View Full Version : Here come the Perseids! (METEOR SHOWERS)

08-10-2005, 05:11 AM
Meteor Showers (http://skyandtelescope.com/observing/objects/meteors/article_1557_1.asp)

Here Come the Perseids!
The late-night sky will be moonless for meteor watching during this year's shower.


The most familiar annual meteor shower — which happens during many people's vacation seasons — should reach its 2005 peak on Thursday and Friday nights, August 11–12 and 12–13. The first-quarter Moon will set in mid- to late evening, leaving the sky nicely dark for the prime meteor-watching hours from about midnight until the first glimmer of dawn.
During those hours the shower's radiant point, located between Perseus and Cassiopeia, will be getting high in the northeast — so meteors should flash across all parts of the sky at a rate of about one a minute as seen by a single observer.

That, anyway, is the prediction if your sky is good and dark. But even if you live under moderate light pollution, as most people do, you can catch at least the brightest of the Perseids.

The normal, dependable component of this "old faithful" shower should reach its broad maximum around 17 hours Universal Time on August 12th, which in North America is around the middle of the day (1 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time). So for meteor watchers here, the nights before and after should be about equally good. Fortunately, the Perseids stay active for several days before and after their peak.

In addition, there's a slight chance that a brief extra peak, lasting perhaps a few hours, may arrive around 9 hours UT August 12th (5 a.m. EDT, 2 a.m. PDT). Mikiya Sato in Japan calculates that at that time, Earth may pass through a streamer of material that was shed from the Perseids' parent comet, Swift-Tuttle, during its pass by the Sun in the year 1479. Last year's Perseid shower displayed a very strong extra peak due to a similar streamer shed by the comet in 1862.

You need no experience to watch the Perseids. Just find a spot with an open sky view and no late-night lights nearby. Bundle up warmly, lie back on a ground pad or reclining lawn chair, and watch the stars. I use a sleeping bag, sometimes with an electric heating pad inside. The bag not only provides warmth against the late-night chill but also serves as mosquito armor in this era of West Nile virus. Cover your remaining exposed parts (including hair and clothing) with DEET-based mosquito repellent and you won't get bit; at least I don't.

Be patient, and give your eyes plenty of time to dark-adapt. The direction to watch is not necessarily toward Perseus but wherever your sky is darkest, probably straight up.

Keeping Count

Much more enjoyable than informal watching, however, is making a scientific meteor count by standardized methods. This way you can contribute to our ongoing knowledge of how the Perseid shower changes from year to year.

To do this you'll need a fairly dark sky, preferably in which you can see stars to at least magnitude 5.5 with your naked eyes. You'll need a watch and either a notepad and pencil or a tape recorder into which to speak notes.

Once you're settled in, dark-adapted, and ready to start, note the time. Whenever you see a meteor, note it with either P for Perseid or NP for non-Perseid, depending on whether its path, if traced far enough back across the sky, would intersect northern Perseus. It's also highly desirable, though not essential, to estimate each meteor's peak magnitude.

Most of the time nothing will be happening. Use this time to find your naked-eye limiting magnitude in the part of the sky you're watching (charts for this purpose are on the Web sites listed below), and note this along with the time. Do it again if sky conditions or your dark adaptation change.

It's okay to take an occasional break; note the time when you stop watching and when you start again. You should note down the time about every half hour in any case.

Finally, estimate what percentage of your view is obstructed by trees, buildings, or clouds (not counting the outermost part of your peripheral vision, which is mostly insensitive to meteors anyway). If the amount of obstruction changes, such as by clouds coming and going, note a new estimate and the time. Quit if the obstruction becomes more than 20 percent.

If two or more people observe together, each needs to make her or his own separate count, limiting-magnitude estimate, and other notes completely uninfluenced by anyone else. Work exactly as if alone. You may want to face different directions, and talk about other topics.

