View Full Version : OT: NFL Draft CRUSHED the NBA and NHL Playoffs in the ratings

05-11-2014, 10:12 PM
We all know the NFL is the king of American sports. But, damn, the 2014 NFL Draft, competing against two mediocre NBA Playoff games and two pretty damn good NHL playoff games, just ABSOLUTELY SHATTERED THEM in the TV ratings.


Must be the infamous "San Antonio Effect" imo

05-11-2014, 10:14 PM
The pro bowl had better ratings than the NBA playoffs

05-11-2014, 10:15 PM
and yet nobody outside that miserable fat country gives a shit about the gimp retarded version of rugby :lmao

05-11-2014, 10:17 PM
No one wants to watch a fixed league. Stern and Silver fail to understand that the majority of fans realize that the officiating is biased. It obviously doesnt help that its predominantly a black sport, but it has a lot to do with the fixed part to. This is why the average fan hates Lebron and feels the league is fixed tbh.

05-11-2014, 10:18 PM
How did 2 small markets SA/POR pull a bigger number than 2 of the biggest markets MIA/NJN? Something fishy going on there...

05-11-2014, 10:20 PM
That's pretty horrible, 1st round of the playoffs was excellent though. An increase of 19% from last year.

Chief Brody
05-11-2014, 10:29 PM
How did 2 small markets SA/POR pull a bigger number than 2 of the biggest markets MIA/NJN? Something fishy going on there...
Miami was competing against the top 15-20 picks in the draft, Spurs were competing against the filler, yet only garnered 0.1 higher rankings.


05-11-2014, 10:41 PM
One draft down, one to go...

05-12-2014, 06:07 AM
Not surprising. I watched the draft over the games as well. it was just a game 2 semifinal game, nothing to get excited about tbh.

Ricky Davis
05-12-2014, 06:24 AM
Not surprising. I watched the draft over the games as well. it was just a game 2 semifinal game, nothing to get excited about tbh.


idk what they're expecting, are we supposed to watch every basketball playoff game on TV? We have lives too IMHO. I haven't watched a single game since Dallas got eliminated. Not that I don't care but I don't have time to just sit and watch basketball for 5 hours a day

05-12-2014, 07:41 AM
No one wants to watch a fixed league. Stern and Silver fail to understand that the majority of fans realize that the officiating is biased. It obviously doesnt help that its predominantly a black sport, but it has a lot to do with the fixed part to. This is why the average fan hates Lebron and feels the league is fixed tbh.

It bothers me to hear people like Steve Javie say "because he already has 5 fouls, you're going to probably give him the 50/50 calls". Imagine that "he" being someone like Baynes. He won't get the benefit of the doubt. Steve also said that technical fouls are often delayed if the player already has one and it means he will be booted from the game. He said refs will tighten up on the calls if the game becomes a shoving match. That's basically saying there is no real standard that they use, that it's totally up to the official whether or not to even consider anything a foul. So yeah, it's being admittedly controlled by the refs, and the refs are paid by the NBA who stands to profit most by certain outcomes.

However, I don't think that's why people don't watch. I think there are too many games in a season. Baseball is America's sport but there are so many games that you can miss half of them and still have a full NBA schedule number of games. The NBA has so many games that they have to force teams to play back to back nights just to get in all the games. With the toll the game takes on the players, having them in back to back games increases the chance of injury, and if you look across the league, you have so many stars injured at any give time that you're never guaranteed to see the matchups you'd take time out to watch. If every season was just the playoffs, they'd have a higher viewing audience. You wouldn't need to spend every other day watching a game.

Yeah, no one really wants to watch San Antonio play, just like no one wants to see Phil Mickelson put for birdie. Tiger is exciting, Lebron is exciting, Kobe is exciting (even if he's losing). Even OKC is borderline unwatchable. Those who will watch would have watched even if it wasn't SA or even if it wasn't Phil Mickelson. However I don't watch games because of the ratings. I watch because I like basketball. I'm not a football fan, but I will watch on occasion.

05-12-2014, 08:14 AM
:lmao watching a bunch of jigs answering cell phones

Who fuckin cares. For a fan base that makes fun of other teams for their regular season championships, you little bitches sure are quick to pull out the ratings card. No shit bigger markets have more bandwagon fans.

I'd say the bigger reason is the Rockets/Lin being knocked out and all of China not watching anymore.

05-12-2014, 08:19 AM
Yet the Spurs/Heat finals was the highest since the Jazz/Bulls finals.

And the Spurs/Blazer higher than the Heat/Nets ratings. Football is the most popular sport in America. Has nothing to do with the Spurs playing or not.

05-12-2014, 08:20 AM
Miami was competing against the top 15-20 picks in the draft, Spurs were competing against the filler, yet only garnered 0.1 higher rankings.

