocent woman in a grenade attack in a shopping district.
4/19/05 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Two American soldiers are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
4/19/05 Iraq Baghdad 4 38 Islamist blows himself to Allah in a green minivan, taking four Iraqi police recruits with him and injuring thirty-eight others
4/17/05 Pakistan Kandahar 1 3 One truck driver is killed, and three others injured when Taliban extremists attack their oil convoy with rockets.
4/16/05 Iraq Baqubah 9 12 Radical Sunnis detonate a bomb in a restaurant, killing nine patrons and injuring over a dozen.
4/16/05 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Religious extremists blows himself up, killing three other civilians and wounding six. One of the women killed was described as 'Angel of Mercy.'
4/14/05 Iraq Baghdad 18 36 al-Qaeda sets off two car bombs on a crowded city street, massacring eighteen people and injuring about forty others.
4/14/05 Iraq Mahawil 4 6 Suicide bomber takes four Iraqi with him. Six others are badly injured.
4/14/05 Iraq Kirkuk 6 0 Ansar al-Sunnah terrorists gun down five police officers and one civilian in a single attack.
4/13/05 Iraq Kirkuk 12 3 Muslim terrorists plant a decoy bomb near another live one that kills a dozen policemen while they are trying to defuse the decoy.
4/13/05 Algeria Relizane 2 5 Two civilians are shot to death in an ambush by religious fundamentalists. Five others are injured in the attack.
4/13/05 Algeria Tebessa 3 3 Religious fundamentalists kill three security guards and injure three others in three different bombings.
4/13/05 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 2 A policeman is killed and two others injured as Islamic militants plant a bomb on a road leading to the airport.
4/12/05 Iraq Mosul 5 12 Fedayeen suicide bomber murders five civilians on a city street.
4/12/05 India Shopian 1 0 The Mujahideen shoot a woman to death in front of her house.
4/12/05 Iraq Tal Afar 5 8 A suicide car bomber manages to kill five Iraqis and injure eight. Most of the victims were children.
4/11/05 Iraq Qaim 0 0 Three remarkably inefficient suicide bombers manage to send themselves to Allah, but not anyone else.
4/11/05 Iraq Samarrah 3 22 Fedayeen suicide bomber blows his pickup truck to pieces in a crowded market, killing three civilians an injuring more than twenty others.
4/10/05 India Shopian 2 20 Islamic militant hurls a grenade into a group of pedestrians, killing two and injuring twenty.
4/10/05 India Srinigar 4 3 The Mujahideen kill four people in four separate shooting attacks across the region and take take three policemen hostage.
4/10/05 Nigeria Benue 14 4 Fourteen Christians are killed in an attack on their villages by Muslim militants in the large African nation.
4/9/05 Afghanistan Qalat 1 0 The Taliban murder government official taken hostage two days earlier.
4/9/05 Iraq Mosul 2 13 Islamic insurgents detonate a roadside bomb, killing two civilians and injuring thirteen others.
4/8/05 Iraq Latifiya 15 0 In a senseless killing, members of the "Islamic Army" stop a vehicle carrying non-uniformed Iraqi soldiers and machine-gun them to death.
4/8/05 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Roadside bomb kills four children.
4/8/05 Iraq Baqubah 10 0 The bodies of ten civilians, abducted, bound and executed by Jihadis are found.
4/7/05 India Srinigar 0 7 Fedayeen suicide attack on the bus terminal housing elderly 'freedom riders' is largely unsuccessful. Two attackers are killed.
4/7/05 Egypt Cairo 3 18 Islamist detonates a nail-packed bomb in a shopping area, killing a French woman and two others, including an American tourist. Eighteen others are injured.
4/7/05 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 A priest and his Christian driver are detained then stabbed to death by Muslim extremists, who also cut off the hands, noses and ears of the victims.
4/7/05 Sudan Khor Abeche 17 0 Arab militia raids an African village, killing at least seventeen and torching homes. A small mosque was one of only two structures spared.
4/7/05 Algeria Oued-Djerma 14 0 Algerian fundamentalists set up a fake roadblock then slaughter the trapped victims and set fire to their cars.
4/6/05 India Hanjivira 0 7 Mujahideen bomb intended for a passenger bus explodes early, injuring seven civilians.
4/6/05 Afghanistan Charchino 3 0 Three civilians are murdered by the Taliban.
4/6/05 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Video posted on the Internet showing two young men brutally stabbed to death as assailants yell "Allah Akbar."
4/5/05 India Jammu 2 3 Pakistani Fedayeen take Indian border guards by surprise, killing two Hindus and injuring three before fleeing.
4/3/05 Afghanistan Helmand 9 3 Muslim extremists attack a government building, killing nine Afghan soldiers.
4/3/05 Algeria Boumerdes 3 2 Three farmers are killed when Islamic fundamentalists with suspected ties to al-Qaeda set off a roadside bomb in Algeria.
4/3/05 Thailand Songkhla 2 70 Islamic militants set off three bombs, killing two and injuring at least seventy. The fatalities were from the bomb set at the airport. The other two bombs were at a hotel and a department store.
4/2/05 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 5 The Taliban kill four people, including two children, in two bomb attacks (the second in Mazar-i-Sharif).
4/2/05 Iraq Baghdad 6 5 Car bomb kills five Iraqis and injures another five. A government minister of education is gunned down in a separate attack.
4/1/05 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 0 Taliban extremists kill three truck drivers and then burn their vehicles.
4/1/05 Pakistan Lahore 1 3 Sunni gunmen kill a Shiite cleric in his car in an attack that also his young daughter and two of her friends.
4/1/05 Lebanon Broummana 0 12 Bomb placed outside a shopping center in a Christian resort village by Syrian-backed terrorists injures a dozen.
3/31/05 India Thannamandi 5 5 The Mujahideen kidnaps and kills two more villagers from their home. Elsewhere in Kashmir three other civilians are killed in separate attacks.
3/31/05 India Sonabrari 3 0 The bodies of three shepherds abducted and executed by the Mujahideen two days earlier are found.
3/31/05 Iraq Tuz Khormato 5 14 Fedayeen suicide bomber murders five others, including a child, outside a shrine.
3/30/05 Iraq Mahaweel 1 2 Sunni extremists open fire on a Shiite pilgrims making their way to a religious festival, killing at least one person.
3/30/05 Iraq Mosul 6 8 Four Jihadi gunmen open fire on a street, killing six people and injuring another eight in what appeared to be a suicide attack.
3/29/05 India Biwilian 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists kill a boy who refuses to courier money for them.
3/29/05 Iraq Mussayib 5 5 Suicide bicycle bomber pedels his way to Paradise, taking five other souls with him including three civilians.
3/29/05 Algeria Thenia 1 0 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat kidnaps a 32-year-old man then slits his throat.
3/29/05 Afghanistan Anar Darah 4 0 The Taliban ambush and kill four policemen in a remote area.
3/28/05 Yemen Saada 4 0 Islamic extremists ambush and kill four Yemeni policemen.
3/28/05 India Machan 2 8 Muslim terrorists ambush a local security patrol, killing two and injuring eight.
3/28/05 Iraq Karbala 7 9 Sunni extremist kills seven Shia pilgrims at a religious event with a suicide car bombing. At least nine others are injured.
3/27/05 India Udhampur 4 0 Mujahideen militants set fire to a civilian's house after killing his mother, wife and infant daughter. They also murder a neighbor.
3/27/05 Pakistan Khambay 1 6 Four Islamic militants open fire on an church Easter service, killing at least one Christian and injuring six other worshippers.
3/27/05 Iraq Abu Tamir 6 3 Six Iraqis are killed by Jihadists in and around Baqubah in several shooting attacks.
3/27/05 Iraq Baghdad 2 2 Religious fanatic blows himself up, also killing two U.S. soldiers.
3/27/05 Thailand Narathiwat 0 15 Bombing and shooting attack on a train by Muslim separatists results in more than a dozen casualties.
3/26/05 Lebanon Beirut 0 5 Bomb in a predominately Christian suburb injures five.
3/26/05 India Srinagar 1 16 Sixteen people are injured and one killed when the Mujahideen lob a grenade near a crowded bus stop.
3/26/05 Iraq Tal Afar 4 6 Four policemen are killed, and six wounded, in an attack on their station by radical Sunni.
3/25/05 India Manwa-Dangal 1 0 Muslim terrorists abduct a civilian then slit his throat a day later.
3/25/05 Iraq Karbala 2 19 Two Shia pilgrims are killed, and nineteen others injured by a Sunni suicide bomber as they are marching to the shrine city.
3/25/05 Iraq Ramadi 11 14 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills eleven police officers at a checkpoint and injures another fourteen.
3/24/05 Thailand Yala 0 4 Four people, including an elderly Buddhist monk are injured by a bomb that Islamic militants trigger with a cell phone.
3/24/05 India Bakhipora 2 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen invade a civilian's home, kidnap his son and nephew then execute them in captivity.
3/24/05 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Jihad gunmen open up on a van carrying cleaning women from their job at an American base. Five women are shot to death.
3/23/05 Lebanon Jounieh 3 3 Three people are killed when Muslim terrorists detonate an 80kg bomb in a shopping center in a Christian area north of Beirut.
3/23/05 India Srinigar 1 5 The Mujahideen kill a civilian and injure several other people with a car bomb in a shopping district.
3/22/05 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Roadside blast kills four civilians. Elsewhere (in Kut), the bodies of six captured soldiers are found bound and executed.
3/21/05 Thailand Songkhla 1 3 Islamic separatists open fire on a restaurant, killing one customer and injuring three others.
3/21/05 Iraq Aziziyah 7 0 A roadside bombing rips through the bodies of four women and three children riding in a vehicle.
3/21/05 Iraq Sammarah 3 6 Three people, including two women, are murdered in a Jihad car bombing.
3/20/05 Pakistan Fatehpur 39 55 Radical Sunni suicide bomber blows up a Shia religious festival near a Pakistani shrine, killing about three dozen and injuring many more.
3/20/05 Iraq Mosul 5 14 A suicide bomber walks into a government building and kills three others. Jihadists then open fire on the subsequent funeral, killing two others.
3/20/05 Thailand Yala 1 13 One civilian is killed, and thirteen other people injured by two bombs placed by Islamic separatists, one near a river pavilion.
3/19/05 Qatar Doha 1 16 Egyptian suicide bomber slams his car into a theatre, killing a British national and injuring sixteen others in the Qatari capital.
3/19/05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 2 Three separate shooting attacks by Islamic militants leave at least two villagers dead, including a Buddhist man shot in the back of the head while sitting in his tea shop.
3/19/05 Lebanon Beirut 0 9 Syrian-backed terrorists set off a car bomb in a Christian neighborhood, injuring at least nine.
3/19/05 Iraq Kirkuk 4 5 Jihad insurgents gun down a police officer, then kill three others at his funeral procession.
3/18/05 India Bandipore 1 6 The Mujahideen kill an 8-year-old boy by tossing a grenade into a school. Six of his classmates sustain critical injuries.
3/17/05 Nigeria Benue 1 0 Two Muslim men rape a Christian girl and then poison her.
3/17/05 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 32 The Taliban detonate a roadside bomb targeting a humanistarian convoy that kills two women, two men and one Afghan child. Thirty-two others are injured.
3/17/05 India Rajouri 3 24 Three people are killed when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade at a restaurant.
3/16/05 Iraq Baqubah 3 8 al-Qaeda suicide bomber kills three soldiers and injures eight other people, including civilians.
3/15/05 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 Suicide bomber successfully kills a young child and injures four others.
3/15/05 Thailand Yala 1 3 A policeman is killed and three other people injured when Muslim separatists set off a bomb at a railway station.
3/15/05 Iraq Baghdad 4 7 Jihad car bombing kills four civilians and injures seven.
3/15/05 India Tangmarg 2 0 A leader of the terrorist group, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, kills two people in making an escape from jail.
3/15/05 India Poonch 0 7 Seven people standing outside a bank are injured when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade at them.
3/14/05 India Baramulla 2 0 The Mujahideen ambush a search party, killing at least one person. They also kill a civilian at his home (Gagrot Piri).
3/14/05 Iraq Baghdad 6 10 Three car bombings kill a total of four civilians, including two farmers.
3/14/05 Philippines Manila 3 3 Abu Sayyaf militant grabs a gun and shoots three prison guards to death.
3/14/05 Scotland Glasgow 1 0 Five Pakistani immigrants abduct, torture and then burn alive a 15-year-old Scottish teen in a horrendous attack. Three later flee the country.
3/13/05 Iraq Hillah 2 1 Muslims kill two American security contractors with a roadside bomb.
3/13/05 Iraq Mosul 6 1 Sunni Jihadists kill a police officer's wife and two young children then shoot three other policemen attending the funeral a day later.
3/12/05 Algeria Bouira 2 2 Islamic extremists set up a fake roadblock, then machine-gun two policemen to death in their vehicle.
3/11/05 Philippines Sulu 5 4 Moro Islamic Front attack a military patrol, killing five and injuring four.
3/10/05 Iraq Mosul 50 86 Devout Sunni blows himself up inside a Shiite mosque, taking fifty lives and leaving about a hundred other people badly injured.
3/9/05 Iraq Al-Rumana 41 0 The bodies of forty-one people, massacred by Jihadists, are found. All had been executed, many were beheaded, including several women and young children.
3/9/05 Iraq Baghdad 2 40 Two suicide bombers drive a garbage truck packed with explosives into a hotel, killing two others and injuring several dozen.
3/8/05 Bangladesh Jalalpur 1 0 Christian pastor attacked and beheaded by Muslim extremists as he is returning home from work.
3/8/05 Pakistan Danyore 1 0 Sunni government official shot to death by Shia militants while waiting for a bus.
3/7/05 Iraq Baqoubah 15 17 al-Qaeda suicide bomber accounts for most of the fifteen people dead in four attacks. At least twenty-six others are injured.
3/7/05 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Three people, including two Bhuddists and a businesswoman are murdered in three separate attacks by Muslim terrorists.
3/7/05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 British national gunned down by a Taliban terrorist while waiting at a traffic light.
3/7/05 Israel Hebron 0 2 Two Israelis are wounded by a Palestinian sniper.
3/7/05 Iraq Balad 12 21 Jihadists murder a dozen people, mostly civilians with a car bombing in a residential neighborhood.
3/6/05 Thailand Narathiwat's 2 0 Two young civilians are gunned down by Islamic militants in a motorcycle attack.
3/6/05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Gema’ah Islamiyah terrorists, disguised as fully-veiled Muslim women open fire on a police checkpoint, killing two Thai officers.
3/4/05 Iraq Ramadi 4 0 Jihadists kill four American soldiers with a terrorist bombing.
3/3/05 Iraq Baqoubah 1 3 Jihad car bombing kills one civilian and injures three.
3/3/05 Iraq Baghdad 5 7 Five people are killed by two Fedayeen suicide bombers outside a government building.
3/2/05 Iraq Baghdad 13 30 Two suicide car bombings kills thirteen Iraqis and wound thirty. In a separate attack a judge and his son are gunned down.
3/2/05 Thailand Pattani 3 1 Muslim terrorists murder three civilians in separate random shooting attacks.
3/2/05 Bangladesh Narsingdi 0 10 Militant Muslims injure ten people with a bomb outside a shrine.
3/1/05 Chechnya Grozny 1 16 One policeman is killed, and sixteen others injured when the Mujahideen attack their station.
2/28/05 Sudan Toray 17 14 Arab militias with the support of the Islamic government attack a village and kille seventeen civilians and injure a dozen others including several women who were raped.
2/28/05 India Surankote 1 0 The Mujahideen kidnap a 17-year-old boy from his home and then kill him.
2/28/05 Iraq Hilla 135 141 Fedayeen suicide car bomber blows his way to paradise by driving into a crowd of unemployed Iraqi Guard volunteers and taking the lives of more than one-hundred souls. Well over a hundred more are injured in the barbaric attack. Many were Christian.
2/28/05 India Matribugh 2 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists capture, disarm and then execute two Indian soldiers.
2/27/05 Algeria Souk El-Khemis 2 0 Two people in a small Algerian town are killed when religious fundamentalists set off a bomb.
2/27/05 Iraq Mosul 12 2 Car bomber kills eight people and Jihad gunmen kill another four in a separate incident, also in Mosul.
