View Full Version : NBA: What is the best ERA in basketball history?

05-23-2014, 10:06 PM
I know I'm going to get shit for this, but I honestly can't imagine the 80's being any better than the lebron era. I know I wasn't even born then, but I feel like there's tons of Nostalgic BS..

1. Magic-Bird
2. The 90's Jordan and Hakeem
3. Shaq and the lakers
4. The spurs and pistons 2003-2007
5. Lakers and celtics rivalry revived
6. Lebron's Era 2011-2014

05-23-2014, 10:42 PM
Mikans days when the Minneapolis lakers would have tough memorable battles against the Syracuse nats for the nba title. Lakerfans never forget, it's why they still cite those days for pride

05-23-2014, 11:03 PM
As a basketball fan, I don't know which era is this but prime Duncan, Shaq, KG, Kobe, Dirk, Iverson, Webber Kings with a sprinkle of Tmac, Yao, Vince Carter, Ray Allen Sonics, Elton Brand and MVP Nash + Amare was the best. Young stars like Lebron, Wade and Howard were popping up too. That was clearly the best decade IMO.

Ricky Davis
05-23-2014, 11:06 PM
I know I'm going to get shit for this, but I honestly can't imagine the 80's being any better than the lebron era. I know I wasn't even born then, but I feel like there's tons of Nostalgic BS..

1. Magic-Bird
2. The 90's Jordan and Hakeem
3. Shaq and the lakers
4. The spurs and pistons 2003-2007
5. Lakers and celtics rivalry revived
6. Lebron's Era 2011-2014

I would say this is the worst era of basketball in recent memory. It was basically the Spurs and the Pistons/Heat who were only relevant for two seasons each. The Mavs/Suns were not championship calibre teams in any other era. every other team in the NBA at that time probably doesn't even make this year's WC playoffs rofl. A lot of superstars were either too young (Lebron, Paul, Howard) or isolated on shitty teams (Allen, KG, Pierce, Bryant, Gasol, McGrady/Yao when the other one was injured etc)

I think the mid to late 90's was the best era, right before flopping ruined the league

Malik Hairston
05-24-2014, 01:51 AM
The 90s was by far the ugliest brand of basketball in history, tbh..it is remembered fondly for nostalgic reasons due to the NBA being at peak marketing + Dad Killer + NBC + big East Coast markets running the league..

It was all isolation basketball with minimal ball movement and teamwork..it was all handchecking and Rileyball on defense, too..

The NBA at the moment has more ball movement than any period since the 80s, and arguably even more so than the 80s, since all the ISO-oriented coaches are currently being phased out of the game..the game is much more entertaining to watch, yet the fans complain and miss the era of selfish, ugly basketball:lol..

05-24-2014, 02:12 AM

05-24-2014, 02:18 AM
6. Lebron's Era 2011-2014


05-24-2014, 02:23 AM
the Great Satan Lebron in 2011....