Sad.Manziel was still waiting to get drafted during the Spurs/Blazers game, and by the time he got drafted, the spurs were up by 20+

05-12-2014, 08:23 AM
Agree with DMC, every standard is rather fluid than rigid, just like norms which are mostly descriptive rather than prescriptive. The norms are determined by the social circumstances but may still be considerably influenced by subjective desires, norms or standards are the compound of subjective and objective elements imho.

05-12-2014, 09:08 AM
The draft is far more enjoyable than any average game. It involves every team in the league and is the sport fan's equivalent of opening presents on Christmas morning.

I'm a Spurs fan and I put the draft on higher priority because the Spurs have mentally destroyed the Blazers beyond repair.

The Gemini Method
05-12-2014, 10:37 AM
Jadeveon Clwoney + Johnny Football + Oakland/Dallas Folly + Michael Sam = Easy ratings...

05-12-2014, 10:46 AM
Why do people on this board care about ratings?

The Gemini Method
05-12-2014, 10:47 AM
Why do people on this board care about ratings?

Because we are all part of the Iluminati, duh.

Clipper Nation
05-12-2014, 11:02 AM
No one wants to watch a fixed league. Stern and Silver fail to understand that the majority of fans realize that the officiating is biased. It obviously doesnt help that its predominantly a black sport, but it has a lot to do with the fixed part to. This is why the average fan hates Lebron and feels the league is fixed tbh.
:lmao Lakerfan whining about "rigged officiating" never stops being hilarious....

05-12-2014, 11:13 AM
and yet nobody outside that miserable fat country gives a shit about the gimp retarded version of rugby :lmao

They call it football, but is actually played mostly with the hands. fat turds.

Clipper Nation
05-12-2014, 11:54 AM
They call it football, but is actually played mostly with the hands. fat turds.
:lmao Soccer
:lmao Third-world joke of a "sport"
:lmao NASCAR and professional poker > soccer

Also, anyone with a brain realizes that American football is called football because the sport was originally derived from rugby football.... it's the same thing with Canadian football and Australian football :lol

05-12-2014, 01:36 PM
:lmao Soccer
:lmao Third-world joke of a "sport"
:lmao NASCAR and professional poker > soccer

Also, anyone with a brain realizes that American football is called football because the sport was originally derived from rugby football.... it's the same thing with Canadian football and Australian football :lol

I don't give a fuck about soccer or football. Soccer fans are lifeless thugs who spend most of the time hating each other just because they are supporters of different teams. But it doesn't change the fact the oval ball rabbit and dog sport is played with the hands. And has fat turds with an average 70 IQ as fans.

Malik Hairston
05-12-2014, 01:37 PM
Not sure why people are surprised, tbh..

The NFL has been at the top for a while now, and it's going to continue to dominate..football is a more exciting sport, there is more parity, it's marketed around teams over players(with certain exceptions), and it's much easier for a shitty NFL team to turn it's fortunes around than it is for a shitty NBA franchise, tbh..

Officiating has no weight here, as the NFL officiating is even worse than NBA officiating IMO..

05-12-2014, 01:42 PM
Agree with everything that HH said except for the part about football being more exciting than basketball tbh...

The product/sport of football itself is more boring to watch but the fact that every NFL game matters unlike 90% of NBA games makes up for it I guess.

05-12-2014, 01:46 PM
Every game/week in the NFL means something. It's an event, with great fan interaction (tailgating, fantasy, betting, g2g's). You could literally disregard most of the NBA season b/c it means jack shit--and its playoffs are way too long (2 months is asinine and for the most part anticlimactic).

Malik Hairston
05-12-2014, 01:47 PM
Basketball as a sport is much more exciting than football in their purest forms, but the NFL football is more exciting than the NBA basketball strictly as leagues IMO..

Waking up on Sunday and getting my bets/fantasy football lineups ready is the most exciting aspect of sports fandom IMO, NBA can't compete with that..

The NFL trying to expand their schedule to additional days outside of Sunday/Monday is only going to hurt the appeal IMO..a big part of the NFL's excitement factor is the build-up to Sunday's games and MNF..

Clipper Nation
05-12-2014, 01:48 PM
Not sure why people are surprised, tbh..

The NFL has been at the top for a while now, and it's going to continue to dominate..football is a more exciting sport, there is more parity, it's marketed around teams over players(with certain exceptions), and it's much easier for a shitty NFL team to turn it's fortunes around than it is for a shitty NBA franchise, tbh..

Officiating has no weight here, as the NFL officiating is even worse than NBA officiating IMO..

Other than the officiating, none of that is true anymore, tbh....

"More exciting sport" - the game is actually becoming less exciting and more watered down with Goodell's pussified rule changes.... seeing Brady and Fivehead get bailed out Durbeta-style every game in the regular season with timely bullshit holding or PI calls in order to inflate their stats and help them win is extremely boring....