2/25/05 Israel Tel Aviv 5 49 Three weeks after a truce-signing, a Palestinian suicide bomber kills five Israelis outside a nightclub. Forty-nine others in line are injured.
2/24/05 Iraq Iskandariyah 3 8 A young girl is among the three people killed by a Sunni car bombing. Eight others are injured, two critically.
2/24/05 India Sopore 0 12 Militant Islamist hurls a grenade into a crowd of people, injuring at least ten civilians.
2/24/05 Thailand Yala 7 0 Muslim terrorists kill seven people over a two day stretch that includes a Buddhist grocery store owner and a village chief.
2/24/05 India Srinigar 5 2 The Mujahideen kill five people and injure at least two others in a suicide assault on a government building in the region's capital.
2/24/05 Iraq Tikrit 15 22 Islamic suicide bomber drives an explosive-packed vehicle into a police compound, killing fifteen and leaving another two dozen in various stages of agony.
2/24/05 Afghanistan Chakul 9 0 The Taliban ambush and murder nine Afghan police officers.
2/23/05 Iraq Mosul 2 14 Jihad car bombing kills two Iraqis and leaves fourteen others injured.
2/22/05 Iraq Baghdad 4 30 Suicide bomber rams his car into a police convoy, killing four and injuring about thirty.
2/22/05 Afghanistan Sangin 2 0 The Taliban stop a vehicle carrying two humanitarian aid workers then execute each with a shot to the back of the head.
2/21/05 Chechnya Grozny 9 2 Nine Russian servicemen are killed in an attack by the Mujahideen in the capital's suburbs.
2/19/05 Iraq Baqubah 42 91 Eight suicide attacks by Fedayeen 'Holy Warriors' (including one on a bicycle), along with a bus explosion kill at least forty innocent people and injure over one-hundred.
2/19/05 Algeria Batna 4 0 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat ambush and kill four soldiers in remote Algeria.
2/18/05 Iraq Baghdad 10 20 Another suicide bomber blows himself to Allah outside a Shia mosque, taking at least ten others with him.
2/18/05 Thailand Sungai Kolok 6 44 Muslim separatists kill six people near a hotel hosting a wedding reception with a powerful car bomb.
2/18/05 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 Two people in a religious procession are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber on a city street.
2/18/05 Iraq Bahgdad 15 23 Suicide bomber kills fifteen Shia worshippers inside a mosque just as Friday prayers are beginning. Another two dozen are injured.
2/18/05 Lebanon al-Shuwayfat 2 0 Islamists bomb a Christian-owned gas station, killing two people.
2/17/05 Somalia Mogadishu 2 5 Bombing kills two and injures five near a hotel.
2/17/05 Iraq Zakho 1 0 Christian taxi driver gunned down after refusing to convert back to Islam.
2/16/05 India Kishtwar 2 7 Mujahideen toss a grenade into a bus stop, killing one and injuring seven. Elsewhere (Rajouri) they kidnap and kill a 60-year-old man.
2/15/05 Pakistan Noorpur Shahan 3 14 Sectarian shooting attack leaves three dead Sunnis and fourteen others injured.
2/15/05 Indonesia Ambon 2 2 Muslims shoot two people, including a teenage girl, to death in an attack on a karaoke club.
2/14/05 India Shopian 0 25 Twenty-five people are injured when the Mujahideen toss a grenande into a crowded street.
2/14/05 Philippines General Santos 5 36 An bomb outside a shopping mall kills five shoppers and injures at least three dozen others. Abu Sayyaf claims responsibility.
2/14/05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim separatists shoot a 48-year-old man off of a motorcycle, injuring his wife as well.
2/14/05 Philippines Davao 1 8 A 12-year-old boy is killed in an Abu Sayyaf bombing at a bus stop. Eight others are injured.
2/14/05 Lebanon Beirut 15 120 Powerful suicide bomb blast kills the former Lebanese Prime Minister and fourteen others. One-hundred and twenty are injured in the blast.
2/14/05 Philippines Manila 3 79 The Abu Sayyaf terrorist group detonates a bomb in the Philippine capital outside a crowded bus terminal, setting three buses on fire and killing at least three.
2/14/05 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Sunni extremists spray the inside of a passenger car with automatic weapons, killing an Iraqi officer and two companions.
2/13/05 Iraq Nasiriyah 2 0 An Iraqi translator and his son are gunned down by Islamists near their home.
2/11/05 Iraq Baghdad 11 0 Sunni gunmen block off a street with their cars and then mow down Shia patrons at a bakery, killing eleven and injuring a unknown number of others.
2/11/05 Iraq Balad Ruz 13 40 Suicidal fanatic detonates a massive bomb using a vegetable truck outside a Shia mosque, killing over a dozen and injuring more than forty.
2/11/05 Thailand Yala 2 24 Thai Muslims shoot a buddhist shopkeeper to death, then trigger a bomb that kills another person and injures two dozen.
2/10/05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Thai Islamists set off a bomb in a market stall, killing one villager and injuring another.
2/10/05 Iraq Suwairah 21 0 The decomposing bodies of twenty-one Iraqi truck drivers hauling food are found two days after their convoy was ambushed by Islamic radicals. They had all been burned inside their vehicles.
2/9/05 Iraq Basra 2 0 Shiite radicals gun down an Iraqi journalist and his 3-year-old son in front of their home.
2/8/05 Iraq Baghdad 21 27 Shaheed suicide bomber blows himself to paradise, along with nearly two dozen others. About thirty are seriously wounded in the street attack.
2/7/05 Philippines Panamao 12 15 Muslim separatists attack Philippino troops, killing a dozen.
2/7/05 Iraq Baqubah 15 17 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills himself and at least fifteen others who were seeking jobs outside a police station.
2/7/05 Iraq Mosul 12 4 Suicidal extremist kills a dozen police who were guarding a teaching hospital, by pretending to need assistance from the officers.
2/7/05 Pakistan Wana 2 2 al-Qaeda militants ambush four journalists riding in a car. Two are murdred.
2/4/05 India Taryath 1 2 Two people escape after being kidnapped from their village by the Mujahideen, but another is executed.
2/4/05 Nigeria Demsa 36 0 Militant Muslims attack a Christian village in Nigeria, killing at least three dozen and displacing some three thousand others.
2/3/05 Iraq Balad 2 0 Two people are shot to death by Sunni radicals for voting in the election.
2/2/05 Dagestan Makhachkala 4 0 Dagestani Islamists kill a high-ranking government official and three others in a shooting ambush on their vehicle.
2/2/05 Iraq Kirkuk 12 2 Takfir wa Hijra (Islamist) terrorists stop a bus full of unarmed Iraqi recruits. Twelve are dragged off and shot execution-style.
2/1/05 Pakistan Quetta 1 7 Two bombs, one placed on a railroad track and the other near a hotel, kill one and injure seven.
1/31/05 India Nathali-Bagwa 4 3 Four members of a family, including three children and their mother, are killed when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade into a house after knocking down the door.
1/31/05 India Anantnag 2 1 The Mujahideen break into a house and kill a woman, then kidnap and hang her student son.
1/31/05 Bangladesh Chittagong 1 0 Jamaat-e-Islami terrorists kill a business man with a bomb in a shopping center.
1/30/05 Iraq Baghdad 44 67 A string of suicide attacks by theocratic fanatics kill over forty Iraqis in an effort to prevent the citizenry from exercising their right to vote in elections.
1/30/05 Kuwait Kuwait City 2 4 Islamic militants kill two people in a shootout.
1/29/05 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Islamic militants hit the U.S. embassy with a rocket, killing two Americans.
1/29/05 Afghanistan Spinboldak 9 1 Nine Afghan soldiers are blown to bits by the Taliban while riding in a pickup truck near the Pakistani border.
1/28/05 Chechnya Alkhan-Yurt 9 0 Jihad suicide bomber kills nine Chechan policemen after crashing his car into theirs at full speed.
1/28/05 Iraq Baghdad 4 4 Four Iraqis are killed by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
1/27/05 India Kremshora 2 0 The Mujahideen abduct and kill an Indian government employee and his son.
1/27/05 India Pampore 0 26 Two grenades tossed by the Mujahideen at an election office injure twenty-six people, almost all civilians.
1/27/05 Nigeria Numan 1 0 A Christian woman is shot to death by Muslim troops in the troubled African province.
1/27/05 Bangladesh Habiganj 4 0 Four people, including a 73-year-old man are assassinated by Muslim radicals in a grenade attack as they leave a public meeting.
1/27/05 Bangladesh Habiganj 5 100 Islamic fundamentalists lob a grenade into an opposition political rally, killing a former finance minister and at least four others. About one hundred people are injured, some badly.
1/27/05 Iraq Samarrah 3 0 Three civilians, including two women, are killed in a Jihad bombing attack.
1/27/05 Iraq Mahmoudiya 3 7 Three civilians are killed, and seven injured by a Sunni bomber.
1/26/05 Iraq Sinjar 15 31 Sunni radicals pack a tractor with explosives and detonate it outside a Kurdish political office, killing at least a dozen.
1/26/05 Iraq Kirkuk 7 3 Seven Iraqis are killed by two Jihad car bombings.
1/25/05 Iraq Baghdad 16 12 Islamic insurgents kill sixteen people in various shooting attacks, including the 5-year-old daughter of a policeman.
1/24/05 India Kulgam 2 6 The Mujahideen gun down an orchard worker (Shopian) and toss a grenade into a bus stop.
1/23/05 Algeria Tizi Ghenif 2 1 Islamic fundamentalists attack a security patrol killing two police and injuring one civilian.
1/22/05 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 0 Four people, including a police chief and two relatives, are killed by a Taliban roadside bomb.
1/22/05 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two truck drivers are kidnapped and beheaded on a public street as executioners chant 'Allah Akbar.'
1/21/05 Iraq Yusufiyah 12 38 Suicide bomber drives an ambulance full of explosives into a Shia wedding party, slaughtering a dozen, including women and children and injuring dozens more including the bride and groom.
1/21/05 Iraq Baghdad 14 42 Radical Sunnis car bomb a Shia mosque as the victims celebrate a religious holiday. Fourteen are killed, and about forty injured.
1/21/05 India Anantnag 1 3 The Mujahideen kidnap three civilians and torture two of them, eventually killing one.
1/20/05 Afghanistan Spinboldak 3 0 Pakistani fuel truck driver and two assistants are murdered by the Taliban in a senseless attack.
1/20/05 Iraq Baghdad 26 25 Three al-Qaeda suicide bombings leave more than two dozen dead and scores of civilians badly injured. One of the targets was the Australian embassy.
1/19/05 Sudan Hamada 105 0 The Islamic government bombs a village in Darfur, killing more than a hundred people, mostly women and children. An unknown number are wounded.
1/18/05 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 Sunni takes two members of a Shia political party with him to 'paradise.' Car bombing injures nine others as well.
1/18/05 Israel Sderot 1 1 17-year-old Israeli girl dies trying to protect her 10-year-old brother from a Hamas rocket attack (on 1-15).
1/18/05 Thailand Narathiwat 3 0 At least three killed as militant Muslims go on a wild shooting and arson spree.
1/18/05 Israel Gush Katif 1 7 Palestinian suicide bomber murders a father of three and injures seven others.
1/17/05 Iraq Ramadi 4 0 The bodies of three civilians and one soldier are found in a field, brutally slain, with handwriting declaring them to be traitors to the cause of Allah.
1/17/05 Iraq Beiji 8 25 Eight people are killed by a suicide bomber, with another 25 injured, some critically.
1/17/05 Iraq Ramadi 3 9 Three civilians are killed as a dedicated Muslim blows himself to Allah. Nine others injured.
1/17/05 Iraq Buhriz 8 4 Jihadists attack a police checkpoint with machine-guns, killing eight.
1/16/05 Thailand Yala 1 30 Muslims plant a bomb in a Thai restaurant, killing the owner and injuring thirty others.
1/15/05 Dagestan Kaspiisk 4 1 Islamic terrorists kill four policemen in two separate shootouts in Dagestan (Kaspiisk & Makhachkala).
1/15/05 India Srinigar 2 17 Grenade thrown into an election rally by the Mujahideen kills two people and injures seventeen.
1/15/05 Bangladesh Natore 3 89 Islamic militants set off bombs at two different carnivals killing three and injuring about ninety others, including stage performers.
1/15/05 India Srinigar 2 0 Al-Mansoorian terrorists storm a passport office and kill two government employees.
1/14/05 India Yarbug Panzla 1 0 The Mujahideen enter a civilian's house and kill his 20-year-old daughter.
1/13/05 Iraq Baghdad 5 1 Islamic gunmen riddle a civilian minivan with machine-gun fire as it is picking up a Turkish businessman.
1/13/05 Iraq Khan Bani Saad 7 30 A car bomb outside a Shia mosque kills seven people and injures another thirty, some critically.
1/13/05 Israel Karni Crossing 6 4 Three Palestinian suicide bombers infiltrate the security wall, via an explosion, and murder six Israelis. Four others are wounded.
1/12/05 Iraq Salman 6 0 Radical Sunnis shoot a Shia cleric and his son to death on the street, along with four of their bodyguards.
1/12/05 Afghanistan Helmand 6 0 Six Afghan soldiers are kidnapped and executed by the Taliban.
1/12/05 Israel Morag 1 3 Palestinians use explosives and arms fire to murder an Israeli officer in the process of constructing a security fence.
1/12/05 Chechnya Vedeno 4 0 Mujahideen attack on a government car leaves four civilians dead.
1/11/05 Iraq Yussifiyah 7 0 Seven Iraqi civilians are killed when militants destroy their minibus with a roadside bomb.
1/10/05 Iraq Tikrit 8 12 Fedayeen suicide bombing leave six police dead and a dozen injured. Police chief also assassinated in Baghdad, along with his son.
1/10/05 Iraq Suwayrah 9 10 Eight Ukrainian bomb sappers, and one Kazakh are killed by the 'Islamic Army' in a terrorist bombing attack.
1/10/05 Philippines Mamasapano 8 5 Moro Islamic Front stages a surprise attack on government post, killing eight Philippine soldiers.
1/10/05 Kuwait Kuwait City 2 2 Islamic gunmen kill two security guards outside a government building.
1/9/05 Israel Shebaa Farms 1 3 An Israeli officer is killed, and three others injured, in a Hezbollah rocket attack along the Lebanese border.
1/9/05 Pakistan Gilgit 6 0 Shia burn six Sunnis alive after herding them into a house in a revenge for an earlier attack on a Shiite leader.
1/8/05 Pakistan Gilgit 2 2 Sunni attack on the vehicle of a Shia cleric leaves two of his guards dead.
1/7/05 Iraq Mosul 18 0 The bodies of eighteen Shia laborers abducted and shot execution style by Sunni radicals are unearthed in a field.
1/7/05 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 A heinous roadside bombing attack on a U.S. Marine vehicle leaves all seven occupants dead.
1/7/05 Israel Nablus 1 3 An Israeli motorist is killed by a Palestinian sniper. Three others are injured, two critically.
1/7/05 India Srinigar 3 2 Fedayeen militants from the al-Mansoorian outfit storm a government building with grenades, leaving at least four dead.
1/6/05 Iraq Baqubah 6 13 al-Qaeda group sends a suicide bomber into a security point. Six dead and thirteen injured.
1/5/05 Iraq Hillah 20 44 Fedayeen suicide car bomber kills at least twenty outside a police graduation ceremony. About four dozen others are badly hurt.
1/5/05 Chechnya Grozny 17 25 A series of Mujahideen attacks across the country leaves seventeen dead, nineteen wounded and six others, including two college students kidnapped.
1/5/05 India Srinigar 0 6 Four civilians and two Indian police suffer injuries when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade into a city street.
1/4/05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims murder a Thai village official from the back of a motorcycle as he is driving to work.
1/4/05 Iraq Baghdad 10 60 Fedayeen 'Holy Warrior' rams a checkpoint with a truck full of explosives, killing ten and injuring at least sixty, including women and children.
1/4/05 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Iraqi governor, an advocate for democracy, is gunned down along with six of his guards by Islamic theocrats.
1/4/05 Pakistan Vinnoi 5 0 A husband and wife, their son and two other relatives are murdered in their home in an 'honor killing' by a group of armed men.
1/3/05 Algeria Biskra 18 0 Algeria's Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat bombs a convoy then rakes it with machine-gun fire, killing eighteen people and injuring an unknown number.
1/3/05 Iraq Mosul 2 2 Ansar al-Sunna Islamists kidnap and decapitate an Iraqi, then booby-trap the headless body with a bomb that kills a police officer.
1/3/05 Iraq Tikrit 16 43 Three suicide bombers blow themselves to Allah in separate attacks, taking sixteen other souls with them. Over forty others sustain burns, open wounds and lost limbs.
1/2/05 Iraq Balad 23 6 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills twenty-three people, mostly Iraqi National Guardsmen in a terrorist attack.
1/2/05 Iraq Samarrah 4 1 Radical Sunnis machine-gun four cops to death as they sit in their car.


