View Full Version : China angering Philippines in yet another territorial dispute

05-15-2014, 02:15 PM
HONG KONG — The Philippines said on Wednesday that it had protested signs of land reclamation by China aimed at expanding a disputed coral atoll near the southern Philippines, the latest in a series of disputes pitting China against its neighbors in the South China Sea.

The Philippines Department of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that it had lodged a protest with China on April 4, nearly five weeks ago, regarding the Chinese activity, but Beijing had rejected the protest. The Philippines also raised the issue at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit meeting over the weekend in Myanmar, and has included the dispute in a legal case against China filed with a United Nations tribunal, demanding arbitration of territorial disagreements.

Firefighters rested on Wednesday near a Chinese-owned shoe factory that was set afire in the Binh Duong Province of Vietnam.China Targeted by Vietnamese in Fiery RiotsMAY 14, 2014
The land reclamation dispute involves Johnson South Reef, a tiny coral atoll also known as Mabini or Yongshu. It is part of the Spratly Islands and is near southern Vietnam, Palawan Island of the Philippines and the north coast of Borneo. It is nearly 700 miles southeast of the southern end of China’s Hainan Island.



04-06-2021, 04:26 PM
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/15/world/asia/philippines-challenges-china-over-disputed-atoll.html?hpw&rref=world&_r=0seems to be thematic

China, US send warships into disputed waters as tensions rise over Whitsun Reef

US aircraft carrier strike group entered South China Sea and a destroyer was in East China Sea, while Chinese carrier transited through Miyako Strait near Japan

It comes amid a deepening dispute between Beijing and Manila over the presence of Chinese boats at a reef in the Spratly Islands


04-06-2021, 05:13 PM
seems to be thematic


Military Estimates are that the Chinese would win, and win quickly, any Naval conflict between them and the US. Their calculus has changed, and they will continue to press, oblivious to the fact that if the US stops buying their shit, they are hosed.

Luckily their bullying will push countries into our orbit.

They are likely going to overplay their hand, as countries, people and organizations often do.

04-21-2021, 07:39 PM
Duterte "Not Interested" in Confronting China on Fishing Rights (https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/duterte-not-interested-in-confronting-china-on-fishing-rights)
