View Full Version : Autopsy on the post '07 Tim Duncan Era

Capt Bringdown
05-28-2014, 07:08 AM
Spurs fell victim to the Utah Jazz Syndrome, a self-inflicted wound. An overwrought belief/faith in execution and the regular season. Causes are FO hubris and forgetting what it takes to win it all in the 2nd season. Utah Jazz Syndrome is like the deluded old guys down at the gym who think they can still compete. Spurs failed to recognize and make tough personnel decisions. Utah Jazz Syndrome is compounded by their Glass Jaw.

Glass Jaw - Spurs can't take a punch. Can't overcome adversity & pick themselves off the mat. Spursball has therefore become synonymous with predictable playoff collapses and meltdowns. Caused by softness and a lack of creativity/athleticism. Spurs are one-dimensional, which is evidenced by the Plague of Eurosofties and Jump Shooters.

Plague of Eurosofties and Jump Shooters: Perhaps there's a role for non-athletes and spot up shooters in this league. Spurs have explored the limit of that frontier, but haven't learned anything.

05-28-2014, 07:16 AM
Is your avatar picture from Scooby Doo?