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05-21-2014, 09:22 PM
Well, what did Carvell say about dragging a 100 bill through a trailer park? Try a million!!

$1 Million Bounty to Be Offered for ‘Smoking Gun’ in IRS Targeting Scandal
May. 21, 2014 8:00pm Sara Carter

A nonprofit group hopes to award a $1 million bounty to anyone who can provide “smoking gun” evidence to implicate IRS leadership or members of the Obama administration who purposefully targeted conservative and tea party-affiliated groups, TheBlaze has learned.

Gregg Phillips, the managing director for The Voters Trust, a political nonprofit 501 (c)(4) which was established to identify and mobilize Americans, told TheBlaze on Wednesday “that this is the people’s bounty to seek the truth.”

Catherine Engelbrecht, president of the nonprofit group True the Vote, will be officially announcing the bounty Wednesday night on Megyn Kelly’s Fox News show, “The Kelly File” at 9 p.m. ET.

To qualify for the bounty, the person needs to provide “relevant evidence including emails, eye-witness accounts, or testimony of political targeting of Americans by the IRS or the Obama administration that has not previously been reported,” according to an official press release from the group obtained by TheBlaze.

Phillips said the evidence must lead directly to the arrest and conviction those responsible and the information provided will remain anonymous and confidential.

“We are going to crowdsource the financing for the bounty,” said Phillips, whose group has been planning the public bounty for months. “This is about the American people. The days of the big party – Republican, Democrat, Tea Party – are over and everybody has to unite right now… We’re going to unite people around the truth. We’re going to return people to liberty instead of expecting Congress or the Justice Department to investigate these wrong doings.”
The Voters Trust is offering a reward up to $1 million to an IRS insider or other government whistleblower who comes forward with a new, relevant evidence implicating IRS leadership or the Obama Administration in the IRS witch hunt targeting conservatives. The Voters Trust is a political non-profit (501 (c)(4)) established to identify and mobilize Americans. The Voters Trust provides a community to those who have been silenced and encourages citizens to speak out and take back their government. The organization’s managing director is Gregg Phillips, founder of super PAC Winning our Future, one of the biggest PACs in the 2012 election cycle. Bounty Graphic courtesy of Voter's Trust.

The Voters Trust is offering a reward up to $1 million to an IRS insider or other government whistleblower who comes forward with a new, relevant evidence implicating IRS leadership or the Obama Administration in the IRS witch hunt targeting conservatives.
The Voters Trust is a political non-profit (501 (c)(4)) established to identify and mobilize Americans. The Voters Trust provides a community to those who have been silenced and encourages citizens to speak out and take back their government. The organization’s managing director is Gregg Phillips, founder of super PAC Winning our Future, one of the biggest PACs in the 2012 election cycle.
Bounty Graphic courtesy of Voter’s Trust.

Phillips, who is the founder of super PAC Winning our Future, one of the biggest PACs in the 2012 election cycle, said the bounty will allow people to “speak out and take back their government.”

A website has been established to help those with information and American’s who want to donate and be a part of the bounty, he added.

“I think that what the IRS, the Obama administration has done has a chilling effect on the entire country,” she told TheBlaze.

Last year an inspector general’s report disclosed that the IRS had been improperly targeting tax exempt applications of conservative groups. The report noted that groups with the words “tea party” in their name were put on BOLO (be on the lookout) alerts for further investigation.

Some of these organizations, like True the Vote, were asked by IRS investigators to disclose books they read, the content of their prayers and many other private details. In fact, Engelbrecht said she and her husband had to endure not only the IRS, but the FBI’s domestic terrorism unit and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. She was also questioned by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014 (AP)

contempt of Congress in May for refusing to cooperate with congressional investigators. Many of the groups targeted by the IRS believe that the Obama administration is purposefully censuring information that would reveal the true intentions of administration officials.

Emails obtained by the government watchdog Judicial Watch, through a Freedom of Information Act request, reveal that the targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups came from the IRS in Washington DC. The emails and documents also show Sen. Carl Levin’s (D-Mich.) potential involvement in putting pressure on the IRS to investigate conservative tax-exempt organizations.

“This is their intent and if we allow it to continue it will fundamentally reshape the citizen’s relationship with the government,” Engelbrecht said. “This bounty is about the people, it’s about the grassroots and the citizenry of our nation and it belongs to all the people. This is our rallying cry for justice.”

According to a press release from Voter’s Trust, the “IRS Bounty is a crowd funding effort to raise $1 million dollars to finally peel back the layers of secrecy surrounding the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS and the Obama administration.”

“The goal of The Voters Trust bounty project is to discover what other information is out there and how high up the ranks the scandal actual goes,” states the press release, first obtained by TheBlaze.

Engelbrecht hopes the bounty will open the eyes of American’s “ if a conviction occurs I hope this stops and we never have to deal with this again. This is the type of tyranny that kills a Republic and it became a weapon the administration used against its own people.”

More information about this project can be found at IRSBounty.com.


05-21-2014, 11:14 PM
They could offer a billion dollars, or how about...a hundred trillion dollars because they already know it's all bullshit...