08-09-2005, 10:30 PM

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
12/31/04 Iraq Baiji 7 0 Suicide bomber kills seven and injures an unknown number of people.
12/30/04 India Waspora 2 1 Two citizens are shot dead in their home after the Mujahideen barge in. Another relative is injured.
12/30/04 Philippines Malisbong 1 0 Abu Sayyaf terrorists kill a 68-year-old man execution style.
12/29/04 Iraq Baghdad 29 58 At least twenty-nine, including two dozen civilians are killed when Islamic radicals blow up several houses near one being searched by police with a massive bomb.
12/29/04 Algeria Algiers 3 0 A man and his two teenage daughters bleed to death after their throats are cut by Islamic fundamentalists in their home.
12/29/04 India Kashmir 9 0 The Mujahideen shoot nine people to death in separate attacks. One is the leader of the youth wing of a political party.
12/29/04 Pakistan Wana 1 0 al-Qaeda members assassinate a local political figure in a drive-by with ties to the Afghan President.
12/29/04 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 2 Saudi militants kill one person in two car bomb blasts.
12/28/04 Iraq Tikrit 17 26 In two attacks (Tikrit and Baqubah), Jihadists slaughter twelve Iraqi police officers by slitting their throats and murder five National Guardsmen a bomb.
12/28/04 Iraq Muradiya 5 31 Five civilians are killed by a Sunni car bomb. About thirty more are injured.
12/28/04 Algeria Algiers 7 0 Seven Algerian civilians are gunned down by al-Salafeyah extremists.
12/27/04 Iraq Baghdad 15 48 'Holy Warrior' detonates explosives in front of a Shia party headquarters, killing himself and at least fifteen other. Several dozen are injured, many suffering burns and missing limbs.
12/26/04 Thailand Chana 3 1 Three Thai policemen are killed by Muslims in a motorcycle terror attack as they are passing by.
12/25/04 India Pakherpora 2 28 Islamic separatists kill two and injure twenty-eight in a grenade attack on a busy street.
12/25/04 Pakistan Chitral 2 0 Armed fundamentalists kill two employees of an international aid foundation and set fire to vehicles.
12/24/04 Iraq Baghdad 9 19 An explosives-rigged fuel truck detonates in a residential neighborhood, killing nine, including seven members of the same family. "Shahid" suicide bombing.
12/24/04 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 Religious fundamentalists finally murder an economics professor on campus after several unsuccessful attempts
12/24/04 Thailand Narathiwat 2 7 Islamic separatists plant a bomb on a motorcycle, outside a bank, and kill two people, injuring at least seven.
12/22/04 India Sangam 1 14 One person is killed and fourteen others, mostly civilians are injured when Mujahideen militant hurls a grenade into the road.
12/22/04 Israel Hebron 1 0 Palestinians snatch rifle from Israeli guard and shoot him to death with it.
12/21/04 Iraq Mosul 22 69 Twenty-two people, including several civilians are killed and about seventy injured when an Ansar al-Sunnah terrorist blows himself up in the middle of the lunch hour at a mess hall.
12/21/04 Israel Moshov 1 0 A 39-year-old Israeli woman is stabbed to death by Palestinian terrorists.
12/20/04 Afghanistan Maywand 4 4 Taliban insurgents ambush a security checkpoint, killing four policemen.
12/19/04 Iraq Karbala 16 37 Sixteen people are killed by Fedayeen suicide car bomber and about forty injured in the attack on a Shia holy site.
12/19/04 Iraq Najaf 52 142 An Islamic extremists plows his car into a Shia funeral procession and detonates it near a mosque. Over fifty people are killed and about one hundred and fifty injured in the suicide attack.
12/19/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two Christians are kidnapped and then murdered by Jihadists.
12/18/04 India Shingru 2 0 Muslim terrorists shoot and kill a 70-year-old political activists and abduct and kill a youth (Kanir).
12/18/04 Iraq Baghdad 5 1 Three people are dragged from a car, forced to kneel, and then shot by "holy warriors." Elsewhere, a husband and wife are shot to death in their homes for supporting "infidels." (Son is kidnapped as well).
12/17/04 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Grisly murder of four men traveling in a car through Mosul (three are foreigners). Bodies are mutilated and set aflame.
12/15/04 Israel Khan Yunis 1 2 Hamas militants kill a foreign agriculture worker at an Israeli settlement and injure two more with mortars.
12/15/04 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two more Buddhist civilians, both in their 50's, are shot to death by Muslim extremists. One was selling ice-cream from his vending bike at the time.
12/15/04 Iraq Karbala 10 40 Sunni extremists bomb a Shia mosque, eventually killing ten and injuring forty people in the mosque and on the street.
12/15/04 Iraq Baghdad 17 20 Sunni insurgents ambush a police convoy, killing four people on the spot. Thirteen officers are taken prisoner and subsequently executed.
12/14/04 Iraq Baghdad 7 13 Another Muslim takes his life in a suicide car blast that also kills seven civilians and injures at least thirteen.
12/14/04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Buddhist teacher is gunned down by two Muslims in a motorcycle attack.
12/14/04 Kabardino-Balk. Nalchik 4 0 Wahhabi terrorists attack a government building and kill the four security staff members on duty.
12/13/04 Iraq Baghdad 13 15 Fedayeen suicide car bomber murders more than a dozen civilians and seriously injures another fifteen in a blast designed to maximize human casualty.
12/12/04 Philippines General Santos 15 59 Abu Sayyaf suspected of a mall bombing that kills fifteen Christmas shoppers. Nearly sixty others are injured.
12/12/04 Indonesia Sulawesi 0 3 Muslims open fire on churches in Indonesia, injuring three Christians.
12/12/04 Israel Rafah 5 6 Five Israeli soldiers are killed when Hamas terrorists set off a bomb under a checkpoint. Six others hospitalized.
12/11/04 Israel Neveh Dekalim 0 4 Hamas (Islamic Resistance) lobs several rockets into an Israeli neighborhood. Four, including three children, are seriously injured.
12/10/04 Pakistan Quetta 11 27 Bomb attached to a bicycle rips through a marketplace, killing more than ten people and injuring about two dozen.
12/10/04 India Magani 4 0 Heavily-armed Mujahideen ambush on a police patrol and slaughter all four Indian cops.
12/9/04 Iraq Baghdad 3 5 Three civilians are killed and five injured when Jihadists lob mortar bombs into a residential neighborhood.
12/9/04 India Shopian 2 5 Mujahideen murder two cops in an ambush. Five others are injured.
12/8/04 Nigeria Bauchi 1 0 Muslim students at an African university abduct and kill a Christian student.
12/8/04 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Three Shia election workers are gunned down by Sunni activists.
12/8/04 Iraq Ramadi 1 0 Islamic terrorists kill a Christian doctor as he is attending to (Muslim) patients in a hospital.
12/8/04 Iraq Samarrah 4 5 Sunni insurgents kill four civilians and injure several more with a terrorist bombing in the city centre.
12/8/04 India Anantnag 0 36 Thirty-six people are injured by a grenade thrown by the Mujahideen on a busy street.
12/8/04 Iraq Taji Camp Road 2 0 Two American civilians are gunned down by a group calling itself the "Jihad Brigade."
12/7/04 Israel Karni 1 4 One Israeli soldier is killed by a bomb at a border crossing. Four are others injured.
12/7/04 Chechnya Grozny 6 9 Muslim separatists murder four civilians, including a teenager in separate attacks that also claim the lives of two Russian soldiers. Seven others are injured and two taken hostage.
12/6/04 Saudi Arabia Jedda 5 2 al-Qaeda members attack the U.S. consulate in Saudi Arabia with grenades, killing at least five international contractors and injuring several Americans.
12/5/04 Iraq Tikrit 17 13 Islamic insurgents pull aside two buses carrying civilians and open fire at point-blank range, machine-gunning seventeen to death and injuring at least thirteen others.
12/5/04 India Pulwama 11 0 Eleven people are blown to bits by the Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist group on a road, while traveling to a security camp.
12/4/04 Iraq Baghdad 16 38 Sunni extremists murder sixteen people and injure thirty-eight with two suicide car bomb blasts on a commercial street in the heart of the city.
12/3/04 India Sopore 5 5 al-Mansoorain terrorists stage a suicide attack on a police camp. At least five officers are killed.
12/3/04 Iraq Baghdad 16 5 al-Qaeda militants attack a police station with RPGs and small arms, killing sixteen officers and injuring five.
12/3/04 Iraq Baghdad 14 19 Four suicide bombers drive a minibus loaded with explosives into a Shiite mosque. Fourteen civilians are killed and at least nineteen others critically injured.
12/3/04 Jordan-Iraq Border 2 0 A suicide bomber kills two Americans near the Jordanian-Iraqi border.
12/2/04 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Islamic terrorists kidnap and decapitate a 29-year-old Christian man.
12/2/04 Iraq Baqoubah 3 5 Extremists lob an explosive into a house, killing three children and injuring another five. All of the kids were from the same family.
12/1/04 Iraq Iskandariyah 1 7 Another suicidal extremist kills one civilian and injures seven others with a car bombing.
11/30/04 Thailand Yala 1 2 Two separate shooting attacks by Muslim missionaries from the back of a motorcycle leave a teacher dead and two other civilians injured.
11/30/04 Iraq Baghdad 4 19 Fedayeen suicide bomber takes four civilians on to Allah with him. Nineteen others are injured in the attack.
11/30/04 Pakistan Quetta 0 10 Chechen Mujahideen hurls two grenades at Pakistani police attempting an arrest. Ten are injured.
11/30/04 Sudan Itou 65 0 Sixty-five civilians are reported dead after an air force bombing of their village by the Islamic government. An unknown number are injured.
11/29/04 India Srinagar 0 12 Mujahideen hurl a grenade into the center of a commercial district, injuring a dozen civilians.
11/29/04 Iraq Baghdadi 7 9 Seven policemen, lining up for pay, are killed in a suicide bombing by Sunni extremists.
11/28/04 Afghanistan Delaram 3 3 The Taliban attack an NGO office and machine-gun three aid workers to death. Three others are injured.
11/28/04 Iraq Samarrah 5 4 Five civilians are killed in a roadside bomb attack by Jihadists.
11/27/04 Sudan Kossa 15 6 Attack by Arab militias leaves fifteen African villagers dead and six injured.
11/27/04 Iraq Mosul 15 0 Fifteen more bodies, of executed hostages are found in Mosul.
11/27/04 Iraq Baghdad 7 30 Sunni extremists kill three Iraqi and four British civilians with three bombings over a 24-hour period.
11/26/04 India Doda 3 0 Hizb-ul-Mujhadeen kill two Hindu travelers on a road, along with a college student dragged of his house.
11/24/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 Suicide car bomber kills at least two civilians, including one woman.
11/24/04 Pakistan Islamabad 2 2 Pakistani Islamists attack a police vehicle, killing two occupants.
11/23/04 India Kashmir 3 3 Muslim militants stage two attacks against border guards, killing three and injuring three.
11/23/04 Sudan Adwa 30 100 More than thirty civilians, including women and children are killed by the government in a ground attack on their village. More than a hundred others are raped or injured.
11/23/04 Nigeria Jigawa 2 10 Muslim extremists attack a group of Christian evangelists. Two people are beaten to death and at least ten others injured.
11/21/04 Iraq Ramadi 8 15 Sunni terrorists kill eight policemen and injure fifteen in a shooting ambush.
11/20/04 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two Iraqi Kurds are captured by Ansar Al-Sunna, tortured for seven days and then executed.
11/20/04 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Jihadists chase down a car carrying public works employees on their way to work and machine-gun all four to death.
11/20/04 Iraq Mosul 9 0 Nine policemen are captured by Islamists, then murdered with bullets to the back of the head.
11/19/04 India Surankote 3 1 Three people are killed when the Mujahideen bomb their vehicle.
11/18/04 Iraq Baghdad 4 4 Jihadists kill three Iraqis, including a woman, with a suicide car bombing. In Balad they kidnap and behead a native contractor.
11/18/04 Iraq Baiji 4 0 The Fedayeen kill two women, a man and a child in a bombing attack on their car.
11/18/04 Belgium Antwerp 1 0 Synagogue worker gunned down on the streets of Antwerp.
11/17/04 Philippines Zamboanga City 0 1 24-year-old Christian man is attacked by Muslim activists, badly beaten and left for dead.
11/17/04 Iraq Baiji 15 22 Suicide car bomber kills fifteen, including six women and six children. The attack took place in the middle of a crowded street.
11/17/04 Pakistan Mingora 2 29 Bomb explodes in the back of a cinema, killing two people and injuring about thirty.
11/16/04 Afghanistan Deh Rawood 4 6 The Taliban kill four policemen in a landmine attack. Six others are injured.
11/16/04 India Budgam 6 0 Militant Muslims invade a residence and kill six members of a family, including two women.
11/16/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A 59-year-old humanitarian aid worker, kidnapped by Islamists last month, is executed on video with a bullet to the back of her head.
11/16/04 Bangladesh Chittagong 1 0 Hindu minority leader gunned down in his home.
11/15/04 India Patnazi 2 1 Two civilians are gunned down by the Mujahideen while collecting wood in a forest.
11/15/04 Iraq Fallujah 1 0 Body of a Polish female kidnapped by Islamists is found. Her throat had been slit and she had been disemboweled with a knife. She was identified by her long blond hair.
11/14/04 India Nadimarg 3 0 Jaish-e-Mohammed militants kill three policemen assigned to protect a minority Indian ethnic group after a horrific massacre last year.
11/14/04 Pal. Auth. Gaza 2 6 Palestinian extremists kill two people guarding the new PA leader. Six bystanders are wounded.
11/14/04 India Chakarbathi Bala 3 0 Three people, including a husband and wife, are burned to death when the Mujahideen set fire to their home.
11/13/04 Thailand Tharnto 1 6 Militant Muslims explode a bomb in the middle of a marketplace, killing one person instantly and leaving at least six others critically injured.
11/13/04 Indonesia Sulawesi 5 4 Muslim terrorists kill five and injure four with a bomb hidden on a public bus. Two of the dead are women.
11/13/04 Algeria Algiers 2 3 Armed fundamentalists kill two Algerian soldiers in separate terror attacks.
11/13/04 India Malikpora Bandipora 2 2 The Mujahideen invade two houses, killing the wife of one occupant. The owner of the other house is kidnapped and then has his throat slit.
11/13/04 Thailand Yala 2 0 Muslims gun down two civilians - one in his home and another who happened on the attack.
11/12/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Sunni gunmen kill two American civilians in an ambush.
11/12/04 Israel Beit Zeit 0 0 Two bungling al-Aqsa terrorists are killed, and a third injured, when their car bomb explodes prematurely shortly after Arafat's funeral.
11/12/04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 14 A Buddhist teacher is gunned down by Islamic militants. They also plant a bomb in a restaurant, which injures fourteen.
11/11/04 Iraq Baghdad 19 24 A Fedayeen blows himself to Allah, taking at least nineteen people with him that happened to be passing by on a packed city street. Women and children are among the victims.
11/10/04 Iraq Fallujah 5 0 Group calling itself the "Islamic Secret Army" takes five civilians hostage to use as human shields, then summarily executes them when no longer needed.
11/9/04 India Wagora 2 1 The Mujahideen stage an attack on the home of a politician. A neighbor and a security guard are killed.
11/9/04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Thai Muslims cut the head off of a 60-year-old Buddhist plantation worker.
11/8/04 Afghanistan Arghandab 3 2 Taliban extremists machine-gun Afghan soldiers at a checkpoint, killing three and injuring two.
11/8/04 Iraq Baghdad 3 45 Muslim extremists bomb two Christian churches, killing three and injuring over forty, including women and children.
11/8/04 Iraq Samarra 6 0 Ansar al-Islam terrorists set two tanker trucks on fire, burning the Turkish drivers alive. Elsewhere, four Iraqi civilians are killed when gunmen ambush their car and set it on fire.
11/8/04 Iraq Zubayr 2 0 Car bombing kills two British and South African civilians.
11/8/04 Iraq Baghdad 13 60 Jihadists car bomb the emergency unit of a hospital, killing thirteen civilians and injuring at least sixty.
11/8/04 Indonesia Sulawesi 1 0 Laskar Jihad terrorists kill the driver of a public minibus.
11/7/04 Iraq Basra 2 0 Two Scottish civilians are killed by Shia militants. One of them is a father of two.
11/6/04 Iraq Samarra 34 66 Thirty-four people, mostly civilians, are blown up by Fedayeen suicide bombers [looking to curry favor with Allah] in several coordinated attacks.
11/6/04 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Buddhists, one a grocery store owner, are gunned down by militant Muslims.
11/6/04 India Srinagar 2 2 Mujahideen terrorists throw a grenade at two off-duty soldiers shopping in a retail district, killing them and injuring two civilians.
11/5/04 Algeria Relizane 2 0 Algerian Islamists ambush and kill two policemen. The fundamentalists have killed about thirty civilians thus far during Ramadan.
11/5/04 Iraq al-Muqdadiya 2 4 Jihadists kill a 3-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl with a rocket.
11/4/04 Indonesia Poso 1 0 The Mujahideen kidnap and decapitate the Christian leader of an Indonesian village.
11/4/04 Thailand Pattani 9 2 Muslim terrorists kill nine Buddhists over a 24-hour period in separate attacks. At least one monk survived with injuries, as well as a young boy.
11/4/04 Afghanistan Orgun 4 1 Four civilians are killed by a homemade Taliban bomb as they were passing by in their vehicle.
11/4/04 Iraq Bahgdad 4 8 'Holy Warrior' suicide bomber kills three British soldiers manning a checkpoint, along with their translator.
11/4/04 Iraq Dujail 3 7 Car bombing kills three Iraqis and injures seven.
11/3/04 Pakistan Karachi 1 2 Shia gunmen open fire on a Sunni mosque, killing one and injuring two.
11/3/04 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Four more Iraqis kidnapped and beheaded.
11/2/04 Iraq Baghdad 6 29 Terrorists kill six people outside a Ministry of Education building with a car bombing.
11/2/04 Thailand Mamong 1 0 Muslim agitators murder a 58-year-old Buddhist village chief.
11/2/04 Netherlands Amsterdam 1 1 Dutch filmmaker (Grandnephew of painter Van Gogh) shot to death by a 26-year-old Moroccan after making a film critical of Islam.
11/2/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 2 A Christian family is ambushed in their car by Muslim gunmen, who manage to kill the father and his 10-year-old son.
11/1/04 Israel Tel Aviv 3 38 Two Jewish women and a man are murdered at a cheese deli in an open market by a 16-year-old who let the Abu Ali Mustafa terrorist network strap explosives to his chest.
11/1/04 Iraq Baqubah 2 1 Two high-ranking government officials are assassinated in separate ambushes.
11/1/04 India Shopian 0 21 Harkat-ul-Ansar terrorist hurls a grenade into a busy market, injuring over twenty people.
10/31/04 Iraq Tikrit 15 8 Jihadists fire a rocket at a hotel, killing fifteen civilians and injuring eight others.
10/31/04 Thailand Narathiwat 5 0 Muslim separatists kill a Buddhist construction worker, a police officer, two agricultural workers, and one other civilian.
10/31/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Qur'anic quoting militants bound a Japanese hostages arms then cut off his head.
10/31/04 Sudan Mallaga 18 6 The Janaweed attack an African village earlier in the month, killing eighteen civilians and injuring another six.
10/30/04 Iraq Anbar 8 10 'Holy Warrior' suicide car bomber kills eight U.S. Marines and injures ten others on routine patrol.
10/30/04 Iraq Baghdad 8 19 Fedayeen car bombing on an Arabic TV station leaves seven dead and nineteen badly injured.
10/30/04 India Mahore 2 1 Mujahideen assassinate a politician and his 12-year-old son after invading their home. The dead boy's mother is severely injured in the attack.
