View Full Version : Like it or not San Antonio is full of super fat disgusting people

05-19-2014, 11:01 AM
I live here and i like it but Barkley is completely right.

San antonio is consistently one of the top 5 fattest cities in america, which is itself the fattest nation on earth. Number 2 is mexico. San antonio is filled these people.

All things considered, san antonio is not only one of the fattest cities in the world, but in the history of the world.

In all of human history, there are only a few other places on earth that can put up as many heffers as modern day san antonio, tx.

It has got so bad, that being obese-not eve fat, but obese- IS THE NORM. If you are an adult and not fat, YOU ARE THE WEIRD ONE. The horror is that these bovines are so used to being surrounded by other cattle that they dont even have any shame anymore. Anyone going about their daily business can see these fat shits people waddling around, sweat stains all over their 'clothes', guts so big they are hanging out from under their shirts, mystery pouches on 'women', spare tires so grotesque it looks like they really do have in intertube around their waist under their shirt, asses so huge and deformed thatylook like their own species of animal, and legs so thick and full of ripples and cottage cheese and moist from sweat its hard to keep your lunch down. Fuck these people.

Barkely is right. This city needs to do something about our 'fat culture'. Is gets more serious when you see all these little kids that are like 5-10 years old and they are alredy so fat they look like a balloon thats about to burst and are on the brink of needing a breathing machine and probably already have diabetes. Fuck their parents. Fucking disgusting obese pigs

05-19-2014, 11:02 AM
tbh if healthy food wasnt so expensive

05-19-2014, 11:07 AM
let's not re-litigate the whole fat thing, please.

That horse was dead before Barkley started beating on it, and now beating on whether or not Barkley was right to say what he did is just to flay a similarly cadaverous equine.

Let it go.

05-19-2014, 11:08 AM
Its not, that is a bs excuse and always has been

05-19-2014, 11:09 AM
I look forward to tackling the obesity problems of the city of San Antonio and the United States in general in this thread. Will bookmark :tu

05-19-2014, 11:12 AM
Cool story bruh. Wanna talk basketball or is being on the View your life's mission?

05-19-2014, 11:15 AM
OP is a... self projecting and self hating fatty, tbh.

05-19-2014, 11:16 AM
Haha sounds like some fatties with hurt feelings have chimed in already.

05-19-2014, 11:17 AM
Can a MOD get off their lazy asses and I don't know, moderate the SPURS forum. Send this View audition post to the Club or Oprah's website.

05-19-2014, 11:21 AM
There are fat people all over the US, tbh

05-19-2014, 11:21 AM
Great basketball take. Will consider these enlightening insights and respond with detailed analysis shortly!

05-19-2014, 11:23 AM
tbh if healthy food wasnt so expensive
Yeah, if only a can of soup or cup of noodles was cheaper than 3 hamburgers...

05-19-2014, 11:25 AM
Like it or not, this place is full of idiots like the OP.

05-19-2014, 11:25 AM
Haha sounds like some fatties with hurt feelings have chimed in already.

Yep, the OP and his first post.

I imagine you scarffing down some blue bell ice cream at your junk food wrapper covered computer station typing with a furious passion. The sweat pouring down your face, from the extranious work of typing, mixes with the melting ice cream dripping from the corners of your mouth.

Just another day at the office for you.

05-19-2014, 11:34 AM
'TheWriter' seems really upset by this...its probably safe to say hes one of the people described above :D

05-19-2014, 11:39 AM
I guess Poop would say this would have been Michael if he grew up in SA.


05-19-2014, 11:40 AM
'TheWriter' seems really upset by this...its probably safe to say hes one of the people described above :D

This conversation should have been in the Barkley thread, IMO.

05-19-2014, 11:41 AM
To be fair, finding healthy food in the US is a pain. The supermarkets are full of cheap processed food everywhere. I used to buy everything at wholefood and it's like buying food in a pharmacy, fucking carrots are as expensive as a box of advil.

All the stuff around doing sports, walking is pissing in the ocean if you cannot find healthy food for a reasonable price. And I'm not talking about junk food restaurants...dear god finding a healthy restaurant is like finding skinny people in San Antonio.

05-19-2014, 11:43 AM
You can eat shitty food and not be fat. Just don't eat until you're full as shit tbh.

05-19-2014, 11:45 AM
'TheWriter' seems really upset by this...its probably safe to say hes one of the people described above :D

I'm super upset. So upset I'm gonna yawn and maybe pop my back.

05-19-2014, 11:46 AM
This conversation should have been in the Barkley thread, IMO.

This conversation should have taken place between Poop and his therapist.

05-19-2014, 11:47 AM
To be fair, finding healthy food in the US is a pain. The supermarkets are full of cheap processed food everywhere. I used to buy everything at wholefood and it's like buying food in a pharmacy, fucking carrots are as expensive as a box of advil.

All the stuff around doing sports, walking is pissing in the ocean if you cannot find healthy food for a reasonable price. And I'm not talking about junk food restaurants...dear god finding a healthy restaurant is like finding skinny people in San Antonio.

Beans and Rice are inexpensive. I don't eat any saturated fats. That is what will get you fatter as quick as anything. Problem in SA, most of the food is riddle with it. Too many restaurants and fast food joints. Who wants to cook healthy there.

Go to the Farmers Market, whatever city you live. Its usually local people who have small farms and sell their produce for a much cheaper price than Whole Foods.

05-19-2014, 11:52 AM
Saturated fat has more to do with heart disease than being the "cause" of obesity. Calories are the cause of obesity, regardless of where they come from.

05-19-2014, 11:57 AM
So what

Big Empty
05-19-2014, 11:57 AM
could be worse, Sa could be full of islamic terrorist people

05-19-2014, 12:01 PM
To be fair, finding healthy food in the US is a pain. The supermarkets are full of cheap processed food everywhere. I used to buy everything at wholefood and it's like buying food in a pharmacy, fucking carrots are as expensive as a box of advil.All the stuff around doing sports, walking is pissing in the ocean if you cannot find healthy food for a reasonable price. And I'm not talking about junk food restaurants...dear god finding a healthy restaurant is like finding skinny people in San Antonio.There are TONS of healthy options in the US, even in san antonio. The problem is an utter lack of exercise, and complete ignorance of nutrition. Its a cultural thing. Most people here in SA not only dont care at all about what they eat, they openly have contempt for any food they percieve as 'healthy'. It is so engrained in these people what 'normal food' is, that they refuse to even consider a better alternative. The hilarious irony is that what they consider normal food isnt even 'food' at all...just a cheaply put together compilation of articifial sweetners, additives and lab-made chemicals...while the 'healthy food' they shun is actually real food

05-19-2014, 12:03 PM
Saturated fat has more to do with heart disease than being the "cause" of obesity. Calories are the cause of obesity, regardless of where they come from.

Quoted for truth.

How hard of a concept is it for people to understand that food is fuel that gives your body energy. If your body has too.much fuel and your body isn't using it as energy, your body will then begin to stockpile it. That is the fat in your body.

You could eat nothing but fatty foods and lose weight. Hell, that's the keto diet.

Moderation and exercise/using the fuel as energy are key to losing weight.

If you burn more calories than you take.in, you lose weight. If you take in more calories than you burn.off, you gain weight. It's that simple.

05-19-2014, 12:03 PM
Beans and Rice are inexpensive. I don't eat any saturated fats. That is what will get you fatter as quick as anything. Problem in SA, most of the food is riddle with it. Too many restaurants and fast food joints. Who wants to cook healthy there.

Go to the Farmers Market, whatever city you live. Its usually local people who have small farms and sell their produce for a much cheaper price than Whole Foods.

Farmers Market are nice but not that easy to find and it's not a very flexible option.

