View Full Version : What are your "I can't believe this happened to me" accidents?

David Bowie
08-11-2005, 02:13 AM
All right, I'll start off. I used to take dance clasess, and I was showing my roomate a move. There were a bunch of papers and an open three ring binder on the floor. I slipped on the papers, and On of my feet landed on the three ring binder, and it went through, kind of like a nail. It was very surprising for me, and I atually had to take the three ring binder out of my foot because it was stuck there. I got a tetnus shot the next day, adn couldn't really step on the heel of my foot for about 2 weeks. So, what strange accidents have you had?

08-11-2005, 02:39 AM
oh, and p.s..........................I had just gotten 2 new front tires(thinking I would save money and wait till the next payday to buy the rest) don't ever do this.
why not

08-11-2005, 02:52 AM
I got deferred adjudication on one day (probation for 90 days, any crime and i pay a 200 dollar fee on top) and then get pulled over by a highway patrol man the next day for going 70 in a 55 (i had cruise control set at 70 bc of the fucking D.A. and did not see the 55 sign)

luckily i took Manny's advice and verbally S'ed the officer's D and he let me go with a warning
i was sooo lucky

08-11-2005, 08:41 AM
I was walking down the hall as a senior in high school on the way to a Senior meeting, when someone called my name from behind so i turned to look back to see who it was.......at the same exact time somebody opened the library door really hard, and i turned back just in time to catch the corner of the door right above my eye, i split my forhead open pretty good i touched the wound saw there was blood and was like okay i gotta go to the nurse now. It wouldnt have been so bad if the entire Senior class wasnt behind me.

08-11-2005, 09:16 AM
When I was 15 my mom had been disabled for a few yrs and my dad was in "california" "working".... I was in school and was working full time..... so the house had gone to SHIT. One day i'd had enough and decided to clean it out starting on the 2nd floor. I cleaned sorted and organized for 4 hours and had acumilated a couple of hefty bags worth of crap. Being tired I didn't want to carry them all the way downstairs and down to the curb... soooo smart me comes up with this idea to just shove them out the window. they'd land in the flower beds which were full of dead leaves protecting my mothers bublbs from winter. :tu good idea right?
wrong! bags 1 and 2 go out just fine, land in leaves, don't split open.. A OK.
I go to push bag #3 out the window and BANG! the storm window comes slamming down and snipped off the end of my finger. my middle finger on my left hand all the way down to the begining of the nail bed. :vomit

makes me sick just rembering what it looked like. then of course I had to walk to the goddamn hospitol cause my mom was bed ridden and i didin't think it was important enought to call an ambulance. :depressed

08-11-2005, 09:57 AM
When I was 15 my mom had been disabled for a few yrs and my dad was in "california" "working".... I was in school and was working full time..... so the house had gone to SHIT. One day i'd had enough and decided to clean it out starting on the 2nd floor. I cleaned sorted and organized for 4 hours and had acumilated a couple of hefty bags worth of crap. Being tired I didn't want to carry them all the way downstairs and down to the curb... soooo smart me comes up with this idea to just shove them out the window. they'd land in the flower beds which were full of dead leaves protecting my mothers bublbs from winter. :tu good idea right?
wrong! bags 1 and 2 go out just fine, land in leaves, don't split open.. A OK.
I go to push bag #3 out the window and BANG! the storm window comes slamming down and snipped off the end of my finger. my middle finger on my left hand all the way down to the begining of the nail bed. :vomit

makes me sick just rembering what it looked like. then of course I had to walk to the goddamn hospitol cause my mom was bed ridden and i didin't think it was important enought to call an ambulance. :depressed

Ewww getting a visualization of that scene from "Stir of Echoes" So you have a deformed finger now?

08-11-2005, 09:59 AM
it grew back pretty well, but the bone is chipped so it's not as long(inside) and there is an area where the skin came back together that I have no finger print.... and it's very sensitive.

08-11-2005, 10:15 AM
Well, this wasn't an "Accident" but It's still a "WHY ME?!" MOMENT

Well last week, I was driving over the Ben Franklin Bridge at 2:00 am (luckily I hadn't been drinking~!) Anyways, I was very tired and still had a good 30 min drive ahead of me. The road was kinda empty, so I decided to drive faster. I was going at about 70 MPH, speed limit was 40. Cop comes out of nowhere. This was my first ticket ever, I was freaked out. I tried apoligizing to the cop, but he said that since it was a Construction zone, he couldn't let me go with a warning. He hands me my ticket of $300 dollars and tells me that I will have to go to court to get the points taken off. He has checked off the box that says "Speeding in Construction Zone" which means fines are doubled. So now I have a $600 ticket.

Why wasn't I wearing my low cut top that night? Why didn't I flirt with the cop? :depressed.

Oh, and that was about 4 days before my birthday! :depressed

08-11-2005, 10:23 AM
Why wasn't I wearing my low cut top that night? Why didn't I flirt with the cop? :depressed.

and women don't want us to view them as sexual objects! :rolleyes

08-11-2005, 10:27 AM
and women don't want us to view them as sexual objects! :rolleyes

:lol Listen, when it comes to a $600 ticket....it's all fair :princess

08-11-2005, 10:31 AM
it grew back pretty well, but the bone is chipped so it's not as long(inside) and there is an area where the skin came back together that I have no finger print.... and it's very sensitive.

Excuse me while i go throw up

08-11-2005, 10:43 AM
A few years ago I was walking to Starbucks with a friend, and someone chucked the part of the seatbelt that's anchored into the seat out of their window passing by and it hit me in the head. Actually, it hit my head hard enough to ricochet into the next parking lot and split my scalp open. That's probably my oddest freak accident.