10/29/04 India Kukurgaon 2 3 Two Muslim clerics are killed by the other's followers in a religious dispute. Woman and two young girls injured.
10/28/04 Iraq Hillah 11 0 Eleven Iraqi Guardsmen are taken hostage by Ansar al-Sunnah. All eleven are bound and then executed, some with a shot to the head others with a slow beheading. The killers admonish the video audience to "Repent to Allah."
10/28/04 Thailand Sungai Kolok 2 15 Local Muslims gun down a Buddhist orchard owner and bomb a bar. The bomb kills one person and injures fifteen.
10/27/04 Pakistan Karachi 6 2 Vicious killing by Islamists who barge into a Christian charity office, tie up six men, then execute six by shooting them in the back of the head.
10/26/04 Pakistan Spinkai Raghazai 9 5 al-Qaeda kill nine tribesmen with rockets in western Pakistan. At least five others are critically injured.
10/26/04 Algeria Tizi Ghenif 5 2 Algerian Islamists kill five more people at fake roadblocks in two remote areas. Three are beheaded.
10/26/04 India Senabathi 1 1 The Mujahideen invade another house and kill two teenagers, including an 18-year-old girl.
10/25/04 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An Assyrian Christian woman, mother of three children, is murdered in her home by Jihad warriors.
10/25/04 Iraq Mosul 6 12 A series of Fedayeen suicide bombings in Mosul and Baghdad kill six Iraqi civilians and leave at least a dozen injured.
10/24/04 India Anantnag 1 1 Mujahideen attempt another political assassination at a funeral. A passerby is killed in the mine attack.
10/24/04 India Salbala 3 2 Mujahideen terrorists invade a home. They shoot two members of a family to death and kidnap another member, whom they later behead.
10/24/04 Iraq Basra 48 0 A very heinous attack by "Unification and Jihad" leaves forty-eight unarmed police recruits dead. Their three minibuses were stooped by the Jihadists, who forced the men out by the side of the road and executed each with a shot to the head.
10/24/04 Algeria Boumerdass 1 1 Armed Islamists kill a security guard and injure a civilian in eastern Algeria.
10/23/04 Iraq Baghdadi 10 48 Muslim zealot kills ten policemen and injures forty-eight people in a powerful suicide bombing.
10/23/04 Afghanistan Kabul 2 6 A Taliban extremist straps six grenades to his body then detonates them on a city street, killing a 12-year-old Afghan girl and an American woman.
10/22/04 India Anantnag 1 1 The Mujahideen assassinate a prominent moderate politician and critically injure his bodyguard.
10/22/04 Algeria Medea 16 13 Armed Islamic extremists stop cars carrying young people to a soccer game at a phony roadblock. They then use knives and small-arms to kill sixteen. Thirteen others are missing.
10/21/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 1 Two women and their driver are shot to death by Muslim insurgents as they are driving to work.
10/21/04 Indonesia Poso 1 0 Muslim gunmen kill the security guard at a Catholic church.
10/21/04 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Islamists stage a shooting ambush a bus carrying airline workers, killing four women, and injuring at least eleven others.
10/20/04 Iraq Samarra 4 20 Islamic insurgents kill four children with a car bomb. Twenty others are injured.
10/19/04 Pakistan Spin Kairakzai 3 9 Three security officials are killed in an attack by the same religious fundamentalists that recently massacred eleven Chinese workers.
10/19/04 Iraq Baghdad 6 80 Jihadists behead two Macedonian hostages on video. They also kill four Iraqi Guardsmen standing in formation and injure more than eighty with a mortar attack.
10/18/04 Afghanistan Paktika 5 0 Religious fundamentalists kill five, including an election worker, in a landmine attack.
10/17/04 Iraq Baghdad 6 26 Car bombing near a café kills six and injures twenty-six. Police and civilians among the casualties.
10/17/04 India Mohammadpora 1 5 The Mujahideen kill a 22-year-old man and badly injure five members of his family who were trying to prevent his murder.
10/17/04 India Mandli 1 14 An Islamic terrorist lobs a grenade at a village defense committee trying to guard a bus station.
10/16/04 Iraq Latifiyah 9 0 Jihadists ambush a minivan carrying nine police recruits traveling from Jordan. All are shot to death.
10/16/04 Iraq Qaim 4 0 Suicide car bomber kills one civilian and three U.S. troops.
10/16/04 Syria Hasaka 2 0 An Assyrian Christian is beaten and killed by Muslim attackers, who then mutilate his body and dump it in the Christian quarter of town. A friend coming to help is shot and killed.
10/15/04 Iraq Baghdad 10 4 Jihad car bombing kills four palm grove laborers and a family of four that was passing by in a car. Two other bystanders were killed as well.
10/15/04 Afghanistan Kunar 4 0 The Taliban sets a truck on fire, then detonates a remote-controlled bomb after a crowd gathers. Three children are among the dead.
10/14/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Small Christian girl kidnapped and killed by Muslims who had demanded ransom from her family.
10/14/04 Iraq Baghdad 5 18 A suicide bomber kicks off the Muslim holy month of Ramadan by killing five civilians at a café. Eighteen others are injured.
10/14/04 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 A female reporter, Iraqi judge and two South African civilian contractors are murdered in three separate shooting attacks. A Chinese hostage is also shot to death by al-Qaeda terrorists..
10/13/04 Indonesia Jono Oge 2 0 Sword-wielding Muslim mob kills two Christians on a busy street in an Indonesian province. One dies at the scene, another at the hospital.
10/13/04 India Poonch 1 2 A 23-year-old is killed by the Mujahideen. Elsewhere in the district a mother and her son are abducted. Their fate is unknown.
10/13/04 Iraq Mosul 2 5 Suicide car bombing leave two U.S. soldiers dead and five injured.
10/13/04 Bangladesh Bagerhat 2 0 Muslim invaders kill a Hindu husband and wife in their home.
10/13/04 Indonesia Sulawesi 1 2 Laskar Jihad gunmen kill a Hindu woman and injure two Christian men by opening fire on their houses.
10/13/04 Pakistan Jalala 4 35 Islamist throws a grenade at a wedding party in an Afghan refugee camp, because they were listening to music, which was forbidden under the Taliban.
10/12/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Ansar al-Sunnah takes a Shiite hostage then cuts off his head on video.
10/12/04 Thailand Pattani 2 9 Muslim gunmen storm a police station with firearms and grenades. An officer and a civilian are killed.
10/11/04 Iraq Mosul 3 24 Two civilians and one American soldier are killed in a Fedayeen suicide car bombing.
10/10/04 Iraq Baghdad 11 16 Two suicide bombers kill at least eleven (mostly Iraqi women) and injure sixteen.
10/10/04 Pakistan Lahore 3 6 A suicide bomber walks up to a Shiite mosque and kills a young boy and two guards who intercepted him before he could kill other worshippers.
10/9/04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 In another motorcycle attack, Muslims shoot a 23-year old Buddhist student to death.
10/9/04 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Sunni clerics are gunned down by Shia terrorists in the street.
10/9/04 India Pattan 5 45 Jaish-e-Mohammad militants use a suicide car bombing against a mini-bus, killing five and injuring some forty-five civilians and soldiers.
10/8/04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslims kill a 38-year old Buddhist soldier with an assault rifle as he is walking home.
10/8/04 France Paris 0 10 An Islamic extremist group plants a bomb outside the Indonesian embassy in Paris, injuring ten.
10/7/04 Egypt Taba 33 149 At least thirty-three people, most of them Jewish tourists, are killed by a massive suicide car bombing at an Egyptian resort hotel. About one-hundred and fifty others are among the injured. Several Muslim groups scramble to claim responsibility.
10/7/04 Pakistan Multan 41 100 Forty-one Sunnis are targeted by rival Shiites in two car bomb blasts as the victims are holding a rally.
10/7/04 Egypt Ras a-Satan 4 40 Two explosions kills three Israelis and one Egyptian. "Brotherhood of International Islamists" takes responsibility.
10/7/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 In front of a banner proclaiming "One God and Jihad" kidnappers slice the head off of a 62-year-old British engineer.
10/6/04 Pakistan Karachi 2 1 Two constables are killed outside a mosque in a shooting attack by Islamists.
10/6/04 Afghanistan Faizabad 2 5 The Taliban kills two people with a bomb at an election rally. Five others sustain injuries.
10/6/04 Iraq Anah 12 25 Suicide bomber blows himself to Allah, taking twelve Iraqi Guardsmen at a checkpoint with him. Twenty-five others are injured.
10/6/04 Afghanistan Khandahar 7 0 Taliban militants kill seven Afghan policemen with a landmine.
10/5/04 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Jihadists kill three more hostages by means of decapitation. Bodies found with hands bound.
10/5/04 Iraq al-Mahmodeyah 10 1 Ten policemen are killed by Jihad fighters in three separate attacks. One is bound and beheaded.
10/5/04 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Jihadists kidnap and then behead a 15-year-old Christian boy. They then burn his body.
10/5/04 Iraq Baqubah 4 5 Ansar al-Sunna radicals kill four Kurds in a shooting attack on their minivan.
10/5/04 Iraq Ramadi 4 2 Sunni car bombing kills four and injures at least two.
10/4/04 Iraq Baghdad 24 96 Three suicide car bombings, two in Baghdad and one in Mosul, kill at least twenty-four and injure nearly one-hundred. The casualties are mostly civilians as the attacks occurred on city streets.
10/3/04 India Baramulla 1 3 Grenade attack injures three civilians and one policeman. A civilian later dies of injuries (10/6/04)
10/3/04 Iraq Youssifiyah 2 0 Islamists tie a man up and cut off his head. Another hostage, female, is shot through the head. Both bodies dumped in the same area.
10/1/04 Lebanon Beirut 1 5 Pro-Syrian terrorists use a car bomb in an attempted political assassination.
10/1/04 Pakistan Bangashwala 4 1 A homemade al-Qaeda bomb kills four teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18.
10/1/04 Pakistan Sialkot 31 50 Sunni suicide bomber kills at least thirty-one worshippers at a Shia mosque. More than fifty others injured in the blast.
9/30/04 Israel Eley Sinai 2 0 Palestinian gunmen kill a female jogger - and the medic trying to save her life.
9/30/04 Iraq Baghdad 51 230 At least fifty people, including thirty-five children are killed by a series of car bombings. More than two-hundred others are injured. The main target was a ceremony marking the opening of a new sewage system.
9/30/04 Israel Sderot 2 15 Two small children (ages 2 and 4) are killed by a Palestinian rocket while playing in the front yard of their home. Hamas (Islamic Resistance) claims responsibility.
9/29/04 Pakistan Quetta 1 9 A teenager is killed, and nine other civilians injured by a bicycle bomb.
9/29/04 Iraq Tal Afar 4 16 An Islamic insurgent car bombing kills four civilians and injures at least sixteen others.
9/29/04 Afghanistan Zabul 12 0 Taliban terrorists attack a government post, killing twelve Afghan soldiers.
9/29/04 India Anantnag 2 0 Muslim militants shoot a government official and bodyguard to death as they are waiting at a traffic light.
9/28/04 Iraq Basra 2 0 Shia gunmen prevent the rescue of two injured British soldiers, who later die from wounds suffered in a terrorist ambush.
9/28/04 Philippines Lamitan 2 0 Abu Sayyaf terrorists shoot two policemen to death as they ride by on a motorcycle.
9/27/04 Iraq Falluja 7 7 Two explosions, at least one a Fedayeen suicide bombing, is responsible for the deaths of seven Iraqi Guardsmen in Fallujah and Mosul.
9/27/04 Pakistan Sarokai 3 6 al-Qaeda militants use an IED to kill three Pakistani soldiers riding in a convoy.
9/27/04 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Muslims use motorbikes to stage two shooting attacks that leave a government official and one police officer dead.
9/26/04 Thailand Yala 1 9 Islamic separatists kill the owner of a fruit orchard. Elsewhere, a grenade attack leaves nine injured.
9/26/04 Afghanistan Charchino 1 3 A local official is killed and three other people injured when the Taliban attacks their vehicle in a remote area.
9/25/04 India Anantnag 1 5 Victim of the 9/22 grenade attack - a man waiting for a bus - succumbs to his injuries.
9/25/04 Pakistan Quetta 3 3 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi radicals ambush a policeman near his home, killing him and two others.
9/25/04 Saudi Arabia Jeddah 1 0 Islamists shoot a French resident to death as he is walking to his car in a supermarket parking lot.
9/25/04 Afghanistan Helmand 9 0 Nine Afghan soldiers are killed by Taliban militants who ambush their SUV convoy.
9/25/04 Chechnya Grozny 4 0 Four Russian police are killed at a traffic stop by Jihad terrorists.
9/25/04 Iraq Baghdad 6 0 In a tragic and senseless attack, Islamic insurgents kill murder six young men in a minivan who had just signed up as police recruits.
9/25/04 Chechnya Alleroi 0 2 Heavily-armed Mujahideen attack a village, burning residences and badly injuring an 8-year-old girl and at least one other.
9/24/04 Israel Neve Dekalim 1 0 Palestinians fire a mortar into a Jewish residential neighborhood, killing a 22-year-old woman.
9/24/04 Iraq Baghdad 3 20 Jihad militants mortar bomb a city street, killing three civilians and injuring fourteen. Elsewhere, six Egyptian mobile-phone company workers are kidnapped.
9/23/04 Cechnya Mairtup 2 0 Two people are killed in a Mujahideen automatic-weapons attack on their vehicle.
9/23/04 Israel Morog 3 1 Palestinian gunmen attempt to infiltrate a Jewish settlement. They are stopped by Israeli troops, but manage to kill three.
9/22/04 Iraq Baghdad 6 54 Six people are murdered by an Islamic suicide bomber outside a photocopy shop. Nearly sixty others are admitted to the hospital.
9/21/04 Pakistan Ratta Kalachi 3 1 Three members of a Shia family are slaughtered in a sectarian attack. One young girl survived with injuries.
9/21/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two American civilians are beheaded on videotape by an al-Qaeda group called 'Jihad and Unification.'
9/20/04 Nigeria Bama 10 0 Armed Nigerian militants, shouting 'Allahu Akbar' invade two towns and kill ten people, including seven civilians.
9/20/04 Afghanistan Zabul 3 0 Taliban militants stop a taxi carrying three unarmed Afghan soldiers (out of uniform). They pull them out of the car and behead all three on the side of the road.
9/19/04 Iraq Samarra 6 7 Three young Kurdish party members are captured by 'Ansar al-Sunna' terrorists and beheaded. Elsewhere, a suicide car bombing kills three.
9/18/04 Bangladesh Jamalpur 1 0 A Christian convert from Islam has his throat slashed by Muslim fundamentalists.
9/18/04 Iraq Kirkuk 19 39 Nineteen people waiting in line for jobs are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
9/18/04 Iraq Mosul 5 4 Gunmen pull beside two cars carrying oil executives. Five are shot to death, four wounded.
9/18/04 Algeria Kalous 4 1 Armed Islamic extremists set up a fake road block on a remote road. They shoot to death four people that stop there and also abduct a woman.
9/17/04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist judge is shot to death by Muslim gunmen after dropping his children off at school.
9/17/04 Iraq Baghdad 8 41 Fedayeen suicide bomber murders eight people in a shopping district. Forty-one others survive with injuries.
9/16/04 Algeria Tebsa 4 0 Islamic fundamentalist plant a bomb that kills four village guards.
9/15/04 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 British man gunned down by terrorists in the parking lot of a shopping center.
9/15/04 Iraq Kirkuk 4 13 Two Iraqi workers are ambushed and shot to death in Kirkuk. A car bombing in Baghdad kills two and injures ten. Three Western civilians there are also kidnapped.
9/15/04 Iraq Al Dijail 3 0 The headless bodies of three people, two of who were Assyrian Christians, are found in a field with with Qur'anic inscriptions carved into them.
9/14/04 Iraq Baghdad 47 114 Fedayeen suicide bomber fervently practices his religion by killing himself and forty-seven others in a car bombing on a busy street next to a line of police recruiting hopefuls. Over one-hundred others are injured in the attack.
9/14/04 Iraq Baqubah 12 3 Sunni insurgents spray a police van, carrying officers and civilians, with automatic weapons, killing twelve and injuring three.
9/14/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two Canadian (Arab) Christians are chased by a mob of Muslims and beaten to death.
9/13/04 India Kalmund-Bachana 3 0 Lashker-e-Toiba members, invade a house, torture three family members with sharp instruments, then shoot them to death.
9/13/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 Group "Unification and Jihad" beheads a Turkish truck driver in front of a video camera. Elsewhere, two Italian women are taken hostage.
9/12/04 Iraq Hilla 3 3 In a senseless attack, terrorists kill three Polish sappers who were working to clear the country of landmines.
9/11/04 India Kupwara 1 20 Mujahideen militants toss a grenade into a crowded marketplace, killing one civilian and injuring twenty others.
9/11/04 India Srinigar 3 7 Suicide attack on a heavily-guarded tourist hotel leaves three security personnel dead and seven others injured.
9/10/04 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Two Sunni gunmen on a motorcycle kill a prominent Shiite academic as he is driving home.
9/9/04 Indonesia Jakarta 9 173 At least nine are killed when the Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist group detonates a suicide car bomb outside the Australian embassy in a business district. More than one-hundred and seventy others are treated for injuries.
9/9/04 Pakistan Somyani 2 1 Two are killed, and one injured when militants bomb a State-run space research center.
9/9/04 India Futlipora 1 0 Suspected Harkat-ul-Jehadi-e-Islami members abduct a 52-year-old man from his orchard, then march him to the top of a nearby hill where he is executed.
9/8/04 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 Three Iraqis are killed by a roadside bomb.
9/6/04 Iraq Fallujah 10 6 Seven U.S. Marines and three Iraqis are killed by a Fedayeen ('Holy Warrior') suicide car bomber who plowed right into their convoy.
9/4/04 Iraq Kirkuk 15 41 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills at least fifteen people and injures another forty with a car bomb.
9/3/04 Russia Beslan 344 600 Islamic militants shoot fleeing children in the back, then blow them up, along with their mothers and teachers with nail-packed bombs. Others are crushed or burned to death from the effects of the bombs. More than three-hundred innocents slaughtered.
9/3/04 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 4 Two people, including a teenager are killed by a bomb, placed by the Taliban under a truck.
9/2/04 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 The Tawhid wal Jihad (Unity and Holy War ) Islamic group forces three Turkish hostages to kneel before a video camera, then shoots each in the chest.
9/2/04 India Barhi Draman 1 3 Mujahideen kill a young boy and injure three members of his family for their refusal to send the boy to a terrorist training camp.
9/2/04 Iraq al-Mayasa 2 0 Islamic terrorists gun down two Christian brothers, known for advocating the rights of minorities.
9/1/04 Russia Beslan 16 14 At least sixteen people are killed as Mujahideen terrorists invade a school, taking more than a hundred children hostage. Children are made to stand in windows with suicide bombers behind them.
9/1/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A 43-year-old Christian man is killed by Jihadists just after leaving a hospital where he was treated for injuries following an earlier attack.
8/31/04 Iraq Bartella 3 0 Three young Christian women are slaughtered by Islamic extremists in a small Iraqi village.
8/31/04 Iraq Baghdad 12 0 An Islamist group called Jaish Ansar al-Sunna slowly beheads a Nepali hostage while eleven other hostages are shot through the back of the head in front of a Qur'anic banner.
