View Full Version : Clippers Blaming the refs is weak.

05-14-2014, 03:13 PM
From the moment the Clips got their 13 point lead, they proceeded to play some of the worst basketball that I've ever seen at the pro level, which is why they lost. OKC fought hard and the Clips panicked like a bunch of scared children. Griffin wanted no part of the ball, Crawford chucked some mind numbingly terrible shots, and Paul literally did everything possible to lose a basketball game in that last game. Yes, those last two calls were questionable, but the Clippers choked...period.

For the record: I didn't blame the refs for game 6 of the 2012 WCF.

05-14-2014, 03:16 PM
Spurfan has no room to lecture.

Clipper Nation
05-14-2014, 03:36 PM
Since some people are apparently confused, this is how the blame really ought to be broken down:

70% on Choke Paul for doing everything in his power to cost his team the game down the stretch and being a mentally weak, overpaid career loser

10% on Jamal Crawford for some of the wildest chucking this side of the Ellis/Jennings Bucks.... this guy is a regular-season player only and has no business being on a contender

10% on Tony Brothers, Tom Washington and Bennett Salvatore for blowing pivotal calls down the stretch and keeping MethKC in the game during the first half with foodstamp after foodstamp

5% on our bench in general for being absolutely useless and blowing the lead whenever they checked into the game

5% on the NBA for their broken replay system, which badly needs fixing so that these kinds of calls aren't even controversial anymore

05-14-2014, 03:39 PM
it just sucks because the clips got the short end of the stick against the warriors AND the thunder in the complete reverse scenarios

05-14-2014, 03:44 PM
Since some people are apparently confused, this is how the blame really ought to be broken down:

70% on Choke Paul for doing everything in his power to cost his team the game down the stretch and being a mentally weak, overpaid career loser

10% on Jamal Crawford for some of the wildest chucking this side of the Ellis/Jennings Bucks.... this guy is a regular-season player only and has no business being on a contender

10% on Tony Brothers, Tom Washington and Bennett Salvatore for blowing pivotal calls down the stretch and keeping MethKC in the game during the first half with foodstamp after foodstamp

5% on our bench in general for being absolutely useless and blowing the lead whenever they checked into the game

5% on the NBA for their broken replay system, which badly needs fixing so that these kinds of calls aren't even controversial anymore

It was a mixery of choking and incompetent refs.

Not scoring in the last 3:30 minutes (excluding FT's) is a choke. Simple as that.
First TO by CP3: Choke. Stupid possession.
Ball went out of bounds by OKC. Should have been Clipper ball: Incompetent refs.
Foul call against Paul on that Westbrook 3: Choke. If you are so dumb to foul Westbrick in such a situation, you don't deserve any better. And it was a clear foul. He hit Westbrick on the elbow.
Last possession, reaching foul by Jackson: Choke/Incompetent refs. Such a reaching foul almost never gets called in the final minutes, even though it should have been. However, Paul clearly overdribbled and choked himself into this situation.

And whilst the refs were bad, Doc should just keep his mouth shut. In every game he's constantly bitching and yelling to the refs while standing at the side line, yet he basically never gets T'd up for it. Can't really say I feel sorry for him. He's likely the least likeable coach out there right now. And I don't think the refs made Paul turning the ball over twice in the last minute or forced him to foul Westbrook.

05-14-2014, 03:53 PM
It was a mixery of choking and incompetent refs.

Not scoring in the last 3:30 minutes (excluding FT's) is a choke. Simple as that.
First TO by CP3: Choke. Stupid possession.
Ball went out of bounds by OKC. Should have been Clipper ball: Incompetent refs.
Foul call against Paul on that Westbrook 3: Choke. If you are so dumb to foul Westbrick in such a situation, you don't deserve any better. And it was a clear foul. He hit Westbrick on the elbow.
Last possession, reaching foul by Jackson: Choke/Incompetent refs. Such a reaching foul almost never gets called in the final minutes, even though it should have been. However, Paul clearly overdribbled and choked himself into this situation.