http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQTEhUUEhQWFhQVGBgVFRcYFxUYGBYUFhQWFxUXGB UYHCggGBwlHRgVITEhJSksLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGywkICQsLCwsLCwtLCwsLywsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwvLCwsLC wsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAMIBBAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAAABwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGBwj/xABJEAACAQIDBgIGBwQIBQMFAAABAgMAEQQSIQUGEzFBUSJhFD JScYGRByNCobHB8HKS0eEVFjNDVWKy0oKDosLxF3PTJERThJP/xAAbAQACAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADBAUGB//EADARAAICAQMEAQEGBwEBAAAAAAABAhEDBBIhEzFBUSJhBUJxk aHwFCMyUsHR4bGB/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDi/CocOpYw7eyfkaP0R/Yb90/wqvkv2IhcOhw6nehv7Dfut/Ci9Df2G/dP8KPIu1EHh0eSrWfZjAAqCbhbixuCVuenIHSmnwDi3hJuL6Bt PI3HP+NGmLUSvyUOHU30N/ZPyojhG9k1OSUiHkocOrM4AZlGcWYXY5W8B9ki1z7xTAwzdqlM FIh8Ohw6m+jN2/Ci9HPb8KnIaRD4dDh1L4R7Unh1CUiNw6HDqQUoslQlIY4dGI6e y0YFQlDawU8mDo1a1PJLTwryK0JXBCleiCliWhxa0LYJTGHww7 VHaKpbyUy1UZa8FkEMhKXkHalULVSmPtEFaIrTlFajbBtQ3kou HTuWjC0yTYHQzw6Ph0+I6cWKtEcTZW5JEXheVCpoShVnQK+ojT bobJxmPeRYZvFEnEKuzWfWwUW6k1dR7nYyRQZJ4YIjCmJeVi68 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yDlI/7x/jUK9Hmpba7BpFpHtqccpW+d/xqVDvXil5SX73VT99qoc1C9N1ZrywPHB90iRPiSzFjzOp95NzQ qPehQ3MO1DVCio6BAUKFqMJRpksKhSglDJR2sFiopWW+VivexI v8udKbEuebsfezfxprLRgVOScBMSedClXFFnoUSwqFqPPRZ6PB OQ8tGFpOahmNTgnIvLR5abvR3o8EHMtEVpNFRAGVorUVFSsIdC ioXpQh0KKhUIHegDRUL1CCqFJo6hAzQvRUKlEDvR0VC1QId6FC ioUSwhSxRUKsiIxyjNChVqFYk02xoUKWQUJNFQoVUMgUKOhQCF QoUKhA6UKFCnQACjoUKYAqgaFCmAJojQoUrCFRGhQpGFBUKFCl CCgKFCoQAo6FCoQFCjoVCAFLoqFEADQoUKJD//Z http://scm-l3.technorati.com/11/06/10/44887/lebron-james-2011-nba-finals-miami-vs-mavs-game-4-photo-medium.jpg?t=20110610010751
http://i.usatoday.net/sports/gallery/2012/NBA/LeBron%20James/05-25%20LeBron%20James-12pg-vertical.jpg http://static6.businessinsider.com/image/4df6223b4bd7c81432360000-480/lebron-losing.jpg

05-24-2014, 02:55 AM
As a basketball purest, there is simply too much monkeyball in "LeBron's ERA". Clippers/Thunder Game 5 being a perfect example. 8 Wing players taking turns chucking up ill-advised shots, dunking and dancing is lowbrow basketball to me. Belongs on the street, in the local YMCA and And 1 tournaments.

05-24-2014, 03:14 AM
I don't know

05-24-2014, 03:28 AM
As a basketball fan, I don't know which era is this but prime Duncan, Shaq, KG, Kobe, Dirk, Iverson, Webber Kings with a sprinkle of Tmac, Yao, Vince Carter, Ray Allen Sonics, Elton Brand and MVP Nash + Amare was the best. Young stars like Lebron, Wade and Howard were popping up too. That was clearly the best decade IMO.

I agree. There were so many prolific players in 1999-2007, and TD was the best of the best. And the Spurs won 4 titles. Easy choice.

05-24-2014, 03:31 AM
80`s to mid 90's

05-24-2014, 03:34 AM
As a basketball purest, there is simply too much monkeyball in "LeBron's ERA". Clippers/Thunder Game 5 being a perfect example. 8 Wing players taking turns chucking up ill-advised shots, dunking and dancing is lowbrow basketball to me. Belongs on the street, in the local YMCA and And 1 tournaments.
But according to Makik Hairston, there is "more ball movement" :lol

05-24-2014, 09:05 AM
Mikans days when the Minneapolis lakers would have tough memorable battles against the Syracuse nats for the nba title. Lakerfans never forget, it's why they still cite those days for pride

I must agree. Those 9 and 10 team leagues were so competitive and not watered down, like the modern era with 26-30 teams.

Clipper Nation
05-24-2014, 09:15 AM
The LeBron era.... ball movement, unselfish team play and intelligent team defense is taking over....

Nostalgiafaggots would rather go back to the dark ages of one player chucking long twos every possession while the rest of the team stands around and watches, while hard fouls are what passes for defense :lol

05-24-2014, 10:00 AM
Harlem is such a cocksucker :lol How is the era today better when there are even more shitty teams and more Isos and monkeyballing?