8/31/04 Russia Moscow 11 51 A female suicide bomber kills eleven rush-hour commuters at a subway station in Moscow. Fifty-one others are injured.
8/31/04 Israel Be'er Sheva 16 98 Hamas (Islamic Resistance) suicide bombers murder sixteen people, including a 3-year-old child riding two passenger buses. About one-hundred others are injured in the explosions.
8/31/04 India Pulwama 1 26 Muslim militant hurls a grenade into a road, killing a school teacher and injuring twenty-six other people.
8/30/04 Pakistan Qalat 3 10 Three are killed and ten injured by a bomb planted near a food stand.
8/29/04 Iraq Baqubah 6 11 Six police officers manning a checkpoint are gunned down by Islamic terrorists in two minibuses.
8/29/04 Afghanistan Kabul 9 24 The Taliban kill at least nine people, including one child with a remote-controlled truck bomb on a busy street in the capitol city.
8/28/04 Afghanistan Zormat 10 15 A bomb planted by the Taliban at a school kills nine children and one adult. Fifteen other youngsters were injured in the attack.
8/27/04 Iraq Najaf 1 0 In a crime so barbaric that even al-Jazeera declined to air the video, an Italian journalist, pacifist, and father of two is taken hostage and murdered by an Islamic group.
8/26/04 Iraq Kufa 75 376 Clashes between supporters of rival Shiite clerics results in at least seventy-five deaths and more than three-hundred injuries.
8/26/04 Sudan Yassin 64 156 Arab militia, supported by the Islamic government, burns down an African village and kills sixty-four civilians. Some one-hundred and fifty-six others survive with injuries.
8/26/04 Algeria Zemmouri 1 2 Two members of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat sneak up to two guards at a beach. Then shoot one to death and severely injure another, along with a female bather.
8/25/04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 30 Muslim separatists bomb a food market, killing one and injuring at least thirty others.
8/24/04 Iraq Baghdad 5 15 'Holy Warrior' suicide bombers kill themselves and five others in twin blasts. More than a dozen Iraqi civilians are injured.
8/24/04 Russia Moscow 89 0 Militant Muslims hijack two Russian passenger airliners, then murder all eighty-nine people, including women and children on board the two planes. The terrorist group Islambouli Brigade claims responsibility.
8/24/04 India Kara 2 0 In a heinous attack, a Muslim "freedom fighter" hurls a grenade at two children in a remote village, killing the 3-year-old girl and her 5-year-old brother.
8/24/04 India Safarwaw Gund 4 0 Four civilians are gunned down by the Mujahideen, two at a picnic spot and two others in Pulwama, after abducting them from their homes.
8/23/04 Yemen Saada 11 0 Eleven Yemeni soldiers are killed in an ambush by followers of a radical Shiite cleric in that country.
8/23/04 Algeria Boumerdes 7 13 Seven security force members are killed in an ambush by Islamic fundamentalists, who lured them by setting fire to a children's center. Several children were injured.
8/22/04 Iraq Baqubah 2 4 Fedayeen suicide bomber attempts a political assassination. Two guards are killed.
8/21/04 Bangladesh Dhaka 19 300 Nineteen people are killed and over 300 injured when Islamists throw more than a dozen grenades into an opposition political rally.
8/21/04 Chechnya Grozny 22 10 Twenty-two people, including policemen and other civilians are killed in several terrorist attacks by Muslim separatists in the capital city and across the country.
8/19/04 Afghanistan Farah 0 7 Seven people are hurt when the Taliban detonate several bombs inside an electoral commission building.
8/19/04 Iraq Najaf 8 30 Radical Shiites kill eight and injure thirty in the Holy City of Najaf in a mortar attack on a police station.
8/19/04 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 Muslim mob takes 26-year-old Christian from his home then tortures him to death.
8/18/04 India Rajouri 2 0 Mujahideen militants - led by a Pakistani national - abduct and then cut off the heads of a man and his son.
8/18/04 India Udhampur 4 0 Islamic separatists invade a family's home and then massacre the father, his daughter and two sons.
8/17/04 Algeria Bouira 2 0 Two Algerian village guards are killed by Islamic fundamentalists in separate bombings.
8/17/04 Dagestan Makhachkala 3 2 Two separate terrorist attacks staged by Muslim rebels leave a civilian and two anti-terrorist agents dead.
8/17/04 Iraq Baghdad 6 32 Islamic insurgents fire a mortar round into a crowded street outside a barbershop, killing six, including two children, and injuring at least thirty others.
8/16/04 Iraq Baqouba 5 4 Mortar attack kills two civilians and injures four. In the same city, a roadside bomb kills three Iraqi Guardsmen.
8/15/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 5 Bus station bombed with mortars - at least one killed and five injured.
8/15/04 Iran Neka 1 0 Iranian Mullah publicly hangs a 16-year-old girl for having a 'sharp tongue.'
8/15/04 Afghanistan Maiwand 6 0 Taliban extremists attack an Afghan army post and kill six soldiers.
8/14/04 India Galothi 2 0 Mujahideen terrorists shoot a young couple to death as they beg for their lives.
8/13/04 Israel Itamar 1 1 Palestinian gunman murders an Israeli driver outside a settlement.
8/12/04 India Watapora Beerwah 2 0 Mujahideen abduct and later shoot dead two civilians from a remote village.
8/11/04 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Islamic insurgents spray a car with machine-gun fire, killing four occupants, including a woman and child.
8/11/04 Israel Jerusalem 2 16 Unsuccessful suicide car bombing at an Israeli checkpoint kills two Palestinians and injures sixteen.
8/11/04 Iraq Khan Ban Sad 6 10 Muslim terrorists bomb a busy marketplace in a small town, killing six people and injuring at least 10 others.
8/9/04 Iraq Balad Ruz 7 14 In another case of "killing for Allah," a Fedayeen suicide bomber destroys seven Iraqi policemen and injures another fourteen people.
8/9/04 Iraq Khalidiya 4 4 Civilian minibus is the target of another Fedayeen bombing. Four are killed and four injured.
8/8/04 Iraq Kirkuk 1 3 Roadside bomb kills a 7-year-old child and injures three others.
8/8/04 Pakistan Karachi 8 42 Two bombs, staggered to cause maximum casualties, rip through a Pakistani restaurant near a Sunni school leaving at least eight dead and dozens injured.
8/8/04 Algeria Boukaid 2 0 Two local security guards are shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists.
8/8/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 16 A 10-year-old boy is killed, and sixteen others, including a 13-year-old girl, badly injured when Sunnis mortar-bomb a pickup truck in a residential neighborhood.
8/7/04 Afghanistan Gilan 3 1 Taliban kill two U.S. soldiers and their Afghan interpreter with a roadside bombing on their vehicle.
8/6/04 Afghanistan Uruzgan 2 1 The Taliban kill two humanitarian election workers and take another hostage in an attack on their convoy.
8/6/04 India Gundana 1 0 Suspected Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorists invade a woman's home and kill her in cold blood.
8/5/04 Iraq Filfil 1 0 Gunmen stop a truck convoy and kill a Turkish father of three who is unable to recite prayers on command.
8/5/04 England West Bromwich 1 0 Shopkeeper is brutally beaten to death by members of a Muslim family upset over the presumed "taboo" relationship between his son and their Pakistani daughter.
8/5/04 Bangladesh Sylhet 1 15 Fundamentalists bomb two cinemas, killing a 13-year-old boy.
8/5/04 India Srinigar 9 8 Muslim terrorists attack a police building in the heart of Srinigar, killing eight officers.
8/5/04 Iraq Mahawil 5 18 Islamic extremists kill five policemen in a shooting attack followed minutes later by a suicide minibus bombing.
8/4/04 Afghanistan Gardez 2 0 Taliban radicals ambush and murder two charity workers.
8/3/04 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 Two al-Qaeda gunmen shoot an Irish engineer four times in the chest at his office.
8/3/04 Iraq Baqubah 4 6 Suicide bomber kills four Iraqi National Guardsmen at a roadside checkpoint. Six others are injured.
8/3/04 Israel Rafah 3 10 Attempted bombing of an Israeli bulldozer backfires. Three Palestinian bystanders are killed and ten others, including journalists, are injured.
8/2/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 al-Qaeda members place a hood over the head of a cleaner taken hostage, then shoot him three times while praising Allah.
8/2/04 Pal. Auth. Gaza 3 0 Palestinian terrorists shoot three suspected informants to death in their hospital beds.
8/1/04 Algeria Ziama Mansouria 3 1 Bombing by the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat leaves three security company employees dead and one critically injured.
8/1/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 2 Terrorist bombing near a hotel kills two civilians and badly injures two others.
8/1/04 Iraq Mosul 4 32 A suicide bomber kills at least four people and injures between thirty and fifty in a residential neighborhood.
8/1/04 Pakistan Khuzdar 6 2 Islamists use automatic weapons at point-blank range to ambush a car carrying soldiers and civilians, killing six.
8/1/04 Iraq Baghdad 11 61 Islamic radicals bomb five Catholic churches, murdering nearly a dozen Christians and injuring close to one-hundred people.
7/31/04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 5 Muslim gunmen on motorcycles shoot a 39-year-old woman four times in the chest. In a separate attack, a bomb hidden under a street bench, injures five.
7/31/04 Afghanistan Helmand 2 0 A local Afghan official and his bodyguard are shot to death by the Taliban.
7/31/04 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Hard-line fundamentalists bomb car dealership, killing two people.
7/30/04 Pakistan Fateh Jang 6 25 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills six and injures at least twenty-five others. Pakistani finance minister was the target.
7/30/04 Uzbekistan Tashkent 3 5 Three suicide bombers kill three others and injure five in synchronized attacks on the U.S and Israeli embassies.
7/29/04 India Bafliaz 2 1 Mujahideen invade a home, kill a mother and father and injure their young child in the process.
7/28/04 Iraq Baqubah 68 56 An Islamist kills himself and sixty-eight others, including twenty-one passengers on a passing bus, and injures dozens more in a suicide bombing at a marketplace.
7/28/04 Iraq Fallujah 4 1 Four policemen are killed by a homemade bomb while on routine patrol.
7/27/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Group calling itself the 'Islamic Army' brutally executes two Pakistani civilians taken hostage.
7/27/04 India Dal Lake 5 2 Fedayeen militants kill five Indian security force personnel and injure two in an attack on a resort.
7/27/04 India Satoora 2 0 Police recover the body of a woman abducted by Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists. Her husband had also been killed by the same group.
7/27/04 Afghanistan Ghazni 6 2 The Taliban bombs an election station at a mosque, killing six workers and injuring two.
7/26/04 Iraq Mosul 3 5 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills three, including two civilians and causes another five to suffer critical burns.
7/26/04 Iraq Basra 2 3 Muslim extremists open fire on a private vehicle carrying workers. Two women are killed and another three injured.
7/26/04 India Baramullah 1 29 One citizen is killed, and nearly thirty others injured when militant Muslim throws grenade into the street outside a hospital.
7/25/04 India Daraj 3 1 Militant Muslims invade a home and cut off the heads of a 65-year-old man and his two children, one a teenage girl. They attempt to cut the head off his wife, but she survives the attack.
7/25/04 Pakistan Ghuzdarra 2 0 al-Qaeda attack on a remote border post leaves two dead.
7/25/04 Chechnya Samashki 3 1 Three cannery workers are killed, and another wounded in a terrorist bombing on their vehicle.
7/24/04 Pakistan Karachi 1 7 Bus bombing kills at least one and injures seven. Bus was carrying teachers and an electrician.
7/24/04 Iraq Latifiya 2 1 Group calling itself 'Lion of God' takes an Egyptian hostage. Elsewhere gunmen stage an assassination attempt that kills two bodyguards.
7/23/04 Israel Beit Hanun 1 3 al-Aqsa militants shoot a 16-year old boy to death and injure other three members of his family who object to the terrorists using their backyard for launching missiles into Israel.
7/23/04 Iraq Beiji 1 0 al-Qaeda members kill a Bulgarian truck driver, taken hostage several weeks earlier, by cutting off his head.
7/22/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Sunni extremists fire a missile into a hospital, killing two.
7/22/04 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 Muslim insurgents car bomb a residential neighborhood, killing at least three and hurting at least two others.
7/21/04 Iraq Ramadi 4 14 At least four people, including three brothers are killed by a car bombing. Fourteen others are injured.
7/21/04 Sudan Kalma 11 0 Eleven more villagers killed by an Arab militia supported by the Islamic government.
7/21/04 Afghanistan Helmand 11 0 Taliban ambush a convoy of cars with rockets. Eleven are killed.
7/20/04 India Koti 4 0 Lashkar-e-Taiba militants kill four policemen as they are investigating a previous crime in a remote village.
7/20/04 Iraq Basra 3 1 Sunni extremists assassinate a council member, along with two others.
7/20/04 India Rajauri 5 0 Islamists wipe out five members of a family, after invading their home in the middle of the night. Two women and a 3-year-old boy were among those murdered.
7/20/04 Israel Syrian Border 2 0 Hezbollah snipers kill two IDF members as they are repairing an antennae.
7/19/04 India Kapran 6 50 Six people, including two women were killed, and more than fifty others sustained injuries when Muslim terrorists attacked a political rally with grenades.
7/19/04 Israel Tel Aviv 1 0 Arafat's al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade takes credit for killing an Israeli judge at close range as he was driving home.
7/19/04 Indonesia Palu 2 3 Islamic gunmen enter a church and kill the female pastor and a 17-year-old girl. Three other teenage worshipers were also shot.
7/19/04 Iraq Baghdad 9 62 Religious fanatic kills himself and nine others by blowing up a truck filled with fuel on a busy street. Sixty-two others are injured, including many who are badly burned.
7/19/04 Iraq Mosul 1 1 Islamists kill the Christian owner of a restaurant selling food to Americans. They also blind and cut off both hands of his Muslim business partner.
7/18/04 Iraq Mosul 1 2 A political figure is assassinated in a drive-by shooting. His 7-year-old son was shot as well, but survived.
7/18/04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 Taliban terrorists fire a rocket into the city
7/18/04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 The Taliban fire a rocket into the city centre, killing a woman and injuring a man.
7/17/04 Iraq Baghdad 4 7 'Jihad and Unification' terrorist group uses a car bomb to kill four and injure seven in an attempted assassination of an Iraqi minister.
7/17/04 Iraq Mahmudiyah 2 22 Fedayeen bomber blows himself to Allah, taking the lives of two people and injuring another twenty-two who were waiting in line for jobs.
7/16/04 Pakistan South Waziristan 3 4 Three civilians are killed, and four others suffer injury after an al-Qaeda attack on a fortified structure.
7/15/04 Iraq Hadithah 10 27 Ten Iraqis, including seven civilians are killed in a Fedayeen car bombing. Another twenty-seven innocents are injured.
7/15/04 India Mendhar 2 1 Islamic militant kills two policeman with a grenade and injures a third.
7/14/04 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Militants ambush a car carrying a government official, killing three.
7/14/04 Iraq Baghdad 10 41 Ten people, mostly civilians, are killed and more than forty injured when a Fedayeen suicide car bomber detonates his explosives along a busy road.
7/14/04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim motorcycle attack kills a police officer as he is driving to work. Another is injured.
7/13/04 India Srinagar 2 12 Militant Muslims kill two persons and injure twelve in a street bombing.
7/13/04 Iraq Mosul 1 0 al-Qaeda militants execute a Bulgarian truck driver that they had taken hostage.
7/13/04 Chechnya Grozny 1 3 Jihad terrorists attempt to assassinate the acting President in a motorcade bombing, killing a guard and injuring three others.
7/13/04 India Bhaderwah 3 1 Islamic terrorists kill three construction workers and injure another in a senseless terrorist attack on a road-building project.
7/13/04 Sudan Tabaldiat 80 39 Another raid by armed Arab militias leave eighty villagers dead - including children - and their homes burned to the ground.
7/12/04 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 5 Taliban members attack and burn a district police headquarters, killing four and injuring five.
7/12/04 Philippines Buldon 2 0 Moro Islamic Front members kill two farmers on their land with automatic weapons.
7/12/04 Sudan Donki Dereisa 150 90 Arab militia, supported by the Islamic government's fixed-wing aircraft raid a village and kill one-hundred and fifty civilians, including six children. The children were captured during the assault and burned alive the next day.
7/12/04 Chechnya Avtury 8 12 Jihad fighters kill eight Chechan security personnel and take another dozen hostage. Hostages are typically executed after a reading from the Qur'an.
7/12/04 Iraq Musayyib 1 0 Regional Shiite political leader is assassinated by extremists.
7/12/04 Pakistan Shakai 2 0 Two children die of injuries suffered from an al-Qaeda attack in the west Pakistani mountains.
7/11/04 Thailand Bangkok 2 1 Islamic separatists kill two more civilians in southern Thailand.
7/11/04 Israel Tel Aviv 1 34 A woman waiting for a bus is murdered in an al-Fatah bombing. Thirty-four others are injured. The bomb was packed with metal bolts.
7/11/04 Afghanistan Heart 5 33 Five people, including a 12-year-old boy are killed in a packed marketplace by a Taliban terrorist bombing. More than thirty others are injured.
7/11/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 In a particularly senseless attack, Islamic fundamentalists enter the home of a Christian family and stab two girls (ages 16 and 6) to death.
7/10/04 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 Islamists bomb five shops selling alcohol. A passing taxi driver is killed in one of the explosions.
7/10/04 India Mattan Adda 0 34 Thirty-four people are injured when a militant Muslim tosses a grenade onto a crowded road.
7/10/04 Israel Gaza 1 0 Three members of a Palestinian "resistance" group (billing itself as non-violent) are killed when the bomb they are transporting goes off earlier than expected. A passerby is also killed.
7/9/04 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 2 The Taliban continues to target women who work to register voters for the election. One is killed in the blast, and two others badly injured.
7/9/04 Chechnya Znamenskoye 11 10 A village elder, who opposed Jihadist attempts to recruit young men, was executed by them. Jihad terrorist attacks also killed ten others (mostly Russian servicemen).
7/9/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 Sunni militants kill a child and injure three others in a mortar attack on a hotel.
7/8/04 Iraq Ramadi 3 0 An Iraqi civilian and two policemen are shot at point-blank range after their car is stopped by extremists.
7/8/04 Bangladesh Harinakundu Bazaar 1 1 Bangladeshi terrorists kill a policeman (father of two) returning to the station after patrol.
7/8/04 Iraq Samarra 7 30 al-Qaeda use a residential neighborhood as a staging area for firing mortars, killing five U.S. soldiers and two Iraqis.
7/8/04 Afghanistan Chakaw 6 4 Taliban ambush kills six Afghani soldiers and injures another four.
7/7/04 Iraq Bagdhdad 0 6 Extremists fire mortars at the residence of the new Iraqi Prime Minister, injuring six.
7/6/04 Iraq Baqubah 14 25 Fourteen mourners at a funeral for a man killed by terrorists are themselves victims of a Fedayeen suicide car bombing. Dozens of others are injured.
7/4/04 Iraq Baqubah 3 1 Fedayeen "holy warrior" suicide car bombing leaves three dead.
