View Full Version : Stop being...

05-16-2014, 12:32 AM
...faggots and beat this shitty ass OKC team.

Their coach sucks
They run no offensive system
They have no bench
Their starting center has no bussiness being in the NBA
They play Derek Fisher
Their second best player is a turtle looking bitch with the IQ to match
Their best player is an underfed Somali

The only reason you regularly lose to them is 'cause you crap the bed against them so please stop being faggots and take care of bussiness.

05-16-2014, 12:33 AM
we'll lose 4-1 =(

05-16-2014, 12:37 AM
OP with the goods. OKC is overrated, their stumbles against Memphis shows how vulnerable they can be. We never looked that bad in any playoff series thus far, they barely survived a shitty offensive team.

05-16-2014, 12:37 AM
Fuck the thunder. Let's get it on!

05-16-2014, 12:40 AM
If the Spurs play with confidence, we'll win in six.

If the team's usual timid mentality prevails, we'll lose in 5.

Either nut up or go fishing. Simple as that. Tim better not play like a lil bitch this series or we're done.

Sean Cagney
05-16-2014, 12:46 AM
If the Spurs play with confidence, we'll win in six.

If the team's usual timid mentality prevails, we'll lose in 5.

Either nut up or go fishing. Simple as that. Tim better not play like a lil bitch this series or we're done.
You forgot if the Refs show up bigtime as they will?? I agree though. Tim you mention, hell TONY and Manu better show up as well, we will need Tony not to be a little punk and get covered by a bigger guy and dissapear.

05-16-2014, 12:49 AM

This motherfucker is gonna wrap his mitts around that best mvp's neck and show him what's what.

05-16-2014, 01:02 AM

05-16-2014, 01:04 AM
Yeah, they needed 7 to beat the Grizz:lolies, and were lucky to win game 5 against LAC. Probably would have lost to Dallas.

05-16-2014, 01:05 AM
Kawhi is another one. We will need Kawhi to be "Sugar K." He CAN NOT shy away from this team. He and Tim have these moments of inconvenient self-doubt that other star/semi-star players don't really go through. They have to bring it. OKC has long defenders so the Tony Parker show isn't gonna save us.

Tim and Kawhi have to act like top-level NBA players if we are going to succeed...but I can already see Tim shirking away from that wide-as-fuck open jumper at the top of the key. He CAN NOT do that or the Thunder will smell the fear.

The whole team will need to bring tenacity and confidence, but Tim and Kawhi in particular need to check their nuts before each game.

We can't lose to them again. We can't.

james evans
05-16-2014, 01:08 AM
OP with the goods. OKC is overrated, their stumbles against Memphis shows how vulnerable they can be. We never looked that bad in any playoff series thus far, they barely survived a shitty offensive team.
but they have something no nba team has, adam silver's approval for the refs to fuk over any team they play

05-16-2014, 01:09 AM
Bring it! I'm sure the Spurs are more than ready this Monday.

05-16-2014, 01:10 AM
some of these guys were already quitting against Dallas in the 1st round, tbh... nothing surprises me anymore...

05-16-2014, 07:19 AM
Their offense is literally going to the free throw line. And i can only assume that this thread will be featured in an anti spurstalk article by their forum

05-16-2014, 07:23 AM
The only bench player they have is Reggie Jackson. He lit the Spurs up this year, but I expect the Spurs and co. to hit the film room and devise a plan to stop him. If Lillard couldn't stop Patty, believe me, Fisher isn't.

W/o Ibaka, there is no way the Thunder are going to win this series. Even with him, I still believe the Spurs would win. I just really hope the refs don't screw this series over.

05-16-2014, 07:26 AM
best rivalry in a long time. It's going to be an amazing series

05-16-2014, 07:27 AM
it really isn't important who okc plays (aside of those two), they have a deep bench loaded with talent, what matters is our focus on D, if we play our best defenders, okc has no chance, otherwise it's game on.

05-16-2014, 08:35 AM
OP with the goods. OKC is overrated, their stumbles against Memphis shows how vulnerable they can be. We never looked that bad in any playoff series thus far, they barely survived a shitty offensive team.

Spurs looked like crap against Dallas except for game 7.

05-16-2014, 08:44 AM
They play Derek Fisher

The Spurs are probably going to raped by the refs and Reggie Jackson, but the fact that Derek Fisher sees minutes on that team is one of the funniest things going on in the NBA right now.

05-16-2014, 08:46 AM
but they have something no nba team has, adam silver's approval for the refs to fuk over any team they play

That's true.

Honestly, the best defense is to just let Westbrook have open shots the whole game; no risk of fouling. He will take all of them and miss most of them trying to heroball. Good thing OKC has a selfish PG, because if they had a pass-first PG they could be a dynasty.

05-16-2014, 08:53 AM
Yeah, this needed to be said.

05-16-2014, 08:57 AM
Can't wait for the series, but I don't know what we are going to do to slow down KD. The was shooting 3's 6 feet behind the 3 point line last night.