"More parity" - the vast majority of championships in the Super Bowl era have been won by five teams: the Steelers, the Cowboys, the Niners, the Packers, and the Giants.... this is basically the same lack of parity that NBA-hating football fans criticize the NBA for :lol

"Teams over players" - fantasy football has changed the marketing of the league so it has become more geared towards individuals and their stats.... Brady and Fivehead dominate 90% of NFL coverage every year :lol

"Turnarounds" - it's actually easier for a mediocre team to turn things around, while hopeless franchises like the Bills, Browns, and Jaguars continue to be abominable every year

Tradition is what still keeps the NFL at the top, but that used to be true of baseball.... if the product continues to become watered-down, if the concussion/CTE issue worsens, and if the league continues to alienate its paying customers, the football bubble will burst just like it did for baseball....

Malik Hairston
05-12-2014, 01:49 PM
And in all honesty, as much as Dad Killer helped the NBA during the 90s, he also caused severe damage to it going forward IMO..he was the originator of superstar, selfish basketball that turned off many NBA fans and viewers, and the reason there are so many misconceptions and inaccurate perceptions of today's players..

05-12-2014, 01:52 PM
Football has sucked for me, tbh...love the tradition, but the heartbreak every god damn year has made me a sick-puppy.

05-12-2014, 01:54 PM
Yeah, all the external factors associated with football obviously make it the more exciting event, just the actual sport itself is not that fun to watch outside of a few plays. Maybe it's bias since I find most sports outside of basketball to be pretty dull in comparison. Just shows how great of a marketing job the NFL has done over the years....

I guess I'd still rather watch Nick Young go 1 v 4 on a fastbreak than to see Trent Richardson carry for -2 yards on every other play tbh.

05-12-2014, 01:54 PM
I had two televisions going. One on NBA and other on NFL draft. I was only watching draft mostly to see where Manziel was going. Once he got drafted I didnt care too much anymore and turned off second television to watch Spurs game.

Clipper Nation
05-12-2014, 02:00 PM
And in all honesty, as much as Dad Killer helped the NBA during the 90s, he also caused severe damage to it going forward IMO..he was the originator of superstar, selfish basketball that turned off many NBA fans and viewers, and the reason there are so many misconceptions and inaccurate perceptions of today's players..
I agree with this, but I'll also point out that the league's marketing department was just as complicit.... they've always promoted Dad Killer as a basketball demigod who never lost a game and won all his championships 1-on-5.... they've swept his epic chokejobs under the rug, omitted the fact that he eventually started trusting his teammates when he got older (remember his clutch pass to Steve Kerr?), and reduced Pippen to a sidekick instead of the legitimately great player he was.... Dad Killer, the myth has surpassed Dad Killer, the player :lol

05-12-2014, 02:55 PM
I don't give a fuck about soccer or football. Soccer fans are lifeless thugs who spend most of the time hating each other just because they are supporters of different teams. But it doesn't change the fact the oval ball rabbit and dog sport is played with the hands. And has fat turds with an average 70 IQ as fans.


05-12-2014, 02:56 PM
Trent Richardson carry for -2 yards on every other play tbh.
:cry SEC SEC SEC :cry

05-12-2014, 04:23 PM
The NHL will never be number one because only 1/4 of the league is Americans. Hillbillies, hipsters, and brothers don't want to watch it because hockey is a regional sport in America. The NFL is number one because its season is like the season of a TV show. There isn't a lot of time and devotion put into it too. It's also easy to follow and a weekly sport. All other sports play several times a week. People's attention spans aren't that long anymore especially with the internet and tablets and phones. The NBA can help get close to the NFL in ratings and popularity if there is more parity. Start giving teams like the Kings, Jazz, Bucks, and Pelicans a chance at making the playoffs.

05-12-2014, 05:19 PM
Here's the thing most if not all have missed: Every team has fans and every fan cares about the draft. If it was one game, that would be different, but the draft affects every team in some fashion so it makes sense that every fan would want to see it. With the NBA, you only watch your team's game or some other front running monkeyballers.

05-12-2014, 05:20 PM
I don't give a fuck about soccer or football. Soccer fans are lifeless thugs who spend most of the time hating each other just because they are supporters of different teams. But it doesn't change the fact the oval ball rabbit and dog sport is played with the hands. And has fat turds with an average 70 IQ as fans.

Just out of curiosity, when was the last time we air dropped a pallet of rice in your town?

05-12-2014, 07:43 PM
Just out of curiosity, when was the last time we air dropped a pallet of rice in your town?

LOL wut?

05-12-2014, 10:37 PM
Just out of curiosity, when was the last time we air dropped a pallet of rice in your town?