Fast food restaurants are awful but so called big chains like apple bees, chili, olive garden... are in the same vein of processed cheap food. I discovered while living in the US they add fucking sugar in the bread, salad, sauces... there is sugar everywhere, you cannot escape. I'm skinny as fuck and I took 8 kg in 1 year in the US which never happened to me before, finding healthy food became a major concern... that is crazy. I never experimented that elsewhere in the world. The food business in the US is totally fucked up.

Even organic food is fucked up, you can find like 10 different kinds of organic chicken: the one who saw the light enhanced with drugs, the one who saw the light but raised in cages with no drugs, the one who had space to run but enhanced with drugs etc etc and finally the "normal" one fed with corn, outside cost was crazy...

Obesity issue will never ever be solved in the US if there is no solution to fast food and finding healthy food cheap.

05-19-2014, 12:05 PM
This topic is kinda stale tbh didn't need another one of these. Cool story bro

(I agree with you though)

05-19-2014, 12:06 PM
There are TONS of healthy options in the US, even in san antonio. The problem is an utter lack of exercise, and complete ignorance of nutrition. Its a cultural thing. Most people here in SA not only dont care at all about what they eat, they openly have contempt for any food they percieve as 'healthy'. It is so engrained in these people what 'normal food' is, that they refuse to even consider a better alternative. The hilarious irony is that what they consider normal food isnt even 'food' at all...just a cheaply put together compilation of articifial sweetners, additives and lab-made chemicals...while the 'healthy food' they shun is actually real food

Can your bullshit generalizations not be typed out like a 5th grader in comp lab?

Peter Griffin
05-19-2014, 12:10 PM
Fuck you Poop. Big is beautiful.

Also: San Antonio's obesity rate dropped below the Texas average. (http://www.sanantonio.gov/Commpa/News/TabId/317/ArtMID/1970/ArticleID/993/San-Antonio-Obesity-Rate-Drops-below-State-Average.aspx)

05-19-2014, 12:11 PM
There are TONS of healthy options in the US, even in san antonio. The problem is an utter lack of exercise, and complete ignorance of nutrition. Its a cultural thing. Most people here in SA not only dont care at all about what they eat, they openly have contempt for any food they percieve as 'healthy'. It is so engrained in these people what 'normal food' is, that they refuse to even consider a better alternative. The hilarious irony is that what they consider normal food isnt even 'food' at all...just a cheaply put together compilation of articifial sweetners, additives and lab-made chemicals...while the 'healthy food' they shun is actually real food

I understand you pov but look at my example, I don't do a lot of exercise anymore almost nothing, I have 0 knowledge on nutrition, 0. I never ever had an issue with my weight, sugar or fat level in my blood... Food has never been a concern for me. In the US I followed the same kind of diet, level of exercice than in France, Brazil, Spain, all the places I lived and I took 8 freaking kilos (18 pounds) in one year. I moved from US and lost all in 3 months following the same exact habits than in the US.

Food industry is totally fucked up

05-19-2014, 12:18 PM
Saturated fat has more to do with heart disease than being the "cause" of obesity. Calories are the cause of obesity, regardless of where they come from.

Saturated Fats will get you fat fast. I'll eat a pint of ice cream w/ no fat just high calories and you eat a 16 oz bag of Lays chips (high saturated and medium calorie) a day for a month. I guarantee you will be put on more pounds than me in a shorter period of time.

Normal Calories burn easier than ones from saturated fats. Problem with people in SA, they eat too much saturated fats along with Calorie intake. And their calories consist of crap like High Fructose Syrup and stuff.

You can have a high daily Calorie intake. But if it comes from natural fruits, meats and veggies, you won't get fat. You might be a little stout, but you won't be fat. But you change that to junk food (same calorie intake), you will look like the Bobcats Diaw as oppose to the Spurs version of Diaw.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSIQdFHIGkCvjCjSvamcCELUctMxFYlQ 8_yICobACQ7koxv26bG

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQMxTv4P5a1VxJc3hEnkxWUfUsQWJxD8 Fdtyk-wdWpQconBFEJQ

05-19-2014, 12:22 PM
Is there any particular reason why you care so much about whether a person is fat? I couldn't care less. It's a person's choice.

05-19-2014, 12:22 PM
Saturated Fats will get you fat fast. I'll eat a pint of ice cream w/ no fat just high calories and you eat a 16 oz bag of Lays chips (high saturated and medium calorie) a day for a month. I guarantee you will be put on more pounds than me in a shorter period of time. Care to make a money wager on that? I get to choose the ice cream and potato chips.

Normal Calories burn easier than ones from saturated fats. Problem with people in SA, they eat too much saturated fats along with Calorie intake. And their calories consist of crap like High Fructose Syrup and stuff.What the hell is a "normal" calorie?

You can have a high daily Calorie intake. But if it comes from natural fruits, meats and veggies, you won't get fat. You might be a little stout, but you won't be fat.
Anyone that doesn't know about calories and fat/protein/carbs, disregard what this person is saying. Thanks.

05-19-2014, 12:25 PM
Saturated Fats will get you fat fast. I'll eat a pint of ice cream w/ no fat just high calories and you eat a 16 oz bag of Lays chips (high saturated and medium calorie) a day for a month. I guarantee you will be put on more pounds than me in a shorter period of time.

Normal Calories burn easier than ones from saturated fats. Problem with people in SA, they eat too much saturated fats along with Calorie intake. And their calories consist of crap like High Fructose Syrup and stuff.

You can have a high daily Calorie intake. But if it comes from natural fruits, meats and veggies, you won't get fat. You might be a little stout, but you won't be fat. But you change that to junk food (same calorie intake), you will look like the Bobcats Diaw as oppose to the Spurs version of Diaw.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSIQdFHIGkCvjCjSvamcCELUctMxFYlQ 8_yICobACQ7koxv26bG

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQMxTv4P5a1VxJc3hEnkxWUfUsQWJxD8 Fdtyk-wdWpQconBFEJQ

You're not a dietitian. Please stop.

A calorie is a calorie. No matter the source.

I bet you go around saying muscle weighs more than fat.

05-19-2014, 12:26 PM
Is there any particular reason why you care so much about whether a person is fat? I couldn't care less. It's a person's choice.

It's self projecting and self hating. Or maybe an obese man put a finger in his butt once.

05-19-2014, 12:27 PM
Care to make a money wager on that? I get to choose the ice cream and potato chips.

What the hell is a "normal" calorie?

Anyone that doesn't know about calories and fat/protein/carbs, disregard what this person is saying. Thanks.

It's amazing how stupid he sounds. Normal calories... dafuq?

05-19-2014, 12:34 PM
Calorie vs. Fat Calories. Fat Calories get you fatter quicker than Calories from carbs and sugars. Natural Carbs and Sugars digest easier than processed calories and sugars (high fructose syrup, etc.).

So in short, saturated fats (the worse for you) and processed calories will get you fatter than healthy natural fats and calories.

Really, just go read an exercise science book. My wife preaches this kind of stuff to me all the time from all the health magazine and websites she reads. And my sister does holistic advising on the side. So I hear about this stuff all the time from them.

05-19-2014, 12:39 PM
San Antonio is just too hot to do any physical activity outdoors for 7 months out of the year.

05-19-2014, 12:40 PM
San Antonio is just too hot to do any physical activity outdoors for 7 months out of the year.

Not true at all.

05-19-2014, 12:40 PM
Calorie vs. Fat Calories. Fat Calories get you fatter quicker than Calories from carbs and sugars. Natural Carbs and Sugars digest easier than processed calories and sugars (high fructose syrup, etc.).

So in short, saturated fats (the worse for you) and processed calories will get you fatter than healthy natural fats and calories.