The purpose of all this is to give your numbers meaning; that is, to make them convertible to the standard measure of the true meteor activity, the zenithal hourly rate or ZHR. This is the number of meteors that would be seen by a single observer per hour if the shower’s radiant were at the zenith, if the view were unobstructed, and if the sky were dark enough for 6.5-magnitude stars to be visible.

A good activity profile — a graph of how the ZHR behaves from the shower's beginning to end — requires many thousands of meteors counted the same way by many observers. Ideally, the counters should be spaced all around the globe to keep the shower under continuous, 24-hour watch for several days running. The more good counts are made, the more accurately the final graph will represent the shower's actual behavior. Observers are especially needed at Earth's sparsely populated longitudes, as well as at longitudes that are mostly clouded out.

Official instructions, star maps for finding your naked-eye limiting magnitude, and report forms for submitting your observations are on the International Meteor Organization’s Web site at www.imo.net/visual/major01.html, and also on the North American Meteor Network’s site at www.namnmeteors.org/. You can report your observations to either group; data are shared between them.

The central Internet hangout for meteor observers, full of news and comment, is www.meteorobs.org. After making a count, observers often log on to compare what they saw with their late-night compatriots around the world.

Sky & Telescope senior editor Alan M. MacRobert first watched the Perseids with his dad in 1966.

I'm kinda looking forward to these two nights. It's a good thing they land on my nights off from work. I'll be looking out for them. :fro

How about a Meteor Watching GTG? hehehe :smokin :blah :smokin

The sone
08-10-2005, 09:46 PM
I guess I'll do it since someone else won't.

08-10-2005, 09:48 PM
I guess I better score some her before the 11th

08-10-2005, 09:48 PM
Awesome! Meteor showers are cool!

Faccia di Angelo
08-10-2005, 09:49 PM
awesome! I'll have a sweet view from my car. ;)
Lets have the GTG in your truck! you supply the blankets

Faccia di Angelo
08-10-2005, 09:50 PM
I guess I'll do it since someone else won't.
ese hombre no tiene paciencia.

08-10-2005, 09:52 PM
ese hombre no tiene paciencia.

30 Fuken minutes is more than enough patience.

Faccia di Angelo
08-10-2005, 09:55 PM
hey! language! :cuss

N.Y. Johnny
08-10-2005, 10:18 PM
hey! language! :cuss

what the fuck? :lol :drunk

The sone
08-10-2005, 10:37 PM
shower...i dont need no stinkin shower!!

08-10-2005, 11:10 PM
shower...i dont need no stinkin shower!!

Or stinkin badges!!

08-10-2005, 11:12 PM
From my Astronomy prof...

Perseids could be good on two nights,
from about 1130pm to dawn on Thursday / Friday August 11 / 12
from about 1130pm to dawn on Friday / Saturday August 12 / 13, 2005.

08-11-2005, 12:33 AM
I'll be watching!!

08-11-2005, 12:39 AM
can I watch with you Z?

08-11-2005, 12:41 AM

08-11-2005, 12:42 AM
why is it that you are laughing

08-11-2005, 12:47 AM

08-11-2005, 12:49 AM
It's on. :smokin

Faccia di Angelo
08-11-2005, 09:31 PM
there's no way I can stay up tonight to watch em, but I can still watch them tomorrow night right?
can they be captured on film?
take pics Z!

08-11-2005, 09:32 PM
I'm going to try to get some photos.

I'm about ready to head out of San Marcos to find a decent spot to watch.

08-11-2005, 09:34 PM
Z and I already have our spot all picked out.
Gonna be great!!!

Faccia di Angelo
08-11-2005, 09:38 PM
lol where?? by the airport?
be careful, Z likes to cuddle :lmao

08-11-2005, 09:52 PM
The best way to capture pictures will be time lapsed photography in a really dark place. Everywhere else you will get too much exsposure from the lights around you. There is no way to capture a picture without time lapse unless you are the luckiest person in the world.

I'm up for watching them tomorrow night.

08-11-2005, 10:10 PM
Z and I already have our spot all picked out.
Gonna be great!!!

Shhh...it's our secret man!!!