05-24-2014, 10:05 AM
And guys playing for max contracts

Leon Sandcastle
05-24-2014, 10:20 AM
Harlem is such a cocksucker :lol How is the era today better when there are even more shitty teams and more Isos and monkeyballing?
:cry it has lebron :cry

Malik Hairston
05-24-2014, 10:54 AM
It's actually a fact that there is far less ISO-ball in today's NBA:lol..

Sometimes I wonder if NBA fans were actually watching basketball back then, or just looking at the names on the back of the jerseys, tbh..

Clipper Nation
05-24-2014, 10:58 AM
The phrase "monkeyball" is starting to jump the shark.... nostalgiafags have started applying it to every form of basketball that isn't the aforementioned "one player chucks long twos while everyone else stands and watches," even though that's by far the dumbest brand of basketball :lol

Malik Hairston
05-24-2014, 11:01 AM
Ya, it's a strange cop-out..

Of the teams that ran 10+% of their offense through ISO this season, the only "Monkeyball" team is OKC, and that's because they have Westbrook:lol..

The Clippers actually have a system and move the ball as well as anybody, despite having "Monkeyball" players..

05-24-2014, 11:18 AM
80's obviously. Lakers vs Celtics was the best rivalry of all time.

05-24-2014, 11:30 AM
The phrase "monkeyball" is starting to jump the shark.... nostalgiafags have started applying it to every form of basketball that isn't the aforementioned "one player chucks long twos while everyone else stands and watches," even though that's by far the dumbest brand of basketball :lol

The fact that Howard is the best C in the game by default is an indication of how much the Center position has died out due to lack of fundamentals. Monkeyball. If we are going to use isolation stats, then use them from the time LeBron came into the NBA.

05-24-2014, 11:31 AM
Ya, it's a strange cop-out..

Of the teams that ran 10+% of their offense through ISO this season, the only "Monkeyball" team is OKC, and that's because they have Westbrook:lol..

The Clippers actually have a system and move the ball as well as anybody, despite having "Monkeyball" players..
Did you use the stats from the time LeBron came into the NBA since we are talking about his era? His competition has died out during that time as well.

05-24-2014, 11:50 AM
Also, teams are becoming ultimate live and die by the 3 than ever before. Teams are shooting a higher percentage if three's, and it's why there
are so few contenders because thaat shit doesn't work in the playoffs. (Golden State, Houston, Portland, OKC). They don't know how to adapt to good defenses.

Malik Hairston
05-25-2014, 09:07 AM
:lmao these arguments are awful, per par, tbh..

Shooting 3s doesn't work and that's why there are "so few" contenders, yet the Heat and Spurs, 2 3-point shooting teams, were in the Finals last year and are favored to be in the Finals again..

There's nothing wrong with enjoying the previous eras, my nigga..it just means you are a big fan of ISO-ball/limited ball movement..that's fine, everybody enjoys their own style of basketball..

05-25-2014, 10:30 AM
I agree. There were so many prolific players in 1999-2007, and TD was the best of the best. And the Spurs won 4 titles. Easy choice.

It was also an era where a well balanced team could actually win championships, see Detroit and in some years, the Spurs. If it wasn't for the Sacramento refs fiasco in 2002 and Portland's meltdown in Game 7 against the Lakers, we could potentially add those two teams as NBA Champions. To me the last great basketball team to win a title was the 2008 Celtics, they didn't rely on one player like most championship groups, there were no fancy stat lines from a single player dominating the teams stat sheet. After that it was more ISO ball with the Lakers and Kobe, Lebron and Miami. Understandably, Lebron's approach is obviously different but the concept is the same. One player willfully trying to carry a team.

2014 Spurs could be the next one.

05-25-2014, 10:31 AM
In response to the OP, I'm not completely sure but I'm going to say Gene Conley (3.82).

Nope, Steve Hamilton's was better.

Clipper Nation
05-25-2014, 10:50 AM
:lmao these arguments are awful, per par, tbh..

Shooting 3s doesn't work and that's why there are "so few" contenders, yet the Heat and Spurs, 2 3-point shooting teams, were in the Finals last year and are favored to be in the Finals again..
True.... the problem some teams have isn't with threes, it's with lack of offensive diversity.... taking threes is fine, but in moderation - same with any other type of scoring....

