View Full Version : OT: Donald Sterling In A Lot Ways Is Actually Keeping It Real

05-13-2014, 11:31 AM
I know he's a racist but some of this shit is pretty accurate.

Sterling: “What has he done, can you tell me? Big Magic Johnson, what has he done?”

Cooper: “He’s opened a lot of businesses in inner-city neighborhoods …”

Sterling: “I’m just telling you, he’s done nothing! It’s all talk!”

Cooper: “Are you telling me that African-Americans don’t contribute as much to their own communities as Jewish …”

Sterling: “There’s no African-American that … I’m sorry. They all want to play golf with me. Everybody wants to be with me.”

I think it's a gut check to a lot athletes opening up shell foundations and just going around banging Ho's....lol (even though Sterling was doing the same thing)

Read on:

“I spend millions on giving away, and helping minorities. Does [Magic Johnson] do that? Jews, when they get successful, they will help their people. And some of the African-American – maybe I’ll get in trouble again – they don’t want to help anybody. What has Magic Johnson really done for children’s hospitals? Where kids are lying in the hallways? They’re sick. They need a bed. What has he done for any hospital? What has he done for any group? I don’t know. Maybe he’s done a lot.”

He's a racist but that's some pretty deep shit....He's challening all the rich blacks to their faces....the easy thing to do is write him off as just a crazy white man but I'm actually listening to what he's saying...basically what he's saying is that these athletes and movie stars view the common man the same way that Sterling views everyone :lol...the only difference is Sterling has no one that he looks up to while the athlete and entertainer wants to rub shoulders with and hang out with him because he's a billionaire....I'm kinda feeling Stern on that...I hear what he's saying

05-13-2014, 11:37 AM
I've always thought sterling is a nice guy and the whole racism issue is overblown.

Clipper Nation
05-13-2014, 11:38 AM
I've always thought sterling is a nice guy and the whole racism issue is overblown.
Let's not go overboard here.... ask his tenants how nice of a guy he was :lol

05-13-2014, 11:42 AM
Let's not go overboard here.... ask his tenants how nice of a guy he was :lol

never followed his other legal issues but ill take your word on it.

05-13-2014, 11:44 AM
I've always thought sterling is a nice guy and the whole racism issue is overblown.

I agree to an extent....his personal beef with Magic may stem from the fact that Magic made the Lakers relevant while the Clippers were the shit of the city for so long. He had to watch those 5 titles Magic won and I'm sure if he was asked he feels the same way about Kobe and his 5 titles...they affected his bottom line directly...but it was is own fault since he was actually taking advice from hookers on how to run his team.

I think he truly despises Magic more than anyone....and he knows he has no recourse to recover the team so I expect him to go nuclear even more so....real soon....just watch....tbh in a lot of ways I feel him on renting to blacks...not that I wouldn't rent to them but I'd be very selective of any group of people (black, mexican, Asain, etc) that glorified gun and gang violence in the inner city where my apts were being rented. However, he lumped everyone in and didn't background check his tenants...rather he chose to stereotype the lot....

Cleveland Steamer
05-13-2014, 12:02 PM
He's gnarly old dude whose filters are off.

05-13-2014, 01:01 PM
The sad part is there are much worst owners with much worst views. As scarface says, "You just know how to hide it better. Me? I dont have that problem"

Arnold Toht
05-13-2014, 01:04 PM
He is the mastermind behind the Clippers unprecedented run of 0&forever.

Clipper Nation
05-13-2014, 01:07 PM
He is the mastermind behind the Clippers unprecedented run of 0&forever.
& he's gone now... meanwhile, the masterminds behind the Lakers' unprecedented run of Chazz, The Sweep, The Begging, 48.5, The Tank, & 48 are still in place.

baseline bum
05-13-2014, 01:09 PM
The sad part is there are much worst owners with much worst views. As scarface says, "You just know how to hide it better. Me? I dont have that problem"

What worse owner is there than Tokowitz?

05-13-2014, 01:12 PM
& he's gone now... meanwhile, the masterminds behind the Lakers' unprecedented run of Chazz, The Sweep, The Begging, 48.5, The Tank, & 48 are still in place.

CN going balls deep in the German ass. :lol

Clipper Nation
05-13-2014, 01:13 PM
What worse owner is there than Tokowitz?
There are none, though Fredo will try to make a strong case over the coming decades :lol

05-13-2014, 01:14 PM
What worse owner is there than Tokowitz?

Give Dan "Glorified Loan Shark" Gilbert another decade or so and he might give Tokowitz a run for his money, tbh.

Clipper Nation
05-13-2014, 01:24 PM
CN going balls deep in the German ass. :lol
:lol I didn't even mention the upcoming Byron Scott Hiring, Melo Trade and Rudy Gay Max Contract....

baseline bum
05-13-2014, 02:05 PM
Give Dan "Glorified Loan Shark" Gilbert another decade or so and he might give Tokowitz a run for his money, tbh.

Gilbert may be an asshole and a criminal, but neither of those ever bothered me with Sterling. Sterling's consistent refusal to pay to put a decent product out and just getting fat off national and local TV packages is the problem.

05-13-2014, 02:12 PM
I know he's a racist but some of this shit is pretty accurate.

I think it's a gut check to a lot athletes opening up shell foundations

Thank you. I notice AC kept parroting "millions" that Magic has raised for AIDs, a subject no doubt close to Coopers heart since gay men are still the demographic with the highest percent affected.
Well, since Magics foundation has been in effect since 1992, is it really a high figure that "millions" has been raised.
Plus anything at 2 million and above can be called "million(s)".
To be sure, Magic has done more then most for HIV public relations.
But i wonder how many minorities he has helped to buy the drugs and treatment that he himself can afford?
Maybe Magic has, im just asking. You sure never hear anyone saying he has.

As to opening Chardyucks burnt coffee shops in low income areas, has this really helped? Chardyucks MO is to go into a neighborhood and force out mom and pop owned stores. They've done it a bazillion times and the main way they do it is by rent being seriously raised. Mom and pop get forced out, Chardyucks can afford the high rent then pass it on with their overpriced bullshit.

Hey, im sure some minorities that work as mid and upper management at Chardyucks in Compton have benefitted. I doubt other haves.

Lastly how much does Magic profit from his alleged "inner city urban" Chardyucks and movie theaters?

I noticed when Donny Sterling asked what has Magic really done for South LA he did not respond.

05-13-2014, 03:43 PM
The sad part is there are much worst owners with much worst views. As scarface says, "You just know how to hide it better. Me? I dont have that problem"

"You just need a bad guy like me. So you cant point a finger to your family and say. Theres a bad guy"