7/4/04 Israel Yabad 1 1 Palestinian gunmen stop a car, confirm that the occupants are Jewish civilians, then open up with automatic weapons, killing a man and injuring his wife.
7/4/04 Pakistan Mata Banda 3 7 Three people, including a woman are killed, and seven injured when armed militants fire on a passenger bus.
7/3/04 Iraq Mahmudiyah 7 5 Seven Iraqi National Guardsmen are gunned down at a checkpoint by Sunni extremists.
7/3/04 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 Third woman dies from injuries sustained in the Taliban grenade attack against election workers.
7/3/04 India Srinigar 2 66 Two citizens are killed, and more than sixty injured by two Islamist planted bombs, hidden handcarts, near a tourist center.
7/2/04 India Mughal Maidan 5 15 Pakistani-backed Islamic militants bomb a string of police cars, killing at least five and injuring over fifteen.
7/1/04 Iraq al-Khadra'a 3 2 Three civilians are killed as they pass over a bomb in their vehicle.
7/1/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 Two civilians are killed, and three badly injured, as Sunni extremists detonate a bomb near a hospital.
7/1/04 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Muslim separatists kill a police informer and, in a separate attack, shoot a food vendor several times in the back.
7/1/04 Ingushetia Malgobek 2 1 Two policemen are killed, and one injured, as the were attempting to arrest the terrorists behind the 6/23 attacks that left over ninety people dead.
6/30/04 India Pulwama 1 0 Islamists kill a schoolteacher with a grenade.
6/30/04 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 26 One man was killed and twenty-six others, including five children, were injured by two Taliban bombs hidden in fruit carts.
6/29/04 Iraq Baghdad 4 4 In a tragic attack, Islamic militants use a roadside bomb to kill three U.S. Marines after the handover of power. A British soldier was killed in Basra the day before in similar fashion.
6/29/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 al-Jazeera airs a videotape of a U.S. hostage being executed by al-Qaeda.
6/29/04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim terrorists on motorcycles shoot a Buddhist policeman to death as he is driving to work.
6/29/04 Iraq Mahmudiyah 2 0 Extremists cite Qur'anic verses then attack a police station with assault rifles, killing an officer and a civilian.
6/29/04 Israel Beit Rima 1 0 Palestinian sniper guns down a 63-year-old Israel truck driver. Arafat's al-Aqsa takes credit.
6/28/04 Israel Sderot 2 12 Palestinian militants fire a rocket into a residential area, killing two, including a 3-year-old boy. The murdered child's mother was among a dozen injured.
6/27/04 Iraq Baqubah 6 4 Sunni extremists attack a checkpoint with automatic weapons and rockets, killing six Iraqi guardsmen.
6/27/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 Insurgents drop a mortar on a soccer field, killing two children and injuring another eight.
6/27/04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 6 Muslim group plants a bomb under a soccer field to kill off-duty policemen, who were inaugurating a youth league.
6/27/04 Israel Gaza 1 5 al-Aqsa terrorist group digs a 350-meter tunnel under an Israeli guard post, detonates explosives, then uses assault rifles to prevent ambulance crews from rescuing the victims.
6/27/04 Algeria Blida 3 0 Islamic fundamentalists kidnap two civilians, then kill them by cutting their throats. They place a bomb under one of the bodies that kills an investigating medical worker.
6/26/04 India Zainapora 2 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists kidnap two Hindus (a railway engineer and his brother) on Wednesday, then slit their throats.
6/26/04 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 11 Two female election workers and one child are killed, and nine other women and two children are badly injured when a Taliban-planted bomb explodes on a bus.
6/26/04 Iraq Hilla 23 58 Twenty-three civilians are killed by two car bombings near a Shiite mosque in Hilla. About sixty others are injured in the blasts.
6/26/04 Iraq Baqubah 3 20 Car bombing kills one, injures twenty. In Erbil, a shooting and grenade attack on a Shiite political office leaves two guards dead.
6/25/04 Chechnya Grozny 1 1 Government official shot to death as he left a restaurant with his wife, who was badly injured in the assassination.
6/25/04 Afghanistan Zabul 16 0 The Taliban stops a bus in a remote area, kidnaps sixteen people carrying voter registration cards, then kills them in brutal fashion.
6/25/04 India Tiali Kathamara 12 12 Twelve people, including a woman and five children are killed by militant Muslim gunmen who enter a remote village and force the people out of their homes. Ethnic cleansing appears to be the motive.
6/24/04 Thailand Cho Airong 1 2 Muslim separatists attack an army base, killing one Thai soldier and injuring two others.
6/24/04 Iraq Mosul 112 320 Series of coordinated terrorist attacks, including suicide bombings and other Fedayeen tactics kill over one-hundred Iraqis and injure hundreds more across the country. Recorded message says 'killings will continue until Islamic rule back on earth.'
6/24/04 Algeria Medea 5 0 Islamic fundamentalists stop a car on a remote road carrying members of a family and slit the throats of all five - ages 8 to 50.
6/23/04 Ingushetia Nazran 35 58 Thirty-five more bodies are found from the attack on a town by Jihad terrorists. The number injured doubles to one-hundred nineteen.
6/23/04 Iraq Basra 2 0 As their father waited at home for their return, two Christian sisters are gunned down by Muslim extremists in a particularly heinous and senseless murder.
6/23/04 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 A mother and her child are among three killed by a roadside bomb. Two other civilians are wounded in the blast.
6/23/04 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 5 2 Taliban extremists shoot a rocket at an Afghan military vehicle on security patrol. Five killed, two injured.
6/22/04 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Islamists stab a female law professor to death on her doorstep. Her husband is killed in the same manner.
6/22/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 al-Qaeda group "Monotheism and Jihad" beheads a Korean hostage in front of a banner praising Allah.
6/22/04 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Car bomb explodes in a residential neighborhood, killing three, including a 3-year-old girl and injuring another six civilians.
6/21/04 Algeria Algiers 0 11 Eleven are injured in a fundamentalist car bombing of a power plant.
6/21/04 Ingushetia Nazran 57 60 Jihad fighters rampage through a town, shooting in cold blood or burning to death at least fifty-seven people and injuring another sixty.
6/21/04 Iraq Baghdad 10 0 Sunni extremists kill ten civilians and police in a mortar attack.
6/21/04 Sudan Golo 6 0 Government-backed militia burns several villages and kill six civilians. More than a thousand are displaced.
6/21/04 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 3 A policeman is killed and an election worker, along with four others are injured in a Taliban motorcycle attack.
6/21/04 Israel Kfar Darom 1 0 Palestinian terrorists attack a Jewish settlement, killing a greenhouse worker from Thailand.
6/20/04 Iraq Diyala 2 0 Husband and wife are killed when "holy" warriors fire rocket into their home.
6/19/04 Thailand Pattani 1 4 Militant Muslims spray a police car with an AK-47, killing the driver. The same group injures four others with a bomb.
6/19/04 Iraq Basra 3 0 Remote-controlled bomb kills two oil workers and one Iraqi security personnel.
6/18/04 Sudan Babanousa 3 12 The Islamic government kills two student demonstrators, along with a 50-year-old shop owner.
6/18/04 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 Family members of captured hostage appeal to kidnappers humanity with children and grandchildren. Islamists quote from the Qur'an, praise Allah and then cut the victim's head off.
6/17/04 Iraq Balad 6 4 Car bombing by Sunni insurgents kills six member of the Iraqi Defense Forces and injures four.
6/17/04 Iraq Baghdad 35 145 'Holy Warrior' suicide bomber kills at least thirty-five Iraqi civilians and injures nearly one-hundred and fifty other innocents who happened to be on a busy street near a recruiting center. The vehicle used was apparently packed with artillery rounds.
6/16/04 Thailand Narathiwat 3 7 Muslim separatists kill an 18-year-old college student, a school janitor and a police officer in a drive-by shooting attacks. They also bomb a police check-point, injuring five.
6/16/04 Afghanistan Kanduz 4 1 Four citizens, including two children and an elderly man are killed by a Taliban remote-control bomb.
6/15/04 Iraq Kirkuk 4 1 Four people assassinated in as many days by Fedayeen. The civilian victims are an oil company executive, a cleric, district mayor and the father of a policeman.
6/14/04 Iraq Baghdad 13 61 A suicide bomber targets foreign civilian contractors working to restore the country's power plants. Thirteen people, other than this religious man, were killed immediately and more than sixty injured.
6/14/04 India Rajouri 2 0 A father and son are shot to death in their home by Muslim terrorists.
6/13/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Extremists assassinate two government officials in separate shooting attacks.
6/13/04 India Baramulla 2 1 Islamic militant hurls a grenade at the house of a retired government official, killing the man, his sister and seriously injuring his son.
6/13/04 Iraq Baghdad 13 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills thirteen Iraqis and injures at least a dozen with a car bomb.
6/13/04 India Handwara 1 22 Twenty-two civilians are injured, four critically by an Islamist who threw a grenade into a busy street. One victim later dies in the hospital (6/14/04).
6/12/04 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 1 al-Qaeda kills an American civilian as he is parking his car outside his home and kidnaps another American.
6/12/04 India Pahalgam 5 28 Islamist kills five tourists, including two children with a grenade lobbed inside a crowded hotel. Twenty-eight others are injured.
6/11/04 Iraq Fallujah 3 0 al-Qaeda members kill three hostages kidnapped the day before by cutting their throats. The three were employees of a telecommunications company.
6/10/04 India Udhampur 4 0 Militant Muslims shoot four members of a family to death, including two women and a 6-year-old child.
6/10/04 Pakistan Karachi 11 10 Islamic militants ambush a convoy in a busy residential neighborhood. The intended target escapes the shooting attack, but eleven others are killed.
6/10/04 Afghanistan Kunduz 11 4 Taliban attack a construction site and shoot to death eleven Chinese nationals working there. Four others are injured.
6/10/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A Christian man is attack and murdered by Islamists in his home.
6/10/04 USA Atlanta, GA 0 4 A man riding on an Atlanta commuter train mutters Qur'anic verses then attacks an army officer for no other apparent reason. An elderly woman and two arresting officers are hurt as well.
6/9/04 Chechnya Grozny 10 5 Jihad attacks leave nine Russian soldiers and one policeman dead over a 24-hour period.
6/8/04 Iraq Suwayrah 6 0 Six European coalition troops are killed by a mortar fired at their base.
6/8/04 Iraq Baqouba 6 24 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills six, including five civilians, and injures over two dozen with his attack, which took place on a busy road at rush hour.
6/8/04 Iraq Mosul 10 58 Ten Iraqis are killed by a car bombing. Dozens of others are injured in the terrorist attack.
6/8/04 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 American civilian gunned down by Islamists at his home in Saudi Arabia.
6/7/04 Afghanistan Logar 2 0 Two policemen are killed in a Taliban attack on their station.
6/7/04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim gunmen shoot a Buddhist teacher to death on the street.
6/7/04 Iraq Baghdad 4 3 Islamic terrorists target Christian workers in a morning shooting attack that leaves four dead and several wounded.
6/7/04 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 In the same Christian neighborhood as the morning drive-by, Islamic extremists murder four, including three women returning from work.
6/6/04 Iraq Baghdad 9 48 Two suicide bombers, belonging to a group calling itself the 'Unification and Jihad Group' kill nine Iraqis and injure forty-eight others.
6/6/04 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 1 Islamist shoots a Briton to death on the sidewalk. One other is injured in the attack.
6/6/04 Pakistan Dera Ghazi Khan 1 1 Female Shia doctor is gunned down by Sunni radicals outside a hospital. Her driver is seriously wounded in the attack.
6/6/04 Kosovo Gracanica 1 0 17-year-old Christian teenager is shot to death in a restaurant by Muslim terrorists.
6/5/04 Bangladesh Dhaka 9 25 At least nine people, including an infant and two women are killed when a state bus is set on fire by organized Islamic terrorists. About thirty others are hospitalized for serious burns.
6/5/04 India Mawar 2 0 Hezb-ul-Mujahedeen gunmen invade a home and kill a 55-year-old woman and her daughter.
6/5/04 Iraq Baghdad 4 1 Mujahideen gunmen kill four civilian contractors in an ambush - two Americans and two Poles.
6/5/04 Iraq Musayyib 7 0 Jihadists disguise themselves as police officers to gain entrance to a police station, then proceed to kill seven officers in cold blood.
6/5/04 Iraq Mosul 0 17 Militants fire RPGs at jobseekers lining up outside a recruitment office. Seventeen are injured.
6/5/04 Algeria Jijel 3 0 Islamic extremists ambush and kill a policeman and two village guards.
6/4/04 Russia Samara 10 39 Ten people are killed in a bomb explosion in an outdoor market. Another forty are injured by the blast, which is attributed to militant Muslims.
6/4/04 Iraq Baghdad 5 5 Terrorists bomb a Humvee on routine security patrol. Five U.S. soldiers are killed and five more injured.
6/4/04 Chechnya Itum-Kalinskiy 4 5 Jihadists attack a Russian convoy, killing four and injuring five with grenades and automatic weapons.
6/3/04 India Kellar Pahalgam 2 0 A political activist is assassinated by militant Muslims. Another civilian his killed in his home in a separate attack (Kishtwar).
6/3/04 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 2 al-Qaeda suicide bomber kills a border guard and injures two others.
6/2/04 Afghanistan Khair Khana 5 0 Five members of Doctors Without Borders, the international aid group that provides medical assistance to the impoverished are killed by the Taliban in an ambush on their vehicle.
6/2/04 Syria Damascus 2 0 Attack by gunmen on the former UN headquarters leaves a policeman and a civilian dead.
6/2/04 Algeria Bejaia 11 44 The Islamic Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat attack an Algerian security convoy, killing at least eleven.
6/2/04 Iraq Baghdad 5 37 Five people rushing to help an injured woman are killed by a car bomb. Thirty-seven others are injured in the terrorist blast.
6/1/04 Iraq Baghdad 3 20 Three are killed, and more than twenty injured by a car bombing targeting the minority Kurds, who are seen as infidels by the other Muslim sects.
6/1/04 Iraq Beiji 11 26 Car bombing by Sunni terrorists kills eleven Iraqis and injures twenty-six.
6/1/04 Algeria Theniet El-Abed 3 11 Islamic fundamentalists ambush a security patrol, killing three Algerians and wounding eleven.
5/31/04 Iraq Baghdad 4 25 Four Iraqis are killed in a car bombing. Another twenty-five are injured.
5/31/04 Pakistan Karachi 19 35 Sunni suicide bomber targets a Shia mosque. Nineteen worshippers are killed and at least thirty-five others injured.
5/31/04 Pakistan Turbat 1 12 Fundamentalists target a Minster of Education who proposed reduced Islamist influence in a new curriculum. She survives the rocket attack, but a 14-year-old boy is killed and a dozen others injured.
5/30/04 Afghanistan Musa Qala 4 8 Taliban assassins riding motorbikes swoop into a town and shoot up a government building, killing four and injuring eight.
5/30/04 Pakistan Karachi 1 4 Senior Sunni cleric, age 72, assassinated in an ambush by Shia radicals.
5/29/04 Indonesia Palu 1 0 Christian prosecutor, working to keep three Bali bombers in jail is assassinated by Jemaah Islamiah extremists in his car.
5/29/04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim radicals kidnap a Buddhist civilian and decapitate him. They leave the body with a note attached, warning other Buddhists of the same fate.
5/29/04 Saudi Arabia Khobar 22 45 "Are you Christian or Muslim," ask al-Qaeda militants as they shoot twenty-two infidels to death, including a 10-year-old boy and take over forty-five hostage in an attack on an office complex.
5/28/04 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 Pakistani Christian who was attacked with a hammer by a policeman for violating the State's blasphemy laws dies of his injuries. The killer claimed he wanted to "earn a spot in Paradise."
5/28/04 India Beerwah 3 0 Five Islamic terrorists invade a home and kill an elderly man, a 2-year-old boy, and the boys mother. All are shot to death.
5/28/04 Iraq Mahmudiya 2 0 Two Japanese journalists on their way to pick up a 10-year-old blinded child for treatment in Japan are attacked by a Muslim mob, dragged out of their car and beaten to death.
5/28/04 Sudan Tabit 20 17 Sudanese warplanes bomb a Christian village, killing at least twenty.
5/28/04 Eritrea Barentu 7 88 At least seven people are killed, and more than eighty injured in a bomb blast. The government in neighboring Sudan is suspected of funding the Islamic groups responsible for these attacks.
5/28/04 Nigeria Langtang 3 0 Assault by armed Muslims leaves three Christians dead and several hundred homeless after their village is burned.
5/27/04 Iraq Najaf 2 0 Fedayeen insurgents attack a vehicle carrying a member of the Iraqi governing council. Her son and bodyguard are killed.
5/27/04 India Jammu 5 2 In five separate attacks in the J&K, militant Muslims assassinate four civilians and one former SP officer. Two others are abducted and missing.
5/27/04 Uzbekistan Isfara 1 0 Baptist pastor gunned down by members of the Islamist group, Bayrat.
5/26/04 Iraq Bagdad 5 6 Two Russian civilian contractors and two Iraqi civilians are killed in a shooting attack on their bus as it is pulling out from a power plant. This follow the 5/10 beating death of another Russian civilian.
5/26/04 Nigeria Wase 3 6 Fulani militia attacks a government building, killing three workers and injuring at least six. They also burned houses.
5/26/04 Chechnya Vedeno 4 4 Four policemen are killed, and four others injured in an attack by Muslim rebels.
5/26/04 Pakistan Karachi 1 22 Twin Jihadist car bombings outside the Pakistan-American cultural center kill one and injure at least twenty-two others.
5/25/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 An Iraqi boy is killed, and four other civilians injured when a car bomb explodes outside a hotel, near the Australian consul's office.
5/25/04 Indonesia Ambon 1 13 Bomb blast in the Christian sector of the city kills one and injures thirteen. A second bomb is found near a church and defused.
5/24/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 1 Islamic terrorists kill two British civilians in a rocket attack on their vehicle.
5/23/04 India Srinigar 33 4 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen militants trigger a bomb under a bus carrying security personnel and their families. Thirty-three people, including six women and three children are killed.
5/23/04 Iraq Basra 5 0 Five members of a family, including two children (ages 4 and 7), are killed in an insurgent mortar attack.
5/23/04 Iraq Baqubah 2 1 Terrorists fire on a vehicle, killing a university student and a police official.
5/23/04 Chechnya Grozny 5 6 Five Russians are killed when Jihadists blow up their vehicle and then open fire with assault rifles.
5/23/04 Afghanistan Waza Khwa 3 1 Three Afghan security personnel are killed in a Taliban ambush while they are escorting a food and medical supply shipment to an impoverished area.