The best offenses in today's era move the ball in order to spread the opposing defense, move off the ball to help facilitate ball movement and tire out individual defenders (JJ Redick is especially good at the latter), and can beat you with a mix of threes, midrange shots, layups, dunks, hook shots, etc. without relying too much on one type of shot....

Not hard to see why Kirbystan hates this era, they're so desperate for their messiah's brand of selfish iso-chucking to be legitimized instead of mocked and phased out....

05-25-2014, 10:57 AM
80's obviously. Lakers vs Celtics was the best rivalry of all time.

Either the Lakers or Celtics would beat any team in this years playoffs.

05-25-2014, 11:08 AM
The current era of basketball is the best era. People forget that the awful basketball of the 1990s is what instigated all of the rule changes to help facilitate offense. That ugliness was covered up because everyone was so focused on Jordan worship. Once he was gone, the league realized it was left with a shitty product and had to act to fix it. The game has been sped up, and defenses actually have to use strategy as they are no longer allowed to maul offensive players.

05-25-2014, 11:16 AM
The current era of basketball is the best era. People forget that the awful basketball of the 1990s is what instigated all of the rule changes to help facilitate offense. That ugliness was covered up because everyone was so focused on Jordan worship. Once he was gone, the league realized it was left with a shitty product and had to act to fix it. The game has been sped up, and defenses actually have to use strategy as they are no longer allowed to maul offensive players.

I agree with this...

05-25-2014, 11:30 AM
The current era of basketball is the best era. People forget that the awful basketball of the 1990s is what instigated all of the rule changes to help facilitate offense. That ugliness was covered up because everyone was so focused on Jordan worship. Once he was gone, the league realized it was left with a shitty product and had to act to fix it. The game has been sped up, and defenses actually have to use strategy as they are no longer allowed to maul offensive players.
Yeah because rip through moves have made the game better. Ref reliant players have ruined it. No way is this era the best.

05-25-2014, 11:31 AM
You have too many stars who play offense only in today's game.

05-25-2014, 11:34 AM
:lmao these arguments are awful, per par, tbh..

Shooting 3s doesn't work and that's why there are "so few" contenders, yet the Heat and Spurs, 2 3-point shooting teams, were in the Finals last year and are favored to be in the Finals again..

There's nothing wrong with enjoying the previous eras, my nigga..it just means you are a big fan of ISO-ball/limited ball movement..that's fine, everybody enjoys their own style of basketball..

Again you apparently do not get it. Spurs and Heat have low post games and do not depend solely on the three point shot.

05-25-2014, 11:36 AM
True.... the problem some teams have isn't with threes, it's with lack of offensive diversity.... taking threes is fine, but in moderation - same with any other type of scoring....

The best offenses in today's era move the ball in order to spread the opposing defense, move off the ball to help facilitate ball movement and tire out individual defenders (JJ Redick is especially good at the latter), and can beat you with a mix of threes, midrange shots, layups, dunks, hook shots, etc. without relying too much on one type of shot....

Not hard to see why Kirbystan hates this era, they're so desperate for their messiah's brand of selfish iso-chucking to be legitimized instead of mocked and phased out....
You constantly complain about the refs and all the free throws Durant and other teams get yet today's era is the best :lmao

05-25-2014, 11:36 AM
I personally loved the Magic-Bird era and though the Lakers and/or Celtics were in the finals for a lot of it, there were some other great teams that challenged them plenty.

The main reason I like that era is that the overall talent base wasn't as watered down before expansion came along in 1988.

Clipper Nation
05-25-2014, 11:40 AM
You constantly complain about the refs and all the free throws Durant and other teams get yet today's era is the best :lmao
Durbeta and Harden are too ref-reliant, but let's not pretend like superstar calls are a new invention :lol

05-25-2014, 12:09 PM
The 80s were cool, but not much parity, same with 60s. A lot of fast paced games, but the same couple teams winning every year or so. The 70s had a lot of parity, but I admittedly don't know too much about this era. The 90s were alright, but probably the most boring basktetball. I'd say, and with open bias, that late 90s to mid to late 00s were the best. A lot of parity during that period, plus a lot of talent, albeit a result of rapid spread/acceptance of HGH use :lol

The LeBron era is garbage tbh more people than ever are getting bored with the nba and can't wait for the NFL to come back :lmao
:lmao no one likes LeBron
:lmao fraud

tee hee

05-25-2014, 12:10 PM
The main reason I like that era is that the overall talent base wasn't as watered down before expansion came along in 1988.Less is more tbh hopefully the NFL doesn't expand more

05-25-2014, 12:16 PM
The LeBron era.... ball movement, unselfish team play and intelligent team defense is taking over....