Really, just go read an exercise science book. My wife preaches this kind of stuff to me all the time from all the health magazine and websites she reads. And my sister does holistic advising on the side. So I hear about this stuff all the time from them.

Yes- agree

05-19-2014, 12:42 PM
Not true at all.

I lived there, too damn hot from April through mid October.

05-19-2014, 12:42 PM
Calorie vs. Fat Calories. Fat Calories get you fatter quicker than Calories from carbs and sugars. Natural Carbs and Sugars digest easier than processed calories and sugars (high fructose syrup, etc.).

So in short, saturated fats (the worse for you) and processed calories will get you fatter than healthy natural fats and calories.

Really, just go read an exercise science book. My wife preaches this kind of stuff to me all the time from all the health magazine and websites she reads. And my sister does holistic advising on the side. So I hear about this stuff all the time from them.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

05-19-2014, 12:43 PM
It's a person's choice.

:lol no it's not

05-19-2014, 12:44 PM
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

The fact you quote Billy Madison as a response, tells me all I need to know about how much you care to educate yourself and where you get your reasoning. I guess that is why people from SA continue to stay fat.

05-19-2014, 12:45 PM
I lived there, too damn hot from April through mid October.

From April to September? It was in the 70s and low 80s all of last week. Ernie Johnson tweeted yesterday that it was a beautiful day as he prepared for a run along the Riverwalk. It's the middle of May btw.

You may have lived here but you don't know wtf you're talking about.

05-19-2014, 12:48 PM
Calorie vs. Fat Calories. Fat Calories get you fatter quicker than Calories from carbs and sugars. That's just not true.

Natural Carbs and Sugars digest easier than processed calories and sugars (high fructose syrup, etc.). There is some truth to this. Some types of foods are more difficult to digest/breakdown.

So in short, saturated fats (the worse for you) and processed calories will get you fatter than healthy natural fats and calories. Based on which studies?

Really, just go read an exercise science book. :lol I'll stick with my Science books (no modifier necessary) thanks.

My wife preaches this kind of stuff to me all the time from all the health magazine and websites she reads. And my sister does holistic advising on the side. So I hear about this stuff all the time from them.They need to inform themselves a bit better. They're on the right track but have the wrong idea about how things work.

05-19-2014, 12:51 PM
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I laughed. But I always laugh at these lines.

05-19-2014, 12:52 PM
Anyone make it out to Oyster Bake? Wowzers I had no idea, even the little kids were porkers. I blame soft drinks

05-19-2014, 12:53 PM
its also full of stupid OPs

05-19-2014, 12:53 PM
I don't get my facts from my wife and her exercise magazines.

Seriously, I doubt you two have a combined IQ of 57.

Good for you. But you have stated nothing to refute what I say and now are stooping to name calling and stupid quotes from stupid movies as a rebuttal.

Prove me wrong and I will concede your point. Until then, just stop, really dude. B/c you have said nothing factual about the subject. Your statement of a calorie is a calorie basically sums up what you know about the subject.

And just to let you know, I know about this stuff from college.

Maybe you should do some more reading before writing, yeah.

05-19-2014, 12:59 PM

Dr. Weil’s position runs contrary to several irrefutable observations that you can make for yourself. Starches have fueled the engines of human civilizations for at least the past 14,000 years. Carbohydrates (starches), such as rice in Asia, corn in Central America, potatoes in South America, and barley and wheat in Europe, have provided the bulk of the calories for almost all human diets. Only a few small primitive populations, living at the extremes of the environment, such as the Inuit (Eskimos), have been fueled by saturated fats. Just as undeniable, worldwide today, populations of people who consume the greatest amounts of carbohydrate are the trimmest and fittest, and also have the lowest incidence of heart disease and diabetes. This truth is confirmed by observing the change that occurs when people from Japan, for example, migrate to the United States or Europe. As they eat less rice (carbohydrate) and more saturated fat (meat and dairy products) they become fatter and sicker.

Shastafarian, you say they is no difference but there has been numerous studies to prove otherwise. They conducted such experiment on people from Okinawa, where they eat rice (high carbs) and fats (fish), all natural. They ate the same amount of carbs and saturated fats that's processed from American foods and got fat.

Like I said, just go read about it. Then you will see why majority of people in SA are fat.

The Reckoning
05-19-2014, 01:03 PM
i never really noticed how disgustingly fat people in texas can be until i moved out of the country...specificially corpus and san antonio.

yeah you can say obesity rates are fine, but i'm talking so fucking fat they require two seats on an airplane. i thought that was everywhere until i left and came back after a few years then it hit me.

i was at jason's deli and some heifer (i'm talking a huge chunk nugget) was getting a "salad." eating so healthy right? she put every fucking topping on there known to man including half a bottle of hidden valley ranch. i mean my god she was eating a calorie soup with some garnish on the bottom. people are disgusting as hell in texas. and don't cry about "healthy foods."

it's simple. you ingest calories, you burn those calories. if you want to stay fit, eat less and exercise.

05-19-2014, 01:04 PM
Good for you. But you have stated nothing to refute what I say and now are stooping to name calling and stupid quotes from stupid movies as a rebuttal.

Prove me wrong and I will concede your point. Until then, just stop, really dude. B/c you have said nothing factual about the subject. Your statement of a calorie is a calorie basically sums up what you know about the subject.

A calorie is a calorie you hard headed person.

One calorie is one calorie no matter the source. If that one calorie came from a steak, if that one calorie came from a soda drink or if that one calorie came from a slice of bread.

It's the intake of said calories that determine whether or not you gain weight.

Here. Educate yourself. (http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/263028.php)

Bottom line, and this is keeping it very simple.

Consuming less and exercising more = Weight loss

And just to let you know, I know about this stuff from college.

Ok sure.

05-19-2014, 01:06 PM
I wish I lived in Oklahoma City. Land of the beautiful skinny people.

05-19-2014, 01:08 PM
I wish I lived in Oklahoma City. Land of the beautiful skinny people.

http://x1.fjcdn.com/comments/hehe+quot+nutshell+quot+_d5597f17acded4c87204270fb e524d9e.jpeg

05-19-2014, 01:11 PM
:lol no it's not

For the majority of the people it is. They make the choice in the foods that they eat and whether or not they exercise. Sure there are some who have medical conditions but they're in the minority.

05-19-2014, 01:12 PM
A calorie is a calorie you hard headed person.

One calorie is one calorie no matter the source. If that one calorie came from a steak, if that one calorie came from a soda drink or if that one calorie came from a slice of bread.

It's the intake of said calories that determine whether or not you gain weight.

Here. Educate yourself. (http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/263028.php)

Bottom line, and this is keeping it very simple.

Consuming less and exercising more = Weight loss

Ok sure..

Again, a calorie is not a calorie. There are various types of calories and if you read my initial points, that is what I was trying to explain. Some healthy carbs, some processed carbs, some from natural fats, some from process Fats.

There are different type of carbs, different types sugars, different type of fats, etc etc (all these forms of calories).

Its like saying metal is metal. No its not. Ounce of Gold is worth more than iron, is it not.

Old School 44
05-19-2014, 01:14 PM
"Like it or not San Antonio is full of super fat disgusting people and if Kawhi were one of them, would he be able to guard Durant? And if he were that huge, would his hands be that more noticable?"

Just trying to take the OP back to basketball.

05-19-2014, 01:17 PM
i never really noticed how disgustingly fat people in texas can be until i moved out of the country...specificially corpus and san antonio.

