View Full Version : Cheney: Hillary Should Be 'Held Accountable' For Benghazi Terror Attacks

05-20-2014, 12:58 AM
Dick Cheney: Hillary Should Be 'Held Accountable' For Benghazi Terror Attacks

Dick Cheney, the former vice president who was in office during the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 and later pushed the country into war with Iraq based on faulty intelligence, said on Sunday that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would be "held accountable" for four Americans that died during a terrorist attack in Benghazi.

"I do think it's a major issue," he added. "I don't think we've heard the last of it yet, and I expect that she will be held accountable during the course of the campaign."

Cheney's wife, Lynne, who was also on the program also doubled down on her recent suggestion that Hillary Clinton had conspired with Vanity Fair to publish an article by Monica Lewinsky to get the issue out of the way before a 2016 presidential run.

"I was really paying the Clintons a large compliment," she insisted. "I was saying how clever they are politically. And it seemed to me, if you had something that might come up during the campaign that would be damaging, it was very smart to get it out of the way early."

"So, that's my case, Chris, and I'm staying with it."


Yeah, she'll be held accountable the minute that Dick shows up at the Hague and tried for war crimes against Humanity..

05-20-2014, 06:06 AM
Repugs are panicked, they KNOW their unelectable asshole(s) don't have a chance against Hillary.

the redecks, bubbas on ST and everywhere buy the Repug Benghazi fantasy just like they buy the AGW denialism.

05-20-2014, 11:38 PM

The Reckoning
05-21-2014, 05:50 AM

i'm not defending bush at all...nor do i tote party lines...imo clinton was just as guilty for letting 9/11 slip...

but it makes you wonder how many threats they get from 'terrorists' every day threatening to strike the US

05-21-2014, 06:10 AM
"clinton was just as guilty for letting 9/11 slip"

yeah, shooting Cruise missiles at OBL was to distract from the impeachment and other Repug harassments. :lol

The Reckoning
05-21-2014, 06:47 AM
boutons, i'm a firm believer in the annales school, as you should be all espousing french doctrine.

the longue duree is real, what happens now is merely the result of a long line of events, and will continue into the future.

05-21-2014, 08:31 AM
What EXACTLY did Clinton do that led to 9/11?

OBL said he wanted to attack America because Pappy Bush defiled OBL's sacred Saudia Arabian sands by installing US military boots permanently there after the 1st Gulf War, 10 years of longue duree before 9/11, and there is the decades- long US support for Israel against the Muslims.

My bet is that dickhead/dubya docs that dickhead has refused to release will show how their administration was willfully negligent in the hope that an attack would provide the pretext to implement PNAC/BigOil plan to grab Iraqi oil. oilman dickhead then did go on for years post-9/11 tying 9/11 to Saddam.

btw, Boko Harom taking those girls can be tied to the total corruption in Nigeria, whose govt is supported by US/UK because of Nigeria's oil. When the President of the Nigerian National Bank asked where $20B of oil revenues had disappeared to, he was fired.

05-21-2014, 02:00 PM
In retrospect, Clinton's approach to AQ was too legalistic and political. Investigations and punitive actions could be and were thwarted by things like the wishes of a US ambassador or the feared reaction from middle east allies or poll numbers. As flawed as their approach was, the Clinton administration did take AQ very seriously. Their focus did not carry over to the Bush administration, which had a bunch of neocons who wanted to start the cold war up again. There's no telling if Bushy could have stopped 9/11, but it is clear ignoring the problem didn't work; he and Cheney should be held accountable for that.

05-21-2014, 02:26 PM
"Their focus did not carry over to the Bush administration, which had a bunch of neocons who wanted to start the cold war up again."

specifically, the neocons wanted to invade Iraq for oil. Allow 9/11 to happen gave them pretext. Nothing cold about it, neocons wanted and got a hot, shooting Global War on Terror that continues today, with no end in site.

05-21-2014, 02:31 PM
"Their focus did not carry over to the Bush administration, which had a bunch of neocons who wanted to start the cold war up again."

specifically, the neocons wanted to invade Iraq for oil. Allow 9/11 to happen gave them pretext. Nothing cold about it, neocons wanted and got a hot, shooting Global War on Terror that continues today, with no end in site.

Nah, it's so much more likely that they were merely incompetent. Like I said, it's nearly impossible to say any particular action by the Bush administration would have stopped 9/11.

05-21-2014, 05:19 PM


05-21-2014, 05:20 PM
i'm not defending bush at all...nor do i tote party lines...imo clinton was just as guilty for letting 9/11 slip...


05-21-2014, 10:57 PM
I'm having trouble finding how the attacks were Clinton's fault, can someone, inform me?

When Clinton tried to get anti-terrorism legislation passed in 1996, Republicans fought it tooth and nail. Senator Orrin Hatch, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, went so far as to call certain provisions in the bill "controversial" and "phony" - all of which have since been passed in the wake of 9/11....