Nostalgiafaggots would rather go back to the dark ages of one player chucking long twos every possession while the rest of the team stands around and watches, while hard fouls are what passes for defense :lol
:lol Chink Nation just regurgitating whatever Harlem says, but less coherently
:lol Harlem repeating himself 10000x about how much he hates the 90s
:lol we get it, you love sucking off LeBron, and you hate "Dad Killer"

05-25-2014, 12:19 PM
The 90s was by far the ugliest brand of basketball in history, tbh..it is remembered fondly for nostalgic reasons due to the NBA being at peak marketing + Dad Killer + NBC + big East Coast markets running the league..

It was all isolation basketball with minimal ball movement and teamwork..it was all handchecking and Rileyball on defense, too..

The NBA at the moment has more ball movement than any period since the 80s, and arguably even more so than the 80s, since all the ISO-oriented coaches are currently being phased out of the game..the game is much more entertaining to watch, yet the fans complain and miss the era of selfish, ugly basketball:lol..

Solid take. I think some people prefer a superstar oriented show over a team oriented show. I prefer to see a team perform over seeing a player perform, but don't get me wrong... I'm still amazed when a true transcendent player emerges and there are few and far in between. In the meantime there are plenty posers who just shoot the ball too much.

Clipper Nation
05-25-2014, 12:19 PM
:lol Another GNSF regurgitating the same anti-LeBron butthurt from upstairs

05-25-2014, 12:21 PM
Either the Lakers or Celtics would beat any team in this years playoffs.

Prove it

05-25-2014, 12:22 PM
:lol Another GNSF regurgitating the same anti-LeBron butthurt from upstairs

Seems like we had a disagreement earlier in the season about whether or not the Clips would ever see the WCF this year. I called them posers and you said they were legit. Are you now switching teams?

05-25-2014, 12:23 PM

05-25-2014, 12:27 PM
Seems like we had a disagreement earlier in the season about whether or not the Clips would ever see the WCF this year. I called them posers and you said they were legit. Are you now switching teams?
With Choke Paul leading the team, they were hardly a lock to make it out of the first round

Malik Hairston
05-25-2014, 12:43 PM
The 2011 Heat were an example of boring, isolation basketball that resembled 90s-2000s ball, full of isolation basketball and physical defense..Spoelstra admitted that they did not work on their offense, at all, in their first season together, relying solely on the talents of Lebron/Wade..

In contrast, the 2011 Mavs were one of the most entertaining teams I have ever seen, they ushered in the new era of NBA ball IMO..mobile defenders with a complicated zone defense that required all-around defensive efforts, along with an unselfish superstar that agreed to play in an offensive system that promoted ball-movement, spacing and 3-point shooting..

The 2012 and 2013 Heat have followed suit, along with the 2013 and 2014 Spurs, the new Clippers, etc..moving the ball and playing elite team defense, rather than ugly, isolation, selfish basketball with vanilla schemes that we saw for most of the 90s and 2000s..

05-25-2014, 12:57 PM
The 2011 Heat were an example of boring, isolation basketball that resembled 90s-2000s ball, full of isolation basketball and physical defense..Spoelstra admitted that they did not work on their offense, at all, in their first season together, relying solely on the talents of Lebron/Wade..

In contrast, the 2011 Mavs were one of the most entertaining teams I have ever seen, they ushered in the new era of NBA ball IMO..mobile defenders with a complicated zone defense that required all-around defensive efforts, along with an unselfish superstar that agreed to play in an offensive system that promoted ball-movement, spacing and 3-point shooting..

The 2012 and 2013 Heat have followed suit, along with the 2013 and 2014 Spurs, the new Clippers, etc..moving the ball and playing elite team defense, rather than ugly, isolation, selfish basketball with vanilla schemes that we saw for most of the 90s and 2000s..
The Heat lost in 2011 because LeBron choked 4 straight games and was saved by Allen in 6.