True that. I was in Vancouver, B.C. a couple of months ago and I literally counted five fat people the whole week I stayed there. People were always walking, taking public transport and yes, even though there was the occasional fast food joint, the ratio of regular restaurants to fast food
places was insane. Gyms were packed and parks were being fully utilized. Hundreds of people were walking, running and biking at Stanley Park. The whole trip was an eye-opening experience.

05-19-2014, 01:18 PM
For the majority of the people it is. They make the choice in the foods that they eat and whether or not they exercise. Sure there are some who have medical conditions but they're in the minority.

I disagree, nobody wants to be fat. They don't have always the choice in the foods, healthy food is expensive as fuck and then you have the cultural stuff around food. fat people are most of the time suffering, they need a bit of help. and again food industry is fucked up. French don't do much more exercise than in the US but they walk more for sure, use of the car is less important and there is a tradition of walking and healthy food is affordable and everywhere.

probably my most vanila take ever...

05-19-2014, 01:20 PM

Again, a calorie is not a calorie. There are various types of calories and if you read my initial points, that is what I was trying to explain. Some healthy carbs, some processed carbs, some from natural fats, some from process Fats.

There are different type of carbs, different types sugars, different type of fats, etc etc (all these forms of calories).

Its like saying metal is metal. No its not. Ounce of Gold is worth more than iron, is it not.

A calorie is a unit of measurement not a tangible thing like gold or metal. My word...

05-19-2014, 01:21 PM
i never really noticed how disgustingly fat people in texas can be until i moved out of the country...specificially corpus and san antonio.

yeah you can say obesity rates are fine, but i'm talking so fucking fat they require two seats on an airplane. i thought that was everywhere until i left and came back after a few years then it hit me.

i was at jason's deli and some heifer (i'm talking a huge chunk nugget) was getting a "salad." eating so healthy right? she put every fucking topping on there known to man including half a bottle of hidden valley ranch. i mean my god she was eating a calorie soup with some garnish on the bottom. people are disgusting as hell in texas. and don't cry about "healthy foods."

it's simple. you ingest calories, you burn those calories. if you want to stay fit, eat less and exercise.

So eating an entire box of double-stuffed Oreo's every night before bed isn't a disease?

05-19-2014, 01:22 PM
Shitty food doesn´t help but most people don´t exercise because they are lazy and thats the main problem.

05-19-2014, 01:23 PM
day of game 1 of the western finals and what's trending on ST? this thread. leave it to ST.

05-19-2014, 01:25 PM
True that. I was in Vancouver, B.C. a couple of months ago and I literally counted five fat people the whole week I stayed there. People were always walking, taking public transport and yes, even though there was the occasional fast food joint, the ratio of regular restaurants to fast food
places was insane. Gyms were packed and parks were being fully utilized. Hundreds of people were walking, running and biking at Stanley Park. The whole trip was an eye-opening experience.

Well yeah, Vancouver is on the other end of the spectrum compared to the US. It has a 10 percent obesity rate. Seattle, an American city not too far from Vancouver, has an obesity rate of 23%. Explain that shit. :wow

05-19-2014, 01:26 PM
A calorie is a unit of measurement not a tangible thing like gold or metal. My word...

A calorie is a unit measurement but can have different sources. So a calorie from process saturated fat, isn't the same as a calorie from natural wheat. That is where I am getting at with the OUNCE of gold (calories from wheat) is not the same as an OUNCE of iron (calories from saturated fat, which was my first point made in this thread). I guess I have write a dissertation next time I want to explain something.

05-19-2014, 01:29 PM
I disagree, nobody wants to be fat. They don't have always the choice in the foods, healthy food is expensive as fuck and then you have the cultural stuff around food. fat people are most of the time suffering, they need a bit of help. and again food industry is fucked up. French don't do much more exercise than in the US but they walk more for sure, use of the car is less important and there is a tradition of walking and healthy food is affordable and everywhere.

probably my most vanila take ever...

I can agree with some of that. True, most people don't want to be fat, and sure not everyone can eat healthy per se. Heck, I don't eat right a lot of the time. However, you can still control your exercise. Park farther away when you go shopping, take the stairs instead of taking an elevator/escalator, go for a bike ride, etc. There should be no excuse for not getting any exercise if your health permits it.

It's bad when you can get a handicap parking spot due to being obese, and then ride around the store in a mobilized wheelchair. :lol

05-19-2014, 01:36 PM
From April to September? It was in the 70s and low 80s all of last week. Ernie Johnson tweeted yesterday that it was a beautiful day as he prepared for a run along the Riverwalk. It's the middle of May btw.

You may have lived here but you don't know wtf you're talking about.

I heard you already have had days in the 90s.

05-19-2014, 01:36 PM
Well yeah, Vancouver is on the other end of the spectrum compared to the US. It has a 10 percent obesity rate. Seattle, an American city not too far from Vancouver, has an obesity rate of 23%. Explain that shit. :wow

Has to be the culture or some shit. I crossed over to Seattle on that same trip and I saw more fatties in one day than my whole trip in Vancouver, so I believe those numbers you posted.

05-19-2014, 01:40 PM
I heard you already have had days in the 90s.

Sure, but so has New York, Los Angeles and San Diego.

BTW, those 90s were low humidity days and very comfortable.

05-19-2014, 01:41 PM
Has to be the culture or some shit. I crossed over to Seattle on that same trip and I saw more fatties in one day than my whole trip in Vancouver, so I believe those numbers you posted.

Actually, a lot of the processed fats and sugars are banned in Canada and various countries. Its a cultural thing but its also like the saying goes, "you are what you eat."

This article just shows a small list of American additives and foods banned by other countries


05-19-2014, 01:44 PM
Anyone make it out to Oyster Bake? Wowzers I had no idea, even the little kids were porkers. I blame soft drinks

It started to be really bad to drink any soda when they exchanged real natural sugar with high fructcose corn syrup sweeteners.

05-19-2014, 01:46 PM
Sure, but so has New York, Los Angeles and San Diego.

BTW, those 90s were low humidity days and very comfortable.

90s is not comfortable. You want me to go to the weather channel and count the number of days it hit over 85 in san antonio this year as compared to New York? The weather in san antonio sucks

The Reckoning
05-19-2014, 01:47 PM
i'm not a nutritionist but i've always been skinny, and the way i look at food is you have four different uses for them...energy (carbs), rebuilding your body (protein), cleaning your body (fiber), and protecting your body (vitamins). i just cook one of each for dinner every night....then i can drink, smoke, screw, whatever and i still feel/look healthy

The Reckoning
05-19-2014, 01:56 PM
It started to be really bad to drink any soda when they exchanged real natural sugar with high fructcose corn syrup sweeteners.


if you look at american history, a major contributing factor to the downfall of native american tribes was their over reliance on corn. they didn't have enough nutrition to fight off smallpox and their dental health drastically changed.

it's a shitty crop, but it's convenient. as long as the US subsidizes corn farmers, we'll continuously have a shit diet because corn syrup makes you hungry. it doesn't fill you up.

05-19-2014, 01:59 PM
90s is not comfortable.

Ah yes, argue something that is subjective. :lol

The weather in san antonio sucks

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Btw, unless you're living in San Diego, you can gfy. :hat

05-19-2014, 01:59 PM

if you look at american history, a major contributing factor to the downfall of native american tribes was their over reliance on corn. it's a shitty crop, but it's convenient. as long as the US subsidizes corn farmers, we'll continuously have a shit diet because corn syrup makes you hungry. it doesn't fill you up.
Corn is life, son.

05-19-2014, 02:00 PM
90s is not comfortable. You want me to go to the weather channel and count the number of days it hit over 85 in san antonio this year as compared to New York? The weather in san antonio sucks

I don't live in SA anymore, but from my experiences, It's not the so much the heat but the humidity which retains the heat. It can get up to like 90% humidity for long stretches. And the clay dirt surfaces for yards don't help as that crap retains the heat even more. Plus the trees are like bushes and provide next to none shade. Your thankful when you neighbor has a Pecan or Oak tree in their yard and blocks out the sun for a few hours.