5/22/04 Iraq Baghdad 6 10 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills six other Iraqis and injures at least ten. In addition to improving the bomber's afterlife, the blast was intended to kill a ministry official and his wife.
5/22/04 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 A German caterer is shot in the head and body, execution-style, on the sidewalk outside a shopping mall.
5/22/04 Israel Nablus 0 4 A 19-year-old suicide bomber kills himself and injures four others at a checkpoint.
5/22/04 Sudan Abga Rajil 56 24 Arab militia kill fifty-six African villagers in a raid. The government-supported terrorists targeted black civilians in their attack.
5/21/04 Nigeria Saminaka 7 0 In the latest of a series of attacks on Christian villagers, seven more are killed by Nigerian Jihadists as they sought refuge in their homes.
5/21/04 Nigeria Jiram 15 0 Fifteen Christian villagers are massacred by Jihadists.
5/21/04 Bangladesh Sylhet 2 50 At least two people are killed by a bomb blast at a shrine. Some fifty others, including a British diplomat are injured.
5/21/04 Iraq Baqubah 4 1 Jihadists kill four Iraq security personnel manning a road block by driving up and then unloading with RPGs and weapons fire.
5/20/04 Iraq Mosul 1 4 Bomb blast kills one Iraqi civilian and injures four others.
5/20/04 India Chadoura 3 22 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists kill three, including two children, and injure about two dozen with a bomb planted on a bicycle.
5/19/04 Nigeria Sabo Gida 10 0 Ten Christian villagers are killed by armed Muslims. An unknown number are injured by the attackers, who also burned churches and houses.
5/19/04 Nigeria Bakin Ciyawa 24 0 Jihadists kill twenty-four Christian villagers.
5/18/04 Pakistan Karachi 4 0 Four members of Pakistan's Christian minority are targeted and killed by Islamists. One was a kidnapped youth and two others were on their way to a picnic.
5/18/04 Israel Rafah 2 0 Palestinian bombs take the lives of two Arab teenagers - a sixteen-year-old girl and her 13-year-old brother - who were washing clothes on the roof of their house when hit by the shrapnel.
5/18/04 Nigeria Gidan Sabo 18 0 Muslim Nigerians kill eighteen Christian villagers - mostly farmers, women and children.
5/18/04 Algeria Setif 2 13 Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat, an Islamic extremist group kills two Algerian soldiers and injures thirteen others in two bombing ambushes.
5/17/04 Chechnya Grozny 12 3 Three separate Jihad attacks leave twelve Russian servicemen dead and at least three injured or kidnapped.
5/17/04 Iraq Baghdad 7 8 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills the Iraqi governing council president and at least six others. Eight were reported to be injured in the blast.
5/17/04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 Muslims bomb three Buddhist temples on Sunday, injuring two. The next day they shoot a police officer in the head, as he is riding to work.
5/16/04 Iraq Mahmoudiya 1 1 Iraqi woman working as a translator for the coalition is killed in her home.
5/16/04 Iraq Baghdad 3 1 Muslim radical opens fire on a minibus carrying Christian women, forcing them to the side of the road. He then tosses an explosive in the vehicle, killing three, including the driver.
5/15/04 Iraq Mosul 4 17 Four civilians were killed, and seventeen others injured by a mortar attack on a recruitment office.
5/14/04 Israel Rafah 2 2 Hamas snipers kill an Israeli soldier as he was in the process of bringing food to an elderly Palestinian woman's house. A soldier attempting to help the first was killed as well.
5/14/04 Pakistan Lahore 7 0 Seven members of a Shia' family, including two women and two children (one a 7-year-old girl) are bound and executed in their home with a bullet to each head. 'Shiites are Infidels' is found written on the wall.
5/12/04 Israel Rafah 5 0 Another remote-controlled landmine attack by Islamic Jihad on an APC kills five additional Israeli soldiers attempting to block off tunnel used by Palestinian terrorists.
5/12/04 Philippines Jolo 1 14 Abu Sayyaf terrorists kill a fifteen-year-old Catholic girl with a grenade - fourteen others are also injured in the attack.
5/12/04 Nigeria Kano 30 44 Muslim rampage against Christians continues in Kano with at least another thirty people losing their lives.
5/12/04 Iraq Balad 1 4 Philippine warehouse worker is killed, and four other civilian employees injured in a mortar attack on a U.S. base from a residential neighborhood.
5/11/04 Israel Gaza 6 0 Hamas terrorists trigger a land mine blast under an APC, killing six young Israeli soldiers. Hamas also takes the body parts to prevent their recovery.
5/11/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 "Allahu Akbar" shout jubilant al-Qaeda members as they cut off the head of an American (civilian) prisoner on video. Elsewhere in the city, a Russian contractor is killed and two others abducted.
5/11/04 Nigeria Kano 11 0 At least eleven Christians are burned to death by a Muslim mob that also sets two churches on fire.
5/10/04 Iraq Mosul 1 4 Insurgents kill a four-year-old girl in a rocket strike.
5/10/04 Iraq Kirkuk 3 0 Radicals shoot two foreign civilians and one Iraqi to death in front of their house.
5/9/04 Chechnya Grozny 24 60 Jihadists assassinate the Chechan President and at least twenty-three others in a stadium blast that leaves more than fifty, including elderly and children severely injured.
5/9/04 Iraq Baghdad 7 13 Terrorists kill a child and six others by exploding a bomb in a crowded market. Thirteen others are injured.
5/9/04 India Doda 1 15 Militant Muslim lobs a grenade at a hospital, killing one and injuring fifteen others.
5/9/04 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Two foreigners, one a Swiss citizen, are stoned to death in a public park.
5/7/04 Iraq Latifiya 2 1 An award-winning Polish journalist is shot to death, along with an Algerian colleague by Sunni insurgents in a drive-by attack.
5/7/04 Iraq Mosul 4 1 Roadside terrorist bombing kills four Iraqi policeman.
5/7/04 Pakistan Karachi 13 80 Thirteen worshippers are killed, and more than eighty others injured when a suicide bomber detonates his explosives inside a Shiite mosque.
5/7/04 Pakistan Toba Tek Singh 1 0 Catholic student abducted by Muslim school refuses to convert to Islam and is tortured to death.
5/6/04 Iraq Baghdad 6 25 Suicide car bomber kills five civilians and one soldier at a checkpoint. Twenty-three other civilians and two U.S. soldiers are injured in the blast.
5/6/04 Iraq Kirkuk 2 1 Car carrying a government official is attacked by Sunni extremists, killing him and the driver, and wounding his wife.
5/5/04 India Anantnag Lok Sabha 1 2 Militant Muslim lobs a grenade at a polling booth, killing one and injuring two.
5/5/04 Indonesia Maluku 2 3 Muslim gunmen in a speedboat kill a Christian man and an 11-month-old baby. Three others are also shot, but manage to survive.
5/5/04 Egypt Taha al-Aamida 3 0 Muslim police take three Christians, including a priest, into custody as they are repairing a church wall. All three are then murdered.
5/4/04 Afghanistan Nuristan 3 0 Two British civilians, working to register Afghans for upcoming elections, are killed along with their translator in a suspected Taliban ambush.
5/3/04 Pakistan Gawadar 3 11 Pakistani radicals bomb a bus carrying Chinese engineers to a port project. Three are killed and eleven injured.
5/3/04 Afghanistan Zabul 10 0 Separate Taliban attacks in southern Afghanistan leave ten security officers dead.
5/2/04 Algeria Algiers 2 0 Two police officers are gunned down by Islamists while on-duty.
5/2/04 Algeria Chrea Forest 2 4 Two soldiers are killed when a bomb planted by Islamic extremists explodes under their car. Four others are injured.
5/2/04 Algeria Medea 3 1 Three community guards are killed by Islamists. A fourth is kidnapped.
5/2/04 Iraq Ramadi 6 0 Sunni mortar attack on a U.S. base kills five sailors and one soldier.
5/2/04 Israel Gush Katif 5 3 Palestinian gunmen ambush a vehicle and kill four Jewish children and their pregnant mother who were in the process of entering their community. Islamic Jihad takes credit for the brutal attack.
5/1/04 Saudi Arabia Yanbu 7 25 Three Saudi employees of an oil company use their access to the building to systematically shoot as many Westerners as possible in a room-by-room attack. At six are killed on the spot and a seventh man dies two weeks later in a Houston hospital.
5/1/04 Algeria Sabounet 3 1 A mother and her two children are slaughtered by Islamic extremists in an attack on their village in the Algerian desert.
5/1/04 Sudan Akobo 204 70 Khartoum-backed militia kills over two-hundred people, many women and children in a raid on their camp. Sudan recently criticized the U.S. for abusing prisoner rights.
4/30/04 Algeria Relizane 2 0 Two hunters fall victim to Islamic extremists in western Algeria.
4/30/04 Iraq Mosul 2 5 Two foreign security guards are killed in a bomb attack. Five others are injured.
4/30/04 Iraq Fallujah 2 6 Suicide car bomber kills two U.S. soldiers and injures six.
4/29/04 Afghanistan Thaloqan 6 0 Six Afghan soldiers traveling on motorcycles are attacked by Taliban terrorists and killed.
4/29/04 Iraq Basra 1 0 South African civilian is killed by Muslim extremists in a drive-by shooting.
4/29/04 Iraq Mahmoudiya 8 4 Car bombing kills eight U.S. soldiers and injures four others.
4/28/04 Thailand Yala 5 0 Thai Muslims storm 15 government buildings in a coordinated attack and kill at least five. An unknown number are injured.
4/28/04 Iraq Mosul 9 0 Series of Sunni attacks in Mosul kills eight Iraqi policemen and one civilian.
4/28/04 India Srinigar 2 55 Two people are killed, and fifty-five others injured in a terrorist explosion at an election rally.
4/28/04 Iraq Kut 2 1 Two Ukrainian soldiers are killed an RPG attack on their convoy while on security patrol.
4/27/04 Syria Damascus 2 0 A female civilian and a policeman are killed in a shooting and bombing attack on the British embassy in Damascus by four Islamic radicals.
4/26/04 Afghanistan Panjwayi 3 2 Taliban members walk into a humanitarian office and shoot several employees to death. The office was established to help Afghanis with their basic needs.
4/25/04 Iraq Mosul 2 10 Jihad rocket attack on a hospital kills two medics and injures ten other civilian workers.
4/25/04 Israel Migdal Oz 1 2 Palestinian gunmen kill a border policeman and wound two others in a sniper attack from a residential section.
4/25/04 Indonesia Ambon 38 24 Islamic radicals go on a rampage against Christians, killing more than thirty (some in sniper attacks) and then setting a UN building on fire.
4/25/04 India Kulgam 3 46 Militant Muslims attempt to assassinate a female political figure in a grenade attack. Three are killed and forty-six injured.
4/24/04 India Bazipora 2 0 Militant Muslims enter the home of a police officer while he is on duty and behead his wife and 8-year-old daughter.
4/24/04 Iraq Basra 2 4 Two U.S. sailors were killed after a boat they boarded exploded. Two other boats with suicide bombers were intercepted before they could do harm.
4/24/04 Iraq Iskandariyah 14 11 Fourteen passengers are killed when a bus hits a roadside bomb. Another eleven are injured in the explosion.
4/24/04 Iraq Baghdad 12 25 Twelve people in a market were killed when Jihadists launched mortar rounds into the crowded area.
4/24/04 Iraq Baghdad 5 6 Five U.S. soldiers are killed in a rocket attack launched from a residential neighborhood. Six are wounded.
4/24/04 Iraq Tikrit 4 16 Roadside bomb kills four - two police and two civilians. Sixteen others were injured.
4/23/04 India Srinigar 0 23 Two separate grenade attacks on political offices leave at least twenty-three people injured, mostly civilians.
4/23/04 India Surankote 1 2 Militants open fire on a police station, killing one officer and injuring two others.
4/22/04 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 South African civilian is shot twice in the head and back while on his way to buy meat for a barbecue.
4/22/04 Afghanistan Sperah 2 0 Taliban ambush kills two soldiers, one U.S. (Pat Tillman), the other Afghan.
4/22/04 India Srinigar 2 6 Two people are killed and six injured in grenade attacks by Islamists attempting to disrupt the elections.
4/22/04 Thailand Rayang 3 0 Muslim separatists set fire to fifty government buildings, then kill two firefighters trying to put out the blazes. The next day they shoot an army officer dead in his driveway while he was washing his car.
4/21/04 India Udhampur 2 2 One civilian is killed in his home (Doda), another abducted and later shot dead. Muslim militants also cut off the ears of two other people for participating in the elections.
4/21/04 Iraq Basra 68 100 Five suicide bombings kill sixty-eight people, including eighteen children who burned to death in their school bus. More than one-hundred other civilians were injured in the "Holy Warrior" blasts.
4/21/04 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 6 148 al-Qaeda suicide bomber blasts his way to Allah, taking six others, including an 11-year-old girl, with him in the car bomb explosion. One-hundred and forty-eight innocents are injured.
4/20/04 Iraq Baghdad 22 90 U.S. controlled prison is shelled in a mortar attack. Twenty-two prisoners are killed and over ninety injured.
4/20/04 India Srinigar 16 24 Militant Muslims kill at least sixteen, including a female journalist and a taxi driver, in an attempt to disrupt elections. At least two dozen others are injured.
4/19/04 Algeria Tipaza 3 0 Three people killed by Islamic fundamentalists who set up a fake road block to snag the victims.
4/19/04 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 1 1 Afghan driver is killed in a Taliban ambush on his oil truck.
4/18/04 Thailand Sungai Padi 1 0 Railway worker shot and killed by Muslim separatists while he was on his way to work.
4/17/04 Israel Eraz 1 3 Hamas takes credit for a suicide bombing that kills a 20-year-old border guard then complains loudly when it's own leader is taken out with a missile a few hours later.
4/17/04 Kosovo Mitrovica 2 10 Jordanian shoots two American women to death who were working as prison guards. He also injures ten others in the attack.
4/17/04 Algeria Baghlia 2 7 Bomb planted by Islamic fundamentalists explodes on a road, killing two Algerian security personnel and injuring seven.
4/16/04 Afghanistan Del Aram Road 8 0 Eight Afghan soldiers at a checkpoint are killed in a nighttime rocket attack by Taliban miscreants.
4/16/04 Iraq Baghdad 3 3 Terrorists attack a U.S. security patrol with rocket-propelled grenades. Three soldiers are killed and three injured.
4/16/04 Iraq Mosul 8 17 Fedayeen mortar attack leaves eight Iraqi civilians dead and seventeen injured.
4/15/04 USA Scottsville, NY 1 2 Muslim kills his wife and attacks his two daughters with a knife and hammer because he feared that they had been sexually molested and wanted to restore their "honor."
4/15/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 An Italian hostage is executed on videotape after being interviewed by an Arabic news crew. Elsewhere, an Iranian diplomat is shot to death by Sunni extremists.
4/15/04 Afghanistan Chinarto 10 0 A local police chief and nine bodyguards are killed in a Taliban ambush on their vehicles.
4/15/04 Sudan Darfur 32 0 Thirty-two villagers are massacred by government-backed militias violating a cease-fire. There were also several homes torched and people injured.
4/14/04 Iraq Mosul 4 6 Four civilians, including two women are killed and six others injured by a Fedayeen mortar attack on a crowded market.
4/14/04 Afghanistan Khost 2 2 Taliban elements ambush an Afghan military patrol, leaving two dead and two injured.
4/14/04 India Banihal 2 22 Terrorist hurls grenade at a political rally, killing one and injuring twenty-two. Another soul dies of injuries four days later.
4/13/04 Saudi Arabia Um Sedrah 4 2 Militants gun down four Saudi police officers at a checkpoint.
4/13/04 USA Raleigh 1 4 Mental health problems behind member of tight-knit Muslim community deliberately running down five strangers with a vehicle? One died.
4/12/04 Chechnya Ishkhoi-Yurt 7 0 At least seven policemen were killed in a terrorist attack by Jihad fighters on their vehicles.
4/12/04 Israel Netzarim 0 0 Two Palestinians are killed by the IDF as the attempt to infiltrate a settlement for the purpose of killing Israeli citizens.
4/11/04 Pakistan Karachi 1 9 Car bomb set by Islamists at a music concert kills a 23-year-old man and injures nine others.
4/11/04 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Helicopter shot down by Jihad militants. Both crew members are killed.
4/11/04 Indonesia Sulawesi 0 7 Islamic gunmen open fire on an Easter church service, wounding seven worshippers.
4/11/04 Philippines Sabah 0 3 Abu Sayyaf terrorists attack a tugboat and take three crew members hostage.
4/11/04 Nigeria Rwang Doka and Jenkur 3 0 Muslim militia attacks two Christian villages and kills three people, in addition to burning homes.
4/10/04 Iraq Hit 4 12 British security guard protecting electrical contractors is shot dead. Elsewhere, an attack on a fuel convoy leaves three dead and twelve injured.
4/10/04 Thailand Had Yai 1 35 Bomb planted by Muslim separatists at a railway station kills a 7-year-old boy and injures thirty-five others.
4/9/04 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Three U.S. civilian truck drivers are killed in an attack on their convoy by Fedayeen gunmen. Their bodies are subsequently mutilated.
4/8/04 Iraq Fallujah 1 5 RPG fired from a mosque injures five Marines. Another is killed in the ensuing gun battle.
4/8/04 India Uri 11 68 Four people are killed immediately (seven others die in hospitals), and sixty-eight injured at a political rally by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
4/7/04 India Choornar Forest 4 16 Four security force personnel are killed, and sixteen injured when Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists detonate an IED under their vehicles.
4/7/04 India Parigam 1 0 Muslim terrorists enter a civilian's home and shoot his young daughter to death.
4/6/04 Iraq Kut 1 0 Radical Shiites enter a house and shoot a South African contractor to death.
4/6/04 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 At least three people are shot to death by gunmen riding motorcycles.
4/5/04 India Srinigar 0 60 About sixty people, including women and children are injured when a militant Muslim hurls a grenade into a busy intersection.
4/5/04 Somalia Berbera 1 1 Somaliland government admits that the killers of a Kenyan aid worker were from an al-Qaeda faction. A German aid worker was seriously injured by the same terrorists.
4/4/04 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 0 Shooting ambush kills Iraqi police chief and his driver.
4/4/04 Pakistan Karachi 5 1 Terrorists attack a Pakistani police station, force five captured officers to chant from the Qur'an, then execute them.
4/4/04 Iraq Baghdad 9 24 A mob of Shiite radicals storm through a neighborhood, killing nine coalition soldiers sent to protect citizens from violent attack. Twenty-four others are injured.
4/3/04 Israel Avnei Hefetz 1 0 Father of six shot dead by a Hamas terrorist outside his home after spending the evening with his children.
4/3/04 Spain Madrid 1 11 Seven terrorists responsible for the deaths of more than two-hundred train commuters, recite the Qur'an and then blow themselves up. One policeman is killed.
4/3/04 India Kashmir 8 7 Mujahideen militants kill two Indian soldiers and six civilians in separate attacks. Some of the bodies are mutilated.
4/2/04 Iraq Baquba 3 3 Attackers yell "Allah Akbar," then kill three policemen riding in a vehicle with a hand grenade. Three others are injured.
4/2/04 Uzbekistan Bukhara 1 0 Female suicide bomber kills a policeman and critically injures herself.
4/2/04 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 Christian pastor is gunned down by Muslim extremists in front of his wife and four children.
3/31/04 Iraq Fallujah 4 0 In a very brutal attack, a mob of Muslims stop two cars carrying American civilians providing security for a food-providing convoy, kill occupants, set their vehicles on fire, disfigure the bodies and then drag them through the streets.