Clipper Nation
05-25-2014, 01:00 PM
Kirbystan bringing the same takes in 2014 that Skip Bayless got destroyed by Cuban with in 2012 :lol

Clipper Nation
05-25-2014, 01:04 PM
The double-standards are hilarious, btw....

Team with LeBron relies on isoball and gets shut down by superior team defense = "LOL LeChoke!!!111one"

Team with Durbeta relies on isoball and gets shut down by superior team defense = "Scott Brooks is a shitty coach who needs to be fired! :cry WestBRICK (get it?) needs to pass the ball more! :cry"

05-25-2014, 01:07 PM
Yeah because rip through moves have made the game better. Ref reliant players have ruined it. No way is this era the best.

Rip through moves suck. The pendulum has swung a bit too far in the offensive player's favor. I can't stand watching guys like Durant, and especially Harden, who play to get a foul and not go for the bucket. However, I would still take that over the late 1990s slug-fests which were abysmal to watch. If I wanted to watch a low scoring affair involving a round ball going into a net, I'd watch soccer.

05-25-2014, 01:18 PM
Prove it

I am talking about the Bird, McHale and Parrish team and the Showtime Laker team. Those teams didn't rely on 3 point shooting

Malik Hairston
05-25-2014, 01:20 PM
Shooting 3s requires actual skills and talent, why the fuck is it considered "bad"?:lmao..

I don't understand these fans that glorify the dirty goons of the 80s/90s(Charles Oakley, etc) that had limited skill levels, yet hate on the skilled art of shooting 3-pointers:lol..

Venti Quattro
05-25-2014, 01:28 PM
The 80's because it set the league on the course to unprecedented global popularity. You may say that the quality of basketball now is miles better in the 2000's (LMAO 90's) but the massive 80's success of the NBA demanded the league to continue improving the product it puts out on the floor. Some people may not like it but in the end the whole world is watching the NBA because the 80's set the stage.

05-25-2014, 01:29 PM
The double-standards are hilarious, btw....

Team with LeBron relies on isoball and gets shut down by superior team defense = "LOL LeChoke!!!111one"

Team with Durbeta relies on isoball and gets shut down by superior team defense = "Scott Brooks is a shitty coach who needs to be fired! :cry WestBRICK (get it?) needs to pass the ball more! :cry"

The iso ball got them a 2-0 lead. Who was it that didn't show up in the next 4 4th quarters? No way the "best player in the world" should have lost to that team with his roster. LeBron choked plain and simple. :lol LeBronsjizzcup

Clipper Nation
05-25-2014, 01:31 PM
The iso ball got them a 2-0 lead. Who was it that didn't show up in the next 4 4th quarters? No way the "best player in the world" should have lost to that team. LeBron choked plain and simple. :lol LeBronsjizzcup
The Heat didn't have a 2-0 lead in 2011, dumbass, try again :lol

05-25-2014, 01:32 PM
Shooting 3s requires actual skills and talent, why the fuck is it considered "bad"?:lmao..

I don't understand these fans that glorify the dirty goons of the 80s/90s(Charles Oakley, etc) that had limited skill levels, yet hate on the skilled art of shooting 3-pointers:lol..

You have teams like GS and Houston who all they do is chuck three's. Shit doesn't work in the playoffs.

05-25-2014, 01:34 PM
The Heat didn't have a 2-0 lead in 2011, dumbass, try again :lol
Glad you admit he choked.

Clipper Nation
05-25-2014, 01:37 PM
You have teams like GS and Houston who all they do is chuck three's. Shit doesn't work in the playoffs.
And the '80s had Doug Moe's Nuggets, the early '90s had the Nellieball Warriors, and the vaunted 2000's featured the Antoni Suns....

Clipper Nation
05-25-2014, 01:39 PM
Glad you admit he choked.
LeBron had a bad series in 2011, as every superstar has had at some point or another, but the Mavs deserve far more credit than they get for the defense that they played that series....

Additionally, when LeBron loses, he's "LeChoke," but when, say, Durant loses, the coach and supporting cast immediately get blamed....

05-25-2014, 01:42 PM
LeBron had a bad series in 2011, as every superstar has had at some point or another, but the Mavs deserve far more credit than they get for the defense that they played that series....