05-16-2014, 09:14 AM
The Spurs are probably going to raped by the refs and Reggie Jackson, but the fact that Derek Fisher sees minutes on that team is one of the funniest things going on in the NBA right now.

Agreed, but it won't be so funny when we see that miserable fuck go 6-for-6 on 3's in a pivotal Game 5.

05-16-2014, 05:57 PM
And now Ibaka is out, seriously guys... don't be faggots.

05-16-2014, 10:03 PM
best rivalry in a long time. It's going to be an amazing series

It's only a rivalry once we beat them.

05-21-2014, 10:33 PM
So far so good but now is when the going gets tough, dont be faggots over there on that meth infested city.

05-21-2014, 10:35 PM
...faggots and beat this shitty ass OKC team.

Their coach sucks
They run no offensive system
They have no bench
Their starting center has no bussiness being in the NBA
They play Derek Fisher
Their second best player is a turtle looking bitch with the IQ to match
Their best player is an underfed Somali

The only reason you regularly lose to them is 'cause you crap the bed against them so please stop being faggots and take care of bussiness.


05-21-2014, 10:35 PM
It's only a rivalry once we beat them.

Uh, no. I think it's safe to say that the last two WC teams to go to the Finals are rivals.

05-25-2014, 09:57 PM
:lol Pop being a faggot and panicking with a small ball lineup in the first half instead of staying big like the first 2 games, throwing a shitty lineup to start the 4th and quitting on a 15 pts game with 6 minutes to go.
:lol Parker being a faggot at the mere sight of Ibaka's dick.
:lol Duncan being a faggot and playing like a soft old man.
:lol Leonard being a faggot and playing like a scared little girl
:lol Green being a short dick faggot and airballing wide open jumpers
:lol Splitter being a faggot and allowing scrub ass Adams to manhandle him inside
:lol Diaw being a faggot and passing up wide open threes.

Stop bieng faggots and win game 4.

05-25-2014, 09:59 PM
:lol Pop being a faggot and panicking with a small ball lineup in the first half instead of staying big like the first 2 games, throwing a shitty lineup to start the 4th and quitting on a 15 pts game with 6 minutes to go.
:lol Parker being a faggot at the mere sight of Ibaka's dick.
:lol Duncan being a faggot and playing like a soft old man.
:lol Leonard being a faggot and playing like a scared little girl
:lol Green being a short dick faggot and airballing wide open jumpers
:lol Splitter being a faggot and allowing scrub ass Adams to manhandle him inside
:lol Diaw being a faggot and passing up wide open threes.

Stop bieng faggots and win game 3.

:lol thinking there was any way in hell they were coming back at that point in the game. They were done and you could see it in their eyes. Pop did the smart thing. On to game 4.

05-25-2014, 10:02 PM
:lol Pop being a faggot and panicking with a small ball lineup in the first half instead of staying big like the first 2 games, throwing a shitty lineup to start the 4th and quitting on a 15 pts game with 6 minutes to go.
:lol Parker being a faggot at the mere sight of Ibaka's dick.
:lol Duncan being a faggot and playing like a soft old man.
:lol Leonard being a faggot and playing like a scared little girl
:lol Green being a short dick faggot and airballing wide open jumpers
:lol Splitter being a faggot and allowing scrub ass Adams to manhandle him inside
:lol Diaw being a faggot and passing up wide open threes.

Stop bieng faggots and win game 3.

This. They've lost to an emo, a stupid Teenage Mutant Turtle, a limping Sub-Saharan and a bunch of cunts with no gameplan whatsoever. Man the fuck up, this oughta end 4-1 don't be pussies.

05-25-2014, 10:04 PM
:lol thinking there was any way in hell they were coming back at that point in the game. They were done and you could see it in their eyes. Pop did the smart thing. On to game 4.

Quitting on a 15 pts playoffs game with 6 minutes to go is for faggots and it sends a faggy message.

05-27-2014, 09:49 PM
Pop is being such a fucking faggot.

"Ibaka is the best defender in the league", "Ibaka is there guys pass it to the perimeter where there are open guys"' "I will show them a photo of Ibaka so they can see that he's the one blocking shots there" :cry:cry:cry

He's so shook by that one legged monkeyballer that he's actually telling his players to chuck threes instead of attacking the paint. :lol

Grow a fucking pair, go right at him with a knee on his throat , gtet him in foul trouble, make him work, see if that leg holds up.

05-27-2014, 10:05 PM
12 pts game with a quarter to go.

Fucking quitting faggot.

06-02-2014, 07:35 PM
Don't be faggots and win the championship you should have won a year ago.

Their coach sucks
They have a white American player as a key member of their team
They play Rashard Lewis
They are short as fuck
Their defensive anchor is Chris Bosh
Their star SG can't shoot outside of 15 feet
The best way to defend their star player is to leave him wide ass open
They just went 6 against the Indiana Pacers