05-19-2014, 02:01 PM
I live here and i like it but Barkley is completely right.

San antonio is consistently one of the top 5 fattest cities in america, which is itself the fattest nation on earth. Number 2 is mexico. San antonio is filled these people.

All things considered, san antonio is not only one of the fattest cities in the world, but in the history of the world.

In all of human history, there are only a few other places on earth that can put up as many heffers as modern day san antonio, tx.

It has got so bad, that being obese-not eve fat, but obese- IS THE NORM. If you are an adult and not fat, YOU ARE THE WEIRD ONE. The horror is that these bovines are so used to being surrounded by other cattle that they dont even have any shame anymore. Anyone going about their daily business can see these fat shits people waddling around, sweat stains all over their 'clothes', guts so big they are hanging out from under their shirts, mystery pouches on 'women', spare tires so grotesque it looks like they really do have in intertube around their waist under their shirt, asses so huge and deformed thatylook like their own species of animal, and legs so thick and full of ripples and cottage cheese and moist from sweat its hard to keep your lunch down. Fuck these people.

Barkely is right. This city needs to do something about our 'fat culture'. Is gets more serious when you see all these little kids that are like 5-10 years old and they are alredy so fat they look like a balloon thats about to burst and are on the brink of needing a breathing machine and probably already have diabetes. Fuck their parents. Fucking disgusting obese pigs

Not true. There was a period of time in China where Fat was considered Beautiful.

05-19-2014, 02:09 PM
tell me why are some people considered hard gainers ? you all ever heard of ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs?

05-19-2014, 02:10 PM
Plus the trees are like bushes and provide next to none shade. Your thankful when you neighbor has a Pecan or Oak tree in their yard and blocks out the sun for a few hours.

Yes... bushes. :rolleyes


05-19-2014, 02:16 PM

05-19-2014, 02:20 PM

Spurstalk G2G?

BTW, not sure what this was supposed to convey. Big pizza? Dude living in the 90s?

05-19-2014, 02:20 PM

:wow holy shit :lol

05-19-2014, 02:21 PM
Yes... bushes. :rolleyes


Compare to Atlanta and even Dallas, those are bushes. But below is what most suburbs and housing areas look like in SA. Places close to the River and Northwest part of SA have a lot of trees. Elsewhere, not so much.


05-19-2014, 02:32 PM
I'd like to know just what made Barkley single out San Antonio

05-19-2014, 02:35 PM
I live here and i like it but Barkley is completely right.

San antonio is consistently one of the top 5 fattest cities in america, which is itself the fattest nation on earth. Number 2 is mexico. San antonio is filled these people.

All things considered, san antonio is not only one of the fattest cities in the world, but in the history of the world.

In all of human history, there are only a few other places on earth that can put up as many heffers as modern day san antonio, tx.

It has got so bad, that being obese-not eve fat, but obese- IS THE NORM. If you are an adult and not fat, YOU ARE THE WEIRD ONE. The horror is that these bovines are so used to being surrounded by other cattle that they dont even have any shame anymore. Anyone going about their daily business can see these fat shits people waddling around, sweat stains all over their 'clothes', guts so big they are hanging out from under their shirts, mystery pouches on 'women', spare tires so grotesque it looks like they really do have in intertube around their waist under their shirt, asses so huge and deformed thatylook like their own species of animal, and legs so thick and full of ripples and cottage cheese and moist from sweat its hard to keep your lunch down. Fuck these people.

Barkely is right. This city needs to do something about our 'fat culture'. Is gets more serious when you see all these little kids that are like 5-10 years old and they are alredy so fat they look like a balloon thats about to burst and are on the brink of needing a breathing machine and probably already have diabetes. Fuck their parents. Fucking disgusting obese pigs

05-19-2014, 02:38 PM
Compare to Atlanta and even Dallas, those are bushes. But below is what most suburbs and housing areas look like in SA. Places close to the River and Northwest part of SA have a lot of trees. Elsewhere, not so much.


Wait, what are you even trying to compare? The height of the trees or the density of the trees?

Most suburban tract housing neighborhoods in the US look like that picture. Especially if they're relatively new.

Btw, this is Dallas. City of Tall 'Non-Bush looking' Trees according to you.


Dallas suburban tract housing:


Now, back to SA.


05-19-2014, 02:39 PM
Wait, what are you even trying to compare? The height of the trees or the density of the trees?

Most suburban tract housing neighborhoods in the US look like that picture. Especially if they're relatively new.

Btw, this is Dallas. City of Tall 'Non-Bush looking' Trees according to you.


I live in Atlanta, and even the Suburbs have trees and big ones. I can run in my neighbor mid-summer and probably a mile of my 4 mile run is in the sun if that.

San Antonio in the North/Northeast is just plains with a few mesquite trees. West/Southwest is Hill country or clay surface with next to none trees. SA river runs from Northwest to South East SA. That is where you have the most trees.

Dallas has trees every where. In the suburbs they have pine trees. SA biggest trees are Oak and Pecan and they mostly can be found close to the River. Elsewhere is most just mesquite trees with a few Oak and Pecan trees. That is why South Texas is know for its BBQ because its mesquite heaven down there.

05-19-2014, 02:43 PM
Spurstalk G2G?

BTW, not sure what this was supposed to convey. Big pizza? Dude living in the 90s?

haha. u can get the biggest pizza in texas at big lous pizza in san antonio

05-19-2014, 02:48 PM
and the biggest tacos in texas at rolandos super tacos

baseline bum
05-19-2014, 02:55 PM
True that. I was in Vancouver, B.C. a couple of months ago and I literally counted five fat people the whole week I stayed there. People were always walking, taking public transport and yes, even though there was the occasional fast food joint, the ratio of regular restaurants to fast food
places was insane. Gyms were packed and parks were being fully utilized. Hundreds of people were walking, running and biking at Stanley Park. The whole trip was an eye-opening experience.

Yeah, quite the shock when I was in New Zealand a couple of years ago and literally the only fat people were the American and British tourists. It seemed like a salad was a central part of every dinner plate I ever got there, and a real salad with lots of nice veggies, not some leafs of lettuce, a ton of bacon and a mound of ranch like salad is in the US. Plus they bring you a big carafe of water everywhere before you order, which is a practice that seems like it's dying out in the US. Here you order water instead of empty-calorie Cokes or Budeweisers and the waiter thinks you're cheap or something.

05-19-2014, 02:59 PM
being fat is cool

05-19-2014, 03:01 PM
I live in Atlanta, and even the Suburbs have trees and big ones. I can run in my neighbor mid-summer and probably a mile of my 4 mile run is in the sun if that.

Atlanta is very unique with regards to its tree canopy, however, we're not discussing Atlanta.

San Antonio in the North/Northeast is just plains with a few mesquite trees. West/Southwest is Hill country or clay surface with next to none trees. SA river runs from Northwest to South East SA. That is where you have the most trees.

Jesus christ... what?


As you can see, the San Antonio metro area is home to four different vegetational areas.

And then there's this:

S.A. tree canopy ranks No. 1 in the nation

San Antonio has the most extensive tree cover of any major U.S. city. Even with its semi-arid climate, San Antonio's tree canopy of 38 percent ranks first among the nation's 50 largest cities.


05-19-2014, 03:08 PM
Atlanta is very unique with regards to its tree canopy, however, we're not discussing Atlanta.

Jesus christ... what?


As you can see, the San Antonio metro is home to four different vegetational areas.

