View Full Version : Press Conference introducing Oberto

Horry For 3!
08-10-2005, 04:26 AM
If you want to watch the Press Conference of the Spurs introducing Fabricio Oberto then click here....


Horry For 3!
08-10-2005, 04:35 AM
His english isn't too bad and he sounds almost like Manu.

08-10-2005, 09:46 AM
His english isn't too bad and he sounds almost like Manu.
All Argentinean men that learned Spanish first and learned English later on in their lives sound the same. They all have the same accent.

08-10-2005, 10:30 PM
His english is horrible. Thanks for the link though. :spin

Horry For 3!
08-11-2005, 12:09 AM
His english is horrible. Thanks for the link though. :spin
It isn't too bad.

Kori Ellis
08-24-2005, 08:33 PM
Here's some new pictures of Oberto in a Spurs jersey.



Along with this article, which I think says that he's giving away an autographed jersey in Argentina on August 26th (I'm not sure if that's what it says).

Fabricio Oberto presenta su camiseta oficial con una firma de autógrafos en Córdoba (Argentina)

MIAMI, Florida (24 de Agosto, 2005) – El argentino Fabricio Oberto, la más reciente contratación de San Antonio Spurs, presentará oficialmente la camiseta número 7 que vestirá con los campeones de la NBA durante una firma de autógrafos el próximo viernes 26 de agosto en Córdoba (Argentina).

La camiseta oficial, fabricada por Indian Creek S.A. (licenciatario oficial de indumentaria de la NBA en Argentina), será revelada al público en una sesión de autógrafos que Oberto ofrecerá durante una hora a los aficionados que se acerquen al local Víctor Sport (Av. Olmos 39, entre Av. Rivadavia y San Martín, Córdoba) a partir de las 5:00 PM (Hora Local).

El argentino firmó su contrato con los San Antonio Spurs el pasado 2 de Agosto y se convirtió en el refuerzo estelar de los campeones reinantes de la NBA.

“La NBA es líder en las tendencias de la moda a nivel mundial siendo adoptada por artistas y celebridades para expresar su propia personalidad y estilo de vida, y nos complace ver que en Argentina está sucediendo lo mismo”, afirmó Dean Schwartz, Director Senior de Mercadeo y Licenciamiento. “La forma en que rápidamente el país ha acogido nuestra moda hace que nuestros esfuerzos se focalicen en Argentina como país prioritario”, agregó Schwartz.

Por su parte, el jugador argentino comentó: “Presentar la camisa oficial que vestiré con los Spurs es un gran privilegio para mí y más al poder realizar este evento en Córdoba, la ciudad donde comencé mi carrera deportiva y en la que hay una gran afición por el básquet”.

Javier Vilouta, Presidente de Indian Creek dijo: “Es un placer para nosotros agregar a nuestra colección de camisetas oficiales, entre las que ya se contaban las de los otros 3 argentinos en la Liga, Ginóbili (San Antonio), Nocioni (Chicago) y Delfino (Detroit), la de Fabricio. De esta manera, los seguidores argentinos de la NBA tendrán cada vez más productos originales y oficiales de sus jugadores y equipos favoritos a su alcance”, puntualizó Vilouta.

De acuerdo a reportes de venta, los equipos más populares de la Argentina en lo que va del 2005 son: San Antonio Spurs, Los Angeles Lakers, Chicago Bulls, New York Knicks y Cleveland Cavaliers. Mientras en términos de jugadores, las camisetas más vendidas han sido las de Manu Ginobili, Andres Nocioni, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James y Reggie Miller.

La indumentaria oficial de la NBA está disponible en más de 160 puntos de venta en la Argentina y está formada pos dos colecciones, NBA Athletic, que incluye réplicas de camisetas de jugadores, remeras, sudaderas, y camperas, shorts y pantalones de práctica, musculosas, gorras; y NBA Streetwear, que cuenta en su catálogo con pantalones y shorts cargo, jeans, polos, etc.

Oberto arriba a la NBA luego de una exitosa carrera profesional y con más de 12 años de experiencia en Argentina y Europa, en equipos como Atenas de Córdoba (Argentina), Olympiacos Pireo (Grecia), Tau Cerámica y Pamesa Valencia (España), además de la selección Argentina.

Horry For 3!
08-24-2005, 08:34 PM
That first pic is hugeeeee.

Kori Ellis
08-24-2005, 08:35 PM
Yeah I was going to reduce it but then I figured if someone was interested in making wallpapers, they could use it because it's high resolution.

Horry For 3!
08-24-2005, 08:54 PM
Yeah I was going to reduce it but then I figured if someone was interested in making wallpapers, they could use it because it's high resolution.
True, I saved it.

08-24-2005, 09:18 PM
damn, there's another cutie in the Spurs roster.

penetrating eyes...

love the mole on the cheeks.....:D

08-24-2005, 09:22 PM
That conference was a pain on the ass, lol, i turned it off after half a minute.
However, Oberto will be great.

08-24-2005, 09:36 PM
I thought Oberto did well. I understood almost everything he said.