05-12-2014, 10:53 PM
The gay community bumping those numbers up, tbh.

05-12-2014, 10:59 PM
how does it feel to an average american to have to now share their beloved sport with the gay community??

05-12-2014, 11:08 PM
how does it feel to an average american to have to now share their beloved sport with the gay community??

I don't know yet, but rest assured I'll ask soccerfan about how to deal with it when the time comes.

05-12-2014, 11:56 PM
I don't know yet, but rest assured I'll ask soccerfan about how to deal with it when the time comes.

let me know once you get an answer. :lmao

in the meantime i'll go ahead and laugh at America's Sport getting taken over by chicks with dicks :lmao

05-12-2014, 11:57 PM

tbh the sport is fitting for gays, just look at this thing called the "snap" :lol :lmao

05-12-2014, 11:57 PM


Clipper Nation
05-13-2014, 12:14 AM



05-13-2014, 12:20 AM
:lol@hater fighting a losing battle...you have to photoshop NFL pics to make them gay, whereas I can post any screenshot of any given soccer game and it's infinitely more homosexual.

:loldaisy dukes
:lolidiot fans who go to the games just to blow into a vuvuzela and riot
:lolmost effeminate sport in the world

05-13-2014, 12:26 AM
I'll never understand why. Football is a barrel-scraper of a sport tbh.

05-13-2014, 12:30 AM
Stick to sports with a one-page playbook...all the little nuances and the vast amount of strategy that goes into football aren't for everybody. For those people I recommend african volleyball or commie roundballing.

Clipper Nation
05-13-2014, 12:36 AM
I'll never understand why. Football is a barrel-scraper of a sport tbh.

:lmao NASCAR and professional poker are more of a sport than soccer....

05-13-2014, 12:39 AM
I think NBA basketball is much more exciting than NFL football...but it's hard to imagine watching NBA without the Spurs as a good team. When Duncan retires, I might not watch as much...he's the main reason I love basketball.

But, at the same time, I think my appreciation for basketball will carry on without him, and I'll still prefer watching NBA over NFL. Basketball is a simpler game, yet more dynamic at the same time.

05-13-2014, 12:40 AM
I recommend african volleyball or commie roundballing.


05-13-2014, 12:51 AM
:lmao NASCAR and professional poker are more of a sport than soccer....

Soccer's a shit sport too.

05-13-2014, 05:08 PM
:lmao NASCAR and professional poker are more of a sport than soccer....


Football players have an expansive 100-yard field, and spend hours moving up and down it. So it would seem like they do a lot of running. That's true enough—while the ball is in play. But according to the Wall Street Journal, players are only actually moving for 11 minutes on average during an NFL game :lol. Only 11 minutes of action! The rest is mostly standing around, with the occasional momentum-killing penalty review thrown in for good measure.

Kinda breaks the heart, doesn't it? Again, turning to a chart over at SportVU, it seems that even the players that run the most (cornerbacks and wide receivers, generally) only run about 1.25 miles per game. That said, some of them are reaching speeds of 21.5 miles per hour, which is scary fast for dudes that size.

This shouldn't surprise anyone who's played the game, but soccer players (also know as "football players" if you come from a little place called "Everywhere That Isn't the United States") run their balls off. Games last 90 minutes, they have a large field (between 100 yards and 130 yards long and 50 to 100 yards wide), the ball is constantly in motion and may travel great distances in a matter of seconds, requiring the players to give chase. Obviously, there is some variation depending on the position they play—midfielders run the most; the goalie not so much—but it's not uncommon for a player to average seven miles per game. Seven! SportVU has tracked players running as much as 9.5 miles in a game.

So, if someday you find yourself betting on an inter-sport half-marathon, the smart money is on the soccer player. Those guys have some serious endurance chops. In contrast, I guess we know why baseball is the American pastime. Whatever, pass the Pringles.

05-13-2014, 05:19 PM
^ :lmao

im not surprised fat america looks up to these types of spots as they themselves would rather move 5% of the time :lol

Clipper Nation
05-13-2014, 05:25 PM
:lmao Soccer
:lmao Third-world joke of a "sport"
:lmao 0-0 ties

05-13-2014, 05:26 PM
^ :lmao

im not surprised fat america looks up to these types of spots as they themselves would rather move 5% of the time :lol

NFL, MLB, NASCAR, golf, poker. NBA is their only saving grace and they would rather watch a gay dude kissing his white boy on draft day than a playoffs game.

Clipper Nation
05-13-2014, 05:29 PM
:lmao Sissy Europeans and third-world countries would rather riot over 0-0 ties than watch a real man's sport

05-13-2014, 05:38 PM
LOL fuck soccer too.

Doesnt change the fact that American Football is nothing more than a pussified weak more boring version of Rugby