Notice two are PRAIRiES. Prairies usually mean they don't have too many trees. They are in the Northeast and Soutwest areas of SA like I said.

Point being, you are making fun of Rascal of not wanting to go outside in 90 degree weather. I honestly don't believe you ever been in SA in the summer. Rascal could every well live in one of the areas that don't have many trees. And when SA is know to have 100 degree weather for 80-90% of the summer days with 80-90% humidity, with large areas not having trees, I hardly think anyone would want to go outside if you live in those conditions.

SA is not SD. One time it was 81 degrees outside on Christmas day in SA. That's SA for you.

05-19-2014, 03:17 PM
Notice two are PRAIRiES. Prairies usually mean they don't have too many trees. They are in the Northeast and Soutwest areas of SA like I said.

That same prairie covers 95% of Dallas county and most of Dallas' suburbs. smh

FYI, you said the Hill Country was on the Southwest side.

Point being, you are making fun of Rascal of not wanting to go outside in 90 degree weather. I honestly don't believe you ever been in SA in the summer. Rascal could every well live in one of the areas that don't have many trees. And when SA is know to have 100 degree weather for 80-90% of the summer days with 80-90% humidity, with large areas not having trees, I hardly think anyone would want to go outside if you live in those conditions.

I never made fun of him. I laughed at him arguing something subjective.

Also, whenever it's 100 degrees in San Antonio during the summer, it's never 90% humidity.

Lastly, I've experienced over 25 San Antonio summers.

SA is not SD. One time is to 81 degrees outside on Christmas day in SA. That's SA for you.

Holy shit man. It was 78 degrees in San Diego this past Christmas!

I really question your knowledge of practically everything. You banter about as if you know what you're talking about, but you don't. You really don't.


In case you missed it.

S.A. tree canopy ranks No. 1 in the nation

San Antonio has the most extensive tree cover of any major U.S. city. Even with its semi-arid climate, San Antonio's tree canopy of 38 percent ranks first among the nation's 50 largest cities.


05-19-2014, 03:24 PM
The same praire covers 95% of Dallas county and most of Dallas' suburbs. smh

I never made fun of him. I laughed at him arguing something subjective.

Also, whenever it's 100 degrees in San Antonio during the summer, it's never 90% humidity.

Btw, I've experiences over 25 San Antonio summers.

Holy shit man. It was 78 degrees in San Diego this past Christmas!

I really question your knowledge of practically everything. You banter about as if you know what you're talking about, but you don't. You really don't.

78 degrees in SD with the Ocean Breeze is nothing compare to SA. SA humidity mostly stays around 80% but it can get up to 90% and those days are the worse.

So you say its subjective. You have experience 25 years of SA Summers. Tell me, did you go outside for a 5 mile run when it was 100+ degrees outside, 80% humidity.

baseline bum
05-19-2014, 03:25 PM
Yeah, 80-90% humidity isn't even really possible on 90 degree days. That would be mid 80s dewpoints, which don't even happen in Mississippi and Alabama, much less Texas. Daytime summer dewpoints are usually in the low 70s (which feels horrible) and nighttime dew points are usually in the high 70s.

05-19-2014, 03:36 PM
What a stupid thread. San Antonio is fat because most of the city is a spread out commuterville and everyone eats lardy Tex-Mex and BBQ. It has nothing to do with lack of trees or access to healthy food, lol. People from SA don't choose to be fat exactly; but they do choose a certain lifestyle that leads to fatness, despite the plentiful opportunities in SA to eat well and be active.

You have to be a fucking moron to think GMOs or nonorgranic food is to blame, btw. It's all about calories in, calories out. That's it.

05-19-2014, 03:37 PM
78 degrees in SD with the Ocean Breeze is nothing compare to SA. SA humidity mostly stays around 80% but it can get up to 90% and those days are the worse.

So you say its subjective. You have experience 25 years of SA Summers. Tell me, did you go outside for a 5 mile run when it was 100+ degrees outside, 80% humidity.

It was 82 degrees with 25 percent humidity. It was a very very comfortable day.

I wish I could slap the stupid out of you. But I'd probably concave your brittle skull into your peanut sized brain.

100 degrees and 80% humidity... you're trolling now, aren't you?

05-19-2014, 03:37 PM
Not only are they fat, they're inbred Demonrats. Fools.

baseline bum
05-19-2014, 03:37 PM
100 degrees with 80% relative humidity would be a heat index in the 130s or 140s. Really nasty summer days are usually high 90s with 50% relative humidity. But it consistently hits 100% relative humidity at night in the high 70s temperature-wise, which is why it feels horrible to go outside at 4AM in the summer. Most of the time it hits the 100s in summer I welcome it, because it's often from dry desert air coming in and dropping the dewpoints into the 60s.

05-19-2014, 03:38 PM
What a stupid thread. San Antonio is fat because most of the city is a spread out commuterville and everyone eats lardy Tex-Mex and BBQ. It has nothing to do with lack of trees or access to healthy food, lol. People from SA don't choose to be fat exactly; but they do choose a certain lifestyle that leads to fatness, despite the plentiful opportunities in SA to eat well and be active.

You have to be a fucking moron to think GMOs or nonorgranic food is to blame, btw. It's all about calories in, calories out. That's it.

No ones arguing that the obesity rate is high because of lack of trees.

05-19-2014, 03:38 PM
Notice two are PRAIRiES. Prairies usually mean they don't have too many trees. They are in the Northeast and Soutwest areas of SA like I said.

Point being, you are making fun of Rascal of not wanting to go outside in 90 degree weather. I honestly don't believe you ever been in SA in the summer. Rascal could every well live in one of the areas that don't have many trees. And when SA is know to have 100 degree weather for 80-90% of the summer days with 80-90% humidity, with large areas not having trees, I hardly think anyone would want to go outside if you live in those conditions.

SA is not SD. One time it was 81 degrees outside on Christmas day in SA. That's SA for you.

Prairies have lots of trees now because we stop the wildfires that used to keep them at bay.

05-19-2014, 03:40 PM
100 degrees with 80% relative humidity would be a heat index in the 130s or 140s. Really nasty summer days are usually high 90s with 50% relative humidity. But it consistently hits 100% relative humidity at night in the high 70s temperature-wise, which is why it feels horrible to go outside at 4AM in the summer. Most of the time it hits the 100s in summer I welcome it, because it's often from dry desert air coming in and dropping the dewpoints into the 60s.

Exactly. The hotter it is, the lower the humidity. Overnight and Mornings are yuck but evenings when the sun is fixing to set is very pleasant relative to the rest of the day. It's porch weather at that point,

05-19-2014, 03:44 PM
I look forward to tackling the obesity problems of the city of San Antonio and the United States in general in this thread. Will bookmark :tu

How did we get to trees?

05-19-2014, 03:54 PM
Dew Points

San Antonio



New Orleans



05-19-2014, 04:03 PM
I live here and i like it but Barkley is completely right.

San antonio is consistently one of the top 5 fattest cities in america, which is itself the fattest nation on earth. Number 2 is mexico. San antonio is filled these people.

All things considered, san antonio is not only one of the fattest cities in the world, but in the history of the world.

In all of human history, there are only a few other places on earth that can put up as many heffers as modern day san antonio, tx.

It has got so bad, that being obese-not eve fat, but obese- IS THE NORM. If you are an adult and not fat, YOU ARE THE WEIRD ONE. The horror is that these bovines are so used to being surrounded by other cattle that they dont even have any shame anymore. Anyone going about their daily business can see these fat shits people waddling around, sweat stains all over their 'clothes', guts so big they are hanging out from under their shirts, mystery pouches on 'women', spare tires so grotesque it looks like they really do have in intertube around their waist under their shirt, asses so huge and deformed thatylook like their own species of animal, and legs so thick and full of ripples and cottage cheese and moist from sweat its hard to keep your lunch down. Fuck these people.