And whilst the refs were bad, Doc should just keep his mouth shut. In every game he's constantly bitching and yelling to the refs while standing at the side line, yet he basically never gets T'd up for it. Can't really say I feel sorry for him. He's likely the least likeable coach out there right now. And I don't think the refs made Paul turning the ball over twice in the last minute or forced him to foul Westbrook.

I don't blame Doc for going off on the refs. He had a legitimate gripe about the replay and the letter of the rule. If you are going to have clear rules and not follow them, then what's the damn point?

Doc pretty much hit it on the head when he said that his team had to perform a comedy of errors to lose that game, but they still shouldn't have been put in that situation per the rulebook. It seemed pretty obvious that that ball went off Jackson, and we all clearly know at this point that a foul should not influence a replay. (Coincidence that OKC is the team benefiting from this loose interpretation of the rule? You decide.)

Unfortunately, the league can't and won't do anything about it (surprised they haven't issued their standard empty apology letter already, tbh), and it also takes away any ammunition Doc could have used against his team. Now the players are not going to look upon themselves for what was, refs notwithstanding, a massive choke job. They are going to point at the officials instead of looking themselves in the mirror.

05-14-2014, 03:58 PM
Officiating affects games and bad officiating affects games. Not sure why a fan can't point out the bad officiating throughout a fan's career. Especially when its so obvously consistent.

so no. Its not weak to complain about officiating. This is like saying its weak to complain about our president and our laws.

05-14-2014, 04:00 PM
Officiating affects games and bad officiating affects games. Not sure why a fan can't point out the bad officiating throughout a fan's career. Especially when its so obvously consistent.

so no. Its not weak to complain about officiating. This is like saying its weak to complain about our president and our laws.


Clipper Nation
05-14-2014, 04:02 PM
It was a mixery of choking and incompetent refs.

I completely agree, and that's all I've been saying....

Was the reffing bad? Yes.

Did Choke Paul make it so their bad calls ended up deciding the game? Yes.

That's really all that needs to be said on the matter, tbh....

05-14-2014, 04:21 PM
Clippers choking and the refs giving OKC the game are not mutually exclusive alternative.

The Clippers certainly caused the game to be close and gave the ball away in the clutch, causing the loss.

The refs certainly gave OKC the game on that replay (and a few other arguable calls). This is just a fact.

The whole "only pussies and assholes blame officiating" sentiment is the reason why nothing gets done about guys like Tony Brothers. The NBA knows we'll forget the calls in a week and remember CP3 choking, because for some reason it's "classless" to call a spade a spade. By the letter of the rules once it went to replay the Clippers should've gotten the ball and won the game, and the refs caused them not to. That's just a fact.

It's stupid if the Clippers continue to whine about it and dwell on it, but the fans should hold the NBA more accountable instead of just remembering CP3 choking. The Thunder have been handed two straight playoff series at this point.

The Gemini Method
05-14-2014, 04:41 PM
It goes both ways. You can't have a perfect world when there is a human element involved. The Clippers were beneficiaries of questionable calls through the game as well. That was no flagrant on Blake Griffin in the early part of the game. That was a normal foul. The refs got it wrong on the out of bounds play but they made their decision. It didn't mean that CP3 should act like he forgot how to play the game in the situation. You blow a double-digit lead then you really don't get to gripe all that much. I'd say 85% CP# and the Clippers/15% on the refs. You control your own destiny.

05-14-2014, 04:49 PM
I don't blame Doc for going off on the refs. He had a legitimate gripe about the replay and the letter of the rule.

He had a legitimate gripe but complaining at that point was a terrible choice of judgment as he also puts the team at risk by getting a technical foul. That sequence also showed his lack of composure as he obviously didn't draw up a plan B. It was a 1 point game when Paul lost the ball from a no call reach from Jackson, and I couldn't believe when no one fouled Serge Ibaka immediately. Ubuntu is a horrible coach.

05-14-2014, 04:56 PM
I mean it was quite obvious that the Clippers got overconfident, they were milking the clock instead of closing it. You can't do that against a team that has Westbrook and Durant. Those two are absolutely lethal when t comes to scoring quick buckets.