A series of IRS documents, provided to ThinkProgress under the Freedom of Information Act, appears to contradict the claims by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and his House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that only Tea Party organizations applying for tax-exempt status “received systematic scrutiny because of their political beliefs.” The 22 “Be On the Look Out” keywords lists, distributed to staff reviewing applications between August 12, 2010 and April 19, 2013, included more explicit references to progressive groups, ACORN successors, and medical marijuana organizations than to Tea Party entities.

The IRS provided the heavily-redacted lists to ThinkProgress, after nearly a year-long search. From the earliest lists through 2012, the “historical” section of the lists encouraged reviewers to watch out for “progressive” groups with names like “blue,” as their requests for 501(c)(3) charitable status might be inappropriate. Their inclusion in this section suggests that the concern predates the initial 2010 list.

Explicit references to “Tea Party,” included in the “emerging issues” section of the lists, also began in August 2010 — but stopped appearing after the May 10, 2011 list. From that point on, the lists instructed agents to flag all political advocacy groups of any stripe. The documents instructed the agents to forward any “organization involved with political, lobbying, or advocacy” applying for 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) status be forwarded to “group 7822″ for additional review. Groups under both categories are limited in the amount of of lobbying and political activity each can undertake.

The last sentence is the most important to this phony GOP scandal....the IRS was investigating these groups because they are supposed to be limited in the amount of lobbying and political activity each can undertake....

05-21-2014, 11:40 PM
Tea Party probe has cost IRS $7.9 million so far
Source: USA Today

WASHINGTON -- The Internal Revenue Service says 255 employees have spent 97,542 hours responding to congressional investigations into the scrutiny it gave conservative political groups before the 2012 election — at a cost of at least $7.9 million.

Those numbers came in a letter from IRS Commissioner John Koskinen to two House Democrats. He said the accounting took a "conservative approach" that did not include some support staff, the press office, congressional liaisons and other top IRS officials.

The costs include $259,849 for travel. For staff time, the numbers work out to an average hourly rate of more than $79 an hour.

House Democrats seized on the cost of the investigations as evidence Republicans are "fixated" on the IRS affair. Rep. Sandy Levin, D-Mich., who joined with Republicans to make the original request for information, said Republicans were now "wasting millions of dollars in an attempt to reignite their partisan inquiry before the November elections."

Read more: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2014/02/26/irs-cost-of-congressional-investigations/5831761/

Karl Rove and Charles and David Koch are unlikely to see their tax-exempt political organizations reined in or to see any restraints placed on the tremendous financial clout of their 501(c) independent expenditure groups, clout made possible by their adroit use of the “social welfare” designation and by an aggressive, unyielding approach to campaign-finance law and I.R.S. regulations.

05-22-2014, 12:12 AM
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Darrell Issa's latest oversight hearing into the Internal Revenue Service's botched enforcement against tea party and other "social welfare" groups has revealed a dirty little secret: Many of those groups actually want to preserve the option to run as "dark money" political operations.

That revelation came primarily from the prepared testimony of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, who spent much of his time Wednesday before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee sparring with Republican lawmakers over the pace of releasing documents.

But Koskinen also explained that the IRS had implemented all nine recommendations of the inspector general's report that first flagged the so-called targeting scandal. One of those recommendations was to clear up an unacceptable backlog in processing applications for tax-exempt status from groups that had been waiting months.

There was a simple way to clear that logjam: All any group had to do to be granted tax-exempt status as a social welfare nonprofit under section 501(c)4 of the U.S. tax code was to swear that it was, in fact, primarily engaged in social welfare work. To make it easy, the IRS decided that groups had to pledge they would confine their political activity to less than 40 percent of their work.

Several dozen did so, but 19 declined, Koskinen said.

What that suggests to proponents of increased campaign finance disclosure is that such groups are less interested in pursuing social welfare and more interested in pursuing partisan politics -- while keeping their donors hidden.


More: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/27/darrell-issa-irs_n_5034804.html


05-22-2014, 12:19 AM
How did this get started? It began back in March 2010, when the tea party movement was all the rage. According to a leaked timeline (PDF) from a draft report by the Treasury inspector general for tax administration, IRS staffers began flagging applications from groups with politically themed names like "We the People" and "Take Back the Country." Staffers also targeted groups whose names included the words "tea party" and "patriots." Those flagged applications were then sent to specialists for a more rigorous review than is typical.

The IRS gave extra scrutiny to 298 groups applying for tax-exempt status, the Washington Post reported. Seventy-two of those groups had "tea party" in their title, 13 had "patriots," and 11 had "9/12," shorthand for the 9/12 movement started by conservative TV host Glenn Beck.

But IRS officials not only singled out tea party and liberty groups. They also looked for "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform/movement," according to the leaked timeline. This included groups that planned to focus on government debt and spending, taxes, or those trying to "make America a better place to live." In June 2011, Lerner reportedly became aware of what was going on and directed staffers to change to how they vetted nonprofit applications.

More at: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/05/irs-tea-party-scandal-congress-nonprofit-obama