Oberto seems really nice. The Spurs are lucky to have him.

P.S. No worries Slovenia! The way I count 8 always comes before 7. = )

08-24-2005, 09:36 PM
Omg cut his ugly hair...

08-24-2005, 09:42 PM
I thought Oberto did well. I understood almost everything he said.

Oberto seems really nice. The Spurs are lucky to have him.

P.S. No worries Slovenia! The way I count 8 always comes before 7. = )

http://www.smileys.ws/sm/action/00000033.gif :lol

08-25-2005, 01:25 AM
I tried to make myself useful translating the note posted by Kori.
It is not complete translation but at least is something. Here it goes.

MIAMI, Florida (August the 24Th, 2005) – The latest player signed by the San Antonio Spurs, Fabricio Oberto from Argentina, is officially introducing the #7 jersey (number he will wear with the NBA champion) during an autograph signing event, this Friday August 26 at 5:00 PM (Local time) in Cordoba city. (Argentina).

The official jersey, manufactured by Indian Creek….(official distributor of NBA products in Argentina), will be reveled to the public in a one our autograph signing session …..same as above….

The Argentinean signed a contract with the San Antonio Spurs last August the 2nd becoming the most important addition to the reigning NBA champions.

The NBA is a leader in clothing trends around the world, being adopted by artists and celebrities to express their own personality and style of life and we are pleased to see that the same is happening in Argentina” quoted Dean Schwartz. Bla….bla…bla…

At his turn the Argentinean player made the following comment: “To introduce the official jersey that I am going to wear with the Spurs is a great privilege for me, and more so when I do it in Cordoba, the city where I started my sporting carrier and where basketball is greatly embraced.

More bla…bla…bla from an other Indians Creek executive, Javier Vilouta…

Sales reports indicate so far this year, that the more popular teams in Argentina are: San Antonio Spurs, Los Angeles Lakers, Chicago Bulls, New York Knicks and Cleveland Cavaliers. Now regarding players jerseys the ones with more demand are: Manu Ginobili, Andres Nocioni, Kobi Bryant, LeBron James and Reggie Miller.

The article ends saying that Oberto arrives to the NBA after a successful carrier with more than 12 years of experience in Argentina and Europe and lists the teams he had played for.

Kori Ellis
08-25-2005, 02:00 AM
Thanks very much Taladro. And welcome to the forum. :)

Marcus Bryant
08-25-2005, 08:18 AM
Next summer the Spurs will add Hermann and will have, yes, Tres Amigos.

You know it's coming, Spurs fans.

08-25-2005, 08:46 AM
Next summer the Spurs will add Hermann and will have, yes, Tres Amigos.

You know it's coming, Spurs fans.
No Scola? :depressed

08-25-2005, 08:51 AM
yeah the spurs could bring in Herrmann and Scola in next season but why not bring in Herrmann in now to learn the system(and we need a backup SF) with Oberto; and to have the combo of Manu, Herrmann, and Oberto on the court at the same time would be deadly

08-25-2005, 09:29 AM
thanks for the link! :)
My fav part is where he says;"when I'm playing basketball my concerns are for the team, not my situatuation or stats" :tu :tu
Now thats the kinda guy that'll fit in in no tiem on this team.

I'm loving his eyes and eyebrows.. .good strong chin.
But I see that he;s suffering form the same allergy to good hair care that my own sweet Manu is. :( :lol

08-25-2005, 09:58 AM

08-25-2005, 10:04 AM
thanks for the link! :)
My fav part is where he says;"when I'm playing basketball my concerns are for the team, not my situatuation or stats" :tu :tu
Now thats the kinda guy that'll fit in in no tiem on this team.

I'm loving his eyes and eyebrows.. .good strong chin.
But I see that he;s suffering form the same allergy to good hair care that my own sweet Manu is. :( :lol

:lol Yea, his hair needs work....

Marcus Bryant
08-25-2005, 10:08 AM
All in all, a fairly impressive acquisition. The Pistons just paid $3.5 mil per for a 57 year old Dale Davis.

The Spurs need to continue to go back to that South American well.

08-25-2005, 11:04 AM
So what's his nick? How long before SA dubs him "Fabio"? (or did I already miss that?)

08-25-2005, 11:31 AM
I believe Manu referred to him as "Fabri". The "Oh Boy" Oberto reference works for me.

Marcus Bryant
08-25-2005, 11:40 AM
Add Scola and Hermann and continue to kick the NBA's ass for the rest of the decade.

08-25-2005, 12:12 PM
yeah the spurs could bring in Herrmann and Scola in next season but why not bring in Herrmann in now to learn the system(and we need a backup SF) with Oberto; and to have the combo of Manu, Herrmann, and Oberto on the court at the same time would be deadly

Yeah... TD and TP should enroll in Spanish classes (Bowen is already proficient enough).... That way the Spurs could call some of their plays in Spanish (especially in transition) and leave the opposing team even more confused....

Solid D
08-26-2005, 01:19 PM