Barkely is right. This city needs to do something about our 'fat culture'. Is gets more serious when you see all these little kids that are like 5-10 years old and they are alredy so fat they look like a balloon thats about to burst and are on the brink of needing a breathing machine and probably already have diabetes. Fuck their parents. Fucking disgusting obese pigs

so basically you think people can not think for themselves and the gov needs to do everything for people

The Whopper
05-19-2014, 04:09 PM
I never understand these "my city is better than your city' debates. People have different tastes and reasons for living in a particular place.

Is the weather in SA perfect? No. But at least its pleasant most of the cooler months and locals know how to keep their head down during the heat of a summer day.

It's not like this is East Germany and no one can leave. If it sucked so bad, it wouldn't be growing so quickly.

05-19-2014, 04:18 PM
Y'all are arguing about trees.

05-19-2014, 04:22 PM
Y'all are arguing about trees.

05-19-2014, 04:23 PM
tbh if healthy food wasnt so expensive

I hope this is sarcasm

05-19-2014, 04:35 PM
Sure, but so has New York, Los Angeles and San Diego.

BTW, those 90s were low humidity days and very comfortable.

New York has not hit 90 yet.
15 days already this year at 90 or higher since April 1 in San Antonio. June, July, August, 1st 3 weeks of Sept. almost every day , day after day 90 or better in san antonio.

Horry Hipcheck
05-19-2014, 04:41 PM
I live here and i like it but Barkley is completely right.

San antonio is consistently one of the top 5 fattest cities in america, which is itself the fattest nation on earth. Number 2 is mexico. San antonio is filled these people.

All things considered, san antonio is not only one of the fattest cities in the world, but in the history of the world.

In all of human history, there are only a few other places on earth that can put up as many heffers as modern day san antonio, tx.

It has got so bad, that being obese-not eve fat, but obese- IS THE NORM. If you are an adult and not fat, YOU ARE THE WEIRD ONE. The horror is that these bovines are so used to being surrounded by other cattle that they dont even have any shame anymore. Anyone going about their daily business can see these fat shits people waddling around, sweat stains all over their 'clothes', guts so big they are hanging out from under their shirts, mystery pouches on 'women', spare tires so grotesque it looks like they really do have in intertube around their waist under their shirt, asses so huge and deformed thatylook like their own species of animal, and legs so thick and full of ripples and cottage cheese and moist from sweat its hard to keep your lunch down. Fuck these people.

Barkely is right. This city needs to do something about our 'fat culture'. Is gets more serious when you see all these little kids that are like 5-10 years old and they are alredy so fat they look like a balloon thats about to burst and are on the brink of needing a breathing machine and probably already have diabetes. Fuck their parents. Fucking disgusting obese pigs

Complete and total irrelevance aside, my issue with Barkley's comments is that 1) he doesn't talk about how fat San Antonians are, he only talks about how fat San Antonio women are, 2) he's the goddamn spokesman for Weight Watchers for fuck's sake, and 3) he's been making those inane remarks since what, 2007? He hasn't just been beating a dead horse, he's been whacking the shit out of it for literally years now. It's old, it's a tiny bit unfair since he's only targeting women, and it has no place being discussed any further here.

05-19-2014, 04:58 PM
Ah yes, argue something that is subjective. :lol

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Btw, unless you're living in San Diego, you can gfy. :hat

I was responding to your subjective comment "those 90s were low humidity days and very comfortable" :lol

05-19-2014, 04:58 PM


05-19-2014, 05:01 PM
A calorie is a unit measurement but can have different sources. So a calorie from process saturated fat, isn't the same as a calorie from natural wheat. That is where I am getting at with the OUNCE of gold (calories from wheat) is not the same as an OUNCE of iron (calories from saturated fat, which was my first point made in this thread). I guess I have write a dissertation next time I want to explain something.

Agree: Your body processes calories differently as to the sources the calories come from.

05-19-2014, 05:06 PM
I don't live in SA anymore, but from my experiences, It's not the so much the heat but the humidity which retains the heat. It can get up to like 90% humidity for long stretches. And the clay dirt surfaces for yards don't help as that crap retains the heat even more. Plus the trees are like bushes and provide next to none shade. Your thankful when you neighbor has a Pecan or Oak tree in their yard and blocks out the sun for a few hours.

The clay dirt is a result of dead dry grass that burns up in the summer heat.

05-19-2014, 05:12 PM
I live in Atlanta, and even the Suburbs have trees and big ones. I can run in my neighbor mid-summer and probably a mile of my 4 mile run is in the sun if that.

San Antonio in the North/Northeast is just plains with a few mesquite trees. West/Southwest is Hill country or clay surface with next to none trees. SA river runs from Northwest to South East SA. That is where you have the most trees.

Dallas has trees every where. In the suburbs they have pine trees. SA biggest trees are Oak and Pecan and they mostly can be found close to the River. Elsewhere is most just mesquite trees with a few Oak and Pecan trees. That is why South Texas is know for its BBQ because its mesquite heaven down there.

Unless the trees were planted because naturally the San Antonio area is not forest with dense tall trees like it is in the northern part of the country.

05-19-2014, 05:20 PM
Yeah, if only a can of soup or cup of noodles was cheaper than 3 hamburgers...
tbh u cant eat that everyday

05-19-2014, 05:21 PM
Yeah, 80-90% humidity isn't even really possible on 90 degree days. That would be mid 80s dewpoints, which don't even happen in Mississippi and Alabama, much less Texas. Daytime summer dewpoints are usually in the low 70s (which feels horrible) and nighttime dew points are usually in the high 70s.

He exaggerated the numbers but it still can be high enough to be very uncomfortable combined with the high temperatures.
In the northeast it is often hot and humid when it does get hot.

05-19-2014, 05:53 PM
Poop - You ignorant Slut!

05-19-2014, 05:54 PM

Now we're arguing about the weather.

05-19-2014, 06:00 PM
tbh if healthy food wasnt so expensive

Also more than price healthy food take commitment to buying whole foods and planning ahead and actually spending time preparing your food.

05-19-2014, 06:02 PM
Also more than price healthy food take commitment to buying whole foods and planning ahead and actually spending time preparing your food.
me personally i eat lots of fast food but i lose it in the gym

05-19-2014, 06:05 PM
He exaggerated the numbers but it still can be high enough to be very uncomfortable combined with the high temperatures.
In the northeast it is often hot and humid when it does get hot.

It went beyond exaggeration. It leveled on brain dead stupidity. 100 degrees and 80% humidity? Seriously. He even said Christmas was hot and humid. He has no Damon clue about our weather patterns.

05-19-2014, 06:25 PM
It went beyond exaggeration. It leveled on brain dead stupidity. 100 degrees and 80% humidity? Seriously. He even said Christmas was hot and humid. He has no Damon clue about our weather patterns.

It can be hot and humid any day of the year in San Antonio even Christmas, just is more consistent with day after day the higher temps and a bit lower humidity in the summer.

05-19-2014, 06:29 PM
It went beyond exaggeration. It leveled on brain dead stupidity.

Now you are exaggerating. You must be a sensitive Texan who feels the need to defend anything that someone may say that is not so great about Texas.
I find Texans to be overly sensitive about anything anti-Texas.

05-19-2014, 06:40 PM
It can be hot and humid any day of the year in San Antonio even Christmas, just is more consistent with day after day the higher temps and a bit lower humidity in the summer.

It's obvious you're as hard headed as cowboy and will simply ignore the facts just to spew your nonsense.

This ends my participation in this conversation with you.

