View Full Version : Just how much has Ibaka's presence been missed?

05-21-2014, 10:34 PM
I have a complete understanding that this would be a different series had he been healthy and playing these past two games. But just how much of a difference? These two games have been utter blowouts. So Ibaka's not in the game, does he erase all the turnovers and bad passes the Thunder have made? What about all the missed shots Westbrick has racked up? Does he completely nullify the sudden and shocking emergence of Splitter actually manning up and playing like a 7 footer should on both ends of the floor? Even if Ibaka's there, isn't Splitter going to go up and still get the foul? Yes, the Spurs offense is different with him on the floor, but I mean the first two games have been emphatically decided by double digits. The more I watch these guys and the more I see them bounce back from any good run the Thunder put together, the more I see the resolve of a determined team. Things should be quite different in Oklahoma, the games will be much harder fought. But San Antonio just seems focused, they're playing much tougher, and best of all, the refs are calling a very fair (almost Spur-lopsided) game.

So what would the scores be like with him in? I still think Spurs win them by a decent margin. The whole Ibaka thing is over hyped by......everyone. Couldn't remember which one said it, but I heard on TNT during the game: "Serge Ibaka better go to Sam Presti and ask for a huge pay day at the end of this season", like he's the star of the team. Last I checked, Durant's still healthy, Westbrick's still healthy, Sefalosha, Butler, Perkins, and other guys who should be stepping up aren't, or aren't able to. Maybe it's just me, but I still think Spurs are in driver's seat with Ibaka on the floor.

703 Spurz
05-21-2014, 10:38 PM
Apparently he prevents 17 pt and 35 pt losses without a doubt.

05-21-2014, 10:42 PM
The Thunder pretty much have had to choose between offense and defense so far, so I'd say they're missing him a lot. Without him, their starting unit's spacing is terrible and their defense takes a hit too. They have no one who can help mask Adams' somewhat slow foot speed either and they can't play as fast as they want to without making KD play the 4, which means the Spurs are gonna score super easily.

So basically they're worse at everything with him out.

05-21-2014, 10:42 PM
Ibaka caused Durant and Westbrook to shoot a combined 33% tonight.

Malik Hairston
05-21-2014, 10:44 PM
Ibaka is by far their 2nd most valuable player against the Spurs, tbh..I don't know if he would have changed the outcome of these games, but he certainly would have made a massive difference..

Doesn't matter, though..nobody remembers injuries when they look back at the champions of that year, nor should they..

05-21-2014, 10:46 PM
It's huge tbh. Affects a lot of the areas where the Spurs are having success right now but the Spurs have played at a different level above 2012 and this regular season so far.....

05-21-2014, 10:46 PM
The ibaka talk will disappear as soon as the series is over. Nobody will care and nobody will remember. Because injures are part of every postseason.

05-21-2014, 10:47 PM
Not as much as Harden's.

05-21-2014, 10:47 PM
Ibaka is by far their 2nd most valuable player against the Spurs, tbh..I don't know if he would have changed the outcome of these games, but he certainly would have made a massive difference..

Doesn't matter, though..nobody remembers injuries when they look back at the champions of that year, nor should they..

well, I agree with you. He obviously changes the game, but these games haven't exactly been nail biters. Game 1 I believe could've been decided by 5 points in favor of Spurs imho. Tonight couldn't have still been that close right? But you're also right, it's irrelevant. Just getting others opinions, making sure I'm not totally insane :)

05-21-2014, 10:47 PM
And yes, it's been huge. Thunder probably take this to 7 with congo

05-21-2014, 10:51 PM
It's like taking one of our big three away it's gonna hurt