08-09-2005, 10:31 PM
Fuck it...the list is too long. That's halfway through 2004.

08-09-2005, 11:05 PM
That's insane! :wow

That should be posted in every newspaper across the country but then that would ruin the agenda of the liberal newsprint mediums of getting their dem elected next term. They would rather wrecklessly and without shame print the lies from Dan Rather and the lies about Karl Rove than something truthful that would justify us being at war with the terrorists!
They're utterly confused about who the enemy is.

There is no meeting of minds, no point of understanding with such terror. Just a choice: Defeat it or be defeated by it. And defeat it we must.
Tony Blair

Guru of Nothing
08-09-2005, 11:17 PM
God Dammit. Religious people have been killing others for years. This is NOT an Islamic thing (sincerely, a Mississippi resident)

Yeah, Muslim extremists suck ass in my book, but it's nothing new.

Bottom line, religious insecurity, throughout the history of mankind, has caused more deaths than tobacco, pork fat, dumb luck and old age combined.

Context is optional.

08-10-2005, 08:32 AM
see see
i told you we're at WAR!!
against TERROR!

SWC Bonfire
08-10-2005, 08:36 AM
print the lies from Dan Rather

I actually have it on good authority from people that know him and have met him that Dan Rather is one of the finest human beings you will ever meet, period.

Plus, he's from Texas. The hubub over his resignation was greatly exaggerated.

Extra Stout
08-10-2005, 12:52 PM
i swear jockey

change your avatar or else everything you type will look extra stupid..like when bush talks

i mean, what you type is stupid enough--you should get a picture of stephen hawking or someone to balance it out

plus i'm sure any extremist moslem could print out an even more impressive list of Christian attacks against Moslems...i.e "shock and awe"OK, hot shot, let's see a list of religiously motivated attacks by Christians against Muslims in modern times.

<crickets chirping>

Sorry about you leftie moral equivalence collapsing like that. If it will make you feel better about the guilt incurred by your own culture, why not just commit suicide as a statement against it?

08-10-2005, 12:55 PM
How about every single Israeli attack? Wouldn't the defense of a country based on religion be considered religously motivated?

08-10-2005, 01:14 PM
When the attackers want to drive you into the sea (see Hamas constitution), I would think you may defend yourself. Who are the targets, by chance? Civilians? Workers? Bus riders? Palestinian gov't officials? That's right. Terrorists (Hamas and Islamic Jihad are Islamakazi orgs. in case you didn't know)

08-10-2005, 01:18 PM
OK, hot shot, let's see a list of religiously motivated attacks by Christians against Muslims in modern times.
Lots of stuff happened in Lebanon and what-was-Yugoslavia.

08-10-2005, 01:21 PM
What I would like to know is how many terrorists acts they had in Iraq before the U.S. led invasion? How many in Afghanistan?

08-10-2005, 01:24 PM
When the attackers want to drive you into the sea (see Hamas constitution), I would think you may defend yourself. Who are the targets, by chance? Civilians? Workers? Bus riders? Palestinian gov't officials? That's right. Terrorists (Hamas and Islamic Jihad are Islamakazi orgs. in case you didn't know)
He simply asked for other religously motivated attacks. I provided them. I'm sorry your blind hate fails for you to see that.

08-10-2005, 01:27 PM
Dude, more than half of these terror attack have killed Muslims......:lol

08-10-2005, 01:35 PM
For those who say Iraq is not part of the war on terror, answer this question: Why is Al Qaida so involved and dedicated to killing the U.S. in Iraq, and also, does Osama Bin Laden think Iraq isn't part of the war on terror?

08-10-2005, 01:39 PM
OBL wants the US and all foriegn policy out of the ME. So of course OBL would fund ANYBODY trying to drive out the US from a country in the Mid East.

Extra Stout
08-10-2005, 02:07 PM
Lots of stuff happened in Lebanon and what-was-Yugoslavia.In Lebanon, Syrian Muslims attacked and ultimately conquered Maronite Christians.

Yugoslavia is a good example. Serbian Christians tried to exterminate Bosnian Muslims.

Extra Stout
08-10-2005, 02:08 PM
Dude, more than half of these terror attack have killed Muslims......:lolSunni killing Shi'a... which also has a long history.

08-10-2005, 02:39 PM
There are only a couple of refrences towards Sunni and Shi'ate attacks. Most of them are labeled 'Terror attack kills #civilian in some country'. Same problem with Catholics and Protestants different beliefs but, ultimately the same message.

08-10-2005, 03:13 PM
Hum any good Madrasses in San Antonio I can send my kid to? He needs some basic AK 47 tear down and cleaning training....

08-10-2005, 03:15 PM
jockey thinks they should spend more time reporting on the deaths of rich white women, talking about supporting the troops while mentioning nothing of their deaths, and talking about how karl rove is a good guy

08-10-2005, 03:41 PM
Another BS theory.
Even Christianity has killed in the name of religion.
Is this all conservatives have?
Get a new game already.

08-10-2005, 05:08 PM
Even Christianity has killed in the name of religion.

Can you name the current clergy claiming this in the past century or 2? Of course I don't mean Imams, they do it all the time now.

How about the Hindu, Buddists, and Jews? Care to post their speeches on the destruction of another religion?

You peeps have no fucking clue the goals of the enemy. Read their field manual and maybe you can get one.

I'm sorry your blind hate fails for you to see that.

Since this is all you have, why did you let Whotts other thread die? He has experience with a muslim woman who obviously understands the completely destructive nature of the religion.

Your such a dipshit. I ripped the so called "peaceful muslims" to shreads in your supposed "fatwa" thread and you ignore it BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO FACTS TO SUPPORT YOUR SIDE. I'm used to it. When whipped, throw out the name calling.

08-10-2005, 05:32 PM
Its pretty difficult to argue with the facts of a bigot.

08-10-2005, 05:43 PM
Are we just presuming (assuming) that all who commit terrorist acts in Middle Eastern countries, and all who commit terrorist acts with Middle Eastern surnames, are Muslims? I have no problem seeing that there are extremists, regardless of their religious stripes, who are willing to stoop to terrorism in an effort to achieve their goals. But I think we fall prey to an assumption that any terrorist attack must have been undertaken by Muslim extremists and presuming that terrorism is somehow endemic to Islam. I think both assumptions are wrong.

For those who say Iraq is not part of the war on terror, answer this question: Why is Al Qaida so involved and dedicated to killing the U.S. in Iraq, and also, does Osama Bin Laden think Iraq isn't part of the war on terror?

I'll answer: the Iraq War is one that WE, the United States, started. We undertook to invade a sovereign country using reasons that have, over time, been proven to be invalid. I'd argue (as I did at the onset of combat) that by invading Iraq, the United States encouraged terrorism there and gave al Queda and bin Laden an opportunity to preach jihad in the context in which that term was originally intended (as I understand it, at least). Our unilateral invasion of Iraq made us infidels in their eyes -- enemies of Islam -- and, to their way of thinking, justified holy war against our troops and those who support them. I'm not trying to defend bin Laden here, but I don't think this is a chicken-and-egg situation either. If we're not in Iraq, there is no jihad talk there. We're in Iraq solely because we chose to invade a sovereign nation, mostly it now seems because we didn't like its leader.

08-10-2005, 05:59 PM
How about every single Israeli attack? Wouldn't the defense of a country based on religion be considered religously motivated?

MIG, can you clearify this before I respond? I'm probably misinterpreting it because it seems as if you're suggesting Israel has initiated terrorist attacks.

08-10-2005, 06:46 PM
Its pretty difficult to argue with the facts of a bigot.

Sorry manny, but being ignorant yourself is gonna be hard to argue with, Especialy when you are ignorant towards the israeli palestinian conflict. You said that the israeli attacks are fueled by religion because the country is based on religion. To this you are alluding to the notion that Israel is a theocracy. I hope you check your info and stop posting nonsense like that.
for one thing; israel has a huge arab population (close to 45%)who have their own political party in the Knesset, israel also is a democracy. All Israeli citizens(thats the arabs too!) have the same rights in the justice system. it is the palestinian athourity and their following of palestinians who want to wash the israeli's off the face of the earth. They are the ones who are the racist and bigots.

08-10-2005, 08:54 PM
Forget it gtowm.

He calls me a bigot when i posted an ex-muslim who says I am right and anyone who calls you a bigot is a fucktard.

I post sites with muslims saying the same things I say. I rip his 'peaceful muslim fatwa's' by posting the guy who announced he wants the Islamic flag flying over the White House.

I bet Manny, who if he knows enough, thinks the Islamakazis should get all or some of Jerusalem.

News Flash: no arabic word meaning or the true word Jerusalem appears in the Koran ONE FUCKING TIME!!!!! It appears in the Bible and Tanakh hundreds of time.

Yet the Muslims claim it. What a shock.

08-10-2005, 09:21 PM
Yet he discounts the muslims who support islam and outnumber those speaking against Islam.

It's like attempting to argue with someone that people of different races/religions are capable of the same things.

He posts links trying to back up his claims, yet there are links for everything on the internet.

He's all of the place in the way he tries to make his point.

So, I don't engage him anymore. I simply refer to him as the bigot he is.

08-10-2005, 09:24 PM
MIG, can you clearify this before I respond? I'm probably misinterpreting it because it seems as if you're suggesting Israel has initiated terrorist attacks.
Isreal's human rights record is bad at best and I do feel they do things they shouldn't be able to get away with and recieve our support.

That being said, calling them a terrorist state is extreme. I mainly said that their attacks are religously motivated because they are a state based on religion.

Guru of Nothing
08-10-2005, 09:45 PM
News Flash: no arabic word meaning or the true word Jerusalem appears in the Koran ONE FUCKING TIME!!!!!

Sure it is, only it's called BumFuck, Egypt. The Egyptian reference probably threw you off.

BTW, you representing yourself as any sort of authority on the Arabic language and Islam is by far one of the funniest running jokes here in this forum. You are approaching NBA Dan status, rapidly.

08-11-2005, 08:43 AM
I have to call BS on a couple of arguments...

Manny, defending yourself against people trying to exterminate your entire race is not a religiously motivated attack... that's just silly.

As for Iraq being the cause of all the hatred against us... umm... what came first, the invasion of Iraq or 9/11...and the Cole... and the first bombing at the WTC... The people who already hated freedom, democracy and all things that didn't fit into their 8th century worldview only site Iraq as their latest excuse. Jihad was in their teachings and actions long before that happened.

08-11-2005, 09:44 AM
I have to call BS on a couple of arguments...

Manny, defending yourself against people trying to exterminate your entire race is not a religiously motivated attack... that's just silly.
We're not talking about a race, we're talking about a religion. Therefore any action the group takes, is religiously motivated.

As for Iraq being the cause of all the hatred against us... umm... what came first, the invasion of Iraq or 9/11...and the Cole... and the first bombing at the WTC... The people who already hated freedom, democracy and all things that didn't fit into their 8th century worldview only site Iraq as their latest excuse. Jihad was in their teachings and actions long before that happened.
No one said Iraq was the cause of all hatred against us.

08-11-2005, 11:53 AM
Manny, come off it... that's the same as saying since you are white or black or hispanic, everything you do is racially motivated, since you belong to a race. Well, maybe if there is a quote from the Old testament that says, "Don't let people kill all of you, cause that would be bad."...

If we're not in Iraq, there is no jihad talk there.
That disagreement may be more of a semantic one than anything else...

08-11-2005, 11:55 AM
Also, being Jewish can be either a religion or a race. Many Jews (by race) do not belong to the Jewish faith. There are many people who are not Jewish by race who adhere to the Jewish faith.

08-11-2005, 12:17 PM
If I establish a country based any religion - because the country is not established on a race, but a religion - then every action that country does is related to the religion. This is no different when people talk about Iran and other countries in the region that have their government roots in religion but somehow forget that Israel does as well.

And there were no terrorist attacks IN IRAQ before the invasion and that was what the statement you quoted is saying. The keyword is "there".

08-11-2005, 12:45 PM
It wasn't my intent to turn this into a religious pissing contest....but I would like to point some things out..

1.This doesn't include many of the Iraq occurences that could be considered an act of war....it includes mainly incidences where civillians were targeted.

#2.I nor anyone never said that Muslims don't attack Muslims with terrorism....it happens often and it's Muslims in Iraq that are getting attacked more than the US Soldiers are now. That doesn't mean it's not a terrorist ideology....the Shia's are different than the Sunni's(Fuck you spellcheck).

#3. This strain of Islamic fundamentalism is not the way it has always been....in the 70's many of the mid-east countries were very westernized....ever see the picture of Usama as a kid when he is wearing a T Shirt and Bell Bottoms? Even the women were not required to wear the hegab(sp) as strictly as they are now....

Hell, Pakistan had a female Prime Minister.....even in Afghanistan, during the Russian invastion...Girls ran around in T Shirts in Jeans....

Don't get me wrong...women have always had lesser rights...

But it used to be much more progressive in the Post WWII era. Hell a long time ago it was more progressive.

Matter of fact...the Ottoman Empire was once of the most progessive nation on Earth....in fact it's extreme liberalization was part of the reason it declined(and it stopped moving forward technologically).

But what we face now, this strict Islam...the is something that rose to prominence in the last 30 years or so....It is more opressive now than it used to be, it is more apocalyptic than it used to be...and if we continue to ignore it, and the causes of it...it will continue to grow in popularity.

Yes Muslims kills Muslims...but the Muslim leaders need to stop saying terrorism is justified "sometimes"...they need to stop being only upset when Muslims are killed as well in the terrorist attacks...they need to stop calling for Islamic states(whether peacefully or through terrorism)....the moderates need to do this. They need to get "it".

They need to totally separate themselves from the fundamentalist ideology...if they are not willing to do this...

They have no place in the Western World...and likely, no place on Earth.

08-11-2005, 12:56 PM
That argument still doesn't work... for an act to be considered religiously motivated, people have to act because they believe their religion requires the act. Tell me, if an Arab Israeli soldier standing guard on the border shoots a terrorist trying to cross the border with a bomb, would you consider that act a religiously motivated one? And which religion would be considered the motivating religion?

Or if a bunch of Baptists go to Ryan's after church on Sunday, and eat some bad potato salad and then barf in the parking lot, is the barfing considered religiously motivated? Just because the Jewish people (which is considered a people group not just a religious group, just like Albanians or Slovenians) live in a country that has a religious history, does not mean that every national action is a religiously motivated one.

This is an intentional comparison between apples and kiwi fruit...

08-11-2005, 12:57 PM

Fair enough. It may not be the same, but there is something to be said about a country founded on religous beliefs and its actions.

08-11-2005, 01:02 PM
It was founded because most other nations where Jewish people lived had a nasty habit of trying to exterminate them...

08-11-2005, 01:04 PM
I understand the basis for a Jewish state. That doesn't mean I think it was completely justified. And that definetlly doesn't mean I believe everything Israel does in the name of defense is justified.

Extra Stout
08-11-2005, 01:06 PM
There are a lot of quite lovely and kind Muslim people in the world. I don't think even the most hawkish among us deny that.

But today it is Islam that has the big problem with terrorism. Maybe five hundred years ago it was the Christians slaying everybody all over the world while Islam was the glory of human civilization and knowledge. But we aren't living in A.D. 1500.

From a geopolitical standpoint, I don't give a shit which religion is "better" theologically. If we lived in a world where the vast majority of Muslim countries were peaceful and prosperous, that would be great, and we could just exchange tracts and have nice debates about Jesus versus Mohammed. But that's not reality, and what I know is that here in 2005 the big threat to the Western world is Islamic fundamentalism.

That doesn't mean we need to villify all Muslims, like a lot of lefties assume the right wants to do. Neither does it mean we need to make excuses for this enormous crisis within the Muslim community by comparing it to something else that happened in history. It makes it sound like lefties just think we all deserve to die because of past wrongdoings.

I don't live in history. I live now. Muslim extremists want to kill Westerners now. I'm a Westerner who doesn't want to be killed by Muslim extremists.

08-11-2005, 01:11 PM
It was founded because most other nations where Jewish people lived had a nasty habit of trying to exterminate them...

Yes, but its current population now consists of many Jews who never faced extermination of any kind, but in fact, enjoyed very comfortable and successful lives in places like America.

08-11-2005, 01:27 PM
Yes, but its current population now consists of many Jews who never faced extermination of any kind, but in fact, enjoyed very comfortable and successful lives in places like America.


08-12-2005, 06:45 AM
I understand the basis for a Jewish state. That doesn't mean I think it was completely justified. And that definetlly doesn't mean I believe everything Israel does in the name of defense is justified.

There one heck-of-a-lot more restrained than I would be if someone felt I didn't have the right to exist and pressed the issue. To this point in theri brief history they've been the picture of restraint. There military actions are in response to relentless bigoted terrorist attacks on their people.

This is an honest question MIG. Are you anti-semitic? (I don't mean to the point where you're a bigot because I don't see your Israeli views as being that extreme).

08-18-2019, 12:19 AM

08-18-2019, 07:48 AM
What’s the big deal if they’re only killing Muslims? Besides our military has been there for almost 20 years and we still can’t get rid of the Taliban and now IS.