05-19-2014, 06:43 PM
It's obvious you're as hard headed as cowboy and will simply ignore the facts just to spew your nonsense.

This ends my participation in this conversation with you.

I gave you facts(15 days already this year in the 90s), you are the one ignoring facts.

05-19-2014, 07:32 PM
I live here and i like it but Barkley is completely right.

San antonio is consistently one of the top 5 fattest cities in america, which is itself the fattest nation on earth. Number 2 is mexico.

Mexico is the fattest nation on earth. http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/mexico-surpasses-u-s-world-fattest-nation-report-article-1.1393801

We're second because half of them moved here.

05-20-2014, 03:57 AM
I'll chime in as a recent visitor to Texas.

Dallas wins with the most hotties.

San Antonio comes in second, with plenty of hot latino women, including some of those full figured girls.

Houston comes in dead last with a bunch of skanky crackheads. Only decent woman I met there was from San Antonio!

05-20-2014, 09:09 AM
You remind me of the pot calling the kettle black, as does Charles. Both of you obviously are not well read. Fully one third of Americans are obese or fat. At last count, that was well over ONE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE. S.A. is not the fattest city in America. Charles, however, "fills the bill" to be a member of THAT city. Where do you stand?

05-20-2014, 09:13 AM
"you obviously are not well read. Fully one third of Americans are obese or fat."

:lol YOU are not well read

2/3 of Americans are overweight, while 1/3 are obese.

Old School 44
05-20-2014, 09:22 AM
Who's the attractive young woman they showed on TNT's Inside Stuff that Barkley said "they flew in from Dallas"? I've seen her in someone's sig where she's applauding the team. I noticed she seemed to be with Armando Montelongo's group (he, along with his wife were in the background wearing similar white t-shirts). Armando is the real estate guy who's on the cable show about flipping homes here in San Antonio.

05-20-2014, 10:27 AM
Quoted for truth.

How hard of a concept is it for people to understand that food is fuel that gives your body energy. If your body has too.much fuel and your body isn't using it as energy, your body will then begin to stockpile it. That is the fat in your body.

You could eat nothing but fatty foods and lose weight. Hell, that's the keto diet.

Moderation and exercise/using the fuel as energy are key to losing weight.

If you burn more calories than you take.in, you lose weight. If you take in more calories than you burn.off, you gain weight. It's that simple.

^ this ftw, tbh

05-20-2014, 10:31 AM
Who's the attractive young woman they showed on TNT's Inside Stuff that Barkley said "they flew in from Dallas"? I've seen her in someone's sig where she's applauding the team. I noticed she seemed to be with Armando Montelongo's group (he, along with his wife were in the background wearing similar white t-shirts). Armando is the real estate guy who's on the cable show about flipping homes here in San Antonio.

Wasn't that Timmy's girlfriend? Mysa.com just rehashed an old story about them from 3 months ago.

Old School 44
05-20-2014, 11:45 AM
Wasn't that Timmy's girlfriend? Mysa.com just rehashed an old story about them from 3 months ago.

You're right. It was. She looked different from other photos I've seen. I'm surprised TNT didn't know who she was. Here's some pics I was talking about.


05-20-2014, 11:54 AM
I live here and i like it but Barkley is completely right.

San antonio is consistently one of the top 5 fattest cities in america, which is itself the fattest nation on earth. Number 2 is mexico. San antonio is filled these people.

All things considered, san antonio is not only one of the fattest cities in the world, but in the history of the world.

In all of human history, there are only a few other places on earth that can put up as many heffers as modern day san antonio, tx.

It has got so bad, that being obese-not eve fat, but obese- IS THE NORM. If you are an adult and not fat, YOU ARE THE WEIRD ONE. The horror is that these bovines are so used to being surrounded by other cattle that they dont even have any shame anymore. Anyone going about their daily business can see these fat shits people waddling around, sweat stains all over their 'clothes', guts so big they are hanging out from under their shirts, mystery pouches on 'women', spare tires so grotesque it looks like they really do have in intertube around their waist under their shirt, asses so huge and deformed thatylook like their own species of animal, and legs so thick and full of ripples and cottage cheese and moist from sweat its hard to keep your lunch down. Fuck these people.

Barkely is right. This city needs to do something about our 'fat culture'. Is gets more serious when you see all these little kids that are like 5-10 years old and they are alredy so fat they look like a balloon thats about to burst and are on the brink of needing a breathing machine and probably already have diabetes. Fuck their parents. Fucking disgusting obese pigs

Yep. Born and raised in San Antonio, now live in CA. Makes me nauseous every time I visit.

05-20-2014, 01:16 PM
What a shitty thread :lol. Send this topic to the Club forum..

05-20-2014, 01:48 PM
maybe if OKC could share its meth epidemic, san antonio could cut some of the flab off with a 3 day binge.

05-20-2014, 01:53 PM
lol at page 4 you guys are busting out charts and shit oh my god.

05-20-2014, 02:02 PM
I live in Atlanta, and even the Suburbs have trees and big ones. I can run in my neighbor mid-summer and probably a mile of my 4 mile run is in the sun if that.

San Antonio in the North/Northeast is just plains with a few mesquite trees. West/Southwest is Hill country or clay surface with next to none trees. SA river runs from Northwest to South East SA. That is where you have the most trees.

Dallas has trees every where. In the suburbs they have pine trees. SA biggest trees are Oak and Pecan and they mostly can be found close to the River. Elsewhere is most just mesquite trees with a few Oak and Pecan trees. That is why South Texas is know for its BBQ because its mesquite heaven down there.

really, that's news to me because i live in cibolo just outside far NE san antonio and it is certainly not flat out there. lots of trees and sloped areas and even hills in garden ridge, converse, selma, universal city and new braunfels. "plains" would not be one way to describe that area at all. you may also want to check out some of the cypress trees in the cibolo/new braunfels area as well.

05-20-2014, 02:21 PM
"you obviously are not well read. Fully one third of Americans are obese or fat."

:lol YOU are not well read

2/3 of Americans are overweight, while 1/3 are obese.

Worded not quite correctly but I get your point. 2/3 of americans are at least overweight, counting the obese. 1/3 are obese.

05-20-2014, 02:40 PM
Have to say that when I was at the game, my head was turning. There were a ton of hot ladies, not even close to being big. I think Charles has had a good influence on the SA women. They must have been hitting the gym this last year, because the hotties out numbered the fatties by a wide margin.


05-20-2014, 02:56 PM
San Antonio has some decent women imo. of course there's going to be fat ugly people but that's all over the united states. Thing is, we shouldn't put them down. If they want to live like that then let them. it's not affecting you so why give a fuck.

05-20-2014, 03:15 PM
I live here and i like it but Barkley is completely right.

San antonio is consistently one of the top 5 fattest cities in america, which is itself the fattest nation on earth. Number 2 is mexico. San antonio is filled these people.

The 10 most obese cities (by percentage):

Huntington-Ashland, Oh. (39.5);

McCallen, Texas (38.3);

Haggerstown, Md. (36.7);

Yakima, Wash. (35.7);

Little Rock, Ark. (35.1);

Charlestown, W. Va. (34.6);

Toledo, Ohio (34.2);

Clarksville, Tenn. (33.8);

Jackson, Miss. (33.8); and

Green Bay, Wis. (33.0);

A new report by the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization has found that Mexico has surpassed the United States as the world's fattest nation, with about 70 percent of its citizens being overweight or obese.

Just sayin.

05-20-2014, 03:25 PM
Something that should be attributed to the obesity rate is the United States and in particular Texas CAR CULTURE. The city was built in a manner in which you can not walk any wear like in Europe. You have to get on a highway to get anywhere in San Antonio.