05-14-2014, 06:57 PM
It's not even news the Thunder always get bullshit calls in their own favor, and there's never been any example more clear & convincing than the one last night. Durant was legit dude made some contested hardass 3's which drew the game close, it was once again Westchuck who attempted a stupid 3 and almost lost his team another game due to his own stupidity but was luckily bailed out by the refs.

05-14-2014, 07:07 PM
Since some people are apparently confused, this is how the blame really ought to be broken down:

70% on Choke Paul for doing everything in his power to cost his team the game down the stretch and being a mentally weak, overpaid career loser

10% on Jamal Crawford for some of the wildest chucking this side of the Ellis/Jennings Bucks.... this guy is a regular-season player only and has no business being on a contender

10% on Tony Brothers, Tom Washington and Bennett Salvatore for blowing pivotal calls down the stretch and keeping MethKC in the game during the first half with foodstamp after foodstamp

5% on our bench in general for being absolutely useless and blowing the lead whenever they checked into the game

5% on the NBA for their broken replay system, which badly needs fixing so that these kinds of calls aren't even controversial anymore

Every team outside of Miami and OKC would gladly trade their best player for Chris Paul.

And ZERO blame for Doc Rivers? Dude absolutely lost his cool during the most crucial moments of the game. Not sure what he was doing but it sure wasnt "coaching". They should get rid of his ass and promote Gentry.

Clipper Nation
05-19-2014, 08:36 PM
:lol Spurfan already blaming the refs

05-19-2014, 08:38 PM
:lol Spurfan already blaming the refs
blaming them for what? our lead in the 2nd quarter? just calling out bad calls when they're seen. nobody has said the officiating is costing us the game or anything like that

05-20-2014, 02:52 AM
"Clippers" fan still salty that his team choked and gave the series to the Thunder. Come on ol' sport, Chris Paul was never meant to make it out of the second round

The Batman
05-20-2014, 06:59 AM
My nigga CN, you have no room to talk about blaming officials. Let us proceed...

05-20-2014, 08:35 AM
:lol Spurfan already blaming the refs

How's the fishing out your way, bro?

05-20-2014, 08:39 AM
How's the fishing out your way, bro?

Not too good, only catch two bass a trip.

Clipper Nation
05-25-2014, 09:40 PM
Refs are cheating blatantly on national television.

Watch. Once the game isn't in question and OKC is guaranteed a victory, the refs will give us a bunch of "make up" calls during garbage time go make sure the FT disparity looks respectable.

I've never seen a team so loved by the refs. Disastrous. I have no words.

Spurs are playing like they expected this officiating.

Fucking bull shit! That was not an offensive foul on mills! Fuck you you crooked refs!:bang:bang:wtf:wtf

That Mills call was pathetic I'm sorry. The fix sure was in tonight..

And for those who think refs don't matter fuck you. The mills 3 a record ft disparity in the 3rd?

fuck the refs

jARS mEsH sEt
05-25-2014, 09:42 PM
:lol Spurfan already blaming the refs

I blamed the refs for calling a shit game when it was in favor of the spurs in the first half you fucking gook.

05-25-2014, 09:45 PM
I won't complain. I guess it is OK to jump on Tim Duncan's back and ride him like a horse. I guess that was not a foul.

Clipper Nation
05-25-2014, 09:45 PM
Apparently you can just jump on people and it isn't a foul, tbh.

we got boned tonight

The game ended when Patty's big three was taken away when it shouldn't have. Bullshit game, bullshit refs.

Guy lands on Duncan but no call. Then they call all our ticky tack fouls.

Refs going whistle crazy...

That bullshit call on patty fueled their run

05-25-2014, 09:47 PM
I don't get why CN thinks every spurfan is accountable for OP's thread

05-25-2014, 10:00 PM
I won't complain. I guess it is OK to jump on Tim Duncan's back and ride him like a horse. I guess that was not a foul.

True. It was a well-officiated game, particularly the Mills 3 call and the piggyback ride. :tu

05-25-2014, 10:39 PM
I think the calls in this game were definitely fair


But aside, Spurs did fuck them selves with the offensive rebounds okc got