I'm heading out of SA to check this out.

08-11-2005, 10:12 PM
Yeah you can't watch this in the city very well. Drive out for half an our west, and you're set.

08-11-2005, 10:16 PM
I'm prolly heading south..

08-11-2005, 10:17 PM
Screw you then! Go south!

08-11-2005, 10:18 PM


08-11-2005, 10:20 PM
manny the sone here...lets do pre-flight here..nuthin' like meteor showers on...da smoke!!

08-11-2005, 10:24 PM
:lol Get on AIM.

Horry For 3!
08-11-2005, 10:44 PM
It is tonight.

08-11-2005, 11:21 PM
It got cloudy!`

08-12-2005, 12:16 AM
I saw three meteors for sure and about 7-8 maybes.

That was in a little less than two hours about 15 minutes outside of SM on Ranch Road 12.

Johnny Tightlips
08-12-2005, 01:17 AM
I seen alotta things.

Horry For 3!
08-12-2005, 01:40 AM
I'll go look outside in a lil bit.

08-12-2005, 07:36 AM
You saw 8 meteors in two hours? WTF? I can do that on a regular night. You should have seen closer to 50. How bright was the sky?

08-12-2005, 08:05 AM
You saw 8 meteors in two hours? WTF? I can do that on a regular night. You should have seen closer to 50. How bright was the sky?

It was on the early part of the shower (10p-12a), I also had to deal with cars driving past me (so much so that I finally moved my truck in a different direction to get a better view of the night sky.

Plus, I didn't keep my eyes open the whole time since it was so relaxing (sort of).

08-12-2005, 10:59 AM
It was on the early part of the shower (10p-12a), I also had to deal with cars driving past me (so much so that I finally moved my truck in a different direction to get a better view of the night sky.

Plus, I didn't keep my eyes open the whole time since it was so relaxing (sort of).

You never have your eyes open!

08-12-2005, 11:46 AM

You never have your eyes open!

How many people did you fit in one car so that you could go see the meteors?

08-12-2005, 11:49 AM
How many people did you fit in one car so that you could go see the meteors?
Psh, I could see 8 without even leaving SA. Maybe if you get some people to hold open your eyes.

Mr Furley
08-12-2005, 04:19 PM
Darn clouds.

Hopefully it will be better tonight.

Can I join in?

08-13-2005, 01:26 AM
I have only seen one tonight!


Horry For 3!
08-13-2005, 01:29 AM
I have only seen one tonight!

Sucks for you! I have seen 30.

08-13-2005, 01:30 AM
I saw one of those earlier, just happened to be outside. Thought it was a really bright shooting star.

Pretty danged nifty.

Still, there was one night my girl and I sat and watched the skies and saw 16 (yes, sixteen) shooting stars. Just a regular night, no meteor shower or anything. We thought we had lost our minds, but we were seeing them in the same places, so at least if we're crazy, we're on the same page. :lol

The sone
08-13-2005, 01:35 AM
zstomp is a pinche liar...
aint no darn showers...i got out a new towel and everything

08-13-2005, 02:34 AM


Check this out, baby
tenemos tremendo lio
last night you didn't go
a la casa de tu tio (huh?)
resultase, hey you were at a party
higher than than the sky
emborrachada de Bacardi (no I wasn't)
I bet you didn't know que conoci al cantinero (what?)
He told me that you were drinking, and wasting my dinero
Talking about, come and enjoy what a woman gives a hombre
(but first of all see, I have to know your nombre)
now I really wanna ask ya, que si es verdad (would I lie?)
and please por favor, tell me la verdad
because I really need to know yeah necesito entender
If you're gonna be a player, or be my mujer
cause right now you're just a liar, a straight mentirosa (who me?)
Today you tell me something, y mańana otra cosa

[Santana Samples]