Additionally, when LeBron loses, he's "LeChoke," but when, say, Durant loses, the coach and supporting cast immediately get blamed....
Did Durant have the squad LeBron had in Miami?

05-25-2014, 01:42 PM
And yes Durant is beta.

Clipper Nation
05-25-2014, 01:44 PM
Did Durant have the squad LeBron had in Miami?
He had Westbrook, Ibaka, AND Harden in 2012 and still got backdoor swept in the Finals....

05-25-2014, 01:46 PM
He had Westbrook, Ibaka, AND Harden in 2012 and still got backdoor swept in the Finals....
That team is better than 2012 Bosh, LeBron, and Wade? Also, all they do (OKC) is rely on free throws. When you have Scott Brooks whining about it and admitting it's how they get their points, it's easy to see where it comes from.

Clipper Nation
05-25-2014, 01:55 PM
That team is better than 2012 Bosh, LeBron, and Wade?
Considering Bosh was playing with a lower abdominal strain that caused him to miss a large portion of the playoffs and Wade was nowhere near his peak, Durant absolutely had the more stacked supporting cast :lol

Westbrook: one of the best PG's in the league
Harden: was a great third option in MethKC despite choking so hard as the first option in Houston
Ibaka: as annoying as he is, we're seeing in this year's WCF how much worse they are defensively without him

And Durbeta couldn't ring with that? :lol

Also, all they do (OKC) is rely on free throws. When you have Scott Brooks whining about it and admitting it's how they get their points, it's easy to see where it comes from.
On that, we agree - though they also rely on isoball when they aren't at the line....

05-25-2014, 02:00 PM
Westbrook is more of a SG. He's not a traditional PG, and he will end up like Rose if he doesn't change positions.

Malik Hairston
05-25-2014, 02:06 PM
What a great argument..taking 2-3 teams and ignoring the style of play of all the other great teams in the league:lol..

As a Spurs fan, as much as I love the '99 and 2003 teams, they ran such ugly and boring offenses that relied entirely on individual efforts to anchor the offense(obviously aided by Duncan and Robinson being unselfish team players and getting everybody involved)..the Spurs of the past few years are much more exciting and play a much more complicated brand of basketball..

Sacramento winning in 2002 could have actually helped change the landscape of the league and altered the perception of needing "superstar 1-on-1 players" to win, but as DMC has said, the league preferred teams that rely on those superstar efforts, at the time..

Malik Hairston
05-25-2014, 02:09 PM
It's just funny that everybody complains about teams like Indiana/Memphis and their ugly offense(which is a valid complaint), but ignores that virtually every team in the 90s and most of the 2000s played the same hideous style:lol..

The 2010 Lakers/Celtics Finals was one of the ugliest series in NBA history from a style standpoint, but it didn't receive backlash, because of the franchises involved:lol..

lakaluva's wallet
06-08-2014, 01:04 PM
The current era of basketball is the best era. People forget that the awful basketball of the 1990s is what instigated all of the rule changes to help facilitate offense. That ugliness was covered up because everyone was so focused on Jordan worship. Once he was gone, the league realized it was left with a shitty product and had to act to fix it. The game has been sped up, and defenses actually have to use strategy as they are no longer allowed to maul offensive players.
Today's complex schemes are only necessary because they took away many of the defensive tools like aggressive hand checking, illegal 3s defense rule, and softened the foul calls.

You did not need the complex defenses of today because a Guard would get clobbered any time they even tried to drive into the lane and jump shooters could be hand checked while going up.

Just because today's defensive schemes are more complex does NOT make them better, just different.

Think of it like Boxing... if I take away your ability to put your hands up, then you're going to rely exclusively on head weaving and footwork to avoid being hit. Sure, your footwork and head weaving gets better, but it doesn't mean you're a better boxer. It just means your style has changed because you had one of your primary defensive tools taken away.

In the NBA of the 80's and 90's, most of today's guards wouldn't be all stars and maybe not even rotation players. That's not to say that guys like Steph Curry and Russell Westbrook aren't talented players, it's just that their games are very much tailored towards today's rules... rules which heavily favor offense over defense.

Today's game is much less physical and the rules are much softer than they were in years gone by.