SWC Bonfire
08-11-2005, 10:47 AM
I was cruising about 20 miles an hour in the sunrise subdivision going through a slight bend in the road. I had just gotten 2 new front tires(thinking I would save money and wait till the next payday to buy the rest)the tires were pretty worn. somebody had watered their lawn and water trickled out into the street. my back tires started to skid, I tried to get as close to the curb as I could and come to a stop but my back tires kept spinning, so I hit the curb going 20 mph and roll my ford ranger onto an open field, crushing the left side of my truck. It was the wierdest thing. I wasn't even scratched.
then I came home to find my finalized divorce papers were in the mail...what a day.

oh, and p.s..........................I had just gotten 2 new front tires(thinking I would save money and wait till the next payday to buy the rest) don't ever do this.


Never mind that you would be able to correct the oversteer with your new front tires w/ good tread, as opposed to having the slick rear tires skid and then not being able to correct due to the understeer caused by not having any traction on the front tires.

You're screwed.

08-11-2005, 11:13 AM
:lol Listen, when it comes to a $600 ticket....it's all fair :princess

Man, I wonder if you have any limits to what you would do to get out of a ticket! :lol

08-11-2005, 12:22 PM
Man, I wonder if you have any limits to what you would do to get out of a ticket! :lol


08-11-2005, 12:25 PM
A few years ago I was walking to Starbucks with a friend, and someone chucked the part of the seatbelt that's anchored into the seat out of their window passing by and it hit me in the head. Actually, it hit my head hard enough to ricochet into the next parking lot and split my scalp open. That's probably my oddest freak accident.


This is sooooo Seinfeld....

08-11-2005, 01:10 PM
CC, here is your chance.


08-11-2005, 01:12 PM
When I was smaller, we were about to stop in a stop sign signal...and I looked behind us, and I saw a car turn our way from a corner..and the door had opened while turning.

I knew he was going to hit us, but he was so far behind.. I didn't say shit..and he ended up hitting us.

I can't believe this happened to me!

08-11-2005, 01:20 PM
When I was smaller, we were about to stop in a stop sign signal...and I looked behind us, and I saw a car turn our way from a corner..and the door had opened while turning.

I knew he was going to hit us, but he was so far behind.. I didn't say shit..and he ended up hitting us.

I can't believe this happened to me!

Did the call have large talons?

Mark in Austin
08-11-2005, 01:20 PM
My car was hit by a runaway boat while I was waiting in line at a carwash.

When I was home for the summer from college one year I took my car to the do it yourself car wash on Nacodoches close to the O'conner intersection. I pulled up behind a car that was already using the wash bay *they were all full). While I was waiting there, the guy in the next bay over decides for some fucked up reason to unhitch the boat he was towing from his truck. The boat trailer (and boat) rolled down the hill at an angle and smashed into the passenger side of my car.

That was the first accident of any type that I had been involved in.

08-11-2005, 01:22 PM
Did the call have large talons?


Large talons?

08-11-2005, 01:23 PM
the car lol my bad did the car have large talons

08-11-2005, 01:38 PM
I have no idea of what you said.

08-11-2005, 01:40 PM
A few years ago I was walking to Starbucks with a friend, and someone chucked the part of the seatbelt that's anchored into the seat out of their window passing by and it hit me in the head. Actually, it hit my head hard enough to ricochet into the next parking lot and split my scalp open. That's probably my oddest freak accident.

omg that is horrible

poor jekka...some people are just marked

08-11-2005, 01:45 PM
When I was in college I took my boyfriend's cat outside one night to go to the bathroom and I needed to lock my car. We lived on the second floor in an apartment complex. My small car was parked between two pickup trucks. After the cat was done, I was holding her and locked the car. Just as I went to shut the car door, she jumped out of my arms. I reached for her and she got away but my fingers got caught in the car door with it locked tight. My car keys were upstairs in the apartment. My boyfriend was at work and I was stuck between 2 large pickups at night. I stood there screaming for help like an idiot for like 30 minutes until someone could not only hear me but also find me. Then they had to go in my apt and get my keys. I immediately went upstairs took 2 percocet and a shot of wild turkey. Then I went to the hospital.
I have lots of stories like this. I am a total klutz.


08-11-2005, 01:47 PM
the car lol my bad did the car have large talons

I don't get the talons either.

08-11-2005, 04:16 PM
CC, here is your chance.


naaa...thanks Jim but I'll pass...I could fill my own ten page thread with crazy shit but they wouldn't believe me anyway...

08-11-2005, 04:19 PM
I don't get the talons either.

don't worry, anyone who hasn't seen Napoleon Dynamite won't get it

08-11-2005, 04:48 PM
How about a "I can't believe that DIDN'T happen to me" accident?

When we were 17/18, I picked up my best friend from, ummm, some center school night class she had to take...and was coming up to a very crowded red light on the access road of 410 at Starcrest. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw this car totally hauling ass up behind me and absolutely knew he wasn't going to stop in time.....so I jumped the curb into the Circle K parking lot right as he annihilated the car that up until that moment was right in front of me. I still can't believe I was able to react that fast. I just feel terrible that I couldn't have warned that person in front of me that got hit. :(

We went into the Circle K to use the ladies room after that. :wow :wow :wow

08-11-2005, 05:42 PM
How about a "I can't believe that DIDN'T happen to me" accident?

When we were 17/18, I picked up my best friend from, ummm, some center school night class she had to take...and was coming up to a very crowded red light on the access road of 410 at Starcrest. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw this car totally hauling ass up behind me and absolutely knew he wasn't going to stop in time.....so I jumped the curb into the Circle K parking lot right as he annihilated the car that up until that moment was right in front of me. I still can't believe I was able to react that fast. I just feel terrible that I couldn't have warned that person in front of me that got hit. :(

We went into the Circle K to use the ladies room after that. :wow :wow :wow