[Verse 2]
I remember the day, que tu me decia
Time and time again que tu me querias (I do!)
and at the time, hey! yo te creia
porque no sabia that you where a relambia
You and Fulanito y Menganito, Jose-ito y Fernandito
Larry, and Joey, y then his brother Chico (uh-uh)
Mucho de frontera, that's a straight skeeza
si quieres un pedacito go her way cause she's a pleasa
But I'll tell ya, straight up porque broder me di de cuenta
That on Main Street her cuerpo estaba a la venta
Now get some el que quiera, get some cualquiera
Hey yo, she don't care man, she's a tremenda fiera
Yeah, you're hot to try and out to get what I got
Pero ya que te conosco what I got I guess not (porque)
Cause you're just a mentirosa con tu lengua venenosa
Today you tell me somethin y mańana otra cosa

Mellow-"Girl, I can't believe you.
You know my mother's talking about me,
my friends are talking about me. Not me about you."
Girl-"About me?"
Mellow- "You're nothing but a skeezer"
Girl- "A skeezer? Don't be calling me no skeezer!"
Mellow-"S-si eres tremenda fletera mami uhuh la verdad."
Girl "Uhuh eso es que tu te piensas"
Mellow- "I bet you go to church and you're scared to confess."
Girl-"No, I do confess baby. I do confess."
Mellow-"Uh huh. Do you tell the truth, though?"
Girl-"Yeah I do."
Mellow-"Yeah right."
Girl-"Do you?"
Mellow-"Yeah! You're nothing but a skeezer you know what?
I got some other stories to say about you. And it goes like this."

[Verse 3]
Un dia estaba en tu casa y ring, there goes the phone
Recojiste y dijiste (call me back, I'm not alone)
El queria tu direccion, yeah just your address
y ante que colgaste I heard you say (I'll wear a dress)
Ay, alabao' que descar'a is what ran through my mind
So I said let's go out tonight
She said (we go out all the time!) Alabao' man!
Ella no sabia that yo, I knew her plan
de que iba a salir with that other man
So I told the girl in spanish I said hey! Ya me voy (pero porque?)
Cause you ain't treating me like I'm some sucker toy
Cause who needs you anyway (I need you!) con tu lengua venenosa
(no te vayes mellow no te vayes, yo te necesito!)
Today you tell me something, y manana otra cosa (tsk! but?!)

08-13-2005, 02:37 AM
Dude, whats next. Sally?

08-13-2005, 02:37 AM
My mom, sister and I saw 9 in the span of about an hour.

It was one weird night. We kept seeing flashes of light in the distance (like lightening). So strange. Then we were facing one way and my sister and I were sitting in front of her car and when we turned we saw some more flashes of light across the street but we couldn't see what it was because of the car. We both stood up and it stopped and then we saw a BRIGHT meteor. It was awesome. We all gasped. After that they weren't as bright but that was the first one we saw.

08-13-2005, 02:38 AM
Dude, whats next. Sally?

:lol remember that?

08-13-2005, 02:39 AM

It probably was lightning that you saw. There were some storms out west.

We didn't even attempt to see them tonight. We're pretty dead. But you've seen one shower, you've seen them all. I'm not sure anything I see in the future will beat the 98 Leonids. I must have seen about 100 in one hour within city limits. And they were all fireballs.

08-13-2005, 02:40 AM
:lol remember that?
Once upon a time, I dated a ghetto westside chick named Sally. I remember that song all too fucking well. http://spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smidepressed.gif

08-13-2005, 02:41 AM
The flashes were south though... It was just really strange.

08-13-2005, 02:41 AM

It probably was lightning that you saw. There were some storms out west.

We didn't even attempt to see them tonight. We're pretty dead. But you've seen one shower, you've seen them all. I'm not sure anything I see in the future will beat the 98 Leonids. I must have seen about 100 in one hour within city limits. And they were all fireballs.

Thats bullshit Manny!

It's like saying, I've had sex once, so I've seen it all.

You want to experience more!

