View Full Version : Former NSA Director: 'We Kill People Based On Metadata'

05-10-2014, 06:24 PM
"An article by David Cole at the NY Review of Books lays out why we should care as much about the collection of metadata as we do about the collection of the data itself. At a recent debate, General Michael Hayden, who formerly led both the NSA and the CIA, told Cole, 'we kill people based on metadata (http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/nyrblog/2014/may/10/we-kill-people-based-metadata/).' The statement is stark and descriptive: metadata isn't just part of the investigation. Sometimes it's the entire investigation. Cole talks about the USA Freedom Act, legislation that would limit the NSA's data collection powers if it passes. The bill contains several good steps in securing the privacy of citizens and restoring due process. But Cole says it 'only skims the surface.' He writes, 'It does not address, for example, the NSA's guerilla-like tactics of inserting vulnerabilities into computer software and drivers, to be exploited later to surreptitiously intercept private communications. It also focuses exclusively on reining in the NSA's direct spying on Americans. ... In the Internet era, it is increasingly common that everyone's communications cross national boundaries. That makes all of us vulnerable, for when the government collects data in bulk from people it believes are foreign nationals, it is almost certain to sweep up lots of communications in which Americans are involved.' He concludes, '[T]he biggest mistake any of us could make would be to conclude that this bill solves the problem.'"

05-11-2014, 03:42 AM
i guess these clowns still havnt learnt from the shit thats in movies, a computer cant compute whats right or wrong cause it has no feelings attachement to it...

05-11-2014, 09:56 AM
That's why NSA's "we only collect metadata" (which is a LIE, SOP for out-of-civilian-control NSA) is a farce.

Metadata is an extremely rich, informative, revealing, penetrating trove of data about anybody.