.....Sudan offered to arrest bin Laden and turn him over to Saudi Arabia. For ten weeks Clinton tried to persuade the Saudis to take bin Laden. They refused to do so for fear of fundamentalist backlash, and the FBI & Justice Department determined there was not sufficient evidence at that time to indict him in U.S. courts....

....In 1998, after the embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, Clinton bent a President Ford-era ban on assassinations, authorizing the CIA to use deadly force against bin Laden (An attempt was made when operatives fired an RPG at bin Laden's motorcade, unfortunately hitting the wrong vehicle in the convoy)....

.....Clinton also ordered cruise missile strikes on bin Laden's camp in Afghanistan and at a pharmaceutical plant in the Sudan suspected of manufacturing VX nerve gas. This action was met with staunch resistence from Republicans and immediately cries of 'Wag the Dog' dominated the discourse. Further action would have resulted in further attacks from the GOP. He also sponsored legislation that would have frozen the assets of any organizations believed to be funneling money to al Qaeda. It was killed by Republican Senator Phil Gramm of Texas. - The same legislation passed immediately following 9/11.....

....A number of al Qaeda attacks were prevented under the Clinton administration, including plots to bomb Los Angeles Airport, the UN building, and New York City tunnels. Dozens of international terrorist cells were also neutralized. These successes were praised by a number of counter-terrorism experts, including Robert Oakley, from Reagan's State Department, who gave Clinton high marks but criticized his obsession with bin Laden....

05-21-2014, 11:04 PM
....Near the end of the Clinton administration, unarmed Predator drones spotted bin Laden in Afghanistan at least three times. Clinton proposed arming the drones with Hellfire missiles to kill him. Bad weather and retrofitting required the drones to be taken offline until March 2001. They remained offline throughout that summer. One week before 9/11, the Bush administration rejected using the drones to attack al Qaeda. Days after 9/11, armed Predator drones were put in the skies over Afghanistan....

...On May 5th, 2001, Bush rejected the Hart-Rudman report, a two and a half year study on the threat of terrorism, considered to be the most in-depth security analysis since the National Security Act of 1947, which created the National Security Council and the CIA. The fourteen member panel of intelligence and military experts, coming to the conclusion that "Americans will likely die on American soil, possibly in large numbers," recommended many improvements in our defenses (enacted since 9/11), including the creation of a National Homeland Security Agency....

....In the Summer of 2001, warnings of an al Qaeda attack in the United States using multiple aircraft as weapons began pouring in from international intelligence agencies all over the world, including: Germany, Russia, Jordan, Morocco, Israel and Britain. Additionally, Egyptian President Mubarak warned the U.S. that al Qaeda threatened to kill Bush at the July G8 summit in Italy using a plane stuffed with explosives. From 1994 through 2001 U.S. intelligence agencies were aware of numerous threats that al Qaeda could use airplanes as weapons against the United States....

...Four months before the 9/11 attacks, a new 'Visa Express' program is started which is designed to help applicants obtain U.S. visas quickly and easily. In June and July of 2001, three of the 9/11 hijackers use Visa Express to enter the United States. (Five according to the U.S. Senate Committee on Intelligence)..

...On July 10, 2001, Phoenix FBI agent Kenneth Williams sent a memo to FBI headquarters suggesting that bin Laden might be using U.S. flight schools to train for terror attacks, and that officials should check visas of foreigners at American aviation academies. No action is taken. (18) Vice President Cheney opposed a request by Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle for a copy of the memo and stated that it should not be released to the media and public.....

05-21-2014, 11:07 PM
In July 2001 John Ashcroft was told to stop flying commercial airlines due to a "threat assessment," and to travel only by private jet for the rest of his term.....

...Also in July 2001, the FAA received a classified briefing that al Qaeda may be planning hijackings of U.S. airliners. That same month the FAA rescinded a 40 year old rule (enacted as a result of the Cuban missile crisis) that allowed commercial airline pilots to be armed.....

....On August 6th, 2001, Bush received a briefing from the CIA titled "Bin Laden Determined To Strike In The U.S.," which emphasized that al Qaeda hoped to "bring the fight to America." Hijackings were mentioned specifically. When White House press secretary Ari Fleischer stated the title of the document to reporters in May 2002, he left out the word "In."...

....In the middle of unprecedented warnings of a major terrorist attack in the United States coming from numerous international intelligence sources, what does Bush do? He takes a one month vacation. A one month vacation after being in office for roughly six months. A one month vacation after the most contested election in history [At the end of this vacation Bush will have spent almost a quarter of his presidency at his Texas ranch]. This is the longest presidential vacation in thirty two years - just shy of the record held by Richard Nixon who beats Bush by one day. And oh yeah, Vice President Cheney was also out of Washington DC the entire month of August 2001, vacationing in Wyoming.....

05-22-2014, 09:52 AM
i'm not defending bush at all...nor do i tote party lines...imo clinton was just as guilty for letting 9/11 slip...

but it makes you wonder how many threats they get from 'terrorists' every day threatening to strike the UShindsight is 20/20. fwiw, I think blaming Bush for 9/11 is just as silly as blaming Benghazi on Hillary Clinton. it's time to move on.