08-13-2005, 02:42 AM
1, 2, 3
And I woke up early this morning and I went to the 5 and dime
I saw this pretty young lady that was real, real fine
I tapped her on the shoulder and said, “Mmm, mmm, excuse me, ma’am”
She pulled down her pants and said, “Splack these hands”

Sally “That Girl”
Sally, whew, “That Girl”

So we walked her to her house, as she opened up the door
It was heart-shaped bed in the middle of the floor
She pushed me on the bed and this you can bet
In between her legs was real, real wet
So I grabbed her by her thighs and I moved up truly
She jumped off the bed and said, “Don’t touch my booty”
“Don’t touch my booty ‘cause I won’t touch you”
“Don’t touch my booty ‘cause it’s not the thing to do”

Sally, whew, “That Girl”
Sally, whew, “That Girl”

So we bailed out her house just to get something to eat
We saw her friend named Patty walkin’ down the street
Patty turned around as we yelled out her name
She dropped to her knee and began to sing

Sally, whew, “That Girl”
Sally, whew, “That Girl”

Sally is a girl that likes to play
And if you want some lovin’ Sally is okay
She has a different fellow every day of the week
Two or maybe three just to make it sweet
Sally wants a man she can call her own
And sixty-seven hundred she can call on the phone
Sally’s never tired and she’s never alone
All Sally wants is a fellow with a room

Sally, whew, “That Girl”
Sally, whew, “That Girl”

That-that-that-that-that girl
That-that-that-that-that-that-that girl
That-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that girl (Sally)
That-that-that-that-that-that-that girl
That-that-that-that-that-that girl
That-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that-that girl-that-that girl (Sally)
That-that girl-that girl-that girl-that girl [Sally] (Sally) [Sally]
That-that-that-that-that-that girl
That-that-that-that-that-that girl
That-that-that-that-that girl (Sally)
That-that-that-that-that girl (Sally)
That-that-that-that-that girl
That-that-that-that-that girl

Wait a second, get the party started
Gucci’s here to put the love in your body

That-that-that-that-that girl
That-that-that-that-that girl
That-that-that-that girl (Sally)
That-that-that-that-that girl (Sally)
That-that-that-that-that girl
That-that-that-that girl
That-that girl, that-that girl
That girl (Sally, Sally) [Sally]


08-13-2005, 05:38 AM
I tried to watch last night.. clouds in the way.. sucked.

Faccia di Angelo
08-13-2005, 11:26 AM
awww man, I was out late last night and totally forgot to look up.
I hate being distracted.
Thanks for reminding me Z! :bang

where are the pictures?

08-13-2005, 12:30 PM
awww man, I was out late last night and totally forgot to look up.
I hate being distracted.
Thanks for reminding me Z! :bang

where are the pictures?

Distracted? is that what you call it?

you can't take pictures with a regular camera woman! think about it...you don't know when they are going to happen thus you can't take pictures. even if you do know when they are going to stirke, it's too far and too dark to take a picture. The flash in the camera doesn't reach the sky! duh! :lol

08-13-2005, 01:09 PM
You have to use either regular film with long exposure or a digital camera that can be adjusted to let the CCD take in more like (longer read)...

08-13-2005, 03:55 PM
My camera has a Super-CCD but I don't know what settings to put it on...besides... I didn't know when they would happen anyway since we only saw 9 the whole hour. :( Can't wait for the next shower...

Faccia di Angelo
08-13-2005, 11:36 PM
Distracted? is that what you call it?

you can't take pictures with a regular camera woman! think about it...you don't know when they are going to happen thus you can't take pictures. even if you do know when they are going to stirke, it's too far and too dark to take a picture. The flash in the camera doesn't reach the sky! duh! :lol
lol yes mr. smartass, thats what I call it. :eyebrows duh!

08-13-2009, 07:45 PM
Damn, I went out on my roof last night out in Boulder, Colorado and shit was crazy.

The first meteor was the biggest I had ever seen, was bright orange and left a streak in the sky at least 20 degrees. Then there were several large light blue ones, all very long.

Finally, out in the corner of the sky there were 3 HUGE ones that came in rapid succession that were green! It was so dope, made my night.